I was looking for a way to update dynamically the default value of a selectForm.
My code is the following:
d_var = {}
d_var['one'] = ["0"]
d_var['two'] = ["1"]
keys = []
values = [('0', 'True'), ('1', 'False')]
for key in sorted(d_var.keys()):
keys.append((key, key))
key = z.select('Keys', keys, keys[0][0])
default_value = '0' if key == 'one' else '1'
print default_value
value = z.select('Option', values, default_value)
When I change the selected value in the first select I expect that the second select will be updated but nothing happens, only in the first execution of the paragraph.
Thanks in advance.
It's a correct behaviour. Dynamic form stores value after initialization or after last change.
User is expected that paragraph will run with value from dynamic forms.
And there is no opportunity to distinguish when need to update or no need to update dynamic form.
I have used the List.Accumulate() to merge mutliple tables. This is the output I've got in this simple example:
Now, I need a solution to expand all these with a formula, because in real - world I need to merge multiple tables that keep increasing in number (think Eurostat tables, for instance), and modifying the code manually wastes much time in these situations.
I have been trying to solve it, but it seems to me that the complexity of syntax easily becomes the major limitation here. For instance, If I make a new step where I nest in another List.Accumulate() the Table.ExpandTableColumns(), I need to pass inside a column name of an inner table, as a text. Fine, but to drill it down actually, I first need to pass a current column name in [] in each iteration - for instance, Column 1 - and it triggers an error if I store column names to a list because these are between "". I also experimented with TransformColumns() but didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem whatever the approach?
See https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2014/05/21/expanding-all-columns-in-a-table-in-power-query/
which boils down to this function
let Source = (TableToExpand as table, optional ColumnNumber as number) =>
let ActualColumnNumber = if (ColumnNumber=null) then 0 else ColumnNumber,
ColumnName = Table.ColumnNames(TableToExpand){ActualColumnNumber},
ColumnContents = Table.Column(TableToExpand, ColumnName),
ColumnsToExpand = List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(ColumnContents, each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))),
NewColumnNames = List.Transform(ColumnsToExpand, each ColumnName & "." & _),
CanExpandCurrentColumn = List.Count(ColumnsToExpand)>0,
ExpandedTable = if CanExpandCurrentColumn then Table.ExpandTableColumn(TableToExpand, ColumnName, ColumnsToExpand, NewColumnNames) else TableToExpand,
NextColumnNumber = if CanExpandCurrentColumn then ActualColumnNumber else ActualColumnNumber+1,
OutputTable = if NextColumnNumber>(Table.ColumnCount(ExpandedTable)-1) then ExpandedTable else ExpandAll(ExpandedTable, NextColumnNumber)
in OutputTable
in Source
alternatively, unpivot all the table columns to get one column, then expand that value column
ColumnsToExpand = List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(Table.Column(#"PriorStepNameHere", "ValueColumnNameHere"), each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))),
#"Expanded ColumnNameHere" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"PriorStepNameHere", "ValueColumnNameHere",ColumnsToExpand ,ColumnsToExpand ),
I'm currently using the following query to update my PSQL table:
INSERT INTO table(key, value, value_first_seen) VALUES ('test', 'value', '2022-04-14 20:50:23.02858+00')
SET key = excluded.key;
I would like to also update value_first_seen only if the value column has changed.
I want to achieve something like the query below, but was not able to find any solutions:
INSERT INTO table(key, value, value_first_seen) VALUES ('test', 'value', '2022-04-14 20:50:23.02858+00')
SET value = excluded.value
IF value != excluded.value SET value_first_seen = excluded.value_first_seen;
Use a case to choose.
INSERT INTO table(key, value, value_first_seen) VALUES ('test', 'value', '2022-04-14 20:50:23.02858+00')
SET key = excluded.key,
value_first_seen = case
when value != excluded.value then
value = excluded.value;
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3.
I have a varchar column in a table that can be null and I want to update it depending of its value is null or not.
I didn't manage to do a function that takes a String as argument and updates the value like this:
If the column is null, the function concatenates the current string value, a comma and the string given as argument, else it just adds the string at the end of the current string value (without comma).
So how can I make a different Update depending of the column value to update?
You can use a case statement to conditionally update a column:
update the_table
set the_colum = case
when the column is null then 'foobar'
else the_column||', '||'foobar'
An another approach
SET bar = COALESCE(NULLIF(concat_ws(', ', NULLIF(bar, ''), NULLIF('a_string', '')), ''), 'a_string')
I tried looking for an example of using Arel::UpdateManager to form an update statement with a from clause (as in UPDATE t SET t.itty = "b" FROM .... WHERE ...), couldn.t find any. The way I've seen it, Arel::UpdateManager sets the main engine on initialization and allows to set the various fields and values to update. Is there actually a way to do this?
Another aside would be to find out how to express Postgres posix regex matching into ARel, but this might be impossible by now.
As far as I see the current version of arel gem is not support FROM keyword for the sql query. You can generate a query using the SET, and WHERE keywords only, like:
UPDATE t SET t.itty = "b" WHERE ...
and the code, which copies a value from field2 to field1 for the units table, will be like:
relation = Unit.all
um = Arel::UpdateManager.new(relation.engine)
um.ast.wheres = relation.wheres.to_a
um.set(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new('field1 = "field2"'))
Exactly you can use the additional method to update a relation. So we create the Arel's UpdateManager, assigning to it the table, where clause, and values to set. Values shell be passed to the method as an argument. Then we need to add FROM keyword to the generated SQL request, we add it only if we have access to external table of the specified one by the UPDATE clause itself. And at the last we executes the query. So we get:
def update_relation!(relation, values)
um = Arel::UpdateManager.new(relation.engine)
um.ast.wheres = relation.wheres.to_a
sql = um.to_sql
# appends FROM field to the query if needed
m = sql.match(/WHERE/)
tables = relation.arel.source.to_a.select {|v| v.class == Arel::Table }.map(&:name).uniq
sql.insert(m.begin(0), "FROM #{tables.join(",")} ") if m && !tables.empty?
# executes the query
The you can issue the the relation update as:
values = Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new('field1 = "field2", field2 = NULL')
relation = Unit.not_rejected.where(Unit.arel_table[:field2].not_eq(nil))
update_relation!(relation, values)
I am confused in writing custom function in crystal report to fetch record using record selection.
When we create formula in record selection it will add where clause in the generated SQL-Query on the basis of parameters used. Now i want to write the custom formula, which will extract the record pro-grammatically :
Even i have written a function :
Function (stringVar st)(
stringVar selection;
if (st <> 'ALL') then (
selection = st;
//In this case the user select only single value, it will fetch the result to that //particular column value in the table.. otherwise it leaves that particular row..
selection = "multiple selection";
Now the code to use the custom function in record selection using select expert would be :
if(myfunction({?parameter1}) <> "ALL") then
// what code should i write to select that particular record...
if(myfunction({?parameter2})) <> "ALL" ) then
//do selection from the previously selection of rows which have this parameter
if(myfunction({?parameter3}) <> "ALL") then
//do selection from the previously selection of rows which have this
else (//do something else)
else (//do something else)
else (//do something else)
Thanks, in advance.
You don't need a custom function for this. Assuming that you have two string parameters, ry:
// assumes you have a parameter value of 'All Countries' w/ a value of '0'
( '0' IN {?CountryCodes} OR {table.CountryCode} IN {?CountryCodes} )
// assumes you have a parameter value of 'All Regions' w/ a value of '0'
AND ( '0' IN {?RegionCodes} OR {table.RegionCode} IN {?RegionCodes} )