VSCode: keeping indents on empty lines - visual-studio-code

Is it possible to make VSCode keep indents on empty lines?
Could not find such a setting neither natively nor in "Beautify" extension.
Example of desired behavior:
UPDATE: eventually I've just switched to Prettier - and never had to think about code style again as it's just being formatted automatically for me.

Go to File > Preferences > Settings. On the right side, add the line:
,"editor.trimAutoWhitespace": false
It worked for me perfectly.

Bit of an old question, but I found that a combination of the settings:
"editor.trimAutoWhitespace": false,
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all"
...worked for me.
NOTE: (19/03/2021)
It appears that this issue, registered on GitHub, is still an open case.

As of: 2022-02-01
Here is the solution that worked for me even with VSCODE formatting(linting) on:
There are two native VSCODE settings that format your code automatically:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.formatOnType": true,
These settings affect your text editor only if
"editor.defaultFormatter" is not null
Here are the problems
The "editor.trimAutoWhitespace" VSCODE setting solves the problem but only works on the "editor.formatOnType" autoformat, when you save the document this setting is ignored.
You may also want to trimAutoWhitespaces on all cases but the ones where you are leaving an indent on an empty row. (this was my case).
In my case, while coding, I test my code in the terminal chunck by chunck. The problem with, in my case, python is that the end of a for loops and a conditional is defined by indentation. In this case since the terminal run the code line by line, and not in chuncks, with the removal of the indentation, the terminal thinks that the for and if commands are finished before they actually are.
Here is the solution:
Never define an edit.defaultFormatter in your VSCODE settings define it per language.
How do you do that?
Change VSCODE "editor.defaultFormatter" to null as in:
"editor.defaultFormatter": null,
Change the language formatter to your prefered one. In my case:
python.formatting.provider": "black"
VSCODE gives you the possibility of choosing a formatting (linting) provider for any language. These providers' rules are way more detailed than the VSCode native rules. In VS code press CRTL+SHIFT+P and search for "preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings...". Then define your formatting provider for said language.
Every provider (in my case "black") provides the option of ignoring some sort of formatting rule. Set the ignore argument for this provider.
In my case I only ignore 2 rules and my setting is:
"python.formatting.blackArgs": [ "--ignore=E501,W293" ],
Rule E501 = Row with more than 80 character.
Rule W293 = Empty Row containing only WhiteSpaces.
Ignoring W293 allows the Auto Trim White Spaces to keep working for every kind of trailing White Spaces except for the case referred to in W293.

I had the same issue but after removing :
"editor.autoIndent": "none"
I was good to go.

2021, using VS Code v1.56.2
Use Case:
You use editor.action.trimTrailingWhitespace. Later you wish to write new code in a function. You navigate to a blank line within the function, but discover this line isn't indented and is completely empty. In this scenario, you have four choices:
Hit Tab multiple times until your cursor is at the proper indentation.
Navigate up to a line with proper indentation, press End, then press Enter.
Click your mouse to the right of a properly indented line, then press Enter.
Press Ctrl + ] repeatedly to indent the empty line.[See Footnote 1]
This answer automates this workflow by inserting the indentation for you (when you navigate to an empty line surrounded by indented lines).
Spent 3 hours trying all of the solutions on this page (and many different extensions). Couldn't find anything else which worked.
Solution via Extension
implicit-indent Extension by jemc:
Automatically indents an empty line when navigated to (if its surrounding lines are indented).
From experimenting, here's how implicit-indent seems to work:
Checks and matches either tab or space indentation automatically.
Determines spaces or tabs based on indentation of surrounding text, regardless of editor settings.[See Footnote 2]
Clicking on an empty line automatically indents to match surroundings.
If pressing the up ↑ or down ↓ arrow key navigates the caret (a.k.a. text cursor) to an empty line, implicit-indent will automatically indent the line and place the cursor to the right of the indentation (making it feel the same as if the line were already indented).
-> Before ↑ or ↓ is pressed, it doesn't matter what column the caret is on, this extension will trigger regardless.
Navigating to an empty line matches nested indentation.
Assume you have the following:
Where |n| represents a line
and c represents the caret / text cursor
and only line |2| is empty.
|1| indented line
|2| (empty line)
|3| c indented line
^ assume caret is on line |3|
(caret can be at any column)
Pressing the up ↑ arrow key results in the following:
|1| indented line
|2| c
|3| indented line
^ Line |2| (previously empty)
is automatically indented to
match nested indentation
of line |3|
and the caret is automatically moved
to the end of the inserted whitespace
(as if the line were already indented).
VS Code
As of 2021 May, the following GitHub issues are still unresolved:
Using implicit-indent is the only workaround I've discovered so far.
I'll amend this answer when automatic indentation is added to VS Code's native settings.
[Footnote 1]
As an alternative to this extension, you can use Tab or the following indent/unindent functionality built-in to VS Code to manually indent an empty line. Slightly out of scope, but it's a good hotkey to know about.
Default built-in hotkeys are:
Hotkey: CTRL + ]
Command: editor.action.indentLines
What it does:
Indent current line (if no selection)
or indent all selected or partially-selected lines.
Hotkey: CTRL + [
Command: editor.action.outdentLines
What it does:
"Outdent" (a.k.a "unindent" a.k.a dedent)
current line (if no selection)
or outdent all selected or partially-selected lines.
[Footnote 2]
Note: regardless of whether you use this extension or not, you can quickly replace your current document's indentation (to either leading tabs or leading spaces) by using the following VS Code commands:

That is probably eslint (and/or beautify) doing that. Look at
"no-trailing-spaces": ["error", { "skipBlankLines": false }],
I have that in my eslintrc.json file and so I get errors on blank lines with spaces or tabs on them. Setting "skipBlankLines" to true might work for you.

Answer edited as for VSC version 1.56.2 and newer.
The command editor.action.insertLineAfter makes a new line and moves the cursor there preserving the indentation.
To bind that command to Enter key, go to your keyboard shortcuts (press ctrl + k ctrl + s) then press the page with the pivot arrow icon on the far right top.
add the following inside keybindings.json to look like so:
// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults
"key": "enter",
"command": "editor.action.insertLineAfter",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
It worked for my without re-opening of VSC

I was having this issue with writing Flutter code.
Only solution for me was to change my default formatter to Flutter.
UPDATE: I also needed to disable Dart: Enable SDK Formatter


Insert "real" spaces when tab in visual studio code

When I hit tab in visual studio code, the code gets indented with what seems to be "fake" spaces. If I hit tab on a new line without typing anything on the previously indented line, the spaces on the previous line seem to disappear. Is this fixable?
It sounds like the unnecssary (because there is no text on that previous line) is being trimmed automatically. To stop that disable the setting:
Editor: Trim Auto Whitespace
I think that'll result in what you want.

Visual Studio Code configure word break for text editor navigation

We tend to use kebab case for our naming in our FE app, but the ctrl arrow key navigation considers a dash a word break. Is there anyway to configure vscode so that ctrl + right/left behaves the same for both FooBar and foo-bar, i.e. considers both an entire word.
vscode has native support for altering word breaks using the editor.wordSeparators setting.
Characters that will be used as word separators when doing word related navigations or operations
Defaults to: ~!##$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?
You can simply remove the -:
"editor.wordSeparators": "`~!##$%^&*()=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?",
Note: If you are using cursorWordPartRight keybind to navigate words partially, this setting will overrule it, meaning, you won't be able to step through the word partially (at that character), as the name implies.

VSCode will copy full line when only a word is selected (single click)

I'm on OSX and running Version 1.42.0 of Visual Studio Code. I have noticed that when I single click a word it will highlight. But if I copy CMD + c and then paste CMD+v, the full line will be in the clipboard. This causes problems from time to time, when the screen has given me every indication that I have only selected a single word. Is there some setting that I can set that will make the default behavior to select a word on a single quote and never ghost select a full line?
What it looks like when I single click a word:
And what it looks like after I've copied and pasted:
After filing an issue, it turns out that this behavior is by design.
The word the cursor is on (from a single click) is highlighted along with every occurrence of that word. The word is not selected (that would be a deeper blue).
By default copying without a selection copies the current line.
This in my opinion is an Accessibility issue, as there are strong visual clues that a word is selected. I have found that the behavior can be made more intuitive if you set these to settings.
// Controls whether copying without a selection copies the current line.
"editor.emptySelectionClipboard": false,
// Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences.
"editor.occurrencesHighlight": false
With these two settings the word the cursor is on will not be highlighted (nor any other occurrences of that word). And if you do happen to copy, with an empty selection, the editor will behave similar to how other applications behave and not copy the current line.

How do I get a cursor on every line in vscode

I'm trying to use the multi cursor functionality of vscode on a large(ish) file.
the file is too large to select every line individually with ctrl-alt-up or down. In sublime-text I would select everything and push ctrl-shift-l. Is there a similar thing in vscode. I've tried using a regex search for ^, but that gives me an error stating "Expression matches everything".
The command Selection / Add Cursors to Line Ends altshifti will put a cursor on every line in the current selection. (For mac use optshifti)
Tip: You can pull up the keyboard shortcut reference sheet with ctrlk,ctrls (as in, those two keyboard combos in sequence).
(For mac use cmdk,cmds)
Hold Alt+Shift and select the block. Then press End or Right button.
You get selected individual lines.
I use version VSCode 1.5.3 in Windows.
Hold Alt+Shift+i
Hold Home (fn+-> Mac) for right-most or End for left most(fn+<- Mac)
This feature is actually called split selection into lines in many editors.
Sublime Text uses the default keybinding, CTRLSHIFT L
For Atom you actually need to edit your keymap to something like this
'.platform-win32 .editor, .platform-linux .editor':
'ctrl-shift-L': 'editor:split-selections-into-lines'
Real Lines vs Display Lines
First we have to understand the difference between Real Lines and Display Lines to completely understand the answer of the question.
When Word Wrap is enabled, each line of text that exceeds the width of the window will display as wrapped. As a result, a single line in the file may be represented by multiple lines on the display.
The easiest way to tell the difference between Real Lines and Display Lines is by looking at the line number in the left margin of the text editor. Lines that begin with a number correspond to the real lines, which may span one or more display lines. Each time a line is wrapped to fit inside the window, it begins without a line number.
Cursor At the Beginning of each Display Lines:
Cursor At the Beginning of each Real Lines:
Answer to the Question
Now that we know the difference between Display Lines and Real Lines, we can now properly answer the actual question.
Hold AltShift and select the text block.
Press Home to put cursor on the beginning of every Display Line.
Press End to put cursor on the end of every Display Line.
Press HomeHome (Home twice) to put cursor on the beginning of every Real Line.
Press EndEnd (End twice) to put cursor on the end of every Real Line.
Please understand that AltShiftI put cursor on the end of every Real Line.
Install the extension Sublime Commands.
[Sublime Commands] Adds commands from Sublime Text to VS Code: Transpose, Expand Selection to Line, Split into Lines, Join Lines.
(Don't forget to add the keybinding(s) from the extensions details page to your keybindings.json)
Doesn't VS Code already have a "split into lines" command?
Yes, yes it does. However it differs from the one in Sublime.
In VS Code, when you split into lines your selection gets deselected and a cursor appears at the end of each line that was selected (except for the last line where the cursor appears at the end of the selection).
In Sublime, when you split into lines a cursor appears at the end of each line (with the same exception as in VS Code) and the selection is divided on each line and "given" to the same line.
I have the same problem, i'm used to Alt + drag to do 'box selections' in visual studio but it does'n work in code.
It seems to be impossible for now to do it differently than by selecting every single line.
However plugins should be supported soon so we will likely see a plugin for this if not implemented directly by microsoft.
From visual studio uservoice forums:
We plan to offer plugin support for Visual Studio Code. Thank you for your interests and look for more details in our blog in the coming weeks. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vscode.
For the preview we are looking for exactly this type of feedback. Keep it coming.
Sean McBreen – VS Code Team Member

How to indent back to previous level in Emacs (text-mode)?

When using Emacs's text mode, I find it handy to use the default indentation method with below features:
When I am at some indentation level, hitting C-j
will automatically bring me to the next line with identical
indentation level
When I hit Tab, the indentation will further right by some amount (usually to align with the next word in previous line)
However, I find it difficult to go back by one indentation level. E.g. If the current cursor is at the position of | as below:
Line 0: some text here
Line 1: some text here
Line 2: some text here
|Line 3: some text here
what can I do to bring the cursor to align with "L" in line 1?
Note the amount of spaces of each level indentation is not fixed, as it is usually align to the 2nd word of previous line. So it seems not proper to use reducing 4-spaces as indent to previous level.
Just curious whether there is any predefined / customized function for such purpose. It seems natural to seek for a corresponding "left-indent" command if the text-editor already provides a "right-indent" one.