I have a SOAP project and wish to run one test step if an assertion fails and another if it passes.
Please see the following pseudocode:
If assertion of node fails
run testStep "Activate"
run testStep "Deactivate"
Is this possible?!
Let us assume that the test case has following steps.
And here you wish to execute one of the 2nd or 3rd step based on the result of Step1.
So, add Script Assertion to the Step1 as mentioned below.
Please note that the focus of the below script is to enable to disable. You need to create the condition when to activate and which step.
I am just giving a sample condition for the demo.
//Closure to enable to disable the test step
def changeStep = { name, isDisable ->
context.testCase.testSteps[name].disabled = isDisable
def value = 1
def map = [:]
//Change the step names as needed to your environment.
if (1 == value) {
map['Step2'] = true
map['Step3'] = false
} else {
map['Step2'] = false
map['Step3'] = true
map.collect {k, v -> changeStep(k, v)}
Also keep in mind that when the value is true, respective step is disabled. false to enable the step.
Now, when the test case is executed, the unwanted test step is automatically disabled so that it won't run.
You can try below code and see it works for your requirement :
def data = ["true","false"]
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
if(data[i] == "true")
testRunner.runTestStepByName("customer - activate")
else if(data[i] == "false")
testRunner.runTestStepByName("customer - deactivate")
Here "customer - activate" and "customer - deactivate" are the names of the Test Steps
I have a load of test which I want to rerun if there is a particular exception. The reason for this is that I am running real API calls to a server and sometimes I hit the rate limit for the API, in which case I want to wait and try again.
However, I am also using a pytest fixture to make each test is run several times, because I am sending requests to different servers (the actual use case is different cryptocurrency exchanges).
Using pytest-rerunfailures comes very close to what I need...apart from that I can't see how to look at the exception of the last test run in the condition.
Below is some code which shows what I am trying to achieve, but I don't want to write code like this for every test obviously.
async def client(request):
exchange_name = request.param
exchange_client = get_exchange_client(exchange_name)
return exchange_client
def test_something(client):
test_something.count += 1
### This block is the code I want to
result = client.do_something()
except RateLimitException:
if test_something.count <= 3:
sleep_duration = get_sleep_duration(client)
# run the same test again
expected = [1,2,3]
assert result == expected
You can use the retry library to wrap your actual code in:
async def client(request):
exchange_name = request.param
exchange_client = get_exchange_client(exchange_name)
return exchange_client
def test_something(client):
#retry(RateLimitException, tries=3, delay=2)
def actual_test_something(client):
'''Retry on RateLimitException, raise error after 3 attempts, sleep 2 seconds between attempts.'''
result = client.do_something()
expected = [1,2,3]
assert result == expected
The code looks much cleaner this way.
In Gatling, I am using feeders to pass the values of the coordinates in a request, below is the code. I want on each repeat a new value from the feeder to be picked up. I am get the following error --
/mapping/v2/: Failed to build request: No attribute named 'map 30 (100.0%) x' is defined
Could someone please advice how this can be achieved. thanks.
val mapfeeder = csv(fileName = "data/cordinates.csv").circular
object PDP {
val pdp = group("ABC_01_DetailsPage") {
.check(substring("Change in Median Price")))
.pause(duration = 1)
.feed(mapfeeder) //this works but only take the fist value and repeats it 30 times
.group("ABC_02_DetailsPage_MAP") {
repeat(30) {
feed(mapfeeder) // this one fails with the error mentioned in the post
.get(uri22 + "?mapTypeId=1006&x=${mapx}&y=${mapy}&z=19&access_token=${maptoken}"))
val scn = scenario("RecordedSimulation")
.exec(Homepage.homepage, Login.login, SearchLink.search, SearchEntry.searchentry, PDP.pdp, Logout.logout)
You're missing a dot to attach your feed and the following exec, so only the result of the last instruction (the exec) is passed to the repeat method.
It should be:
repeat(30) {
http("/mapping") // <== HERE, DOT WAS MISSING
.get(uri22 + "?mapTypeId=1006&x=${mapx}&y=${mapy}&z=19&access_token=${maptoken}")
I have the below test_dss.py file which is used for pytest:
import dataikuapi
import pytest
def setup_list():
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient("{DSS_URL}", "{APY_KEY}")
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project("{DSS_PROJECT}")
# Check that there is at least one scenario TEST_XXXXX & that all test scenarios pass
scenarios = project.list_scenarios()
scenarios_filter = [obj for obj in scenarios if obj["name"].startswith("TEST")]
return scenarios_filter
def test_check_scenario_exist():
assert len(setup_list()) > 0, "You need at least one test scenario (name starts with 'TEST_')"
#pytest.mark.parametrize("scenario", setup_list())
def test_scenario_run(scenario, params):
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(params['host'], params['api'])
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project(params['project'])
scenario_id = scenario["id"]
print("Executing scenario ", scenario["name"])
scenario_result = project.get_scenario(scenario_id).run_and_wait()
assert scenario_result.get_details()["scenarioRun"]["result"]["outcome"] == "SUCCESS", "test " + scenario[
"name"] + " failed"
My issue is with setup_list function, which able to get only hard coded values for {DSS_URL}, {APY_KEY}, {PROJECT}. I'm not able to use PARAMS or other method like in test_scenario_run
any idea how I can pass the PARAMS also to this function?
The parameters in the mark.parametrize marker are read at load time, where the information about the config parameters is not yet available. Therefore you have to parametrize the test at runtime, where you have access to the configuration.
This can be done in pytest_generate_tests (which can live in your test module):
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "scenario" in metafunc.fixturenames:
host = metafunc.config.getoption('--host')
api = metafuc.config.getoption('--api')
project = metafuc.config.getoption('--project')
metafunc.parametrize("scenario", setup_list(host, api, project))
This implies that your setup_list function takes these parameters:
def setup_list(host, api, project):
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(host, api)
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project(project)
And your test just looks like this (without the parametrize marker, as the parametrization is now done in pytest_generate_tests):
def test_scenario_run(scenario, params):
scenario_id = scenario["id"]
The parametrization is now done at run-time, so it behaves the same as if you had placed a parametrize marker in the test.
And the other test that tests setup_list now has also to use the params fixture to get the needed arguments:
def test_check_scenario_exist(params):
assert len(setup_list(params["host"], params["api"], params["project"])) > 0,
"You need at least ..."
I find getVersion API to be a bit hard to grasp. After some manual experiments with workflow changes, I found out that it's perfectly fine to have such a piece of code:
val version = Workflow.getVersion("change#1", 1, 1);
val anotherVersion = Workflow.getVersion("change#2", 2, 2);
Does it mean that the integer version is assigned to a changeId and not workflow instance? Does a single workflow instance/execution keep a set of integer-based versions?
What is the purpose of minSupported and maxSupported parameters? Why simply not to use an API like below?
val version = Workflow.getVersion("change#1")
if (version) {
// code after "change#1" changes
} else {
// code before "#change#1" changes
You are correct, the version is assigned to a changeId not a workflow instance. This allow versioning each piece of the workflow code independently. It allows fixing bugs while workflow is already running and didn't reach that part of the code.
The main reason is validation. The getVersion call records in the workflow history maxVersion when the code was executed for the first time. So on replay the correct version is used to guarantee correct replay even if the maxVersion has changed. When a branch is removed the minVersion is incremented. Imagine that such code is deployed by mistake when there is a workflow that needs the removed branch. The getVersion is going to detect that minVersion is larger than the one recorded in the history and is going to fail the decision task essentially blocking the workflow execution instead of breaking it. The same happens if the recorded version is higher than the maxVersion argument.
Update: Answer to the comment
In other words, I'm trying to come up with a situation where using
many different changeIds and not exceeding maxVersion=1 is not enough
They are enough if you don't perform removal of branches. But if you do then having validation of the minimal version is very convenient. For example look at the following code:
val version = Workflow.getVersion("change", 0, 2);
if (version == DEFAULT_VERSION) {
// before change
} else if (version == 1) {
// first change
} else {
// second hange
Let's remove the default version:
val version = Workflow.getVersion("change", 1, 2);
if (version == 1) {
// first change
} else {
// second hange
Now look at the version without min and max:
var version1 = Workflow.getVersion("change1");
var version2 = Workflow.getVersion("change2");
if (version1 == DEFAULT_VERSION) {
// before change
} else if (version2 == DEFAULT_VERSION) {
// first change
} else {
// second hange
Let's remove the default branch:
var version2 = Workflow.getVersion("change2");
if (version2 == DEFAULT_VERSION) {
// first change
} else {
// second hange
Note that a workflow that used the last sample code is going to break in unpredictable way if it is routed by mistake to a worker that doesn't know about version2, but only about the original default version. The first example with min max version is going to detect the issue gracefully.
I have written this function which is called when a user clicks a link. The function basically creates a copy of the user data with one field altered (thus keeping the original value unchanged i.e. not-mutable) and then updates the database with the new value
def confirmSignupforUser(user:User):Future[Option[User]] = {
println("confirming user: "+user)
val newInternalProfile = user.profile.internalProfileDetails.get.copy(confirmed=true)//new data which should be added in the database
println("old internal profile: "+user.profile.internalProfileDetails.get)
println("new internal profile: "+newInternalProfile)
val newProfile = UserProfile(Some(newInternalProfile),user.profile.externalProfileDetails)
println("old profile: "+user.profile)
println("new profile: "+newProfile)
val confirmedUser = user.copy(profile=newProfile)
for(userOption <- userRepo.update(confirmedUser)) yield { //database operation
println("returning modified user:"+userOption)
To test the code, I have written the following spec
"confirmSignupforUser" should {
"change confirmed status to True" in {
val testEnv = new TestEnv(components.configuration)
val externalProfile = testEnv.externalUserProfile
val internalUnconfirmedProfile = InternalUserProfile(testEnv.loginInfo,1,false,None)
val internalConfirmedProfile = internalUnconfirmedProfile.copy(confirmed=true)
val unconfirmedProfile = UserProfile(Some(internalUnconfirmedProfile),externalProfile)
val confirmedProfile = UserProfile(Some(internalConfirmedProfile),externalProfile)
val origUser = User(testEnv.mockHelperMethods.getUniqueID(),unconfirmedProfile)
val confirmedUser = origUser.copy(profile = confirmedProfile)
//the argument passed to update is part of test. The function confirmSignupforUser should pass a confirmed profile
//// await is from play.api.test.FutureAwaits
val updatedUserOption:Option[User] = await[Option[User]](testEnv.controller.confirmSignupforUser(origUser))
println(s"received updated user option ${updatedUserOption}")
updatedUserOption mustBe Some(confirmedUser)
I am not confident if I am testing the method correctly. The only way I can check that the confirmed field got changed is by looking at the return value of confirmSignupforUser. But I am actually mocking the value and I have already set the field confirmed to true in the mocked value (when(testEnv.mockUserRepository.update(confirmedUser)).thenReturn(Future{Some(confirmedUser)}).
I know the code works because in the above mock, the update method expects confirmedUser or in other words, a user with confirmed field set to true. So if my code wasn't working, update would have been called with user whose confirmed field was false and mockito would have failed.
Is this the right way to test the method or is there a better way?
You don't need to intialize internalConfirmedProfile in your test. The whole point is to start with confirmed=false, run the confirmSignupforUser method, and make sure that the output is confirmed=true.
You should check 2 things:
check that the return value has confirmed=true (which you do)
check that the repository has that user saved with confirmed=true (which you don't check). To check that you would need to load the user back from the repository at the end.