How to install aprun in ubuntu 16.04? - ubuntu-16.04

In this tutorial,
CUDA Part C: The CUDA Toolkit: Libraries, Profilers, Debuggers
I found the presenter used a command aprun,after googling,I found it seem come from:Cray Linux Environment,question is how to install aprun in ubuntu 16.04

aprun comes with the Cray software stack (part of the alps module) and you get it when you purchase a Cray. There's not a generic linux installer for it for off-Cray use.


How to specify cookbook dependencies based on OS?

I am trying to find the best way of managing dependencies which are not available for all OS platforms. Our cookbook is cross-platform, it is aimed at both Linux and Windows systems. One of our recent requirements however, is to add in features that are only needed on Linux.
To do that normally, I would use a 'depends' line in the metadata.rb to specify a separate cookbook as being needed. For example:
depends 'hostfile_edit', '=0.1.2'
Our Chef system is split into two distinct orgs for security reasons - Windows and Linux. However, in this case the "hostfile_edit" cookbook is only available on the Linux org. Hence, when we run rake unit on Windows we get a failure as Chef is unable to reference this other cookbook. The rake unit runs perfectly when run on a Linux system. Similarly, when using the cookbook in a deployment there are failures on Windows, but not on Linux.
The answer lies in metadata.rb file, you can add like this
%w( aix amazon centos fedora freebsd debian oracle mac_os_x redhat suse opensuseleap ubuntu windows zlinux ).each do |os|
supports os
You can read more about this are

Building Flutter Engine on Ubuntu

I use Ubuntu 20.04. When I run step 7
sudo ./build/
ERROR: Only Ubuntu 12.04 (precise), 14.04 (trusty), 14.10 (utopic), 15.04 (vivid), 16.04 (xenial), 18.04 (bionic), and Debian (rodete and stretch) are currently supported
And the doc says:
If you're on Linux, run the following. Note: These scripts are distro- and version-specific, so are not guaranteed to work on every configuration. If they fail, you may need to find comparable packages to the ones that weren't found.
Based on the documentation, How do I know which packages are not compatible.
Maybe you can modify that script and force 20.04 and try to go on the building process?

How to install pre-requisites for Hyperledger Composer on Windows10

I am following the tutorial for Hyperledger Composer. I'm trying to install the pre-requisites for the Composer as outlined here:
The instructions are only provided for Ubuntu or Mac, and I have Win10 machine with Docker 17.12.x
So I got Ubuntu 16.04 docker image, added curl. I got the script, I login as blockchain user, and run the script, but I get this error:
#Updating package lists
-sudo apt-add-repository: command not found
Is it even possible to install Hperledger Composer on a Windows 10 machine?!
No it is not possible to install Hyperledger Composer on windows which includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux and other environments like MinGW that simulate a linux environment. This platform is not supported at this time. I recommend you use a hypervisor such as VirtualBox or if you are using Windows 10 Professional, the built in Hyper-V support to run a Linux virtual machine where you can install Hyperledger Composer. Also we recommend using ubuntu 16.04 as this is the level we test with most.

Install psycopg2 on Windows 8.1

I want to install psycopg2 on Windows 8.1 x64 computer and I'm using python 2.7.6 from As I launch the installer as administrator, I got this error,
I press confirm and next button, but I can't choose or type my python directory.
I have seen this post after I got those problem, Psycopg installation on windows, but it seems that that is a different case as mine.
How to successfully install psycopg2 on Windows 8.1 x64 computer?
Install the binary distribution of psycopg2 for the same architecture as your Python version.
Your Psycopg2 architecture must match the architecture of the Python binary you installed. So if you have a 32-bit Python 2.7 you must get the 32-bit psycopg2; if you have the 64-bit Python 2.7, you must get the 64-bit pycopg2.
This applies to any Python module that contains binary modules, not just psycopg2.

Compatibility Ubuntu Server and packages on ARM

i'm working on a web server hosted on a board based on an ARM processor, that is named UDOO ( and is similar to the Raspberry PI, and on it you can install a version of Linaro Ubuntu (11.10) modified for ARM or Android, both are downloadable from the project's site. Lately i've found a version of Ubuntu Server for ARM ( and i wanted to know if it is compatible with all ARM devices, include the UDOO board. Also i wanted to know if the basic packages for the web server (like apache2, php5, mysql) and other packages (like mysql-connector c++, libcurl, g++) also work on ARM, under Ubuntu Server or under other Linux, like Linaro Ubuntu or Android. Someone can help me?
To install a Web Server on UDOO you can use Tasksel Installer:
sudo apt-get install tasksel
you can launch application with
sudo tasksel
There are other ways to install Ubuntu on the UDOO Board
I just got my UDOO board today and I am going in that direction. So if Ubuntu runs nicely then most Ubuntu applications will run to.