Unable to show a newly created PHP page from Yii2 (on XAMPPV3.2.2) - yii2-advanced-app

I am a newbie.
Installed XAMPP 3.2.2 on Windows 10.
Installed Yii 2.0.13 (advanced template) in XAMPP.
Started the Apache Server.
Yii2 Development Environment Initiated. Were able to open the page from browser and all the links are working at this point in time.
Navigated to the FrontEnd->Site->Layout and copied about.php to
In the "FrontEnd"->"Views"->"Layout"->Main.PHP, added a new Menubar Item as shown in the blocked letters (Italic Items are what was already in there).
$menuItems = [
['label' => 'Home', 'url' => ['/site/index']],
['label' => 'About', 'url' => ['/site/about']],
['label' => 'Contact', 'url' => ['/site/contact']],
['label' => 'Custom Link', 'url' => ['/site/testabout']],
A new link called "Custom Link" is added to the Landing Page with no issues.
When I click on the link, it shows the below error message
Not Found (#404)
Page not found.
The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request.
Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you.
Need your inputs to fix this issue.
For sure, i searched for a similar issue in this forum and either I found them not related to the steps I performed or I cannot understand their answers.
Some Updates I have done are as follows:
1) Created a .htaccess file in the frontend->Web Folder and Backend->Web Folder;

you need to create an action in site controller
1.create an action in
frontend->controllers->siteController action name = 'testabout'
public function actionTestabout()
$return_value = 'Haii';
return $return_value; //this will print 'Haii' on screen..
but, you need to render a view file..(the proper way)
make a new file named '
' and put it in
then add a something in
ex: echo 'haii';
then, modify your action like this,
public function actionTestabout()
return $this->render('test_about); //shows 'haii'
I hope this will help you


Looking for a start-to-finish how-to on Laravel 5.2 OAuth2 implementation

Quick background: I'm fairly experienced with PHP, but needed to build my first RESTful API. I figured I'd try Laravel (5.2) and am starting to feel pretty comfortable with it.
I started adding auth to my project over the weekend and I am really struggling to get it working. I got the basic Laravel Auth middleware working quickly, but I think I need to be using OAuth2 for production (I will be building a mobile app that will connect up to this server). I'm using the Luca Degasperi OAuth2 package, which seems to be pretty popular.
I reviewed the actual documentation: https://github.com/lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel/tree/master/docs#readme)
I also went through this tutorial: https://medium.com/#mshanak/laravel-5-token-based-authentication-ae258c12cfea#.5lszb67xb
And, most recently, I found this thread about the need to seed the OAuth tables before anything will work: https://github.com/lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel/issues/56
That's all great, but there are some minor differences in the most recent distribution of Laravel. For example, /app/Http/Kernel.php is slightly different from what's shown in some of the examples I found because it now uses middleware groups. I thought I handled those differences correctly (I added the OAuthExceptionHandlerMiddleware class to the 'web' section of $middlewareGroups instead of $middleware). I got my seeder working (the current oauth_scopes table only allows you to supply a description, so I had to slim down what was provided in the third link above).
If I put a test route in my 'web' group in routes.php, I would have thought this would require OAuth because I added OAuth to the 'web' middleware group in Kernel.php. That's not the case. My route works with no authentication if I do that.
I then explicitly added the OAuth middleware to my test route as follows:
Route::get('tests/events', ['middleware' => 'oauth', function() {
$events = App\Event::get();
return response()->json($events);
That causes a 500 error ("ErrorException in OAuth2ServerServiceProvider.php line 126: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given").
I'm to feel pretty lost. Each of these packages seems to be shifting so quickly that there's no complete documentation on how to get this up and running.
What else do I need to do to get this functioning?
The following link is what finally got me un-stuck:
Now that I have it working, I'll try and make this a complete how-to FOR PASSWORD GRANT TYPES ONLY. I didn't play with other grant types. So this assumes you're building something like a RESTful API where users will connect to it with a client app that you're going to build. So users will create a user account in your system and then when they send a REST request, the OAuth2 package will authenticate them and send them a token to stay logged in.
I'm using Laravel 5.2 and already had the basic Auth package up and running. Be advised that a lot of these steps seem to change even with incremental releases of Laravel or the OAuth2 package.
The first part of getting this working is fairly well documented already (https://github.com/lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel/tree/master/docs#readme), but here's a summary just in case...
Edit the require section of your composer.json file to look something like this:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5.9",
"laravel/framework": "5.2.*",
"lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel": "5.1.*"
Run composer update to download the package.
Open your config/app.php file and add the following two lines to the end of the providers section:
Also in config/app.php, add this line to the aliases array:
'Authorizer' => LucaDegasperi\OAuth2Server\Facades\Authorizer::class,
Now we start to do things a little differently from the documentation to accommodate the current version of Laravel...
Open app/Http/Kernel.php. Laravel now uses groups and it didn't used to. Update your $middlewareGroups to look like this:
protected $middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [
//Added for OAuth2 Server
//Commented out for OAuth2 Server
'api' => [
Also in app/Http/kernel.php, update $routeMiddleware to look like this:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
'auth.basic' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class,
'can' => \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\Authorize::class,
'guest' => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,
'throttle' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests::class,
//Added for OAuth2 Server
'oauth' => \LucaDegasperi\OAuth2Server\Middleware\OAuthMiddleware::class,
'oauth-user' => \LucaDegasperi\OAuth2Server\Middleware\OAuthUserOwnerMiddleware::class,
'oauth-client' => \LucaDegasperi\OAuth2Server\Middleware\OAuthClientOwnerMiddleware::class,
'check-authorization-params' => \LucaDegasperi\OAuth2Server\Middleware\CheckAuthCodeRequestMiddleware::class,
'csrf' => App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class,
You now have to set up your grant types. You used to do this all in one place in config\oauth2.php using an array with a closure for callback. With the most recent version of the OAuth2 server package, you can't use a closure for callback anymore. It has to be a string. So your grant_types should look something like this:
'grant_types' => [
'password' => [
'class' => '\League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\PasswordGrant',
'callback' => '\App\PasswordGrantVerifier#verify',
'access_token_ttl' => 3600
access_token_ttl is the duration that an auth token will be good for (in seconds). The main package documentation uses 3600 (1 hour) by default. You might want to try 604800 (1 week) instead -- at least during testing.
You now need to create the PasswordGrantVerifier class and verify method that you just called in the code section above. So you create a file App/PasswordGrantVerifier.php and use the following code (which is basically what used to go in the closure for callback).
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class PasswordGrantVerifier
public function verify($username, $password)
$credentials = [
'email' => $username,
'password' => $password,
if (Auth::once($credentials)) {
return Auth::user()->id;
return false;
You will need at least one row in the oauth_clients table before OAuth2 will work. You can insert something manually or create a seeder. To create a seeder, modify database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php and add the following to the end of the run() method:
Now create a file called database/seeds/OAuthClientsTableSeeder.php and enter something like this:
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
class OAuthClientsTableSeeder extends Seeder
* Run the database seeds.
* #return void
public function run()
//Add sample users
$oAuthClients = array(
'secret' => 'b17b0ec30dbb6e1726a17972afad008be6a3e4a5',
foreach ($oAuthClients as $oAuthClient) {
Run php artisan vendor:publish to publish the package configuration and migrations. Run php artisan migrate to set up the billion-or-so new tables for OAuth. Run php artisan db:seed to seed your database.
You can now set up some test routes in app\Http\routes.php. They should look something like this:
Route::post('oauth/access_token', function() {
return Response::json(Authorizer::issueAccessToken());
Route::group(['middleware' => 'oauth'], function () {
Route::get('authroute', function() {
//OAuth will be required to access this route
Route::post('postwithauth', function(Request $request) {
$userID = Authorizer::getResourceOwnerId();
$input = $request->input();
return response()->json(array('userID' => $userID, 'input' => $input));
Route::get('noauthroute', function () {
//No authorization will be required to access this route
Pay close attention to the postwithauth route I included above. The OAuth2 package recently changed how you access the user's ID and it took me quite a while to figure out how to get it.
Now that it's time for testing, point your browser to localhost:8000 (or whatever the path is for your test environment) and create a user account for yourself (this step just uses the standard Laravel Auth package).
Go into your HTTP client (I'm currently using Paw and I like it). Go to request->authorization->OAuth2 to set up authorization for the route you're going to test. For Grant Type, select Resource Owner Password Credentials. If you used the seed example I provided above, the Client ID is TEST_ENVIRONMENT, the Client Secret is b17b0ec30dbb6e1726a17972afad008be6a3e4a5, enter the username (email) and password you created through the web Auth interface, your Access Toekn URL will be something like localhost:8000/oauth/access_token (depending on how you set up your test environment), leave Scope blank, and Token should say Bearer. Click on Get Access Token then say Use Access Token when prompted.
That should be it!

Zend Routes translate URL's

1) I have a controller "calendar" and have action "showDate" which gets date via url. So, url is something like "calendar/show-date/date/2012-07-22"
2) I have a link to display all entries, "calendar/"
So, I want to create routes so my links look like "kalendar/2012-07-22" and "kalendar/".
Can anyone help me?
According to this post:
The solution is to add '#locale' => $lang to the params.
It works very well for me.
I've been looking into translating the URL with Zend_Translate and I came across this sites' plugin that attempts to auto-translate URL segments (module/controller/action).
The nice thing is that it's a modified custom router class that can function similar to Zend_Router so it's relatively familiar off the bat.
$pages = new MyApp_Controller_Router_Route(
'controller' =>; 'index',
'action' => 'index',
'locale' => 'cs'
The thing you'll need is to have a language ID in your URL (called :locale in the above example) so your Zend_Translate can set the proper language.
I've only slightly played around with this concept but I recall that it had promise. You'll have to get more familiar with Zend_Translate: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.translate.html
I hope that helps!
You could re-route all calls of calendar to kalendar. There are two possibilites, either you do it with Zend (preferable) or you change your webserver configuration to rewrite calls to calendar with a HTTP 302 (ugly).
You should however consult the official Zend Documentation, which is pretty good
You have to setup custom routes, this is my way:
in folder application/configs/ create file named "routes.ini"
Put in file your route:
;index-homepage, parameter date isn't required
;"index" is key of your route
routes.index.route = "kalendar/:date"
routes.index.defaults.controller = calendar
routes.index.defaults.action = show
routes.index.defaults.date =
So in your bootstrap.php define that config file:
protected function _initRoute() {
$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/routes.ini');
$router->addConfig($config, 'routes');
And that's it, you can call URL
See answers in this question for details:
Simple rewrites in Zend Framework

Drupal link append re-direct url

I am using the following code to create a link to the create user page:
l('create new user', 'admin/people/create');
It works perfectly but is there a way to include a destination with the function so when the submit button is clicked it returns my user to the page of origin?
I am attempting to accomplish it with the following code:
$link = l('create new user',
but when I click my link get sent to admin/people which means the first part of the process has already failed
This should do it:
l('create new user', 'admin/people/create', array('query' => array('destination' => 'group/node/5/admin/people/add-user')))

Validation of Zend_Captcha_Image when using in form

I have the following code in a form in zend framework application.
$captcha = new Zend_Form_Element_Captcha('captcha', array(
'label' => "",
'captcha' => 'image',
'captchaOptions' => array(
'captcha' => 'image',
'font'=> APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public_html/assets/fonts/akbar.ttf',
'imgDir'=> APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public_html/assets/captcha/',
'imgUrl'=> '/assets/captcha/',
'wordLen' => 1,
'expiration' => 300)
and the display of the form element is as expected.
When I try to validate the form using the following code it always returns error even if I enter the captcha correctly.
if($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if($this->view->form->isValid($_POST)) {
Any solution on how to validate it correctly will be of great help.
I'm going to guess that you're also doing $captcha->generate(); before the isPost() check. The problem with this is that when you submit the form, you're generating a new CAPTCHA before checking the POST data, so the check will always fail because it's validating it against the new CAPTCHA. The solution is simply to move the generate call further down.
I put up a blog post a while back with some code examples of this component, see here - http://tfountain.co.uk/blog/2009/1/6/zend-captcha-image-experiences but the post is a couple of years old now so some things may have changed.
If this doesn't help, please edit your question to include a bit more code so we can see what else might be causing the problem.
Check this post: Zend Framework: Captcha problem
Basically you have to remove the "viewhelper" from the element.

drupal, rules, flag, date

I am using drupal 6. I have a node called [classroom]. I would like to have a [vacancy register] associated with each classroom.
vacancy register is a cck type with:
- uid
- nid
- join date
I would like for each user to [register] for a vacancy. I think I can use flag for this.
When a user joins, I can use rules to action an email to be sent to the user and the [classroom]->cck_email field.
I would like a rule schedule to also run every 30 days ( configurable ) to alert the user to confirm their [registration].
1a. If no registration is confirmed, then 14 days later, the user is [unregistered] from the classroom.
1b. If user confirms registration ( by clicking on a button or url ). then the rule 1 runs again.
I would like to confirms if my approach to this is correct.
I have been playing around with signup, but there are the rules schedule aspect of it that I find hard customising to my liking.
I'm trying to write a rules event for signup_signup and signup_cancel, then action it through rules schedule. But there a bit of existing signup code I have to look through.
Have to do too much custom work to signup, so I thought, its easier to just do it with rules and flags. The downside is having to also create the UI for it.
For the signup module,
I have the following rules event.
Could this be reviewed please?
function signup_rules_event_info() {
return array(
'signup_signup' => array(
'label' => t('User signups to classroom'),
'module' => 'Signup',
'arguments' => array(
'userA' => array('type' => 'user', 'label' => t('UserA, which adds userB.')),
'userB' => array('type' => 'user', 'label' => t('UserB, which is added to UserA\'s list.')),
I don't know what to do with the arguments list.
I haven't looked at the signup module for some time, but I think that might be a better module for your case. The flag module is a good choice too, but the signup module is more geared towards what you are doing. Users signing up for content like a classroom.