Is there any special rules for nesting if-statement in for-loop in MATLAB? - matlab

I am trying to create a signal and then build a discrete-time signal by sampling the CT signal I create first. Until the last for-loop, things work out fine but I need to take N samples seperated by T. Without an if statement, I am getting an index out-of-bounds error and I had to limit sampling within the duration of the signal. For some reason, my code goes into if statement once and no more, and for debugging, I am printing out the values both in if and out of if. Although the logical operation should be true for more than one iteration(printing statements will show the values), it just does not print the statements inside the if-statement. What's wrong here?
function x = myA2D(b,w,p,T,N)
%MYA2D description: Takes in parameters to construct the CT-sampled DT signal
%b,w,p are Mx1 vectors and it returns Nx1 vector.
timeSpace = 0:0.001:3*pi;
xConstT = zeros(size(timeSpace));
%Construct Xc(t) signal
for k = 1:size(b,1)
temp = b(k) .* cos(w(k).*timeSpace + p(k));
xConstT = xConstT + temp;
%Sampling CT-Signal to build DT-signal
disp(strcat('xConstT size',int2str(size(xConstT))));**strong text**
x = zeros(N,1);
sizeConstT = size(xConstT);
for i = 0:N-1
index = i .* T .* 1000 + 1;
if index <= sizeConstT
%x(i+1,1) = xConstT(index);

sizeConstT = size(xConstT); creates an 1x2 array so you compare a float to an array, and your code enters the if loop only if comparison to each element of the array is successful. This example illustrates the issue:
if 1 <= [1 12]; disp('one'); end % <- prints 'one'
if 2 <= [1 12]; disp('two'); end % <- prints nothing
Your code will work with sizeConstT = length(xConstT);


How can I exploit parallelism when defining values in a sparse matrix?

The following MATLAB code loops through all elements of a matrix with size 2IJ x 2IJ.
for i=1:(I-2)
for j=1:(J-2)
ij1 = i*J+j+1; % row
ij2 = i*J+j+1 + I*J; % col
D1(ij1,ij1) = 2;
D1(ij1,ij2) = -1;
Is there any way I can parallelize it use MATLAB's parfor command? You can assume any element not defined is 0. So this matrix ends up being sparse (mostly 0s).
Before using parfor it is recommended to read the guidelines related to decide when to use parfor. Specially this:
Generally, if you want to make code run faster, first try to vectorize it.
Here vectorization can be used effectively to compute indices of the nonzero elements. Those indices are used in function sparse. For it you need to define one of i or j to be a column vector and another a row vector. Implicit expansion takes effect and indices are computed.
I = 300;
J = 300;
i = (1:I-2).';
j = 1:J-2;
ij1 = i*J+j+1;
ij2 = i*J+j+1 + I*J;
D1 = sparse(ij1, ij1, 2, 2*I*J, 2*I*J) + sparse(ij1, ij2, -1, 2*I*J, 2*I*J);
However for the comparison this can be a way of using parfor (not tested):
D1 = sparse (2*I*J, 2*I*J);
parfor i=1:(I-2)
for j=1:(J-2)
ij1 = i*J+j+1;
ij2 = i*J+j+1 + I*J;
D1 = D1 + sparse([ij1;ij1], [ij1;ij2], [2;-1], 2*I*J, 2*I*J) ;
Here D1 used as reduction variable.

Matlab Xcorr function returns NaNs for a large block of the return array

I have some synthetic signal data to cross correlate before moving on with real data but the xcorr function is returning an odd result.
I have added a delay onto either the start (delay =100) or end of the respective data sets which are the same size (2101 x 1 double) and put them through xcorr which has returned an array (4201 x 1 double).
The result has NaNs between rows 101 and 2205 and then a ring down effect after that start at an order of x10^5. I have now attached pictures of the result
Can anyone please offer some suggestions on how to correct what I am attempting to do? I am expecting to be able to plot the result and see a spike at the delay that I have set.
Short example code
X = [-4.99 -0.298 4.95 12.06 15.76 18.86 19.00 17.82 14.35 11.77 6.71 0.80 -5.07 -11.79 -15.34 -18.60 -18.56 -19.31 -14.37 -11.51 -5.04];
Y = [14.13 18.48 7.53 -3.41 -8.41 -13.40 -15.37 -17.34 -16.83 -16.33 -12.21 -8.09 -8.80 -9.52 3.90 17.31 17.52 17.72 17.73 17.75 16.90];
N = length(X);
delay = 2;
% set up two new arrays which will have random noise at ends
Xx = zeros(N+delay,1);
Yx = zeros(N+delay,1);
for i=1:N+delay
if i<=delay
Xx(i) = rand;
elseif i>delay
Xx(i) = X(i-delay);
for i=1:N+delay
if i<=N
Yx(i) = Y(i);
elseif i>N
Yx(i) = rand;
C = xcorr(Xx,Yx);

Unable to write to matrix lines with parfor

How can I write into my result matrix lines using parfor?
Code sample:
xCount = 10;
yCount = 20;
area = xCount*yCount;
PP = nan(area,3);
parfor x = 1:10
for y = 1:20
id = y + (x-1)*yCount; % global PP line id.
z = x^2+y*10; % my stuff to get Z.
PP(id,:) = [x y z]; % write to PP line
The PARFOR loop cannot run due to the way variable 'PP' is used.
I actually says "Valid indices are restricted within PARFOR loops". The reason it says that it that MATLAB iterates through a parfor loop non-consecutive, meaning it can do iterations in semi-random order like 5 2 4 1 3, as opposed to 1 2 3 4 5. This means that in order to know where in PP MATLAB has to store your result, it wants to know before entering the parallel environment that no lines get called by different iterations, as to avoid conflicts when getting results back from the workers.
The solution will be to structure PP in such a way that it's known beforehand where the indices are stores, e.g. by creating a 2D array to use before the loop to store stuff in:
xCount = 10;
yCount = 20;
area = xCount*yCount;
PP(xCount,yCount) = 0;
parfor x = 1:xCount
z = x^2+y.*10; % my stuff to get Z.
PP(x,:) = z; % write to PP line
%// Go to the [x y z] format
PP = [repmat((1:yCount).',xCount,1),repmat((1:xCount).',yCount,1), PP(:)];
I'd personally not do the last line in this case, since it stores three doubles for each useful value (z), whilst in the 2D matrix that comes out of the loop it only stores 1 double which can be indexed by simply reading PP(x,y). Thus it costs you 3 times the memory to store the same amount of useful data.

Solving differential equation for a single time in loop with matlab

I have a Mechanical system with following equation:
xdot = Ax+ Bu
I want to solve this equation in a loop because in every step I need to update u but solvers like ode45 or lsim solving the differential equation for a time interval.
for i = 1:10001
if x(i,:)>= Sin1 & x(i,:)<=Sout2
U(i,:) = Ueq - (K*(S/Alpha))
U(i,:) = Ueq - (K*S)
% [y(i,:),t,x(i+1,:)]=lsim(sys,U(i,:),(time=i/1000),x(i,:));
or %[t,x] = ode45(#(t,x)furuta(t,x,A,B,U),(time=i/1000),x)
Do I have another ways to solve this equation in a loop for a single time(Not single time step).
There are a number of methods for updating and storing data across function calls.
For the ODE suite, I've come to like what is called "closures" for doing that.
A closure is basically a nested function accessing or modifying a variable from its parent function.
The code below makes use of this feature by wrapping the right-hand side function passed to ode45 and the 'OutputFcn' in a parent function called odeClosure().
You'll notice that I am using logical-indexing instead of an if-statement.
Vectors in if-statements will only be true if all elements are true and vice-versa for false.
Therefore, I create a logical array and use it to make the denominator either 1 or Alpha depending on the signal value for each row of x/U.
The 'OutputFcn' storeU() is called after a successful time step by ode45.
The function grows the U storage array and updates it appropriately.
The array U will have the same number of columns as the number of solution points requested by tspan (12 in this made-up example).
If a successful full step leaps over any requested points, the function is called with intermediate all requested times and their associated solution values (so x may be rectangular and not just a vector); this is why I used bsxfun in storeU and not in rhs.
Example function:
function [sol,U] = odeClosure()
% Initilize
% N = 10 ;
A = [ 0,0,1.0000,0; 0,0,0,1.0000;0,1.3975,-3.7330,-0.0010;0,21.0605,-6.4748,-0.0149];
B = [0;0;0.6199;1.0752 ] ;
x0 = [11;11;0;0];
K = 100;
S = [-0.2930;4.5262;-0.5085;1.2232];
Alpha = 0.2 ;
Ueq = [0;-25.0509;6.3149;-4.5085];
U = Ueq;
Sin1 = [-0.0172;-4.0974;-0.0517;-0.2993];
Sout2 = [0.0172 ; 4.0974; 0.0517; 0.2993];
% Solve
options = odeset('OutputFcn', #(t,x,flag) storeU(t,x,flag));
sol = ode45(#(t,x) rhs(t,x),[0,0.01:0.01:0.10,5],x0,options);
function xdot = rhs(~,x)
between = (x >= Sin1) & (x <= Sout2);
uwork = Ueq - K*S./(1 + (Alpha-1).*between);
xdot = A*x + B.*uwork;
function status = storeU(t,x,flag)
if isempty(flag)
% grow array
nAdd = length(t) ;
iCol = size(U,2) + (1:nAdd);
U(:,iCol) = 0 ;
% update U
between = bsxfun(#ge,x,Sin1) & bsxfun(#le,x,Sout2);
U(:,iCol) = Ueq(:,ones(1,nAdd)) - K*S./(1 + (Alpha-1).*between);
status = 0;

How to vectorize a piecewise periodic function in MATLAB?

I've noticed that matlab builtin functions can handle either scalar or vector parameters. Example:
ans =
ans =
0 0.5878 0.9511 0.9511 0.5878 0.0000
If I write my own function, for example, a piecewise periodic function:
function v = foo(t)
t = mod( t, 2 ) ;
if ( t < 0.1 )
v = 0 ;
elseif ( t < 0.2 )
v = 10 * t - 1 ;
v = 1 ;
I can call this on individual values:
[foo(0.1) foo(0.15) foo(0.2)]
ans =
0 0.5000 1.0000
however, if the input for the function is a vector, it is not auto-vectorized like the builtin function:
ans =
Is there a syntax that can be used in the definition of the function that indicates that if a vector is provided, a vector should be produced? Or do builtin functions like sin, cos, ... check for the types of their input, and if the input is a vector produce the same result?
You need to change your syntax slightly to be able to handle data of any size. I typically use logical filters to vectorise if-statements, as you're trying to do:
function v = foo(t)
v = zeros(size(t));
t = mod( t, 2 ) ;
filt1 = t<0.1;
filt2 = ~filt1 & t<0.2;
filt3 = ~filt1 & ~filt2;
v(filt1) = 0;
v(filt2) = 10*t(filt2)-1;
v(filt3) = 1;
In this code, we've got three logical filters. The first picks out all elements such that t<0.1. The second picks out all of the elements such that t<0.2 that weren't in the first filter. The final filter gets everything else.
We then use this to set the vector v. We set every element of v that matches the first filter to 0. We set everything in v which matches the second filter to 10*t-1. We set every element of v which matches the third filter to 1.
For a more comprehensive coverage of vectorisation, check the MATLAB help page on it.
A simple approach that minimizes the number of operations is:
function v = foo(t)
t = mod(t, 2);
v = ones(size(t)) .* (t > 0.1);
v(t < 0.2) = 10*t(t < 0.2) - 1;
If the vectors are large, it might be faster to do ind = t < 0.2, and use that in the last line. That way you only search through the array once. Also, the multiplication might be substituted by an extra line with logical indices.
I repeatedly hit the same problem, thus I was looking for a more generic solution and came up with this:
%your function definition
#(t)(mod(t,2))<0.2,#(t)(10 * t - 1),...
%call pw which returns the function
%example evaluation
Now the code for pw
function f=pw(varargin)
for ip=1:numel(varargin)
switch class(varargin{ip})
case {'double','logical'}
case 'function_handle'
%do nothing
error('wrong input class')
function y=pweval(x,p)
for segment=1:numel(p)