DB2 table partitioning and delete old records based on condition - db2

I have a table with few million records.
| col1 | col2 | col3 | some_indicator | last_updated_date |
| | | | yes | 2009-06-09.12.2345|
| | | | yes | 2009-07-09.11.6145|
| | | | no | 2009-06-09.12.2345|
I have to delete records which are older than month with some_indicator=no.
Again I have to delete records older than year with some_indicator=yes.This job will run everyday.
Can I use db2 partitioning feature for above requirement?.
How can I partition table using last_updated_date column and above two some_indicator values?
one partition should contain records falling under monthly delete criterion whereas other should contain yearly delete criterion records.
Are there any performance issues associated with table partitioning if this table is being frequently read,upserted?
Any other best practices for above requirement will surely help.

I haven't done much with partitioning (I've mostly worked with DB2 on the iSeries), but from what I understand, you don't generally want to be shuffling things between partitions (ie - making the partition '1 month ago'). I'm not even sure if it's even possible. If it was, you'd have to scan some (potentially large) portion of your table every day, just to move it (select, insert, delete, in a transaction).
Besides which, partitioning is a DB Admin problem, and it sounds like you just have a DB User problem - namely, deleting 'old' records. I'd just do this in a couple of statements:
WHERE some_indicator = 'no'
AND last_updated_date < TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_DATE - 1 MONTH, TIME('00:00:00'))
WHERE some_indicator = 'yes'
AND last_updated_date < TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_DATE - 1 YEAR, TIME('00:00:00'))
.... and you can pretty much ignore using a transaction, as you want the rows gone.
(as a side note, using 'yes' and 'no' for indicators is terrible. If you're not on a version that has a logical (boolean) type, store character '0' (false) and '1' (true))


Sometime Postgresql Query takes to much time to load Data

I am using PostgreSQL 13.4 and has intermediate level experience with PostgreSQL.
I have a table which stores reading from a device for each customer. For each customer we receive around ~3,000 data in a day and we store them in to our usage_data table as below
We have the proper indexing in place.
Column | Data Type | Index name | Idx Access Type
id | bigint | |
customer_id | bigint | idx_customer_id | btree
date | timestamp | idx_date | btree
usage | bigint | idx_usage | btree
amount | bigint | idx_amount | btree
Also I have common index on 2 columns which is below.
CREATE INDEX idx_cust_date
ON public.usage_data USING btree
(customer_id ASC NULLS LAST, date ASC NULLS LAST)
Few weird incidents I have observed.
When I tried to get data for 06/02/2022 for a customer it took almost 20 seconds. It's simple query as below
SELECT * FROM usage_data WHERE customer_id =1 AND date = '2022-02-06'
The execution plan
When I execute same query for 15 days then I receive result in 32 milliseconds.
SELECT * FROM usage_data WHERE customer_id =1 AND date > '2022-05-15' AND date <= '2022-05-30'
The execution plan
Tried Solution
I thought it might be the issue of indexing as for this particular date I am facing this issue.
Hence I dropped all the indexing from the table and recreate it.
But the problem didn't resolve.
Solution Worked (Not Recommended)
To solve this I tried another way. Created a new database and restored the old database
I executed the same query in new database and this time it takes 10 milliseconds.
The execution plan
I don't think this is proper solution for production server
Any idea why for any specific data we are facing this issue?
Please let me know if any additional information is required.
Please guide. Thanks

PostgreSQL 13 - Performance Improvement to delete large table data

I am using PostgreSQL 13 and has intermediate level experience with PostgreSQL.
I have a table named tbl_employee. it stores employee details for number of customers.
Below is my table structure, followed by datatype and index access method
Column | Data Type | Index name | Idx Access Type
id | bigint | |
name | character varying | |
customer_id | bigint | idx_customer_id | btree
is_active | boolean | idx_is_active | btree
is_delete | boolean | idx_is_delete | btree
I want to delete employees for specific customer by customer_id.
In table I have total 18,00,000+ records.
When I execute below query for customer_id 1001 it returns 85,000.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001;
When I perform delete operation using below query for this customer then it takes 2 hours, 45 minutes to delete the records.
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001
My concern is that this query should take less than 1 min to delete the records. Is this normal to take such long time or is there any way we can optimise and reduce the execution time?
Below is Explain output of delete query
The values of seq_page_cost = 1 and random_page_cost = 4.
Below are no.of pages occupied by the table "tbl_employee" from pg_class.
Please guide. Thanks
During :
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001
Is there any other operation accessing this table? If only this SQL accessing this table, I don't think it will take so much time.
In RDBMS systems each SQL statement is also a transaction, unless it's wrapped in BEGIN; and COMMIT; to make multi-statement transactions.
It's possible your multirow DELETE statement is generating a very large transaction that's forcing PostgreSQL to thrash -- to spill its transaction logs from RAM to disk.
You can try repeating this statement until you've deleted all the rows you need to delete:
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001 LIMIT 1000;
Doing it this way will keep your transactions smaller, and may avoid the thrashing.
SQL: DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE customer_id=1001 LIMIT 1000;
will not work then.
To make the batch delete smaller, you can try this:
DELETE FROM tbl_employee WHERE ctid IN (SELECT ctid FROM tbl_employee where customer_id=1001 limit 1000)
Until there is nothing to delete.
Here the "ctid" is an internal column of Postgresql Tables. It can locate the rows.

Postgresql Prune replicated data from outbox table

Problem Statement
In order to ensure disk size isn't growing unnecessary, I want to be able to delete rows that have been replicated from my outbox table.
Postgres is at v12
We are using a Kafka source connector to stream changes made to a postgres table. These changes are insert only and thus are no longer needed once written to kafka. The source connector is using logical replication to stream the changes to the connector and the state of the replication can be displayed in pg_replication_slots.
When looking at the pg_replication_slots you can see useful data that it's storing in order to know what logs it has to keep to ensure replication can still happen for the client.
For example when I run:
select * from pg_replication_slots;
I might see:
slot_name | plugin | slot_type | datoid | database | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn
debezium | wal2json | logical | 26593 | database_name | f | t | 7404 | | 26729 | 0/DCD98E8 | 0/DCD9920
(1 row)
What I'm interested in knowing is if I can reliably use that data and then the postgresql metadata on the table to select all rows that have been replicated from that slot.
For example, this doesn't work as far as I can tell, but ideally would return rows that have been replicated and are now safe to prune from the table:
select * from outbox where age(xmin) < (select age(catalog_xmin) from pg_replication_slots);
Any guidance would be sweet! Cheers!
I have been implementing the Outbox pattern using Debezium with MySQL and delete the outbox record straight after inserting it which I saw done here https://debezium.io/blog/2019/02/19/reliable-microservices-data-exchange-with-the-outbox-pattern/ The insert is picked up and sent and the delete is ignored. So essentially there should never be anything in the outbox table(outside of the transaction).
I also pre-generate the primary keys for the entries(which I use for the event ID in Kafka) so I can bulk insert and delete.
Circling back around to this, I had to think a bit differently around how I we could tie the replications progress to our outbox table. Previously in my question I was trying to glean progress from pg_replication_slots, but in this working example I switched to using pg_stat_replication. This table can be queried by the slot_name we care about and can return lag results. For an example:
SELECT * FROM outbox WHERE created_at < (SELECT(NOW() - COALESCE(replay_lag, interval '60 seconds')) as stale_time from pg_stat_replication where pg_stat_replication.slot_name = 'outbox_slot');
So here this will return to us rows from our outbox table that were inserted outside of our replay_lag time or 1 minute.

Is it possible to use postgres/psql COPY into a specific partition of a table?

I am currently looking into an efficient way to allocate data into a partitioned table. Is it possible to use postgres/psql to COPY data into a specific table partition (instead of using INSERT)?
According to the documentation on COPY here:
COPY FROM can be used with plain, foreign, or partitioned tables or with views that have INSTEAD OF INSERT triggers.
And according to the documentation on partitioning here:
Be aware that COPY ignores rules. If you want to use COPY to insert data, you'll need to copy into the correct partition table rather than into the master. COPY does fire triggers, so you can use it normally if you use the trigger approach.
From my understanding of the aforementioned resources, it seems possible to copy into partition; however, I can't find any examples or support for that online.
In other words, can I write something like:
COPY some_table_partition_one FROM '/some_dir/some_file'
COPY to a partitioned table was introduced in v11:
Allow INSERT, UPDATE, and COPY on partitioned tables to properly route rows to foreign partitions (Etsuro Fujita, Amit Langote)
But COPY directly to a partition is possible in all releases since v10, where declarative partitioning was introduced.
It seems like we forgot to remove the second quotation from the documentation.
It is possible at least with PG 12.2:
CREATE TABLE measurement (
city_id int not null,
logdate date not null,
peaktemp int,
unitsales int
CREATE TABLE measurement_y2020m03 PARTITION OF measurement
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-03-01') TO ('2020-03-31');
CREATE TABLE measurement_y2020m04 PARTITION OF measurement
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-04-01') TO ('2020-04-30');
insert into measurement values (1, current_date, 10,100);
select * from measurement;
city_id | logdate | peaktemp | unitsales
1 | 2020-03-27 | 10 | 100
(1 row)
cat /tmp/m.dat
copy measurement_y2020m04 from '/tmp/m.dat' delimiter ',';
select * from measurement;
city_id | logdate | peaktemp | unitsales
1 | 2020-03-27 | 10 | 100
4 | 2020-04-01 | 40 | 400
(2 rows)

Versioning in the database

I want to store full versioning of the row every time a update is made for amount sensitive table.
So far, I have decided to use the following approach.
Do not allow updates.
Every time a update is made create a new
entry in the table.
However, I am undecided on what is the best database structure design for this change.
Current Structure
Primary Key: id
id(int) | amount(decimal) | other_columns
First Approach
Composite Primary Key: id, version
id(int) | version(int) | amount(decimal) | change_reason
1 | 1 | 100 |
1 | 2 | 20 | correction
Second Approach
Primary Key: id
Uniqueness Index on [origin_id, version]
id(int) | origin_id(int) | version(int) | amount(decimal) | change_reason
1 | NULL | 1 | 100 | NULL
2 | 1 | 2 | 20 | correction
I would suggest a new table which store unique id for item. This serves as lookup table for all available items.
item Table:
For the table which stores all changes for item, let's call it item_changes table. item_id is a FOREIGN KEY to item table's id. The relationship between item table to item_changes table, is one-to-many relationship.
item_changes Table:
id(int) | item_id(int) | version(int) | amount(decimal) | change_reason
1 | 1000 | 1 | 100 | NULL
2 | 1000 | 2 | 20 | correction
With this, item_id will never be NULL as it is a valid FOREIGN KEY to item table.
The best method is to use Version Normal Form (vnf). Here is an answer I gave for a neat way to track all changes to specific fields of specific tables.
The static table contains the static data, such as PK and other attributes which do not change over the life of the entity or such changes need not be tracked.
The version table contains all dynamic attributes that need to be tracked. The best design uses a view which joins the static table with the current version from the version table, as the current version is probably what your apps need most often. Triggers on the view maintain the static/versioned design without the app needing to know anything about it.
The link above also contains a link to a document which goes into much more detail including queries to get the current version or to "look back" at any version you need.
Why you are not going for SCD-2 (Slowly Changing Dimension), which is a rule/methodology to describe the best solution for your problem. Here is the SCD-2 advantage and example for using, and it makes standard design pattern for the database.
Type 2 - Creating a new additional record. In this methodology, all history of dimension changes is kept in the database. You capture attribute change by adding a new row with a new surrogate key to the dimension table. Both the prior and new rows contain as attributes the natural key(or other durable identifiers). Also 'effective date' and 'current indicator' columns are used in this method. There could be only one record with the current indicator set to 'Y'. For 'effective date' columns, i.e. start_date, and end_date, the end_date for current record usually is set to value 9999-12-31. Introducing changes to the dimensional model in type 2 could be very expensive database operation so it is not recommended to use it in dimensions where a new attribute could be added in the future.
id | amount | start_date |end_date |current_flag
1 100 01-Apr-2018 02-Apr-2018 N
2 80 04-Apr-2018 NULL Y
Detail Explanation::::
Here, all you need to add the 3 extra column, START_DATE, END_DATE, CURRENT_FLAG to track your record properly. When the first time record inserted # source, this table will be store the value as:
id | amount | start_date |end_date |current_flag
1 100 01-Apr-2018 NULL Y
And, when the same record will be updated then you have to update the "END_DATE" of the previous record as current_system_date and "CURRENT_FLAG" as "N", and insert the second record as below. So you can track everything about your records. as below...
id | amount | start_date |end_date |current_flag
1 100 01-Apr-2018 02-Apr-2018 N
2 80 04-Apr-2018 NULL Y