Solving differential equation for a single time in loop with matlab - matlab

I have a Mechanical system with following equation:
xdot = Ax+ Bu
I want to solve this equation in a loop because in every step I need to update u but solvers like ode45 or lsim solving the differential equation for a time interval.
for i = 1:10001
if x(i,:)>= Sin1 & x(i,:)<=Sout2
U(i,:) = Ueq - (K*(S/Alpha))
U(i,:) = Ueq - (K*S)
% [y(i,:),t,x(i+1,:)]=lsim(sys,U(i,:),(time=i/1000),x(i,:));
or %[t,x] = ode45(#(t,x)furuta(t,x,A,B,U),(time=i/1000),x)
Do I have another ways to solve this equation in a loop for a single time(Not single time step).

There are a number of methods for updating and storing data across function calls.
For the ODE suite, I've come to like what is called "closures" for doing that.
A closure is basically a nested function accessing or modifying a variable from its parent function.
The code below makes use of this feature by wrapping the right-hand side function passed to ode45 and the 'OutputFcn' in a parent function called odeClosure().
You'll notice that I am using logical-indexing instead of an if-statement.
Vectors in if-statements will only be true if all elements are true and vice-versa for false.
Therefore, I create a logical array and use it to make the denominator either 1 or Alpha depending on the signal value for each row of x/U.
The 'OutputFcn' storeU() is called after a successful time step by ode45.
The function grows the U storage array and updates it appropriately.
The array U will have the same number of columns as the number of solution points requested by tspan (12 in this made-up example).
If a successful full step leaps over any requested points, the function is called with intermediate all requested times and their associated solution values (so x may be rectangular and not just a vector); this is why I used bsxfun in storeU and not in rhs.
Example function:
function [sol,U] = odeClosure()
% Initilize
% N = 10 ;
A = [ 0,0,1.0000,0; 0,0,0,1.0000;0,1.3975,-3.7330,-0.0010;0,21.0605,-6.4748,-0.0149];
B = [0;0;0.6199;1.0752 ] ;
x0 = [11;11;0;0];
K = 100;
S = [-0.2930;4.5262;-0.5085;1.2232];
Alpha = 0.2 ;
Ueq = [0;-25.0509;6.3149;-4.5085];
U = Ueq;
Sin1 = [-0.0172;-4.0974;-0.0517;-0.2993];
Sout2 = [0.0172 ; 4.0974; 0.0517; 0.2993];
% Solve
options = odeset('OutputFcn', #(t,x,flag) storeU(t,x,flag));
sol = ode45(#(t,x) rhs(t,x),[0,0.01:0.01:0.10,5],x0,options);
function xdot = rhs(~,x)
between = (x >= Sin1) & (x <= Sout2);
uwork = Ueq - K*S./(1 + (Alpha-1).*between);
xdot = A*x + B.*uwork;
function status = storeU(t,x,flag)
if isempty(flag)
% grow array
nAdd = length(t) ;
iCol = size(U,2) + (1:nAdd);
U(:,iCol) = 0 ;
% update U
between = bsxfun(#ge,x,Sin1) & bsxfun(#le,x,Sout2);
U(:,iCol) = Ueq(:,ones(1,nAdd)) - K*S./(1 + (Alpha-1).*between);
status = 0;


How to store value of variable at specific time steps while MATLAB simulation runs?

I am simulating a dynamic system using the ode15s(..) MATLAB solver:
tspan = 0:0.01:8;
[t,theta] = ode15s(#ode_simulation, tspan, theta)
Inside the ode_simulation(..) function I am computing a signal u which does an exact job. Some lines of this function are these:
function d_theta = ode_simulation(t,theta)
u = (K*g*s_q)/e;
d_theta = [theta(2) ; ... ];
The code executes well but I would like to obtain the values of variable u at the specific time instants defined by tspan. So, the simulation return a 801x4 matrix for the theta solution and I also want a 801x1 vector containing the corresponding u values. I tried storing them as the simulation runs but obviously all the values the ODE-Solver obtains throughout all its steps are being stored, resulting in an much bigger vector. How can I store and plot the values of u variable at the specific time steps defined by tspan ? Here are the links for my code:
function h = uniform_hysteretic_quantizer(u,last,D)
if (u >= last + D)
h = last + D;
elseif (u <= last - D)
h = last - D;
h = last;

Input equations into Matlab for Simulink Function

I am currently working on an assignment where I need to create two different controllers in Matlab/Simulink for a robotic exoskeleton leg. The idea behind this is to compare both of them and see which controller is better at assisting a human wearing it. I am having a lot of trouble putting specific equations into a Matlab function block to then run in Simulink to get results for an AFO (adaptive frequency oscillator). The link has the equations I'm trying to put in and the following is the code I have so far:
function [pos_AFO, vel_AFO, acc_AFO, offset, omega, phi, ampl, phi1] = LHip(theta, eps, nu, dt, AFO_on)
t = 0;
% syms j
% M = 6;
% j = sym('j', [1 M]);
if t == 0
omega = 3*pi/2;
theta = 0;
phi = pi/2;
ampl = 0;
omega = omega*(t-1) + dt*(eps*offset*cos(phi1));
theta = theta*(t-1) + dt*(nu*offset);
phi = phi*(t-1) + dt*(omega + eps*offset*cos(phi*core(t-1)));
phi1 = phi*(t-1) + dt*(omega + eps*offset*cos(phi*core(t-1)));
ampl = ampl*(t-1) + dt*(nu*offset*sin(phi));
offset = theta - theta*(t-1) - sym(ampl*sin(phi), [1 M]);
pos_AFO = (theta*(t-1) + symsum(ampl*(t-1)*sin(phi* (t-1))))*AFO_on; %symsum needs input argument for index M and range
vel_AFO = diff(pos_AFO)*AFO_on;
acc_AFO = diff(vel_AFO)*AFO_on;
Essentially, I don't know how to do the subscripts, sigma, or the (t+1) function. Any help is appreciated as this is due next week
You are looking to find the result of an adaptive process therefore your algorithm needs to consider time as it progresses. There is no (t-1) operator as such. It is just a mathematical notation telling you that you need to reuse an old value to calculate a new value.
% initialize the rest of your variables
for [t=1:N]
omega[t] = omega_old + % here is the rest of your omega calculation
theta[t] = theta_old + % ...
% more code .....
% remember your old values for next iteration
omega_old = omega[t];
theta_old = theta[t];
I think you forgot to apply the modulo operation to phi judging by the original formula you linked. As a general rule, design your code in small pieces, make sure the output of each piece makes sense and then combine all pieces and make sure the overall result is correct.

Approximating derivative of numerical solution (using ode45) within event function

The issue I have is having to compute the derivative (in real time) of the solution produced by ode45 within the events function.
Some pseudo-code to explain what I'm mean is,
function dx = myfunc(t,x,xevent,ie)
persistent xs
persistent dx2
% xevent is the solution at the event
if isempty(dx2) == 1
dx2 = 0;
k = sign(dx2*x(1));
if ie(end) == 1
xs = xevent
elseif ie(end) == 2
xs = xevent
dx(1) = x(2);
dx(2) = function of k,x(1),x(2), and xs;
dx2 = dx(2);
function [value,isterminal,direction] = myeventfcn(t,x)
% dx2 = some function of x
if dx2*x(1)>=0
position = [dx2*x(1); dx2*x(1)];
isterminal = [1; 1];
direction = [1 ; -1 ];
elseif dx2*x(1)<0
position = [dx2*x(1); dx2*x(1)];
isterminal = [1; 1];
direction = [-1 ; 1 ];
I know that if I didn't need to use the solution at the event within myfunc I could just compute dx=myfunc(t,x) within my event function and use dx(2), yet since xevent is used within myfunc I can't input xevent.
I know there is a way of inputting constant parameters within the event function, but since it's the solution at the event location, which also changes, I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
My work around to this is to approximate dx(2) using the solution x. What I wanted to know is if it will be satisfactory to just use a finite difference approximation here, using a small fixed step size relative to the step size od45 takes, which is a variable step size.
As a note, the reason I have myeventfcn split by the if statement is to know what the direction the event is crossed, since it will update within myfunc.
Also, I need to use dx(2) of the previous successful time step and so that's why I have dx2 defined as a persistent variable. I believe having k=sign(dx(2)*x(1)) is okay to do, since my event depends on dx(2)*x(1), and so I won't be introducing any new discontinuities with the sign function.
Thanks for any help!

Two functions in Matlab to approximate integral - not enough input arguments?

I want to write a function that approximates integrals with the trapezoidal rule.
I first defined a function in one file:
function[y] = integrand(x)
y = x*exp(-x^2); %This will be integrand I want to approximate
Then I wrote my function that approximates definite integrals with lower bound a and upper bound b (also in another file):
function [result] = trapez(integrand,a,b,k)
sum = 0;
h = (b-a)/k; %split up the interval in equidistant spaces
for j = 1:k
x_j = a + j*h; %this are the points in the interval
sum = sum + ((x_j - x_(j-1))/2) * (integrand(x_(j-1)) + integrand(x_j));
result = sum
But when I want to call this function from the command window, using result = trapez(integrand,0,1,10) for example, I always get an error 'not enough input arguments'. I don't know what I'm doing wrong?
There are numerous issues with your code:
x_(j-1) is not defined, and is not really a valid Matlab syntax (assuming you want that to be a variable).
By calling trapez(integrand,0,1,10) you're actually calling integrand function with no input arguments. If you want to pass a handle, use #integrand instead. But in this case there's no need to pass it at all.
You should avoid variable names that coincide with Matlab functions, such as sum. This can easily lead to issues which are difficult to debug, if you also try to use sum as a function.
Here's a working version (note also a better code style):
function res = trapez(a, b, k)
res = 0;
h = (b-a)/k; % split up the interval in equidistant spaces
for j = 1:k
x_j1 = a + (j-1)*h;
x_j = a + j*h; % this are the points in the interval
res = res+ ((x_j - x_j1)/2) * (integrand(x_j1) + integrand(x_j));
function y = integrand(x)
y = x*exp(-x^2); % This will be integrand I want to approximate
And the way to call it is: result = trapez(0, 1, 10);
Your integrandfunction requires an input argument x, which you are not supplying in your command line function call

ODE 15s with time dependent input parameters

I have a MATLAB code that solves a large scale ODE system of following type
function [F] = myfun(t,C,u)
u here is a time dependent vector used as a input in the function myfun. My current code reads as:-
u = zeros(4,1);
u(1) = 0.1;
u(2) = 0.1;
u(3) = 5.01/36;
u(4) = 0.1;
C0 = zeros(15*4*20+12,1);
options = odeset('Mass',Mf,'RelTol',1e-5,'AbsTol',1e-5);
[T,C] = ode15s(#OCFDonecolumnA, [0,5000] ,C0,options,u);
I would like to have the entire time domain split into 5 different sections and have the elements of u take different values at different times(something like a multiple step function). what would be the best way to code it considering that I later want to solve a optimization problem to determine values of u for each time interval in the domain [0,5000].
ode15s expects your model function to accept a parameter t for time and a vector x (or C as you named it) of differential state variables. Since ode15s will not let us pass in another vector u of control inputs, I usually wrap the ODE function ffcn inside a model function:
function [t, x] = model(x0, t_seg, u)
idx_seg = 0;
function y = ffcn(t, x)
% simple example of exponential growth
y(1) = u(idx_seg) * x(1)
In the above, the parameters of model are the initial state values x0, the vector of switching times t_seg, and the vector u of control input values in different segments. You can see that idx_seg is visible from within ffcn. This allows us to integrate the model over all segments (replace ... in the above with the following):
t_start = 0;
t = t_start;
x = x0;
while idx_seg < length(t_seg)
idx_seg = idx_seg + 1;
t_end = t_seg(idx_seg);
[t_sol, x_sol] = ode15s(#ffcn, [t_start, t_end], x(end, :));
t = [t; t_sol(2 : end)];
x = [x; x_sol(2 : end, :)];
t_start = t_end;
In the first iteration of the loop, t_start is 0 and t_end is the first switching point. We use ode15s now to only integrate over this interval, and our ffcn evaluates the ODE with u(1). The solution y_sol and the corresponding time points t_sol are appended to our overall solution (t, x).
For the next iteration, we set t_start to the end of the current segment and set the new t_end to the next switching point. You can also see that the last element of t_seg must be the time at which the simulation ends. Importantly, we pass to ode15s the current tail y(end, :) of the simulated trajectory as the initial state vector of the next segment.
In summary, the function model will use ode15s to simulate the model segment by segment and return the overall trajectory y and its time points t. You could convince yourself with an example like
[t, x] = model1(1, [4, 6, 12], [0.4, -0.7, 0.3]);
plot(t, x);
which for my exponential growth example should yield
For your optimization runs, you will need to write an objective function. This objective function can pass u to model, and then calculate the merit associated with u by looking at x.