SQL Server Management Studio 2017 change font in grid result - ssms-2017

I am trying to change font size in grid result in SQL Server Management Studio 2017. But I dont see how to do this. There is not option in Tools->Option->Fonts->and Colour :(

SSMS update + reboot solve problem


Formatting horizontal lines in Azure Dev

Visual Studio 2017 has good formatting tool (Word wrap and Show visual glyphs for word wrap) that shows horizontal lines in new line, if line larger then window.(From Formatting horizontal lines in Visual Studio 2017 )
It's a really good thing. And my question is: Does Azure Devops have ability to reformat the code?
Formatting horizontal lines in Azure Dev
When you in the Azure Devops web code editor, like edit the file/code in the web code editor, we could right-click in the editor and choose User Preferences > Enable Word Wrap:
But in the Pull Request submission, MS reply that the behavior of disabling word wrapping is by design, this makes it better to see the difference in the same line:
Check this thread for some more details.
Hope this helps.

visual studio code looks blurry

Folks, this is not a code question but I dont know where else to post this. the website of VS Code linked me here so here goes.
Here are my visual studio code version details
Version: 1.26.1
Commit: 493869ee8e8a846b0855873886fc79d480d342de
Date: 2018-08-16T18:38:57.434Z
Electron: 2.0.5
Chrome: 61.0.3163.100
Node.js: 8.9.3
V8: 6.1.534.41
Architecture: x64
Once I updated to this version, the entire app started looking blurry. It was fine before the update and has been looking fine on this windows 10 machine.
I got other Microsoft Apps - Office Word, Excel and the rest, and they all fine. Visual Studio (regular) looks fine. Its this software and only since the latest update to 1.26.1
Note: There is one other software which always had a blurry appearance, and that is Postman. I assumed that it is a Postman issue so never got around to fixing it or try fixing. adding this here if there is a connection but the question is primarily about Code, and how I could fix the appearance problem.
Update 1 :
So, I opened Postman and that also has stopped being blurry. So, looks like the blame does fall on AMD Radeon rather than MS or Postman developers.
NVIDIA Control Panel
Manage 3D settings
Program Settings
Select VS Code from dropdown or add it if it's not there
Set "Antialiasing - FXAA" to OFF
I know this is late but just in case it didn't work for someone, here is another solution:
Right click on VsCode and go to properties.
Copy this command
--disable-gpu --enable-use-zoom-for-dsf
and append it to the target path n the shortcut properties dialog.
Click apply and the reopen VScode.
Here is the article that I am referencing https://medium.com/kasun-kodagoda/fix-text-becomes-blurry-when-vs-code-application-loses-focus-issue-on-windows-d95697b2f927
Try turning Off Anti-Aliasing in your Graphics Settings.Since it Over Renders the Text.
Go into your settings and type "rendering" you should see "Terminal > Integrated: Gpu Acceleration" if you turn if off it should fix the problem.
Go to settings.json and add - "terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration": "off"
I have a problem every now and then where just the terminal gets blurry. I simply zoom in and zoom out ("⌘=", "⌘-") and it fixes them problem.
For AMD:
Open AMD Radeon Software Panel
Go to Settings > Graphics Tab > Advance Settings > Morphological Anti-Aliasing (x) disable this option.
First of all please accept my apologize for not responding so soon, I
am afraid I can't provide you with a feedback because the issue were
my AMD Radeon Graphics Drivers, after an Update was released the issue
was gone. Thanks for your hard work!
Read this comment on github.
It is possible that there is some kind of an issue with your Graphic card, try updating your Graphic card drivers.
I tried updating my drivers as suggested by Yashu Mittal without any luck. After some tinkering I realized that it is because I had set Anti-Aliasing to something other than "application control" in my graphics card settings.
For those who have a similar issue but in Visual Studio IDE (currently, I am using 2019 edition).
Go to "Tools -> Options -> General", and turn on "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities"
link to the settings image

Visual Studio 2015 does not show Unicode last changed charrecter?

I'm using VS 2015 and TFS 2013 update 4.
I was able to see the name of person who last modified/updated and so on above
method classes but right now it just show author names which are in Unicode by question mark
What's the problem?
Now all of Unicode charecters are gone even in c# files
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Delete all the cached data in the folder %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services\6.0\
Restart Visual Studio and re-open the solution from TFS.
Please try:
1). Add the author name's language in Control Panel.
2). Open that file with "CSharp Editor with Encoding".
3). Reset VS to the default settings: devenv /ResetSettings
I found the solution
Tools ====> options ===> Environment ====> show settings for : CodeLens
and then changed Font type to tahoma.
I check vs on other machines the font on others were sets to calibri but Unicode characters displayed correctly
for more info you can go to
How do I change the font and color for CodeLens?
A: Go to Tools, Options, Environment, Fonts and Colors.

how to connect crystal reports with visual fox pro

i would like to ask how to connect the crystal report with Visual Fox pro.
In connecting i mean the crystal report having to connect directly to visual fox pro .DBF without any coding on Visual Fox pro.
Is there any step like on how to connect stored procedures in SQL SERVER?
i know how to connect crystal reports to SQL SERVER, but i don't know how to connect crystal reports to visual fox pro .DBF
maybe this is a very simple question to you. kindly be understanding sirs.
thanks in advance sirs and mams!
I've done this a few times, but it likely depends on your version of Crystal Reports.
In the more recent version,
in the Database Expert > Create New Connection > OLE DB(ADO) > Make
New Connection
Now, on the screen that appears,
select Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLEDB Provider and click next
For the database name, you want the folder that the file resides in, NOT the whole path
select the table you want to use and proceed as you would with any
other data source.

I can't drag and drop crystal reportviewer in web form

I've wired problem here.
I'm building a new fresh web application, and i want to use crystal report 2010 in one of my pages, the problem is that i can't drag and drop the crystal report viewer control .
Any idea why is this happening ?
What specifically is the problem? Are you not seeing the control in your Toolbox or are you literally not able to drag the control from the Toolbox to your form?
If you are not seeing it but have added it to your control box see this post:
how to enable crystal report viewer in Visual Studio 2010
If you haven't added it as a control then you will have to do that first. Here is a quick start guide video that explains it all.
1st step: Add a Crystal report to your project.
2nd step: Then go to your web form and add a crystal report viewer control.
Just found out this solution from going around an asp.net project in Visual studio 2015. Hope this helps to anyone looking up.