Drupal link append re-direct url - redirect

I am using the following code to create a link to the create user page:
l('create new user', 'admin/people/create');
It works perfectly but is there a way to include a destination with the function so when the submit button is clicked it returns my user to the page of origin?
I am attempting to accomplish it with the following code:
$link = l('create new user',
but when I click my link get sent to admin/people which means the first part of the process has already failed

This should do it:
l('create new user', 'admin/people/create', array('query' => array('destination' => 'group/node/5/admin/people/add-user')))


Unable to show a newly created PHP page from Yii2 (on XAMPPV3.2.2)

I am a newbie.
Installed XAMPP 3.2.2 on Windows 10.
Installed Yii 2.0.13 (advanced template) in XAMPP.
Started the Apache Server.
Yii2 Development Environment Initiated. Were able to open the page from browser and all the links are working at this point in time.
Navigated to the FrontEnd->Site->Layout and copied about.php to
In the "FrontEnd"->"Views"->"Layout"->Main.PHP, added a new Menubar Item as shown in the blocked letters (Italic Items are what was already in there).
$menuItems = [
['label' => 'Home', 'url' => ['/site/index']],
['label' => 'About', 'url' => ['/site/about']],
['label' => 'Contact', 'url' => ['/site/contact']],
['label' => 'Custom Link', 'url' => ['/site/testabout']],
A new link called "Custom Link" is added to the Landing Page with no issues.
When I click on the link, it shows the below error message
Not Found (#404)
Page not found.
The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request.
Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you.
Need your inputs to fix this issue.
For sure, i searched for a similar issue in this forum and either I found them not related to the steps I performed or I cannot understand their answers.
Some Updates I have done are as follows:
1) Created a .htaccess file in the frontend->Web Folder and Backend->Web Folder;
you need to create an action in site controller
1.create an action in
frontend->controllers->siteController action name = 'testabout'
public function actionTestabout()
$return_value = 'Haii';
return $return_value; //this will print 'Haii' on screen..
but, you need to render a view file..(the proper way)
make a new file named '
' and put it in
then add a something in
ex: echo 'haii';
then, modify your action like this,
public function actionTestabout()
return $this->render('test_about); //shows 'haii'
I hope this will help you

yii2 redirect from custom module to base controller

I use dektrium user registration form.
registration link generates domain.com/user/register link
but it's not base user model, this module is located inside vendor/dektrium folder.
Now in base controllers folder I have UsersController with view action.
and after finishing registration I want to start view action of UsersController to view users page.
This is registration module code
public function actionRegister()
if (!$this->module->enableRegistration) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException;
$model = $this->module->manager->createRegistrationForm();
if ($model->load(\Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->register()) {
return $this->redirect(array('users/'.$model->username));
return $this->render('register', [
'model' => $model
As you can see I've put there this code
return $this->redirect(array('users/'.$model->username));
Which is supposed to take user to it's own page at domain.com/users/username.
But unfortunatelly url is forming in the following way
How can I fix this problem and direct user to domain.com/users/username page ?
Add an extra / in front of the users redirect. it should be
return $this->redirect(array('/users/'.$model->username));
Or you should actually create the url the proper way, that would be the best way to do this, but I do not know the way you have your rules set up so I cannot help you there. I am just guessing here but it should be:
return $this->redirect(array('users/view, 'username' => $model->username));
In this way you are using your url manager, not just hardcoding the url. In the future if you decide to change the link it will be much easier (replace just the url line in your config) and not go in files to change it.

How to display just students in users page(Moodle:/admin/user.php)

I want to display just students in moodle users page without manually adding a filter using the web interface. Could anybody help me on how to do?
You can create a link that shows only students but you'll need to post the data. Here's how I did it.
If you install WebDeveloper - http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/
Then go to /admin/user.php and click WebDeveloper, choose the "Forms" tab and "convert POSTS to GETS".
Choose the filter and click add filter. This will display a url with all the form fields. Moodle is expecting a POST rather than a GET though.
So copy and paste the url into a variable and use the single_button function with the post method eg:
$url = '/admin/user.php?sesskey=xxxxxxx&_qf__user_add_filter_form=1&mform_showmore_id_newfilter=1&mform_isexpanded_id_newfilter=1&realname_op=0&realname=&lastname_op=0&lastname=&firstname_op=0&firstname=&email_op=0&email=&city_op=0&city=&country_op=0&confirmed=&suspended=&profile_fld=0&profile_op=0&profile=&courserole_rl=5&courserole_ct=0&courserole=&systemrole=0&cohort_op=2&cohort=&username_op=0&username=&auth=&deleted=&addfilter=Add+filter';
echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('student'), 'post');
Copy and paste your own url rather than the above.
You can probably remove a lot of the parameters. You should also get the roleid for the student and use the moodle_url function, eg:
$studentroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'student'));
$params = array('courserole_rl' => $studentroleid, 'courserole_ct' => 0, ... );
$url = new moodle_url('/admin/user.php', $params);
echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('students'), 'post');
This is not possible, as, in Moodle, it is rare for someone to be assigned the role of 'student' at the system level (and if you did, they would have access to every course on the site).
The concept of 'student' in Moodle only makes sense at the course level.

Cake PHP pass parameter with form to controller

I don´t know how to securely pass a parameter via form with Cake.
The method I use now is as follows:
$this->Form->create('Post', array('label' => '', 'action' => '', 'url' => 'inseratAngenommen/'.$postId));
In the controller there stands:
function inseratAngenommen($id = null, $bs = null){
The poblem is that the user can modify the output number of $postId in the browser:
For that case I want to pass the parameter invisible in the HTML. Is that possible?
I thought of a method like the Form->PostLink provides. I couldn´t find anything.
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to send an parameter securely over a website as the data is sent by the user.
Use the validation methods of cakephp to make sure the data is correct.
1] method one: add obscurity: hide the $id into a posted field by:
$this->Form-field('id'); // even this one will do as cake hides ids by default
2] method two: keep the id on the server for instance in a session
$this->Session->write('current-edited-post-id', $id); // upon form display
$id = $this->Session->read('current-edited-post-id'); // upon form submission
but be warned thou, that method 2 doesn't behave well, if the user opens multiple tabs and operates one session from both of them :(

Joomla JError doesn't show but then appears

I have 3d party component which set JError warning
JError::raiseWarning( 99, "Set your name please" );
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
Redirect goes to controller with code
function saveUserDetails(){
//some code here
//now I try to get that error which was set by raiseWarning
$other_errors = JError::getErrors();
It returns just empty array. Why It doesn't contain that error?
Ok, I try to check session var with Joomla messages
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
$mes = $session->get('application.queue');
Again empty. Where is that error, I can't understand.
If there is new request immediately after the redirect you might be loosing the session variable (JError content) inspect the fired requests with FireBug, Net tab, and see what happens there. Post any information you get there but if it's not in JErrors it shouldn't show on the site.
Can you give a link to the live site so I can test there and see the HTTP requests that could help.