AREL: writing complex update statements with from clause - postgresql

I tried looking for an example of using Arel::UpdateManager to form an update statement with a from clause (as in UPDATE t SET t.itty = "b" FROM .... WHERE ...), couldn.t find any. The way I've seen it, Arel::UpdateManager sets the main engine on initialization and allows to set the various fields and values to update. Is there actually a way to do this?
Another aside would be to find out how to express Postgres posix regex matching into ARel, but this might be impossible by now.

As far as I see the current version of arel gem is not support FROM keyword for the sql query. You can generate a query using the SET, and WHERE keywords only, like:
UPDATE t SET t.itty = "b" WHERE ...
and the code, which copies a value from field2 to field1 for the units table, will be like:
relation = Unit.all
um =
um.ast.wheres = relation.wheres.to_a
um.set('field1 = "field2"'))
Exactly you can use the additional method to update a relation. So we create the Arel's UpdateManager, assigning to it the table, where clause, and values to set. Values shell be passed to the method as an argument. Then we need to add FROM keyword to the generated SQL request, we add it only if we have access to external table of the specified one by the UPDATE clause itself. And at the last we executes the query. So we get:
def update_relation!(relation, values)
um =
um.ast.wheres = relation.wheres.to_a
sql = um.to_sql
# appends FROM field to the query if needed
m = sql.match(/WHERE/)
tables = {|v| v.class == Arel::Table }.map(&:name).uniq
sql.insert(m.begin(0), "FROM #{tables.join(",")} ") if m && !tables.empty?
# executes the query
The you can issue the the relation update as:
values ='field1 = "field2", field2 = NULL')
relation = Unit.not_rejected.where(Unit.arel_table[:field2].not_eq(nil))
update_relation!(relation, values)


Is there a way to expand dynamically tables found in multiple columns using Power Query?

I have used the List.Accumulate() to merge mutliple tables. This is the output I've got in this simple example:
Now, I need a solution to expand all these with a formula, because in real - world I need to merge multiple tables that keep increasing in number (think Eurostat tables, for instance), and modifying the code manually wastes much time in these situations.
I have been trying to solve it, but it seems to me that the complexity of syntax easily becomes the major limitation here. For instance, If I make a new step where I nest in another List.Accumulate() the Table.ExpandTableColumns(), I need to pass inside a column name of an inner table, as a text. Fine, but to drill it down actually, I first need to pass a current column name in [] in each iteration - for instance, Column 1 - and it triggers an error if I store column names to a list because these are between "". I also experimented with TransformColumns() but didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem whatever the approach?
which boils down to this function
let Source = (TableToExpand as table, optional ColumnNumber as number) =>
let ActualColumnNumber = if (ColumnNumber=null) then 0 else ColumnNumber,
ColumnName = Table.ColumnNames(TableToExpand){ActualColumnNumber},
ColumnContents = Table.Column(TableToExpand, ColumnName),
ColumnsToExpand = List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(ColumnContents, each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))),
NewColumnNames = List.Transform(ColumnsToExpand, each ColumnName & "." & _),
CanExpandCurrentColumn = List.Count(ColumnsToExpand)>0,
ExpandedTable = if CanExpandCurrentColumn then Table.ExpandTableColumn(TableToExpand, ColumnName, ColumnsToExpand, NewColumnNames) else TableToExpand,
NextColumnNumber = if CanExpandCurrentColumn then ActualColumnNumber else ActualColumnNumber+1,
OutputTable = if NextColumnNumber>(Table.ColumnCount(ExpandedTable)-1) then ExpandedTable else ExpandAll(ExpandedTable, NextColumnNumber)
in OutputTable
in Source
alternatively, unpivot all the table columns to get one column, then expand that value column
ColumnsToExpand = List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(Table.Column(#"PriorStepNameHere", "ValueColumnNameHere"), each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))),
#"Expanded ColumnNameHere" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"PriorStepNameHere", "ValueColumnNameHere",ColumnsToExpand ,ColumnsToExpand ),

Multipart column names in update statement with select

I'm sure this could be a duplicate but I can't seem to find the right search phrase.
Given a table in a named schema (i.e. not dbo) requires you include the schema name in the statement. So previously I'd have simply written it as so:
UPDATE [Schema].[Table1]
SET [AColumn] =
SELECT [SomeColumn]
FROM [Schema].[Table2]
WHERE [Schema].[Table2].[SameColumnName] = [Schema].[Table1].[SameColumnName]
But since More than two-part column name is deprecated, I need to find a new way to do this which is future proof. I have come up with 2 options, firstly using an alias:
UPDATE [Alias1]
SET [AColumn] =
SELECT [SomeColumn]
FROM [Schema].[Table2] [Alias2]
WHERE [Alias2].[SameColumnName] = [Alias1].[SameColumnName]
FROM [Schema].[Table1] [Alias1];
The second way is the one I'm really having trouble finding out if it's truly VALID T-Sql:
UPDATE [Schema].[Table1]
SET [AColumn] =
SELECT [SomeColumn]
FROM [Schema].[Table2]
WHERE [Table2].[SameColumnName] = [Table1].[SameColumnName]
I have tested both and they work, so my question is, is the second completely valid and normal to use just the table name without the Schema in this sense or should I rather opt for the slightly more verbose Alias?
As I said in my comment, alias your objects.
FROM dbo.MyTable MT
JOIN so.YourTable YT ON MT.ID = YT.fID
WHERE YT.[name] = N'Jane';
If you're performing an UPDATE, then specify the alias of the object to Update:
SET MyColumn = YT.MyColumn --Column on the left side of the SET will always reference the table being updated
FROM dbo.MyTable MT
JOIN so.YourTable YT ON MT.ID = YT.fID
WHERE YT.[name] = N'Jane';

Conditional WHERE clause in KDB?

Full Query:
{[tier;company;ccy; startdate; enddate] select Deal_Time, Deal_Date from DEALONLINE_REMOVED where ?[company = `All; 1b; COMPANY = company], ?[tier = `All;; TIER = tier], Deal_Date within(startdate;enddate), Status = `Completed, ?[ccy = `All;1b;CCY_Pair = ccy]}
Particular Query:
where ?[company = `All; 1b; COMPANY = company], ?[tier = `All; 1b; TIER = tier],
What this query is trying to do is to get the viewstate of a dropdown.
If there dropdown selection is "All", that where clause i.e. company or tier is invalidated, and all companies or tiers are shown.
I am unsure if the query above is correct as I am getting weird charts when displaying them on KDB dashboard.
What I would recommend is to restructure your function to make use of the where clause using functional qSQL.
In your case, you need to be able to filter based on certain input, if its "All" then don't filter else filter on that input. Something like this could work.
/Define sample table
/New function which joins to where clause
if[not company=`All;wc:wc,enlist (=;`Company;enlist company)];
if[not tier=`All;wc:wc,enlist (=;`TIER;enlist tier)];
If you replace the input with `All you will see that everything is returned.
The full functional select for your query would be as follows:
wc:(enlist (within;`Deal_Date;(enlist;startdate;enddate))),(enlist (=;`Status;enlist `Completed)),
$[tier=`All;();enlist (=;`TIER;enlist tier)],
$[company=`All;()enlist (=;`COMPANY;enlist company)],
$[ccy=`All;();enlist (=;`CCY_Pair;enlist ccy)];
The first part specifies your date range and status = `Completed in the where clause
wc:(enlist (within;`Deal_Date;(enlist;startdate;enddate))),(enlist (=;`Status;enlist `Completed)),
Next each of these conditionals checks for `All for the TIER, COMPANY and CCY_Pair column filtering. It then joins these on to the where clause when a specific TIER, COMPANY or CCY_Pair are specified. (otherwise an empty list is joined on):
$[tier=`All;();enlist (=;`TIER;enlist tier)],
$[company=`All;();enlist (=;`COMPANY;enlist company)],
$[ccy=`All;();enlist (=;`CCY_Pair;enlist ccy)];
Finally, the select statement is called in its functional form as follows, with wc as the where clause:

Yii2 Update many records with difference conditions

I want update many records with yii2 for insert use batchinsert() method and for update I don't know!!!
update my_tbl set fld1 = 321321 where res = 46513,
fld1 = 89876 where res = 54646,
fld1 = 64564 where res = 54654;
There is no bacthupdate() function in Yii2
Only batchinsert() is available
If you want you can iterate and update command or perform a sequence of single update like separate command.
Not also structured solution are actually available in Yii2

Complex SphinxQL Query

I'm trying to write a SphinxQL query that would replicate the following MySQL in a Sphinx RT index:
SELECT id FROM table WHERE colA LIKE 'valA' AND (colB = valB OR colC = valC OR ... colX = valX ... OR colY LIKE 'valY' .. OR colZ LIKE 'valZ')
As you can see I'm trying to get all the rows where one string column matches a certain value, AND matches any one of a list of values, which mixes and matches string and integer columns / values)
This is what I've gotten so far in SphinxQL:
SELECT id, (intColA = intValA OR intColB = intValB ...) as intCheck FROM rt_index WHERE MATCH('#requiredMatch = requiredValue');
The problem I'm running into is in matching all of the potential optional string values. The best possible query (if multiple MATCH statements were allowed and they were allowed as expressions) would be something like
SELECT id, (intColA = intValA OR MATCH('#checkColA valA|valB') OR ...) as optionalMatches FROM rt_index WHERE optionalMatches = 1 AND MATCH('#requireCol requiredVal')
I can see a potential way to do this with CRC32 string conversions and MVA attributes but these aren't supported with RT Indexes and I REALLY would prefer not switch from them.
One way would be to simply convert all your columns to normal fields. Then you can put all this logic inside the MATCH(..). Ie not using attributes.
Yes you can only have one MATCH per query.
Otherwise, yes you could use the CRC trick to make string attributes into integer ones, so can use for filtering.
Not sure why you would need MVA, but they are now supported in RT indexes in 2.0.2