How to properly index strings for lookup and excepts, the PostgreSQL way - postgresql

Due to infrastructure costs, I've been studying the possibility to migrate a few databases to PostgreSQL. So far I am loving it. But there are a few topics I am quite lost. I need some guidance on one of them.
I have an ETL process that queries "deltas" in my database and imports the new data. To do so, I use lookup tables that store hashbytes of some strings to facilitate the lookup. This works in SQL Server, but apparently things work quite differently in PostgreSQL. In SQL Server, using hashbytes + except is suggested when working with millions of rows.
Let's suppose the following table
| Id | Name | hash_Name |
| 1 | Mark | 31e9697d43a1a66f2e45db652019fb9a6216df22 |
| 2 | Pablo | ce7169ba6c7dea1ca07fdbff5bd508d4bb3e5832 |
| 3 | Mark | 31e9697d43a1a66f2e45db652019fb9a6216df22 |
And my lookup table
| hash_Name |
| 31e9697d43a1a66f2e45db652019fb9a6216df22 |
When querying new data (Pablo's hash), I can advance from the simplified query bellow:
SELECT hash_name
FROM mytable
SELECT hash_name
FROM mylookup
Thinking the PostgreSQL way, how could I achieve this? Should I index and use EXCEPT? Or is there a better way of doing so?
From my research, I couldn't find much regarding storing hashbytes. Apparently, it is a matter of creating indexes and choosing the right index for the job. More precisely: BTREE for single field indexes and GIN for multiple field indexes.


Postgres Full Text Search - Find Other Similar Documents

I am looking for a way to use Postgres (version 9.6+) Full Text Search to find other documents similar to an input document - essentially looking for a way to produce similar results to Elasticsearch's more_like_this query. Far as I can tell Postgres offers no way to compare ts_vectors to each other.
I've tried various techniques like converting the source document back into a ts_query, or reprocessing the original doc but that requires too much overhead.
Would greatly appreciate any advice - thanks!
Looks like the only option is to use pg_trgm instead of the Postgres built in full text search. Here is how I ended up implementing this:
Using a simple table (or materialized view in this case) - it holds the primary key to the post and the full text body in two columns.
Materialized view "public.text_index"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | | | plain | |
post | text | | | | extended | |
View definition:
posts.body AS text
FROM posts
ORDER BY posts.publication_date DESC;
Then using a lateral join we can match rows and order them by similarity to find posts that are "close to" or "related" to any other post:
select * from text_index tx
left join lateral (
select similarity(tx.text, t.text) from text_index t where = 12345
) s on true
order by similarity
desc limit 10;
This of course is a naive way to match documents and may require further tuning. Additionally using a tgrm gin index on the text column will speed up the searches significantly.

Getting duplicate rows when querying Cloud SQL in AppMaker

I migrated from Drive tables to a 2nd gen MySQL Google Cloud SQL data model. I was able to insert 19 rows into the following Question table in AppMaker:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| SurveyType | varchar(64) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| QuestionNumber | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| QuestionType | varchar(64) | NO | | NULL | |
| Question | varchar(512) | NO | | NULL | |
| SecondaryQuestion | varchar(512) | YES | | NULL | |
I queried the data from the command line and know it is good. However, when I query the data in AppMaker like this:
var newQuery = app.models.Question.newQuery();
newQuery.filters.SurveyType._equals = surveyType;
var allRecs =;
I get 19 rows with the same data (the first row) instead of the 19 different rows. Any idea what is wrong? Additionally (and possibly related) my list rows in AppMaker are not showing any data. I did notice that _key is not being set correctly in the records.
(Edit: I thought maybe having two columns as the primary key was the problem, but I tried having the PK be a single identity column, same result.)
Thanks for any tips or pointers.
You have two primary key fields in your table, which is problematic according to the App Maker Cloud SQL documentation:
App Maker can only write to tables that have a single primary key
field—If you have an existing Google Cloud SQL table with zero or
multiple primary keys, you can still query it in App Maker, but you
can't write to it.
This may account for the inability of the view to be able to properly display each row and to properly set the _key.
I was able to get this to work by creating the table inside AppMaker rather than using a table created directly in the Cloud Shell. Not sure if existing tables are not supported or if there is a bug in AppMaker, but since it is working I am closing this.

DB2 table partitioning and delete old records based on condition

I have a table with few million records.
| col1 | col2 | col3 | some_indicator | last_updated_date |
| | | | yes | 2009-06-09.12.2345|
| | | | yes | 2009-07-09.11.6145|
| | | | no | 2009-06-09.12.2345|
I have to delete records which are older than month with some_indicator=no.
Again I have to delete records older than year with some_indicator=yes.This job will run everyday.
Can I use db2 partitioning feature for above requirement?.
How can I partition table using last_updated_date column and above two some_indicator values?
one partition should contain records falling under monthly delete criterion whereas other should contain yearly delete criterion records.
Are there any performance issues associated with table partitioning if this table is being frequently read,upserted?
Any other best practices for above requirement will surely help.
I haven't done much with partitioning (I've mostly worked with DB2 on the iSeries), but from what I understand, you don't generally want to be shuffling things between partitions (ie - making the partition '1 month ago'). I'm not even sure if it's even possible. If it was, you'd have to scan some (potentially large) portion of your table every day, just to move it (select, insert, delete, in a transaction).
Besides which, partitioning is a DB Admin problem, and it sounds like you just have a DB User problem - namely, deleting 'old' records. I'd just do this in a couple of statements:
WHERE some_indicator = 'no'
AND last_updated_date < TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_DATE - 1 MONTH, TIME('00:00:00'))
WHERE some_indicator = 'yes'
AND last_updated_date < TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_DATE - 1 YEAR, TIME('00:00:00'))
.... and you can pretty much ignore using a transaction, as you want the rows gone.
(as a side note, using 'yes' and 'no' for indicators is terrible. If you're not on a version that has a logical (boolean) type, store character '0' (false) and '1' (true))

How to create a PostgreSQL partitioned sequence?

Is there a simple (ie. non-hacky) and race-condition free way to create a partitioned sequence in PostgreSQL. Example:
Using a normal sequence in Issue:
| Project_ID | Issue |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 4 |
Using a partitioned sequence in Issue:
| Project_ID | Issue |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
I do not believe there is a simple way that is as easy as regular sequences, because:
A sequence stores only one number stream (next value, etc.). You want one for each partition.
Sequences have special handling that bypasses the current transaction (to avoid the race condition). It is hard to replicate this at the SQL or PL/pgSQL level without using tricks like dblink.
The DEFAULT column property can use a simple expression or a function call like nextval('myseq'); but it cannot refer to other columns to inform the function which stream the value should come from.
You can make something that works, but you probably won't think it simple. Addressing the above problems in turn:
Use a table to store the next value for all partitions, with a schema like multiseq (partition_id, next_val).
Write a multinextval(seq_table, partition_id) function that does something like the following:
Create a new transaction independent on the current transaction (one way of doing this is through dblink; I believe some other server languages can do it more easily).
Lock the table mentioned in seq_table.
Update the row where the partition id is partition_id, with an incremented value. (Or insert a new row with value 2 if there is no existing one.)
Commit that transaction and return the previous stored id (or 1).
Create an insert trigger on your projects table that uses a call to multinextval('projects_table', NEW.Project_ID) for insertions.
I have not used this entire plan myself, but I have tried something similar to each step individually. Examples of the multinextval function and the trigger can be provided if you want to attempt this...

Select distinct rows from MongoDB

How do you select distinct records in MongoDB? This is a pretty basic db functionality I believe but I can't seem to find this anywhere else.
Suppose I have a table as follows
| Name | Age |
|John | 12 |
|Ben | 14 |
|Robert | 14 |
|Ron | 12 |
I would like to run something like SELECT DISTINCT age FROM names WHERE 1;
Looks like there is a SQL mapping chart that I overlooked earlier.
Now is a good time to say that using a distinct selection isn't the best way to go around querying things. Either cache the list in another collection or keep your data set small.