MATLAB. Modify matrix rows starting by a certain (variable) colums index - matlab

I have a big matrix of numerical data, let assume here for practicity a small matrix
a=[1 1 1;
1 1 1]
Then I have a vector of indices
My goal is to "apply" vector b to a, row by row, in such a way to nullify all the items of the i-th row of a which are falling in the columns whose indices are greater than the i-th element of b, when possible.
Therefore my desired output would be:
c=some_smart_indexing_operation(a,b) %this is pseudo-code of course
c=[1 1 1;
1 0 0]
Let me comment the results row by row:
on the first row, b's first element is 4: having a only 3 colums no element is nullify
on the second tow, b's second element is 2: I should nullify the second and the third element of this row.
I could perform such an operation with a for loop by I was wondering if I could get the same result applying some smart indexing operation or applying some vectorial native functions.

You can use bsxfun to create a mask of zero-one values, and then multiply a element-wise by that mask:
c = a .* bsxfun(#lt, 1:size(a,2), b);
In Matlab R2016b onwards the following simpler syntax can be used:
c = a .* ((1:size(a,2))<b);
Another approach is to use the complementary mask to the one above as a logical index to write the zeros.
c = a;
c(bsxfun(#ge, 1:size(a,2), b)) = 0; % or c(((1:size(a,2))>=b)) = 0


Simplify how to find unique rows of a Matlab array

I would like your help to vectorise (or, more generally, make more efficient) a Matlab code where:
Step 1: I construct a matrix C of size sgxR, where each row contains a sequence of ones and zeros, according to whether certain logical conditions are satisfied.
Step 2: I identify the indices of the unique rows of C.
I now describe the code in more details.
Step 1: Creation of the matrix C. I divide this step in 3 sub-steps.
Step 1.a: Create the 1x3 cell U_grid. For j=1,2,3, U_grid{j} is a sg x K matrix of numbers.
rng default
n_U_sets=3; %This parameter will not be changed
sg=4; %sg is usually quite large, for instance 10^6
K=5; %This parameter can range between 3 and 8
for j=1:n_U_sets
Step 1.b: For each g=1,...,sg
Take the 3 rows Ugrid{1}(g,:), Ugrid{2}(g,:), Ugrid{3}(g,:).
Take all possible 1x3 rows that can be formed such that the first element is from Ugrid{1}(g,:), the second element is from
Ugrid{2}(g,:), and the third element is from Ugrid{3}(g,:). There are K^3 such rows.
Create the matrix D{g} storing row-wise all possible pairs of such 1x3 rows. D{g} will have size (K^3*(K^3-1)/2)x6
This is coded as:
%Row indices of all possible pairs of rows
[y, x] = find(tril(logical(ones(K^(n_U_sets))), -1));
indices_pairs = [x, y]; %K^3*(K^3-1)/2
%Create D{g}
for g=1:sg
vectors = cellfun(#(x) {x(g,:)}, Ugrid); %1x3
T_temp = cell(1,n_U_sets);
[T_temp{:}] = ndgrid(vectors{:});
T_temp = cat(n_U_sets+1, T_temp{:});
T = reshape(T_temp,[],n_U_sets);
D{g}=[T(indices_pairs(:,1),:) T(indices_pairs(:,2),:)]; %(K^3*(K^3-1)/2) x (6)
Step 1.c: From D create C. Let R=(K^3*(K^3-1)/2). R is the size of any D{g}. C is a sg x R matrix constructed as follows: for g=1,...,sg and for r=1,...,R
if D{g}(r,1)>=D{g}(r,5)+D{g}(r,6) or D{g}(r,4)<=D{g}(r,2)+D{g}(r,3)
then C(g,r)=1
otherwise C(g,r)=0
This is coded as:
for g=1:sg
for r=1:R
if D{g}(r,1)>=D{g}(r,5)+D{g}(r,6) || D{g}(r,4)<=D{g}(r,2)+D{g}(r,3)
Step 2: Assign the same index to any two rows of C that are equal.
[~,~,idx] = unique(C,"rows");
Question: Steps 1.b and 1.c are the critical ones. With sg large and K between 3 and 8, they take a lot of time, due to the loop and reshape. Do you see any way to simplify them, for instance by vectorising?

Index a vector by a matrix of conditions to obtain multiple selections of the target?

I have a vector T of length n and m other vectors of the same length with 0 or 1 used as condition to select elements of T. The condition vectors are combined into a matrix I of size n x m.
Is there a one liner to extract a matrix M of values from Tsuch that the i-th column of M are those elements in T that are selected by the condition elements of the i-th column in I?
T = (1:10)'
I = mod(T,2) == 0
2 4 6 8 10
I = mod(T,2:4) == 0
yields an error in the last statement. I see that the columns might select a different number of elements which results in vectors of different lengths (as in the example). However, even this example doesn't work:
I = zeros(10,2)
I(:,1) = mod(T,2)==0
I(:,2) = mod(T,2)==1
Is there any way to achieve the solution in a one liner?
The easiest way I can think of to do something like this is to take advantage of the element-wise multiplication operator .* with your matrix I. Take this as an example:
% these lines are just setup of your problem
m = 10;
n = 10;
T = [1:m]';
I = randi([0 1], m, n);
% 1 liner to create M
M = repmat(T, 1, n) .* I;
What this does is expand T to be the same size as I using repmat and then multiplies all the elements together using .*.
Here is a one linear solution
First logical index should be converted to numeric index for it we multiply T by each column of I
idx = bsxfun(#times,I,(1:numel(T)).');
But that index contain zeros we should extract those values that correspond to 1s in matrix I:
idx = nonzeros(idx);
Then we extract repeated elements of T :
T2 = T(idx);
so we need to split T2 to 3 parts size of each part is equal to sum of elements of corresponding column of I and mat2cell is very helpful
result = mat2cell(T2,sum(I));
ans =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
[3,1] =
One line solution using cellfun and mat2cell
nColumns = size(I,2); nRows = size(T,1); % Take the liberty of a line to write cleaner code
What is going on:
#(i)T(i) % defines a function handle that takes a logical index and returns elements from T for those indexes
mat2cell(I,nRows,ones(nColumns,1)) % Split I such that every column is a cell
'uni',0 % Tell cellfun that the function returns non uniform output

Matlab - indexing

I have a matrix A which is 21x1 and contains only ones and twos.
Then I have a matrix B which is 6 * 600 matrix of numbers ranging between 0 and 21.
I want to generate a matrix C which is 6 * 600 matrix containing ones and twos such that:
If B matrix has a zero, matrix C should have a zero on that place. If B matrix has number 5, then matrix C should have the element on row 5 of matrix A and so on and so forth.
Please let me know if this is not clear.
Let us generate some sample inputs:
A = randi(2,21,1);
B = randi(22,6,600)-1;
The output C will then be:
C = B*0; %// preallocation + take care of the elements that need to be 0
C(B>0) = A(B(B>0)); %// logical indexing
The explanation of the 2nd line is as follows:
B>0 - return a logical array the size of B which has the meaning of whether this specific element of B is larger-than-0 value.
B(B>0) - return the elements of B for which there are true values in B>0 (i.e. numbers that can be used to index into A).
A(...) - return the elements of A that correspond to the valid indices from B.
% Generate matrices fitting the description
A = round(rand(21,1))+1;
B = round(rand(6,600)*21);
C = zeros(6,600);
% Indexing impossible since zeroes cannot be used as index. So treat per element using linear indexing.
for ii = 1:(6*600)
if B(ii) == 0
C(ii) = 0;
C(ii) = A(B(ii));
Although the piece of code could be optimized further this is the most clear way of creating understanding and speed is not needed if it's only this small matrix evaluated a limited number of times.

Partial sum of a vector

For a vector v (e.g. v=[1,2,3,4,5]), and two index vectors (e.g. a=[1,1,1,2,3] and b=[3,4,5,5,5], with all a(i)<b(i)), I would like to construct w=sum(v(a:b)), which gives the values
w = zeros(length(a),1);
for i = 1:length(a)
It is slow when length(a) is large. Can I compute w without the for loop?
Yes! The nth element of cumsum(v) is the sum of the first n elements in v, so just take that and subtract the sum of the elements that you don't want to include:
%// or alternatively
C=cumsum([0 v])
The following code works, but it is of course much less readable:
% assume v is a column vector
units = 1:length(v); units = units'; %units is a column vector
units_matrix = repmat(units, [1 length(a)]);
a_matrix = repmat(a, [length(v) 1]); % assuming a is is a row vector
b_matrix = repmat(b, [length(v) 1]);
weights = (units_matrix>=a_matrix) & (units_matrix<=b_matrix);
v_matrix = repmat(v, [1 length(a)]);
w = sum(v_matrix.*weights);
v_matrix contains copies of v. The summation will be done along
the column, so we need to prepare the other needed information in
vectorized form. units_matrix contains the indexes in v along the
columns. The columns are identical. a_matrix and b_matrix, in
each of their column, contains the indexes that are relevant for each
partial summation. All rows are identical. weights is a logical
matrix where, for each column, the indexes contained in
units_matrix between the corresponding a and b are 1 (true),
and the rest is 0. The element-wise multiplication thus filters the
"right" values, and all the indexes outside the range (again, for
each different column) is multiplied by zero. w is then he result
of the sum function, i.e. a row vector (every column of the
"filtered" matrix is summed).

Set the particular row and column zeros except the diagonal elements in matlab

Lets say I am given some indices like B = [10 23 32....];
Now lets say I have a matrix A. What I want to do is for each index from B lets say i, I want to set the ith row and ith column of A to 0 except the diagonal element A(i,i)(it remains untouched).
I can do this by looping. But I want some that is based upon some matrix multiplication which is quicker than just looping.
Any ideas guys?
You can store the diagonal elements temporarily somewhere else, index into A with B to set the corresponding rows and columns to zeros and finally plug back in the diagonal elements -
%// rows in A
rows = size(A,1);
%// Store the diagonal elements temporarily somewhere else
tmp_diagA = A(1:rows+1:end);
%// Set the ith rows and cols (obtained from B) to zero
%// Plug back in the diagonal elements in place
A(1:rows+1:end) = tmp_diagA;
Function calls are supposed to be expensive in MATLAB and we have almost have no function calls in this code, so I am hoping it to be fast enough.
One option you have is:
create the linear indexes of the diagonal elements:
[I, J]=size(A);
idx=sub2ind([I,J], B, B);
Set the horizontals and verticals to 0 and replace the diagonal elements:
NewA(B, :)=zeros(numel(B),J);
NewA(:, B)=zeros(I,numel(B));
For square A:
b = zeros(size(A,1),1);
b(B) = B;
A = A.*bsxfun(#eq, b, b.')
For general A:
b1 = zeros(size(A,1),1);
b1(B) = B;
b2 = zeros(1,size(A,2));
b2(B) = B;
A = A.*bsxfun(#eq, b1, b2);
B=[10 23 32 12 15 18 20]
M(B)=false %making the indexed elements false
M=or(M,diag(true(size(M,1),1))) %keep the diagonal elements one
% creating a matrix which has zero in ith row and ith column and diagonal has ones
%Now just multiply M1 with your matrix A, and you are done.
You can combine above two lines in one, but I prefer them disjoint for readability purposes.