Meteor MongoDB Server Aggregation into new Collection - mongodb

I'm currently experimenting with a test collection on a LAN-accessible MongoDB server and data in a Meteor (v1.6) application. View layer of choice is React and right now I'm using the createContainer to bind the subscriptions to props.
The data that gets put in the MongoDB storage is updated on a daily basis and consists of a big set of data from several SQL databases, netting up to about 60000 lines of JSON per day. The data has been ever-so-slightly reshaped to be turned into a usable format whilst remaining as RAW as I'd like it to be.
The working solution right now is fetching all this data and doing further manipulations client-side to prepare the data for visualization. The issue should seem obvious: each client is fetching a set of documents that grows every day and repeats a lot of work on earlier entries before being ready to display. I want to do this manipulation on the server, through MongoDB's Aggregation Framework.
My initial idea is to do the aggregations on the server and to create new Collections containing smaller, more specific datasets without compromising the RAWness of the original Collection. That would mean the "reduced" Collections can still be reactive, as I've been able to confirm through testing in a Remote Desktop, subscribing to an aggregated Collection which I can update through Robo3T.
I don't know if this would be ideal. As far as storage goes, there's plenty of room for the extra Collections. But I have no idea how to set up an automated aggregation script on said server. And regarding Meteor, I've tried using meteorhacks:aggregate and jcbernack:reactive-aggregate but couldn't figure out how to deal with either one of them. If anyone is dealing, or has dealt with, something similar; I'd love to hear ideas / suggestions.


Faster way to remove 2TB of data from single collection (without sharding)

We collect a lot of data and currently decided to migrate our data from mongodb into data lake. We are going to leave in mongo only some portion of our data and use it as our operational database that keeps only newest most relevant data. We have replica set, but we don't use sharding. I suspect, if we had sharded cluster, we could achieve necessary results much simpler, but it's one-time operation, so setting up cluster just for one operation looks like very complex solution (plus I also suspect, that it will be very long running operation to convert such collection into sharded collection, but I can be completely wrong here)
One of our collections has size of 2TB right now. We want to remove old data from original database as fast as possible, but looks like standard "remove" operation is very slow, even if we use unorderedBulkOperation.
I found a few suggestions to copy data into another collection and then just drop original collection instead of trying remove data (so migrate data that we want to keep instead of removing data that we don't want to keep). There are few different ways, that I found, to copy portion of data from original collection to another collection:
Extract data and insert it into other collection one by one. Or extract portion of data and insert it in bulk using insertMany(). It looks faster than just remove data, but still not enough fast.
Use $out operator with aggregation framework to extract portions of data. It's very fast! But it extracts every portion of data into separate collections and doesn't have ability to append data in current mongodb version. So we will need to combine all exported portions of data into one final collection, what is slow again. I see that $out will be able to append data in next release of mongo ( But we need some solution now, and unfortunately, we won't be able to do quick update of mongo version anyway.
mongoexport / mongoimport - it exports portion of data into json file and append to another collection using import. It's quite fast too, so looks like good option.
Currently it looks like the best choice to improve performance of migration is combination of $out + mongoexport/mongoimport approaches. Plus multithreading to perform multiple described operations at once.
But is there any even faster option that I might missed?

Caching query results in MongoDB

I will be working on a large data set that changes slowly so I want to optimize the query result time by using a caching mechanism. For example , if I want to see some metrics about the data from the last 360 days I don't need to query the database again because I can reuse the last query result.
Does MongoDB natively support caching or do I have to use another database , for example Redis as mentioned here
EDIT : my question is different from Caching repeating query results in MongoDB because I asked about external caching systems and the response in the late question was specific to working with MongoDB and Tornado
The author of the Motor (MOngo + TORnado) package gives an example of caching his list of categories here:
Basically, he defines a global list of categories and queries the database to fill it in; then, whenever he need the categories in his pages, he checks the list: if it exists, he uses it, if not, he queries again and fills it in. He has it set up to invalidate the list whenever he inserts to the database, but depending on your usage you could create a global timeout variable to keep track of when you need to re-query next. If you're doing something complicated, this could get out of hand, but if it's just a list of the most recent posts or something, I think it would be fine.

Is it ok to use Meteor publish composite for dozens of subscriptions?

Currently, our system is not entirely normalized, and we use meteor-publish-composite to obtain the normalized data in mongodb. Some models have very few dependencies, but others have arrays of objects (i.e. sub-documents) with few foreign keys that we are subscribing to when fetching each model.
An example would be a Post containing a list of Comment sub-documents, where each comment has a userId field.
My question is, while I know it would be faster to use collection hooks and update the collection with data denormalization, how does Meteor handle multiple subscriptions on the same collection?
Is a hundred subscriptions on the same collection affect the application speed (significantly)? What about a thousand? etc.
This may not fully answer your question, however after spending countless hours tuning the performance of a large meteor app, I thought I would share some of the things that I have learned.
In Meteor, when you define a publication, you are setting up a reactive query that continues to push data to subscribed clients when changes to the underlying mongo data causes the result of the query to change. In other words, it sets up a query that will continually push data to clients as the data is inserted, updated, or removed. The mechanism by which it does this is by creating an observer on the query.
When an observer is initialized (e.g. when publication is subscribed to), it will query mongodb for the initial dataset to send down and then use the oplog to detect changes going forward. Fortunately, meteor is able to re-use an existing observer for a new subscription if the query is for the same collection, same selectors, and same options.
This means that you could create hundreds of subscriptions against many different publications, but if they are hitting against the same collection and using the same query selectors then you effectively only have 1 observe in play. For more details, I highly recommend reading this article from (from which I acquired the information I used in this answer).
In addition to this, Meteor is also able to deal with multiple publications publishing the same document, and when this occurs, the documents will be merged into one. See this for more detail.
Lastly, because of Meteor's MergeBox component, it will minimize the data being sent over the wire across all your subscriptions by keeping track of what data changed vs. what is already on the client.
Therefore, in your specific example, it sounds like you will be running several different subscriptions on effectively the same query (since you are just trying to de-normalize your data) and dataset. Because of all the optimizations that I described above, I would guess that you won't be plagued by performance issues by taking this approach.
I have done similar things in one of my apps and have never had an issue.

Is dynamically creating and dropping collections in MongoDB going to create scalability issues?

I have an application (built in Meteor) that provides some ad hoc reporting capabilities to the end user. I have built up that functionality by using the aggregation pipeline to produce the results for a given query. This makes it extremely fast and I was using $out to push the results right into a results table.
The results table included a queryID, which the client used to figure out which were the correct results.
Unfortunately, as you may know (and I discovered), that doesn't work so well once you have more than one user running reports at a time because $out deletes the whole results table before pushing the new query in.
I see three possible workarounds:
Run the aggregation, but manually push the results into the results collection
$out the results into a temporary collection (dynamically named to avoid conflicts) and then manually copy the results from there into results collection, immediately dropping the temporary one. This made some sense when I thought I could use copyTo(), but that doesn't appear possible within Meteor, so I think this option doesn't make much sense relative to #1 in this case.
$out the results into a temporary collection (dynamically named to avoid conflicts) and have the client pull its results directly from there. I would then periodically drop the extra collections after say 24 hours (like I do with specific query results in the main collection today).
#3 would be the fastest by far - the time it takes to manually copy rows dwarfs the time it takes the queries to run. But I'm concerned about the impact of creating and dropping so many collections.
We're not talking millions of users here, but if an average of 500 users a day were each running 10-20 reports, there could be an additional 5-10k collections in the database at any one time. That seems like a lot. Perhaps I could be smarter about cleaning them up somehow, though I can't just immediately remove them because a user might want to have multiple tabs open with different reports. Even still, we're potentially talking about hundreds to thousands of collections.
Is that going to be a problem?
Are there other approaches I should consider instead?
Other recommendations?
Dropping a collection in mongoDB is very efficient operation, anyway much more efficient than deleting some documents in a larger collection.
Maximum number of collections is quite high, only limited by namespace namespace in MMAPv1 while no hard limit exists in wiretiger engine.
So I would favor your solution #3.
Some improvements/alternatives you can think:
Consider creating the collections in a separated database (say per day) then you can drop the entire database in a single operation without having to drop individual collections.
Use an endpoint for the result set, cash the results then drop the $out collection. Let cache handle user requirements and only rerun the aggregation if cache has expired or something.
This kind of activity is done very easily in relational databases such as mysql or pgsql. You might consider synchronising your data to a separate relational database for the purposes of reporting.
There is a package which claims to provide synchronisation. I played with it and it didn't work perfectly, although doing just one way sync is more likely to succeed.
The other option is to use Graphql over a mongo/mysql hybrid database which can be done with the Apollo stack

Meteor serving large static collections

I started building and app and chose meteor as a platform, but I stumbled upon a problem, I need to serve large collections of data to user let's say 2000-5000 records, now I understand that having such large reactive collection is a problem for meteor, but the thing is I don't need it be reactive, I just need statistically display it to user whenever he requests it. I just started out with meteor and don't know of it's capabilities, so I wonder if something like this is possible? For example php queries ~3000 records from mysql and prints it to user in around 3 second.
But using meteor even for smaller collections let's say 500 records I have to wait for a lot more time: ~1min.
I have a clue that this slow loading might be caused by meteor default MongoDB implementation, and using external database should increase performance, though I did not tried it yet. Anyway, the question would be can I achieve fast loading of large data collections in meteor and if so how would I do that, and what are best practices of handling large collections in meteor?
PS. I chose meteor because I do need it's reactivity for some cases, with small collections. But I also need to serve larger static collections. But I wonder if I can combine both in meteor?
A couple of pointers, which may help with your static collections:
Use 'reactive: false' in your find queries that don't need to be reactive as that'll stop meteor watching for updates.
Figure out what fields you need where and only return the bare minimum. You can use session variables to filter based on the context, which will make your publications a lot more effective.
Surely the user doesn't need to see all 2000-5000 records at once? Are you not able to implement some sort of paging mechanism?
Best pattern for pagination for Meteor