Some beginner questions about Centreon - plugins

I am new to Centreon and I have a few questions I need to figure out. I have these services:
I just want to know how can I have these services like this.
2nd question
on Github, I find that the plugin is end with .pm not .pl, which is I wonder why, and how to use the plugin on Github, because I already put it in on a folder on Centreon and restart it on the poller, but I do not see the plugin I downloaded.
3rd question
For interfaces:
--plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin --mode=interfaces --add-status --add-traffic
For services (if it's windows):
Is this just command or I have to modify it on a plugin ?

You must have create a new host and link to this host an host template. This host template is linked to services and this why you have services created. Do not hesitate to check this documentation
To use our centreon plugin you have two different way to do:
Clone our GitHub repository Here, and manage your script file by file use the to call the .pm file through the --plugin option, through the following command line you can download the repo:
git clone
Use the Centreon RPM packages, who they correspond to the GitHub script, but all build per kind of devices (one .pl script per devices). You can install them with the following command line:
yum install --nogpgcheck centreon-plugins\*
By default all nagios plugins are stored in "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/" and the centreon plugins are stored in "/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/"
'--plugin' option is related to a command and it just indicate the plugin that will be used, you don't need to modify any plugin just the command unless you want to change something inside the plugin.


How to install a NetBeans plugin via CLI?

Is there a way to install a downloaded NBM (Netbeans Module) into an already installed Netbeans IDE via CLI?
Current setup
Netbeans 12.3 with Windows 10
Netbeans 12.3 with Linux Mint 20.1
Relevant scenario
If the question comes to your mind 'why aren't you just using the GUI?' or anything like that. Think of the following scenario. When working on an air gapped network with 50 computers you're the one having to install Netbeans plugins on all of that PCs. You're able to put files on those PCs and execute a command via console and you don't want to run around all the buildings and clicking through the process.
Thank you very much in advance.
I think I found a solution. I'll post it here to reflect my research because I've never found a answer on stackoverflow.
When Netbeans is already installed you can use the --help parameter like:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe --help
This lists lot of available parameters (which I haven't found a list of on the web) like (shortened):
General options:
--help show this help
--jdkhome <path> path to JDK
--console new open new console for output
Module reload options:
--reload /path/to/module.jar install or reinstall a module JAR file
Additional module options:
--refresh Refresh all catalogs
--list Prints the list of all modules, their versions and enablement status
--install <arg1>...<argN> Installs provided JAR files as modules
--disable <arg1>...<argN> Disable modules for specified codebase names
--enable <arg1>...<argN> Enable modules for specified codebase names
--update <arg1>...<argN> Updates all or specified modules
--update-all Updates all modules
Core options:
--fontsize <size> set the base font size of the user interface, in points
--userdir <path> use specified directory to store user settings
--nosplash do not show the splash screen
In my case the solution was to use the --install parameter pointing to the jar file to install.Be aware that the NBM files are just containers containing the jar file and some more meta data files like config xml files. You're able to open it via 7zip for example. And you'll have to take care of all the dependencies yourself.

I want to know how to use Github in open source

I am a programming starter to try github for the first time.
I completed the clone as described in the main link.
I have also completed the npm installation as described in the text and have successfully run it.
But if i simply want to use source code, do i not need to install the module using npm?
Why do I install the module using npm?..
How do I use the packages I installed using npm?
Even if I did a search on Google, there was no post for beginners like me.
I really appreciate your advice.

How to submit a package to PyPI under a different user than my ~/.pypirc

As far as I can tell from the docs, unlike with say git and .gitignore files, setuptools will only look in your $HOME directory for a .pypirc file.
Mostly I am submitting as 'myself', but now I want to submit a specific project via my employer's dev team account. register --help doesn't seem to indicate any way to supply a username/password other than the one from my ~/.pypirc
There's the setup.cfg file which could appear in my project root, but it seems that only allows to specify args accepted by the command, so same as above.
Same for .pydistutils.cfg (?)
Surely I can't be the only one - what's the usual way to do this?
I found a workaround, which is to use
After installing twine I was able to create a project-specific .pypirc file in the project root, containing the company username/password.
Before using twine you have to generate the package using though, so the procedure is (from your project root):
$ python sdist
$ twine register --config-file=./.pypirc dist/*
$ twine upload --config-file=./.pypirc dist/*

Why compiled and installed gstreamer plugin from boilerplate code is not found by gst-inspect

I followed the instructions in GStreamer Plugin Writer's Guide (
in order to build a new gstreamer plugin. Basically I ran make_element and then edited as described. Amazingly make and make install worked and I ended up with:
As I understand it, gst-inspect should find this plugin automatically. The guide says that /usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0 needs to be added to GST_PLUGIN_PATH in order for plugins in this directory to be found. Another document states that this directory is searched automatically. I tried with and without the environment variable, but no luck.
Now I should say that I have just started to use gstreamer and I am suffering from total information overload. I have read so many documents, yet I don't even know whether I am building a gstreamer1.0 or a gstreamer0.10 plugin (I think the guide is for gstreamer1.0, since the guide's version is but can't be sure).
Can anybody give me a clue here ?
There are many possible reasons that can cause this issue.
First, check if your plugin is blacklisted by command gst-inspect-1.0 -b.
If your plugin show up here, that means it is really blacklisted.
In that case, delete directory ~/.cache/ and then run gst-inpect-1.0 again.
This will force GStreamer to re-scan plugins list. If the reason of blacklist is not solved yet, gst-inpect will probably print out the reason here for you.
Another possible reason (but unlikely happens) is setting GST_REGISTRY_UPDATE as no, which will force GStreamer NOT to rescan the plugin directory, thus not found new plugin
P/s: The guide is for GStreamer 1.0
If you've tried removing your plugin from the blacklist and it still doesn't show up, try this:
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0
/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0 is the default directory used by make in case of plugins. If you have defined a different directory, use it.
Then run gst-inspect-1.0 and you'll find the newly compiled and installed plugin.
You'll be required to perform the export every time in the shell whether you either create a static pipeline with gst-launch-1.0 or run code of your own. I couldn't find any alternative to make it permanent other than making entry of this in .bashrc file. If you have one, please suggest via comments.
If you run ./configure --help in the gst-plugin directory you will see the following:
By default, make install' will install all the files in
/usr/local/bin', /usr/local/lib' etc. You can specify
an installation prefix other than/usr/local' using --prefix',
for instance--prefix=$HOME'.
If you do after the original installation:sudo updatedb && locate libgst[NAME_OF_YOUR_PLUGIN].so you should see where the library holding your plugin is located (in my case it is under /usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0/ as described by the configure help above).
Now on my machine, the GStreamer "official" plugins are installed under: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/ . This is where the new created plugin library should be stored.
To store the plugin at the right place, run configure with the following parameter:
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu followed by make && sudo make install
It is important to override with --libdir and NOT --prefix! The usage of --prefix will stick a /lib that we don't want to have under /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu.The plugin will not be found by gst-inspect-1.0 if /lib is added to the path.
Extra note :
Even if the plugin is at the proper location, you may still see GStreamer blacklisting it when you run gst-inspect-1.0. One of the cause of the blacklisting could be the shared library/ies required by your plugin not installed or not found on your platform. The ldd command can help figuring out the dependencies your plugin may have. Just run ldd [YOUR_GSTREAMER_LIBRARY].so

Oh My Zsh - how to use GitHub plugin?

Just enabled github plugin in .zshrc:
plugins=(… guthub …)
After this autocomplete works fine, when I press tab I see:
But then, if, I try to run actual command, e.g.
github create test-repo
I'm getting
zsh: command not found: github
Until now I used simple plugins only with aliases and I'm sure that I'm missing something here :)
The github plugin contains this comment:
# in order to make this work, you will need to have the github gem installed
So to use it you'll need to install Ruby, then gem install github.