Canary release when Queues are involved - deployment

Fowler says a small percentage of traffic is routed to the Canary version while the old version is still running.
This is assuming that the routing can be controlled at the Load balancer/router level.
We have a use case where a micro-service consumes off a queue and does some processing. We were wondering how the routing can be controlled to direct a subset of traffic to the canary consumer.
One of the options we considered is to have a separate "Canary queue" but the problem is that the producers now have to be aware of this queue which sounds like a smell.
This seems like a common problem where queues are involved. Any ideas on how Canary was adopted for such applications?

As you wrote, the goal of the canary release is to drive a small fraction of live traffic through a new deployment to minimize the potential impact of flaws in the new deployment. When you do not control the routing to the service under deployment, you can adjust the percentage of traffic handled by the new deployment by adjusting the percentage of new version services to current version services.
For example, your queue is being processed by a pool of 100 service instances at v1. To canary test the next version, deploy 1 to 10 of v2 and turn off 1 to 10 of v1. This will approximate routing 1 to 10% of the traffic to the new service.
If expected throughput of the new version of the service is significantly different, consider adjusting the ratio of new services to old.
If you current deployment of services is very small, consider temporarily increasing the total number of deployed current services before deploying an instance of the new service. For example, assume your active deployment is 3 services. Deploying 6 more of your current service before deploying 1 of your new version service will allow you to keep the traffic to the canary closer to 10%.

There are 2 approaches for canary deployment of queue workers:
A dedicated canary queue
A common queue
Both these approaches have their pros and cons which are covered in detail here:


is RabbitMQ queueing system unnecessary in a Kubernetes cluster?

I have just been certified CKAD (Kubernetes Application Developer) by The Linux Foundation.
And from now on I am wondering : is RabbitMQ queueing system unnecessary in a Kubernetes cluster ?
We use workers with queueing system in order to avoid http 30 seconds timeout : let's say for example we have a microservice which generates big pdf documents in average of 50 seconds each and you have 20 documents to generate right now, the classical schema would be to make a worker which will queue each documents one by one (this is the case for the company I have been working for lately)
But in a Kubernetes cluster by default there is no timeout for http request going inside the cluster. You can wait 1000 seconds without any issue (20 documents * 50 seconds = 1000 seconds)
With this last point, is it enought to say that RabbitMQ queueing system (via the amqplib module) is unuseful in a Kubernetes cluster ? moreover Kubernetes manages so well load balancing on each of your microservice replicas...
But in a Kubernetes cluster by default there is no timeout for http request going inside the cluster.
Not sure where you got that idea. Depending on your config there might be no timeouts at the proxy level but there's still client and server timeouts to consider. Kubernetes doesn't change what you deploy, just how you deploy it. There's certainly other options than RabbitMQ specifically, and other system architectures you could consider, but "queue workers" is still a very common pattern and likely will be forever even as the tech around it changes.

General guidelines to self-organized task allocation within a Microservice

I have some general problems/questions regarding self managed Microservices (in Kubernetes).
The Situation:
I have a provider (Discord API) for my desired state, which tells me the count (or multiples of the count) of sharded connections (websocket -> stateful in some way) I should establish with the provider.
Currently a have a "monolithic" microservice (it can't be deployed in an autoscaling service and has to be stateful), which determines the count of connections i should have and a factor based on the currently active pods, that can establish a connection to this API.
It further (by heartbeating and updating the connection target of all those pods) manages the state of every pod and achieves this target configuration.
It also handles the case of a pod being removed from the service and a change of target configuration, by rolling out the updated target and only after updating the target discontinuing the old connections.
The Cons:
This does not in any way resemble a good microservice architecture
A failure of the manager (even when persisting the current state in a cache or db of some sort) results in the target of the target provider not being achieved and maybe one of the pods having a failure without graceful handling of the manager
The Pros:
Its "easy" to understand and maintain a centrally managed system
There is no case (assuming a running manager system) where a pod can fail and it wont be handled -> connection resumed on another pod
My Plan:
I would like this websocket connection pods to manage themselves in some way.
Theoretically there has to be a way in which a "swarm" (swarm here is just a descriptive word for pods within a service) can determine a swarm wide accepted target.
The tasks to achieve this target (or change of target) should then be allocated across the swarm by the swarm itself.
Every failure of a member of the swarm has to be recognized, and the now unhandled tasks (in my case websocket connections) have to be resumed on different members of the swarm.
Also updates of the target have to be rolled out across the swarm in a distinct manner, retaining the tasks for the old target till all tasks for the new target are handled.
My ideas so far:
As a general syncing point a cache like redis or a db like mongodb could be used.
Here the current target (and the old target, for creating earlier mentioned smooth target changes) could be stored, along with all tasks that have to be handled to achieve this desired target.
This should be relatively easy to set up and also a "voting process" for the current target could be possible - if even necessary (every swarm member checks the current target of the target provider and the target that is determined by most of the swarm members is set as the vote outcome).
But now we face the problem already mentioned in the pros for the managed system, I currently cant think of a way the failure of a swarm member can be recognized and managed by the swarm consistently.
How should a failure be determined without a constant exchange between swarm members, which i think should be avoided because of the:
swarms should operate entirely target driven and interact with each other as litte as possible
kubernetes itself isn't really designed to have easy intra service communication
Every contribution, idea or further question here helps.
My tech stack would be but isn't limited to:
Java with Micronaut for the application
Grpc as the only exchange protocol
Kubernetes as the orchestrator
Since you're on the JVM, you could use Akka Cluster to take care of failure detection between the pods (even in Kubernetes, though there's some care needed with service meshes to exempt the pod-to-pod communications from being routed through the mesh) and use (as one of many possibilities for this) Distributed Data's implementations of CRDTs to distribute state (in this case the target) among the pods.
This wouldn't require you to use Akka HTTP or Akka's gRPC implementations, so you could still use Micronaut for external interactions. It would effectively create a stateful self-organizing service which presents to Kubernetes as a regular stateless service.
If for some reason Akka isn't appealing, looking through the code and docs for its failure detection (phi-accrual) might provide some ideas for implementing a failure detector using (e.g.) periodic updates to a DB.
Disclaimer: I am employed by Lightbend, which provides commercial support for Akka and employs or has employed at some point most of the contributors to and maintainers of Akka.

K8s graceful upgrade of service with long-running connections

tl;dr: I have a server that handles WebSocket connections. The nature of the workload is that it is necessarily stateful (i.e., each connection has long-running state). Each connection can last ~20m-4h. Currently, I only deploy new revisions of this service at off hours to avoid interrupting users too much.
I'd like to move to a new model where deploys happen whenever, and the services gracefully drain connections over the course of ~30 minutes (typically the frontend can find a "good" time to make that switch over within 30 minutes, and if not, we just forcibly disconnect them). I can do that pretty easily with K8s by setting gracePeriodSeconds.
However, what's less clear is how to do rollouts such that new connections only go to the most recent deployment. Suppose I have five replicas running. Normal deploys have an undesirable mode where a client is on R1 (replica 1) and then K8s deploys R1' (upgraded version) and terminates R1; frontend then reconnects and gets routed to R2; R2 terminates, frontend reconnects, gets routed to R3.
Is there any easy way to ensure that after the upgrade starts, new clients get routed only to the upgraded versions? I'm already running Istio (though not using very many of its features), so I could imagine doing something complicated with some custom deployment infrastructure (currently just using Helm) that spins up a new deployment, cuts over new connections to the new deployment, and gracefully drains the old deployment... but I'd rather keep it simple (just Helm running in CI) if possible.
Any thoughts on this?
This is already how things work with normal Services. Once a pod is terminating, it has already been removed from the Endpoints. You'll probably need to tune up your max burst in the rolling update settings of the Deployment to 100%, so that it will spawn all new pods all at once and then start the shutdown process on all the rest.

Is there downtime when a partition is moved to a new node?

Service Fabric offers the capability to rebalance partitions whenever a node is removed or added to the cluster. The Service Fabric Cluster Resource Manager will move one or more partitions to this node so more work can be done.
Imagine a reliable actor service which has thousands of actors running who are distributed across multiple partitions. If the Resource Manager decides to move one or more partitions, will this cause any downtime? Or does rebalancing partitions work the same as upgrading a service?
They act pretty much the same way, The main difference I can point is that Upgrades might affect only the services being updated, and re-balancing might affect multiple services at once. During an upgrade, the cluster might re-balance the services as well to fit the new service instance in a node.
Adding or Removing nodes I would compare more with node failures. In any of these cases they will be rebalanced because of the cluster capacity changes, not because of the service metric\load changes.
The main difference between a node failure and a cluster scaling(Add/remove node) is that the rebalance will take in account the services states during the process, when a infrastructure notification comes in telling that a node is being shutdown(for updates or maintenance, or scaling down) the SF will ask the Infrastructure to wait so it can prepare for this announced 'failure', and then start re-balancing the services.
Even though re-balancing cares about the service states for a scale down it should not be considered more reliable than a node failure, because the infrastructure will wait for a while before shutting down the node(the limit it can wait will depend on the reliability tier you defined for your cluster), until SF check if the services meet health conditions, like turn down services and creating new ones, checking if they will run fine without errors, if this process takes too long, these service might be killed once the timeout is reached and the infrastructure proceed with the changes, Also, the new instances of the services might fail on new nodes, forcing the services to move again.
When you design the services is safer to consider the re-balancing as a node failure, because at the end is not much different. Your services will move around, data stored in memory will be lost if not persisted, the service address will change, and etc. The services should have replicated data and the clients should always use a retry logic and refresh the services location to reduce the down time.
The main difference between service upgrade and service rebalancing is that during upgrade all replicas from all partitions are get turned off on particular node. According to documentation here balancing is done on replica basis i.e. only some replicas from some partitions will get moved, so there shouldn't be any outage.

Advice on how to monitor (micro)services?

We are transitioning from building applications on monolith application servers, to more microservices oriented applications on Spring Boot. We will publish health information with SB Actuator through HTTP or JMX.
What are the options/best practices to monitor services, that will be around 30-50 in total? Thanks for your input!
Not knowing too much detail about your architecture and services, here are some suggestions that represent (a subset of) the strategies that have been proven in systems i've worked on in production. For this I am assuming you are using one container/VM per micro service:
If your services are stateless (as they should be :-) and you have redundancy (as you should have :-) then you set up your load balancer to call your /health on each instance and if the health check fails then the load balancer should take the instance out of rotation. Depending on how tolerant your system is, you can set up various rules that define failure instead of just a single failure (e.g. 3 consecutive, etc.)
On each instance run a Nagios agent that calls your health check (/health) on the localhost. If this fails, generate an alert that specifies which instance failed.
You also want to ensure that a higher level alert is generated if none of your instances are healthy for a given service. You might be able to set this up in your load balancer or you can set up a monitor process outside the load balancer that calls your service periodically and if it does not get any response (i.e. none of the instances are responding) then it should sound all alarms. Hopefully this condition is never triggered in production because you dealt with the other alarms.
Advanced: In a cloud environment you can connect the alarms with automatic scaling features. In that way, unhealthy instances are torn down and healthy ones are brought up automatically every time an instance of a service is deemed unhealthy by the monitoring system