Statistics of all/many tables in FileMaker - filemaker

I'm writing a kind of summary page for my FileMaker solution.
For this, I have define a "statistics" table, which uses formula fields with ExecuteSQL to gather info from most tables, such as number of records, recently changed records, etc.
This strangely takes a long time - around 10 seconds when I have a total of about 20k records in about 10 tables. The same SQL on any database system shouldn't take more than some fractions of a second.
What could the reason be, what can I do about it and where can I start debugging to figure out what's causing all this time?
The actual code is, like this:
SQLAusführen ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & _Stats::Table ; "" ; "" )
SQLAusführen ( "SELECT SUM(\"some_field_name\") FROM " & _Stats::Table ; "" ; "" )
Where "_Stats" is my statistics table, and it has a string field "Table" where I store the name of the other tables.
So each row in this _Stats table should have the stats for the table named in the "Table" field.
Update: I'm not using FileMaker server, this is a standalone client application.

We can definitely talk about why it may be slow. Usually this has mostly to do with the size and complexity of your schema. That is "usually", as you have found.
Can you instead use the DDR ( database design report ) instead? Much will depend on what you are actually doing with this data. Tools like FMPerception also will give you many of the stats you are looking for. Again, depends on what you are doing with it.
Also, can you post your actual calculation? Is the statistic table using unstored calculations? Is the statistics table related to any of the other tables? These are a couple things that will affect how ExecuteSQL performs.
One thing to keep in mind, whether ExecuteSQL, a Perform Find, or relationship, it's all the same basic query under-the-hood. So if it would be slow doing it one way, it's going to likely be slow with any other directly related approach.
Taking these one at a time:
All records count.
Placing an unstored calc in the target table allows you to get the count of the records through the relationship, without triggering a transfer of all records to the client. You can get the value from the first record in the relationship. Super light way to get that info vs using Count which requires FileMaker to touch every record on the other side.
Sum of Records Matching a Value.
using a field on the _Stats table with a relationship to the target table will reduce how much work FileMaker has to do to give you an answer.
Then having a Summary field in the target table so sum the records may prove to be more efficient than using an aggregate function. The summary field will also only sum the records that match the relationship. ( just don't show that field on any of your layouts if you don't need it )
ExecuteSQL is fastest when it can just rely on a simple index lookup. Once you get outside of that, it's primarily about testing to find the sweet-spot. Typically, I will use ExecuteSQL for retrieving either a JSON object from a user table, or verifying a single field value. Once you get into sorting and aggregate functions, you step outside of the optimizations of the function.
Also note, if you have an open record ( that means you as the current user ), FileMaker Server doesn't know what data you have on the client side, and so it sends ALL of the records. That's why I asked if you were using unstored calcs with ExecuteSQL. It can seem slow when you can't control when the calculations fire. Often I will put the updating of that data into a scheduled script.


Active Record efficient querying on multiple different tables

Let me give a summary of what I've been attempting to do and the efficiency issues I've been running into:
Essentially I want my users to be able to select parameters to filter data from my database, then I want to pass relevant data which passes those filters from the controller.
However, these filters query on data from multiple different tables (that is, about 5-6 different tables), some of which are quite large (as in 100k+ rows). These tables are all related to what I want to show, e.g. Here is a bond that meets so and so criteria, which is issued by so and so issuer, which must meet these criteria, and so on.
From an end result, I only really need about 100 rows after querying based on the parameters given by the user, but it feels like I need to look at everything in every table because I dont know how strict the filters will be beforehand. e.g. With a starting universe of 100k sets of data, passing filter f1,f2 of Table 1 might leave 90k, but after passing through filter f3 of table 2, f4,f5,f6 of table 3, and so ..., we might end up with 100 or less sets of data that pass these parameters because the last filters checked might be quite strict.
How can I go about querying through these multiple different tables efficiently?
Doing a join between them seems like it'd yield some time complexity of |T_1||T_2||T_3||T_4||T_5||T_6| where T_i is the "size" of table i.
On the other hand, just looking through the other tables based off the ids of the ones that pass the previous filter (as in, id 5,7,8 pass filters in T_1, which of those ids then pass filters in T_2, then which of those pass filters in T_3 and so on) looks like it might(?) have time complexity of |T_1| + |T_2| + ... + |T_6|.
I'm relatively new to Ruby on Rails, so im not entirely sure all of the tools at my disposal that could help with optimizing this, but at the same time I'm not entirely sure how to best approach this algorithmically.

Data Lake Analytics - Large vertex query

I have a simple query which make a GROUP BY using two fields:
#facturas =
SELECT a.CodFactura,
Convert.ToInt32(a.Fecha.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) AS DateKey,
SUM(a.Consumo) AS Consumo
FROM #table_facturas AS a
GROUP BY a.CodFactura, a.DateKey;
#table_facturas has 4100 rows but query takes several minutes to finish. Seeing the graph explorer I see it uses 2500 vertices because I'm having 2500 CodFactura+DateKey unique rows. I don't know if it normal ADAL behaviour. Is there any way to reduce the vertices number and execute this query faster?
First: I am not sure your query actually will compile. You would need the Convert expression in your GROUP BY or do it in a previous SELECT statement.
Secondly: In order to answer your question, we would need to know how the full query is defined. Where does #table_facturas come from? How was it produced?
Without this information, I can only give some wild speculative guesses:
If #table_facturas is coming from an actual U-SQL Table, your table is over partitioned/fragmented. This could be because:
you inserted a lot of data originally with a distribution on the grouping columns and you either have a predicate that reduces the number of rows per partition and/or you do not have uptodate statistics (run CREATE STATISTICS on the columns).
you did a lot of INSERT statements, each inserting a small number of rows into the table, thus creating a big number of individual files. This will "scale-out" the processing as well. Use ALTER TABLE REBUILD to recompact.
If it is coming from a fileset, you may have too many small files in the input. See if you can merge them into less, larger files.
You can also try to hint a small number of rows in your query that creates #table_facturas if the above does not help by adding OPTION(ROWCOUNT=4000).

Apex query optimization

I am trying this query:
List<Account> onlyRRCustomer = [SELECT
Account ac
ac.rr_National_Insurance_Number__c IN :uniqueNiInputSet
AND RecordTypeId = :recordTypeId];
It gives me an error:
SELECT ac.rr_First_Name__c, ac.rr_Last_Name__c,
ac.rr_National_Insurance_Number__c,, ac.rr_Date_of_Birth__c FROM
Account ac WHERE (ac.rr_National_Insurance_Number__c = :tmpVar1 AND
RecordTypeId = :tmpVar2) 10:12:05.0
(11489528)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[49]|System.QueryException: Non-selective
query against large object type (more than 200000 rows). Consider an
indexed filter or contact about custom indexing.
I understand uniqueNiInputSet.size() ~ 50, so, it's not an issue but for that record type, it might contains more records.
So, if i changed the position will that work? Means, first the recordtype and then the NIset in where clause. Is there any order how where clause are selected in SF. So, it will only look for 50 member and then within 50 it will serach for the particular record type?
That just means that the script is taking too long to execute. You may need to move this to a #future method or make execute it using Database.Batchable.
I don't think the order matters in SOQL, I think it's just trying to return too many records.
A non-selective query means you are performing a query against a table that has a large number of records and your query is not specific enough. You can work with Salesforce support to try to resolve this, either through the creation of additional backend indexes or by making the query more selective.
To be honest, your query looks very selective already, you're not using LIKE or IN. You should also put your most selective conditions first (resulting in a more focused query against your records).
I know it should'nt matter, but I would also move your conditions out of the parenthesis.
If there are any other fields you can filter on, that may help. Sometimes, you have to actually create new fields and populate them just to help make your queries more selective.
Also, if rr_National_Insurance_Number__c is a formula field, you will want to change it to a text field and populate workflow or apex instead. Formula fields require additional time on the servers to calculate.
SELECT rr_First_Name__c, rr_Last_Name__c, rr_National_Insurance_Number__c, id, rr_Date_of_Birth__c
FROM Account
WHERE new_custom_field__c = TRUE
AND rr_National_Insurance_Number__c = :tmpVar1
AND RecordTypeId = :tmpVar2
Your query is non-selective. For a standard indexes is 30% for the fist million records and 15% of records over a million up to 1 million records total. For and "AND" query each individual where criteria must itself be selective see this quick reference cheat sheet. In general try making
an external id which will make it an indexed by salesforce by default and retry you query. Record Types are already indexed by default. If the result is still non-selective because of the number of results returned, try limiting the number of results using a field like CreatedDate to limit the scope of the query.

Tableau: Create a table calculation that sums distinct string values (names) when condition is met

I am getting my data from denormalized table, where I keep names and actions (apart from other things). I want to create a calculated field that will return sum of workgroup names but only when there are more than five actions present in DB for given workgroup.
Here's how I have done it when I wanted to check if certain action has been registered for workgroup:
WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD(IF [action] = "ADD" THEN [workgroup_name] END))
When I try to do similar thing with count, I am getting "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments":
WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD(IF COUNT([Number of Records]) > 5 THEN [workgroup_name] END))
I know that there's problem with the IF clause, but don't know how to fix it.
How to change the IF to be valid? Maybe there's an easier way to do it, that I am missing?
(after Inox's response)
I know that my problem is mixing aggregate with non-aggregate fields. I can't use filter to do it, because I want to use it later as a part of more complicated view - filtering would destroy the whole idea.
No, the problem is to mix aggregated arguments (e.g., sum, count) with non aggregate ones (e.g., any field directly). And that's what you're doing mixing COUNT([Number of Records]) with [workgroup_name]
If your goal is to know how many workgroup_name (unique) has more than 5 records (seems like that by the idea of your code), I think it's easier to filter then count.
So first you drag workgroup_name to Filter, go to tab conditions, select By field, Number of Records, Count, >, 5
This way you'll filter only the workgroup_name that has more than 5 records.
Now you can go with a simple COUNTD(workgroup_name)
EDIT: After clarification
Okay, than you need to add a marker that is fixed in your database. So table calculations won't help you.
By definition table calculation depends on the fields that are on the worksheet (and how you decide to use those fields to partition or address), and it's only calculated AFTER being called in a sheet. That way, each time you call the function it will recalculate, and for some analysis you may want to do, the fields you need to make the table calculation correct won't be there.
Same thing applies to aggregations (counts, sums,...), the aggregation depends, well, on the level of aggregation you have.
In this case it's better that you manipulate your data prior to connecting it to Tableau. I don't see a direct way (a single calculated field that would solve your problem). What can be done is to generate a db from Tableau (with the aggregation of number of records for each workgroup_name) then export it to csv or mdb and then reconnect it to Tableau. But if you can manipulate your database outside Tableau, it's usually a better solution

SQL Query with a little bit more complicated WHERE clause performance issue

I have some performance issue in this case:
Very simplified query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Items WHERE ConditionA OR ConditionB OR ConditionC OR ...
Simply I have to determine how many Items the user has access through some complicated conditions.
When there is a large number of records (100,000+) in the Items table and say ~10 complicated conditions concatenated in WHERE clause, I get the result about 2 seconds in my case. The problem is when a very few conditions are met, f.e. when I get only 10 Items from 100,000.
How can I improve the performace in this "Get my items" case?
Additional information:
the query is generated by EF 6.1
MS SQL 2012 Express
SQL Execution Plan
Add an additional table to your schema. Instead of building a long query, insert the value for each condition into this new table, along with a key for that user/session. Then, JOIN the two tables together.
This should perform much better, because it will allow the database engine to make better use of indexes on your Items table.
Additionally, this will position you to eventually pre-define sets of permissions for your users, such that you don't need to insert them right at the moment you do the check. The permission sets will already be in the table, and the new table can also be indexed, which will improve performance further.