TorQ: How to use dataloader partitioning with separate tables that have different date ranges? - kdb

I'm trying to populate a prices and quotes database using AquaQ's TorQ. For this purpose I use the .loader.loadallfiles function. The difference being that prices is daily data and quotes is more intraday e.g. FX rates.
I do the loading as follows:
/- check the location of database directory
hdbdir:hsym `$getenv[`KDBHDB]
rawdatadir:hsym `$getenv[`KDBRAWDATA]
rawdatadir:hsym `$("" sv (getenv[`KDBRAWDATA]; "prices"));
.loader.loadallfiles[`headers`types`separator`tablename`dbdir`partitioncol`partitiontype`dataprocessfunc!(`date`sym`open`close`low`high`volume;"DSFFFFF";enlist ",";`prices;target;`date;`year;{[p;t] `date`sym`open`close`low`high`volume xcols update volume:"i"$volume from t}); rawdatadir];
rawdatadir:hsym `$("" sv (getenv[`KDBRAWDATA]; "quotes"));
.loader.loadallfiles[`headers`types`separator`tablename`dbdir`partitioncol`partitiontype`dataprocessfunc!(`date`sym`bid`ask;"ZSFF";enlist ",";`quotes;target;`date;`year;{[p;t] `date`sym`bid`ask`mid xcols update mid:(bid+ask)%2.0 from t}); rawdatadir];
and this works fine. However when loading the database I get errors attemping to select from either table. The reason is that for some partitions there aren't any prices or or there aren't any quotes data. e.g. attempting to:
quotes::`date`sym xkey select from quotes;
fails with an error saying the the partition for year e.g. hdb/2000/ doesn't exist which is true, there are only prices for year 2000 and no quotes
As I see there are two possible solutions but neither I know how to implement:
Tell .loader.loadallfiles to create empty schema for quotes and prices in partitions for which there isn't any data.
While loading the database, gracefully handle the case where there is no data for a given partition i.e. select from ... where ignore empty partitions

Try using .Q.chk[`:hdb]
Where `:hdb is the filepath of your HDB
This fills in missing tables, which will then allow you to preform queries.
Alternatively you can use, where the wiki states:
If your table exists in the latest partition (so there is a prototype
for the schema), then you could use[] to create empty tables
on the fly at run-time without having to create those empties on disk.


Statistics of all/many tables in FileMaker

I'm writing a kind of summary page for my FileMaker solution.
For this, I have define a "statistics" table, which uses formula fields with ExecuteSQL to gather info from most tables, such as number of records, recently changed records, etc.
This strangely takes a long time - around 10 seconds when I have a total of about 20k records in about 10 tables. The same SQL on any database system shouldn't take more than some fractions of a second.
What could the reason be, what can I do about it and where can I start debugging to figure out what's causing all this time?
The actual code is, like this:
SQLAusführen ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & _Stats::Table ; "" ; "" )
SQLAusführen ( "SELECT SUM(\"some_field_name\") FROM " & _Stats::Table ; "" ; "" )
Where "_Stats" is my statistics table, and it has a string field "Table" where I store the name of the other tables.
So each row in this _Stats table should have the stats for the table named in the "Table" field.
Update: I'm not using FileMaker server, this is a standalone client application.
We can definitely talk about why it may be slow. Usually this has mostly to do with the size and complexity of your schema. That is "usually", as you have found.
Can you instead use the DDR ( database design report ) instead? Much will depend on what you are actually doing with this data. Tools like FMPerception also will give you many of the stats you are looking for. Again, depends on what you are doing with it.
Also, can you post your actual calculation? Is the statistic table using unstored calculations? Is the statistics table related to any of the other tables? These are a couple things that will affect how ExecuteSQL performs.
One thing to keep in mind, whether ExecuteSQL, a Perform Find, or relationship, it's all the same basic query under-the-hood. So if it would be slow doing it one way, it's going to likely be slow with any other directly related approach.
Taking these one at a time:
All records count.
Placing an unstored calc in the target table allows you to get the count of the records through the relationship, without triggering a transfer of all records to the client. You can get the value from the first record in the relationship. Super light way to get that info vs using Count which requires FileMaker to touch every record on the other side.
Sum of Records Matching a Value.
using a field on the _Stats table with a relationship to the target table will reduce how much work FileMaker has to do to give you an answer.
Then having a Summary field in the target table so sum the records may prove to be more efficient than using an aggregate function. The summary field will also only sum the records that match the relationship. ( just don't show that field on any of your layouts if you don't need it )
ExecuteSQL is fastest when it can just rely on a simple index lookup. Once you get outside of that, it's primarily about testing to find the sweet-spot. Typically, I will use ExecuteSQL for retrieving either a JSON object from a user table, or verifying a single field value. Once you get into sorting and aggregate functions, you step outside of the optimizations of the function.
Also note, if you have an open record ( that means you as the current user ), FileMaker Server doesn't know what data you have on the client side, and so it sends ALL of the records. That's why I asked if you were using unstored calcs with ExecuteSQL. It can seem slow when you can't control when the calculations fire. Often I will put the updating of that data into a scheduled script.

Spark Delta Table Updates

I am working in Microsoft Azure Databricks environment using sparksql and pyspark.
So I have a delta table on a lake where data is partitioned by say, file_date. Every partition contains files storing millions of records per day with no primary/unique key. All these records have a "status" column which can either contain values NULL (if everything looks good on that specific record) or Not null (say if a particular lookup mapping for a particular column is not found). Additionally, my process contains another folder called "mapping" which gets refreshed on a periodic basis, lets say nightly to make it simple, from where mappings are found.
On a daily basis, there is a good chance that about 100~200 rows get errored out (status column containing not null values). From these files, on a daily basis, (hence is the partition by file_date) , a downstream job pulls all the valid records and sends it for further processing ignoring those 100-200 errored records, waiting for the correct mapping file to be received. The downstream job, in addition to the valid status records, should also try and see if a mapping is found for the errored records and if present, take it down further as well (after of course, updating the data lake with the appropriate mapping and status).
What is the best way to go? The best way is to directly first update the delta table/lake with the correct mapping and update the status column to say "available_for_reprocessing" and my downstream job, pull the valid data for the day + pull the "available_for_reprocessing" data and after processing, update back with the status as "processed". But this seems to be super difficult using delta.
I was looking at "" and the update example there is just giving an example for a simple update with constants to update, not for updates from multiple tables.
The other but the most inefficient is, say pull ALL the data (both processed and errored) for the last say 30 days , get the mapping for the errored records and write the dataframe back into the delta lake using the replaceWhere option. This is super inefficient as we are reading everything (hunderds of millions of records) and writing everything back just to process say a 1000 records at the most. If you search for deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, "/data/events/") at "", the example provided is for very simple updates. Without a unique key, it is impossible to update specific records as well. Can someone please help?
I use pyspark or can use sparksql but I am lost
If you want to update 1 column ('status') on the condition that all lookups are now correct for rows where they weren't correct before (where 'status' is currently incorrect), I think UPDATE command along with EXISTS can help you solve this. It isn't mentioned in the update documentation, but it works both for delete and update operations, effectively allowing you to update/delete records on joins.
For your scenario I believe the sql command would look something like this:
UPDATE your_db.table_name AS a
SET staus = 'correct'
FROM your_db.table_name AS b
JOIN lookup_table_1 AS t1 ON t1.lookup_column_a = b.lookup_column_a
JOIN lookup_table_2 AS t2 ON t2.lookup_column_b = b.lookup_column_b
-- ... add further lookups if needed
b.staus = 'incorrect' AND
a.lookup_column_a = b.lookup_column_a AND
a.lookup_column_b = b.lookup_column_b
Merge did the trick...
MERGE INTO deptdelta AS maindept
USING updated_dept_location AS upddept
ON upddept.dno = maindept.dno
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET maindept.dname = upddept.updated_name, maindept.location = upddept.updated_location

Reference foreign keys using SSIS-Lookup

I am asking for help on the following topic. I am trying to create an ETL process with two Excel data sources (S1 ~300 rows and S2 ~7000 rows). S1 contains project information and employee details and S2 contains the amount of hours, which each employee worked in which project at a timestamp.
I want to insert the amount of hours, which each employee worked in each project at a timestamp, into the fact table by referencing to the existing primary keys in the dimension tables. If an entry is not present in the dimension tables already, i want to add a new entry first and use the newly generated id. The destination table structure looks as follows (Data Warehouse, Star Schema):Destination Table Structure
In SSIS, i created three Data Flow tasks for filling the Dimension Tables (project, employee and time) with distinct values (using group by, as S1 and S2 contain a lot of duplicate rows)first, and a fourth data flow task (see image below) to insert the FactTable data, and this is where I'm running into problems:
Data Flow Task FactTable
I am using three LookUp functions to retrieve the foreignKeys project_id, employee_id and time_id from the Dimension tables (using project name, employee number and timestamp). If the id is found, it is passed on all the way to Merge Join 1, if not, a new Dimension Entry is created (lets say project) and the generated project_id passed on instead. Same goes for employee and time respectively.
There is two issues with this:
1) The "amount of hours" (passed by Multicast four, see image above) is not matched in the final result (No Match)
2) The amount of rows being inserted keeps increasing forever (Endless Join, I belive due to the Merge joins).
What I've tried:
I have used one UNION instead of three Merge Joins before, but this resulted in the foreign keys being in seperate rows each, instead of merged together.
I used Merge (instead of Merge Join) and combined the join as well as sort conditions in as I fell all possible ways.
I understand that this scenario might be confusing for everybody else, but thank your for taking time looking at it! Any help is greatly appreciated.
Solved it
For anybody having similar issues:
Seperate Data Flows for filling Dimension Tables with those filling Fact Tables will do the trick.
Its a clean solution and easier to debug.
Also: Dont run the LookUp Functions in parallel, but rather one after each other and pass on the attributes. Saves unnecessary Merges as well.
So as a Sum Up:
Four Data Flow Tasks, three for filling dimension tables ONLY and one for filling fact tables ONLY.
Loading Multiple Tables using SSIS keeping foreign key relationships
The answer posted by onupdatecascade is basically it.
Good luck!

How to delete data from an RDBMS using Talend ELT jobs?

What is the best way to delete from a table using Talend?
I'm currently using a tELTJDBCoutput with the action on Delete.
It looks like Talend always generate a DELETE ... WHERE EXISTS (<your generated query>) query.
So I am wondering if we have to use the field values or just put a fixed value of 1 (even in only one field) in the tELTmap mapping.
To me, putting real values looks like it useless as in the where exists it only matters the Where clause.
Is there a better way to delete using ELT components?
My current job is set up like so:
The tELTMAP component with real data values looks like:
But I can also do the same thing with the following configuration:
Am I missing the reason why we should put something in the fields?
The following answer is a demonstration of how to perform deletes using ETL operations where the data is extracted from the database, read in to memory, transformed and then fed back into the database. After clarification, the OP specifically wants information around how this would differ for ELT operations
If you need to delete certain records from a table then you can use the normal database output components.
In the following example, the use case is to take some updated database and check to see which records are no longer in the new data set compared to the old data set and then delete the relevant rows in the old data set. This might be used for refreshing data from one live system to a non live system or some other usage case where you need to manually move data deltas from one database to another.
We set up our job like so:
Which has two tMySqlConnection components that connect to two different databases (potentially on different hosts), one containing our new data set and one containing our old data set.
We then select the relevant data from the old data set and inner join it using a tMap against the new data set, capturing any rejects from the inner join (rows that exist in the old data set but not in the new data set):
We are only interested in the key for the output as we will delete with a WHERE query on this unique key. Notice as well that the key has been selected for the id field. This needs to be done for updates and deletes.
And then we simply need to tell Talend to delete these rows from the relevant table by configuring our tMySqlOutput component properly:
Alternatively you can simply specify some constraint that would be used to delete the records as if you had built the DELETE statement manually. This can then be fed in as the key via a main link to your tMySqlOutput component.
For instance I might want to read in a CSV with a list of email addresses, first names and last names of people who are opting out of being contacted and then make all of these fields a key and connect this to the tMySqlOutput and Talend will generate a DELETE for every row that matches the email address, first name and last name of the records in the database.
In the first example shown in your question:
you are specifically only selecting (for the deletion) products where the SOME_TABLE.CODE_COUNTRY is equal to JS_OPP.CODE_COUNTRY and SOME_TABLE.FK_USER is equal to JS_OPP.FK_USER in your where clause and then the data you send to the delete statement is setting the CODE_COUNTRY equal to JS_OPP.CODE_COUNTRY and FK_USER equal to JS_OPP.CODE_COUNTRY.
If you were to put a tLogRow (or some other output) directly after your tELTxMap you would be presented with something that looks like:
| tLogRow_1 |
|GBR |1 |
|GBR |2 |
|USA |3 |
In your second example:
You are setting CODE_COUNTRY to an integer of 1 (your database will then translate this to a VARCHAR "1"). This would then mean the output from the component would instead look like:
|tLogRow_1 |
|1 |
|1 |
|1 |
In your use case this would mean that the deletion should only delete the rows where the CODE_COUNTRY is equal to "1".
You might want to test this a bit further though because the ELT components are sometimes a little less straightforward than they seem to be.

How to correctly enum and partition a kdb table?

I put together a few lines to partition my kdb table, which contains string columns of course and thus must to be enumerated.
I wonder if this code is completely correct or if it can be simplified further. In particular, I have some doubt about the need to create a partitioned table schema given the memory table and the disk table will have exactly the same layout. Also, there might be a way to avoid creating the temporary tbl_mem and tbl_mem_enum tables:
tbl_mem: select ts,sym,msg_type from oms_mem lj sym_mem;
tbl_mem_enum: .Q.en[`$sym_path] tbl_mem;
delete tbl_mem from `.;
(`$db;``!((17;2;9);(17;2;9))) set ([]ts:`time$(); ticker:`symbol$(); msg_type:`symbol$());
(`$db) upsert (select ts,ticker:sym,msg_type from tbl_mem_enum)
delete tbl_mem_enum from `.;
PS: I know, I shouldn't use "_" to name variables, but then what do I use to separate words in a variable or function name? . is also a kdb function.
I think you mean that your table contains symbol columns - these are the columns that you need to enumerate (strings don't need enumeration). You can do the write and enumeration in a single step. Also if you are using the same compression algo/level on all columns then it may be easier to just use .z.zd:
.z.zd:17 2 9i;
(`$db) set .Q.en[`$sym_path] select ts, ticker:sym, msg_type from oms_mem lj sym_mem;
It's generally recommended to use camelCase instead of '_'. Some useful info here: