Formatting horizontal lines in Azure Dev - azure-devops

Visual Studio 2017 has good formatting tool (Word wrap and Show visual glyphs for word wrap) that shows horizontal lines in new line, if line larger then window.(From Formatting horizontal lines in Visual Studio 2017 )
It's a really good thing. And my question is: Does Azure Devops have ability to reformat the code?

Formatting horizontal lines in Azure Dev
When you in the Azure Devops web code editor, like edit the file/code in the web code editor, we could right-click in the editor and choose User Preferences > Enable Word Wrap:
But in the Pull Request submission, MS reply that the behavior of disabling word wrapping is by design, this makes it better to see the difference in the same line:
Check this thread for some more details.
Hope this helps.


How to collapse/fold a link in Visual Studio Code Markdown?

It is hard to read a markdown document in Visual Code if it contains links with long URLs. Is there a way to collapse/fold link addresses?
As far as I can tell from looking through the markdown settings (you can try it yourself by triggering autocomplete/suggestions after typing markdownlink in a settings.json file), there is no setting that enables the behaviour you are looking for.
One possible workaround would be to just read the markdown preview (instead of the source markup). You can do this with the buttons at the top right, or with these commands and keyboard shortcuts:
Markdown: Open Preview (ctrl+shift+v)
Markdown: Open Preview to the Side (ctrl+k,v)
Markdown: Open Locked Preview to the Side
If you want the feature you are asking for, you can create a feature request on their GitHub issue tracker. If you do so, add a link here to the issue you create for posterity.

Visual Studio Code Bracket Matching

I'm using Visual Studio Code for web development. It's very useful tool but when i select a tag, element etc. Visual Studio Code show all the same tag, element or etc. I only know where tag is closed. How can i do that?
Unfortunately, this is not supported yet, as you can see in this open issue.
Go there and add a :thumbs_up:, so they could priorize in the next releases, or someone else would create an extension for that.

Visual Studio Code - previous search

I came from Sublime to Visual Studio Code and I'm looking for the history of searches in the Visual Code , what was in the Sublime with -
and then just press ↕ to navigate between previous/next search.
How could I get the same functionality on Visual Studio Code on its search text field ?
My current Version is 1.5.2
Up: Shows the previous term in history
Down: Shows the next term in history
You can customize the keybinding to your liking using history.showPrevious and history.showNext
It's Up and Down in the search edit box.
It used to be that you had to use alt, but later they added just the arrow keys by themselves. The keyboard shortcut is customizable under history.showPrevious and history.showNext
definitely it should be accessible by UI. Although the minimalistic UI is the best of VSC
you can navigate search recent history by Alt+up/donw
There is currently no search history in Visual Studio Code. But it's part of the September milestones as you can see here:
So the feature will probably be shipped in October 2016.

How to copy formatted code to clipboard in VS Code

In Visual Studio Code, is it possible to copy selected code to the clipboard with the syntax highlighting? I want to be able to paste into a Word doc or e-mail.
Regular Visual Studio does this by default (it puts both text and RTF formats on the clipboard).
I see that I can "Toggle Developer Tools" and locate the div (with class="view-lines") that has the code, so maybe there is a way to use that chunk of html, but I don't see an easy way to just copy the formatted code and paste into Word or an e-mail.
According to the 1.10 changelog :
It is now possible with that command : editor.action.clipboardCopyWithSyntaxHighlightingAction
Type/paste it in command box (ctrl+shift+p or F1)
Use the command "Copy With Syntax Highlighting".
Highlight the code
Ctrl + Shift + p to open the Command Palette
Type / Select Copy With Syntax Highlighting
It is available since VS Code v1.43 (Feb 2020), as #robert4 mentioned in comment.
Ran into this question as I was trying to copy and paste with syntax highlighting from Visual Studio (not Code). As far as I see, it is not possible OOTB.
I am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (v16.7.4), trying to copy C# code (tried CSHTML also).
BUT, I found this article, which seemed to indicate that Visual Studio Code OOTB would Ctrl+C Ctrl+V right into an Outlook email or Word document without a plugin or fancy keyboard shortcut, and I was successful!
I am using Visual Studio Code v1.49.2, and copying C# code. Copying CSHTML also worked.
I took the suggestion above, went to the command pallet, clicked on the clog to the right, and used ctl + c for the key bindings. Now, when I copy from VSCode to OneNote, I get the source formatting. It works!

Visual Studio 2015 does not show Unicode last changed charrecter?

I'm using VS 2015 and TFS 2013 update 4.
I was able to see the name of person who last modified/updated and so on above
method classes but right now it just show author names which are in Unicode by question mark
What's the problem?
Now all of Unicode charecters are gone even in c# files
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Delete all the cached data in the folder %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services\6.0\
Restart Visual Studio and re-open the solution from TFS.
Please try:
1). Add the author name's language in Control Panel.
2). Open that file with "CSharp Editor with Encoding".
3). Reset VS to the default settings: devenv /ResetSettings
I found the solution
Tools ====> options ===> Environment ====> show settings for : CodeLens
and then changed Font type to tahoma.
I check vs on other machines the font on others were sets to calibri but Unicode characters displayed correctly
for more info you can go to
How do I change the font and color for CodeLens?
A: Go to Tools, Options, Environment, Fonts and Colors.