Actions on Google app not working on phone surface simulator - actions-on-google

I created a basic AoG app using DialogFlow and it seems to work as I expected in the simulator when using the Speaker surface. Yet when I switch the surface to Phone it seems to fail an return Sorry, this action is not available in simulation every time. Using it on my phone, just returns some search results.
First try is with the Speaker surface and the second with Phone
I'll try on my Google Home when I get back from work.

I had a similar issue when testing on my phone. I solved by disabling then enabling again the test on device. On AoG's console, click on the icon of a smartphone in front of a computer besides the speaker icon, on the top right corner. It is weird but when I did this it worked on my phone, maybe you will get the same results.


Why can't I get a MediaStream from back camera when front camera is in use on Android Chrome?

Consider this:
What I'm trying to do here is to get a MediaStream for environment facing camera (back) when another MediaStream for user facing camera (front) is active.
This is happening on Android Chrome 94 and Android MS Edge 93, therefore I think it's probably a webview related issue, not sure. I tested this on an Xiaomi phone and on 2 different Samsung tablets.
If I stop the track from the front stream before creating the new stream, I don't have any issue at all.
It's really strange, because same piece of code works perfectly on PC (Windows) Chrome (not tried macOS or iOS at the moment).
Thing is that stopping the first track before creating the second stream will give the user a pretty bad experience (with blank screen for a while), which I'd like to avoid.
Also there could be some use cases (e.g. PiP) in which using both cameras at once could be necessary... I can't see why this isn't/shouldn't be working.
Do you guys have any suggestion?

CastVideos-ios demo fails to connect (GCKError Code=20 "Application was not found")

I'm trying to get ChromeCast working in my swift app using google-cast-sdk. When I found it was not working, I tried the demo app (CastVideos-ios) and got the exact same results (ie. does not connect).
I changed the bundle identifier of the CastVideos-Swift app to my bundle ID so I could run it on my device. I double-checked my App ID in the iOS Dev portal has the WiFi capability enabled, and of course it is enabled in the Xcode project file in both the CastVideos-swift demo, and in my own app.
Additionally, I have verified many times that my iPhone is on the same WiFI network as the ChromeCast device connected to my TV. I have tested the ChromeCast device using the YouTube App - works perfectly. When I tap the ChromeCast button in the YouTube app, it just throws to my "Living Room TV" - doesn't even ask me, I guess because there is only 1 CC device.
When I run the CastVideos-swift demo app (or my app) and I tap the ChromeCast button, I get a popup asking me to choose, and there is ONLY one option "Nearby Device" - from what I read, this seems to indicate that there is already a problem, that the app is treating my CC device like a "Guest" as if it were on a different WiFi, but its not (and again, YouTube app works) - so, I tap Nearby Devices and the Connect fails so I put in the code. Nothing happens in the app or TV, the debugger shows this error:
[GCKCastDeviceController notifyDidFailToConnectToApplicationWithError:], message: Failed to connect to app with error: Error Code=20 "Application was not found" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Application was not found}
Additionally, it may be important (or not) but I am seeing this message in the logger also, before the failed to connect.
[GCKNNetworkUtils getTwoLowerBytesFromNetworkAddress:], message: Invalid network address
Finally, I find it fascinating that when I connect with YouTube app and cast a video - and then switch to the CastVideos-Swift demo, when I tap the CC button, instead of saying "Nearby devices" it correctly says "Living Room TV" and below that in parenthesis it says "Youtube" - which appears to indicate that it is aware that the YouTube app is currently casting to this device) - and YET, when I tap the Living Room TV device, I get the exact same error (the YouTube streaming continues to play without interruption).
My best idea is that it has something to do with my App ID since i used the same bundle ID for the demo app as my own app. But, except for turning on the WiFi capability, I cant think of anything else which would make it fail that I have read so far.
Note that I read that the YouTube app is not a good test of discoverability (it has access to internal APIs?) - I tried another app which was ChromeCast enabled, and it worked perfectly, no guest mode login, just asked me to pick "Living Room TV" and it worked fine.
Maybe someone here has seen this before? Thanks in advance.
Sadly, it turned out to be a bogus google cast app ID I was given by the project owner.

Sandbox Game Center Turn Event Notifications Not Consistent

I'm making a turn-based game, using the Game Center Turn-Based Gaming functionality. I'm using the simulator and my iPhone to test notifications of turn events. The results are very inconsistent. About 75% of the time when I make a move on the simulator and pass the turn I don't get any notifications on my iPhone. It seems that this function doesn't get called:
I set the GKEventHandlerDelegate in the code that authenticates the local user and it seems to be set correctly. The fact that I get notifications once in a while suggests that this isn't where the problem lies.
Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem here? Could this be a problem with the Sandbox Game Center Server? Do they limit the amount of notifications you can send in a short amount of time or something like that?
Edit: I just found some posts of people experiencing the same problem, but no solution. No very recent posts though. Any updates?
Edit2: I also find that after a move, when I open the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController on the other device it still says that it's the turn of the other player. When I close and reopen it the information is correct. Also, when I open the game GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController when it's still showing incorrect information, it does gives me the correct match object with the updated information. Could this be related in any way?
I thought I would share my solution with you, in the hopes that it is the same problem you are experiencing. As you can see from my comment to your question, I was having the same issue as you. It turned out that my settings in iTunes Connect were the culprit, unbeknownst to me. What you should check for is that you still have Game Center enabled in BOTH places that iTunes Connect requires. First, after going into "Manage my Apps" in iTunes Connect, select your app and on the right menu, and click "Manage Game Center". Make sure this is currently enabled. I would even recommend disabling it, and re-enabling it again for good measure.
In addition (and this is what I was missing), you must enable it in one more place. Go back to the previous screen when you first select the app. The top right is where you can select Manage Game Center, but we are looking on the bottom in the "Versions" section. Click the View Details button for your app, and make sure the Game Center button is enabled near the bottom. Again, I would disable and re-enable it here as well. Give it about 10 minutes, clear all your open turns and matches from the Game Center app (this might be an optional step), and build & run again. Hopefully, you will receive turn notifications properly again.
I got the same problem. However when i tested it on multiple devices it was working fine... May be some problem with the simulator

iPhone Google Maps and GPS location

I have created a QR Code which displays a map of our mountain bike trails. First off I'm not an Apple guy, so I'm not sure what needs to be done to make this cross platform Android and Apple. The QR Code works correctly on Android. When scanned it opens up the kml file in Google Maps and displays the map and your GPS location.
When I scan this with an iPhone is displays the map and asks if you would like to accept sharing your current location. I accept it but it won't display my location. Is there something I need to do to make it work on Android and Apple, or any other suggestions. A little frustrating. As I look at the logs majority of the users what scan the code are iphones so I need to get it to work on them.
Update: here is a screenshot of the iPhone.
It should also have your gps location like this
Thanks for the help!
On Android, the default Google Maps behavior appears to be to show to the current location up front.
On iOS, however, it seems that Google Maps decides that the user can hit the location button if they want thier current location.
As far as I'm concerned, I side with Google.
Also, it could be that you need to try some different QR scanners - some might automatically show the location, some might decide to conserved resources instead.
P.S. To take a screenshot on iPhone, press the lock and home buttons at the same time :)

Record iPhone screen and user's actions

In order to do usability testing I'd like to record an iPhone's display along with every user action. I can't modify the application itself however jailbreaking the phone wouldn't be a problem.
Ideally I'd like to get a full resolution video of the screen display with an overlay showing touch events on top of it.
For now the best solution I've found is using a video-out cable and record its output, but with this solution I'd need an external camera to capture what the user was doing and it wouldn't be very precise.
Other ideas?
The application display recorder, found in the big boss repo (cydia) works very well for this.
I have tried MirrorOp (requires JailBreak) and AirSquirrels' Reflector (no JB required) for usability testing. Both work very well, but none grab touch feedback. You can use a second camera or a Hug the notebook approach.