Rider. EF Code First Migrations - entity-framework

Is there an easy way to scaffold migrations using old EF outside of Visual Studio? I would like to do it via Rider IDE if it possible.

I don't see these options related to ef core. The plugin makes sense.
(For MacOS, be sure, your dotnet root folder path is /usr/local/share/dotnet/. I'm telling this because Rider installs and places it in another folder. Further it gives rise ef to not work properly. You can see your dotnet folder on terminal by writing which dotnet)
Installing that plugin,

You can also use a jetbrains plugin made for handling migrations

For EF Core, you can use https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2017/08/09/running-entity-framework-core-commands-rider/
For EF 6 you may want to check https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2018/04/06/entity-framework-support-rider-2018-1/

The Package Manager Console tools such as Add-Migration, Scaffold-DbContext commands are PowerShell-based, and the Package Manager Console ties to several Visual Studio-specific objects making it impossible to host it elsewhere - in your case Rider.
In Rider's terminal or anywhere outside of Visual Studio, you can use CLI tools. Equivalents to the highlighted commands would be respectively:
Add-Migration => dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName
Scaffold-DbContext => dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold
You can get more details on JetBrains blog: Running EF Core commands in Rider


How can I call Add-Migration without parameters

I have .net Core 3.1 solution with WebApi and Persistance projects. WebApi is the solution's startup project, Persistance is where DbContext is defined. After a lot of reading and trying stuff, I still cannot achieve the following:
WebApi stays as the solution's startup project.
Migrations folder with all the migrations classes is in the Persistance project.
Migrations can be generated from VS Package Manager Console by typing Add-Migration <migration_name> without any additional parameters like -Project or -StartupProject.
No need to change selection in the Package Manager Console Default project dropdown.
I wanted to achieve the same result but on MAC OS. Because Visual Studio on Mac is not like Window's, We use CLI commands. In my case I had Migration Classes in another project and startup was Api project just like you so i added this to my terminal :
alias migrationfortest='dotnet ef migrations add $1 --project /Users/user/Projects/test-web/Test.Infrastructure'
and you can call this simply by typing migrationfortest "YOURMIGRATIONNAME"
NOTE : For CLI command tools you should add This

Difference between Scaffold-DbContext and dotnet-ef-dbcontext-scaffold

I see that there are to way how to scaffold entities and db context in Entity Framework Core 2.0.
using Scaffold-DbContext
using dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold
Why there are two tools and what is the difference?
Scaffold-DbContext runs in Visual Studio's NuGet Package Manager Console (PMC) and has better VS integration--opens files and infers the startup project.
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold is a general command-line interface that can run outside of Visual Studio (and Windows).
Otherwise, they execute the exact same logic.

How to execute EntityFramework CLI commands programmatically in .NET Core?

How to run those dotnet.exe ef <command> commands programmatically in .NET Core?
For example to add migration I'm running in terminal dotnet ef migrations add NewMigration and it will indeed create Migrations folder with migration classes, but to create new Migration (for example) programmatically from C# code?
Don't suggest Process.Start("cmd bla-bla") since code should be cross-platform and that dotnet ef runs some code from some EntityFrameworkCore package anyway. Question is what code?
EF Core API isn't really designed for the scenario, but if you want to do this anyways, you'll need to repeat the logic that "dotnet-ef.dll" does to gather project context and compilation output, and then instantiate and use MigrationsOperations manually.
See https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/blob/1.0.0/src/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design.Core/Design/MigrationsOperations.cs and https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/blob/1.0.0/src/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design/Internal/OperationExecutor.cs
Use caution: these are "Internal" APIs, which means their usage may break from version to version. "dotnet ef" is going to change a great deal between the current release (1.0.0-preview2) and the next release. (For example, the entire tooling implementation will change. See https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/5334).

How can I run an Entity Framework 7 migration on a remote database using Powershell?

In a standalone entity framework 7 project (note, not a MVC project with an entity context where the command DNX might be used), how can I run a migration on a remote database using Powershell?
I am currently using Entity Framework 7.0.0-rc1-final with Visual Studio 2015 (14.0.23107.0).
At the moment there is no way you can use pure PowerShell to do this because a utility like migrate.exe does not exist yet and importing the EF PS modules is not possible as they require a Package Manager PowerShell Host.
Here are some ideas how you can update a remote db in EF7:
One thing you could do is use the package manager console commands from within VS as usual to update the remote db. You can create a second context that has the remote db connection string and use the update-database command specifying the context to use. These commands require the following package in EF7:
I have done this successfully in a class lib project.
Another solution would be to use DNX commands by creating a DNX project instead of a classic one. DNX projects are not just for web sites, it is just another type of project. Here is a link that shows how to create a console app DNX project:
So with this type of project you can use the provided DNX commands that you seem to be aware of.
I hope this helped. Maybe we can give more help if you describe your situation and your end goal in more detail.
Answer too long as a comment, so adding it here...
Have you looked at this article and the links in the answer?
From that answer
The problem with importing the module into a PowerShell console is that I believe the module expects to run in a context where it has a Visual Studio DTE object available. That environment is the NuGet Package Manager Console. This issue has been brought up before. Check out this blog post and this SO question.
This blog post shows how to write code that does migrations.
What might be helpful for readers of this question is what you have tried, what is not working, and other information that might help solve your problem.

How to run add and run EF7 migrations using old project type

I am trying to use EF7 with the old project type (csproj)
If I run Add-Migration in package manager, it complains that it cannot find package EntityFramework. I guess it is looking for the EF6 EntityFramework project, since such a project does not exist anymore? How can I force it to use EF7 Add-Migration cmdlet?
I have tried running ef commands with dnx in the "wrap" folder, but that seems needlessly complicated and it doesn't work (it cannot find any framework dependencies at all)
Any ideas?
Have you installed EntityFramework.Commands? https://www.nuget.org/packages/entityframework.commands
Also, using EF6 and EF7 in the same solution is going to cause some problems. It's probable that Add-Migration failed because you are actually running the EF6 command. Check if the command Use-DbContext exists, which is new to EF7.