cast generic type to the type with Any as the type parameter [duplicate] - swift

I'm using Signals library.
Let's say I defined BaseProtocol protocol and ChildClass which conforms BaseProtocol.
protocol BaseProtocol {}
class ChildClass: BaseProtocol {}
Now I want to store signals like:
var signals: Array<Signal<BaseProtocol>> = []
let signalOfChild = Signal<ChildClass>()
I get error:
But I can write next lines without any compiler error:
var arrays = Array<Array<BaseProtocol>>()
let arrayOfChild = Array<ChildClass>()
So, what the difference between generic Swift Array and generic Signal?

The difference is that Array (and Set and Dictionary) get special treatment from the compiler, allowing for covariance (I go into this in slightly more detail in this Q&A).
However arbitrary generic types are invariant, meaning that X<T> is a completely unrelated type to X<U> if T != U – any other typing relation between T and U (such as subtyping) is irrelevant. Applied to your case, Signal<ChildClass> and Signal<BaseProtocol> are unrelated types, even though ChildClass is a subtype of BaseProtocol (see also this Q&A).
One reason for this is it would completely break generic reference types that define contravariant things (such as function parameters and property setters) with respect to T.
For example, if you had implemented Signal as:
class Signal<T> {
var t: T
init(t: T) {
self.t = t
If you were able to say:
let signalInt = Signal(t: 5)
let signalAny: Signal<Any> = signalInt
you could then say:
signalAny.t = "wassup" // assigning a String to a Signal<Int>'s `t` property.
which is completely wrong, as you cannot assign a String to an Int property.
The reason why this kind of thing is safe for Array is that it's a value type – thus when you do:
let intArray = [2, 3, 4]
var anyArray : [Any] = intArray
there are no problems, as anyArray is a copy of intArray – thus the contravariance of append(_:) is not a problem.
However, this cannot be applied to arbitrary generic value types, as value types can contain any number of generic reference types, which leads us back down the dangerous road of allowing an illegal operation for generic reference types that define contravariant things.
As Rob says in his answer, the solution for reference types, if you need to maintain a reference to the same underlying instance, is to use a type-eraser.
If we consider the example:
protocol BaseProtocol {}
class ChildClass: BaseProtocol {}
class AnotherChild : BaseProtocol {}
class Signal<T> {
var t: T
init(t: T) {
self.t = t
let childSignal = Signal(t: ChildClass())
let anotherSignal = Signal(t: AnotherChild())
A type-eraser that wraps any Signal<T> instance where T conforms to BaseProtocol could look like this:
struct AnyBaseProtocolSignal {
private let _t: () -> BaseProtocol
var t: BaseProtocol { return _t() }
init<T : BaseProtocol>(_ base: Signal<T>) {
_t = { base.t }
// ...
let signals = [AnyBaseProtocolSignal(childSignal), AnyBaseProtocolSignal(anotherSignal)]
This now lets us talk in terms of heterogenous types of Signal where the T is some type that conforms to BaseProtocol.
However one problem with this wrapper is that we're restricted to talking in terms of BaseProtocol. What if we had AnotherProtocol and wanted a type-eraser for Signal instances where T conforms to AnotherProtocol?
One solution to this is to pass a transform function to the type-eraser, allowing us to perform an arbitrary upcast.
struct AnySignal<T> {
private let _t: () -> T
var t: T { return _t() }
init<U>(_ base: Signal<U>, transform: #escaping (U) -> T) {
_t = { transform(base.t) }
Now we can talk in terms of heterogenous types of Signal where T is some type that's convertible to some U, which is specified at the creation of the type-eraser.
let signals: [AnySignal<BaseProtocol>] = [
AnySignal(childSignal, transform: { $0 }),
AnySignal(anotherSignal, transform: { $0 })
// or AnySignal(childSignal, transform: { $0 as BaseProtocol })
// to be explicit.
However, the passing of the same transform function to each initialiser is a little unwieldy.
In Swift 3.1 (available with Xcode 8.3 beta), you can lift this burden from the caller by defining your own initialiser specifically for BaseProtocol in an extension:
extension AnySignal where T == BaseProtocol {
init<U : BaseProtocol>(_ base: Signal<U>) {
self.init(base, transform: { $0 })
(and repeat for any other protocol types you want to convert to)
Now you can just say:
let signals: [AnySignal<BaseProtocol>] = [
(You can actually remove the explicit type annotation for the array here, and the compiler will infer it to be [AnySignal<BaseProtocol>] – but if you're going to allow for more convenience initialisers, I would keep it explicit)
The solution for value types, or reference types where you want to specifically create a new instance, to is perform a conversion from Signal<T> (where T conforms to BaseProtocol) to Signal<BaseProtocol>.
In Swift 3.1, you can do this by defining a (convenience) initialiser in an extension for Signal types where T == BaseProtocol:
extension Signal where T == BaseProtocol {
convenience init<T : BaseProtocol>(other: Signal<T>) {
self.init(t: other.t)
// ...
let signals: [Signal<BaseProtocol>] = [
Signal(other: childSignal),
Signal(other: anotherSignal)
Pre Swift 3.1, this can be achieved with an instance method:
extension Signal where T : BaseProtocol {
func asBaseProtocol() -> Signal<BaseProtocol> {
return Signal<BaseProtocol>(t: t)
// ...
let signals: [Signal<BaseProtocol>] = [
The procedure in both cases would be similar for a struct.


Cannot assign value of type CustomViewcontroller<FirstModel> to type CustomViewcontroller<SecondModel> [duplicate]

I'm using Signals library.
Let's say I defined BaseProtocol protocol and ChildClass which conforms BaseProtocol.
protocol BaseProtocol {}
class ChildClass: BaseProtocol {}
Now I want to store signals like:
var signals: Array<Signal<BaseProtocol>> = []
let signalOfChild = Signal<ChildClass>()
I get error:
But I can write next lines without any compiler error:
var arrays = Array<Array<BaseProtocol>>()
let arrayOfChild = Array<ChildClass>()
So, what the difference between generic Swift Array and generic Signal?
The difference is that Array (and Set and Dictionary) get special treatment from the compiler, allowing for covariance (I go into this in slightly more detail in this Q&A).
However arbitrary generic types are invariant, meaning that X<T> is a completely unrelated type to X<U> if T != U – any other typing relation between T and U (such as subtyping) is irrelevant. Applied to your case, Signal<ChildClass> and Signal<BaseProtocol> are unrelated types, even though ChildClass is a subtype of BaseProtocol (see also this Q&A).
One reason for this is it would completely break generic reference types that define contravariant things (such as function parameters and property setters) with respect to T.
For example, if you had implemented Signal as:
class Signal<T> {
var t: T
init(t: T) {
self.t = t
If you were able to say:
let signalInt = Signal(t: 5)
let signalAny: Signal<Any> = signalInt
you could then say:
signalAny.t = "wassup" // assigning a String to a Signal<Int>'s `t` property.
which is completely wrong, as you cannot assign a String to an Int property.
The reason why this kind of thing is safe for Array is that it's a value type – thus when you do:
let intArray = [2, 3, 4]
var anyArray : [Any] = intArray
there are no problems, as anyArray is a copy of intArray – thus the contravariance of append(_:) is not a problem.
However, this cannot be applied to arbitrary generic value types, as value types can contain any number of generic reference types, which leads us back down the dangerous road of allowing an illegal operation for generic reference types that define contravariant things.
As Rob says in his answer, the solution for reference types, if you need to maintain a reference to the same underlying instance, is to use a type-eraser.
If we consider the example:
protocol BaseProtocol {}
class ChildClass: BaseProtocol {}
class AnotherChild : BaseProtocol {}
class Signal<T> {
var t: T
init(t: T) {
self.t = t
let childSignal = Signal(t: ChildClass())
let anotherSignal = Signal(t: AnotherChild())
A type-eraser that wraps any Signal<T> instance where T conforms to BaseProtocol could look like this:
struct AnyBaseProtocolSignal {
private let _t: () -> BaseProtocol
var t: BaseProtocol { return _t() }
init<T : BaseProtocol>(_ base: Signal<T>) {
_t = { base.t }
// ...
let signals = [AnyBaseProtocolSignal(childSignal), AnyBaseProtocolSignal(anotherSignal)]
This now lets us talk in terms of heterogenous types of Signal where the T is some type that conforms to BaseProtocol.
However one problem with this wrapper is that we're restricted to talking in terms of BaseProtocol. What if we had AnotherProtocol and wanted a type-eraser for Signal instances where T conforms to AnotherProtocol?
One solution to this is to pass a transform function to the type-eraser, allowing us to perform an arbitrary upcast.
struct AnySignal<T> {
private let _t: () -> T
var t: T { return _t() }
init<U>(_ base: Signal<U>, transform: #escaping (U) -> T) {
_t = { transform(base.t) }
Now we can talk in terms of heterogenous types of Signal where T is some type that's convertible to some U, which is specified at the creation of the type-eraser.
let signals: [AnySignal<BaseProtocol>] = [
AnySignal(childSignal, transform: { $0 }),
AnySignal(anotherSignal, transform: { $0 })
// or AnySignal(childSignal, transform: { $0 as BaseProtocol })
// to be explicit.
However, the passing of the same transform function to each initialiser is a little unwieldy.
In Swift 3.1 (available with Xcode 8.3 beta), you can lift this burden from the caller by defining your own initialiser specifically for BaseProtocol in an extension:
extension AnySignal where T == BaseProtocol {
init<U : BaseProtocol>(_ base: Signal<U>) {
self.init(base, transform: { $0 })
(and repeat for any other protocol types you want to convert to)
Now you can just say:
let signals: [AnySignal<BaseProtocol>] = [
(You can actually remove the explicit type annotation for the array here, and the compiler will infer it to be [AnySignal<BaseProtocol>] – but if you're going to allow for more convenience initialisers, I would keep it explicit)
The solution for value types, or reference types where you want to specifically create a new instance, to is perform a conversion from Signal<T> (where T conforms to BaseProtocol) to Signal<BaseProtocol>.
In Swift 3.1, you can do this by defining a (convenience) initialiser in an extension for Signal types where T == BaseProtocol:
extension Signal where T == BaseProtocol {
convenience init<T : BaseProtocol>(other: Signal<T>) {
self.init(t: other.t)
// ...
let signals: [Signal<BaseProtocol>] = [
Signal(other: childSignal),
Signal(other: anotherSignal)
Pre Swift 3.1, this can be achieved with an instance method:
extension Signal where T : BaseProtocol {
func asBaseProtocol() -> Signal<BaseProtocol> {
return Signal<BaseProtocol>(t: t)
// ...
let signals: [Signal<BaseProtocol>] = [
The procedure in both cases would be similar for a struct.

Usage of Generics

I have the following structs:
struct A<T> {
var val: T
struct B<T> {
var setOfA: Set<A<T>>
Is this incorrect usage of generics, if the set of As can have values of both A<Int> and A<Float> type (or any other type)?
If yes, is using Any the correct way to do this?
Would generics have been the right way to go, if the set of As was constrained to A<>s of a single type?
Swift is a moving target, all code tested using Xcode 9.2 & Swift 4.0.
First if you wish to insert A<T> items into a set then the type must implement the Hashable protocol. You can implement this protocol as needed but for illustrative purposes a simple approach is to require the type parameter T to be Hashable and to implement the protocol by indirecting to val:
struct A<T> : Hashable where T : Hashable
var val : T
var hashValue: Int { return val.hashValue }
static func ==(lhs: A<T>, rhs: A<T>) -> Bool
return lhs.val == rhs.val
The rest of the answer does not require the above implementation, just that A<T> is Hashable.
Constraining your Set to only containing instances of A<T> for any and all T is more of a challenge. One approach to this problem is to use an existential type, which in this context essentially allows the wrapping of differently typed value inside another non-generic wrapper. Swift has some pre-defined existential types, in particular AnyHashable which you could use to define B's var:
struct B
var setOfA : Set<AnyHashable> = Set()
Unfortunately this does not constrain the set to only hold values of type A<T> for any T.
The type of setOfA cannot be Set<A<AnyHashable>> as that would require a value of type A<T> for some T to be cast-able to A<AnyHashable> and Swift does not support that (researching variance might help understand why).
You might wonder why the type cannot be Set<Hashable>. Unfortunately (in this context!) Hashable is a protocol with a Self requirement and Swift does not support using it as a generic type parameter in this context. AnyHashable is a non-generic struct which type erases (the existential type bit) the value it wraps.
So back to solving the problem of constraining the set to only contains A's. One solution is to hide (private) the set inside B and provide a generic insertion function which only accepts A<T> values, for any T. The set value itself can then be made public using a read-only computed property. For example:
struct B
// private property so only B's functions can modify the set
private var _setOfA : Set<AnyHashable> = Set()
// public read-only property so _setOfA cannot be changed directly
var setOfA : Set<AnyHashable> { return _setOfA }
// public insert function which only accepts A<T> values, for any T
mutating func insert<T>(_ element : A<T>) -> (Bool, A<T>)
return _setOfA.insert(element)
Here is dome sample code using the above:
let x = A(val: 4) // x : A<Int>
let y = A(val: "hello") // y : A<String>
var z = B()
print(z.insert(x)) // insert being generic accepts any A<T>
print(z.insert(x)) // should return (false, x) as element already added
for member in z.setOfA
print("member = \(member) : \(type(of:member))")
if let intMember = member as? A<Int>
print(" intMember = \(intMember) : \(type(of:intMember))")
else if let stringMember = member as? A<String>
print(" stringMember = \(stringMember) : \(type(of:stringMember))")
This outputs:
(true, __lldb_expr_501.A<Swift.Int>(val: 4))
(true, __lldb_expr_501.A<Swift.String>(val: "hello"))
(false, __lldb_expr_501.A<Swift.Int>(val: 4))
B(_setOfA: Set([AnyHashable(__lldb_expr_501.A<Swift.String>(val: "hello")), AnyHashable(__lldb_expr_501.A<Swift.Int>(val: 4))]))
member = A<String>(val: "hello") : AnyHashable
stringMember = A<String>(val: "hello") : A<String>
member = A<Int>(val: 4) : AnyHashable
intMember = A<Int>(val: 4) : A<Int>
If you plan on letting your struct contain val of a specific type, use <T: DesiredProtocol>. If the type doesn't matter, and your val can be of any type, just implement the structure as struct A<T> {}. A<T> is equal to A<T: Any>.
Note that your example won't compile if you intend to have setOfA contain A with different types.
The elements in a Set must be hashable.
In B<T>, T represents only one type. Therefore, you cannot store different types in Set<A<T>>.
Because of this requirement, struct A<T> must conform to the Hashable protocol, and the implementation of B must be changed.
struct A<T>: Hashable {
var val: T
// Implementation of Hashable
/// This struct should not be generic. It would constrain its setOfA to only contain the same type.
/// By removing the generics, and use Any instead, you let each element have its own type.
struct B {
var setOfA: Set<A<Any>>
var set: Set<A<Any>> = Set()
set.insert(A(val: 0 as Int))
set.insert(A(val: 1 as Float))
let b = B(setOfA: set)
Due to the fact that you're looking for a way to insert a generic A<T> into A<Any> without specifying its type as A<Any> on creation, I've come up with two different ways:
let v1 = A(val: 5)
var v2 = A(val: 3)
aSet.insert(A(val: v2.val))
aSet.insert(withUnsafePointer(to: &v3, { return UnsafeRawPointer($0) }).assumingMemoryBound(to: A<Any>.self).pointee)
If it is as you write, that B's setOfA would only have A<> of a single type, it's the choice of the context whether you should use generics or not. The question is rather if struct B needs to be generic. struct A can be a value type for many different tasks, while struct B doesn't need to. If B is more specific, you could rather just write:
struct B {
var setOfA: Set<A<Int>>
As above-mentioned, if you intend to have the same set contain A<Int> and A<Float>, then var setOfA: Set<A<Any>> is the correct way.
If struct A has a very specific use-case, and you don't actually need it to be generic, you should change the type of val. Your code should be understandable and comprehensive. I would recommend one of these solutions:
struct A: Hashable {
var val: Any
// or
var val: Numeric
// Implementation of Hashable

How is init() relevant in Swift protocol?

Protocols in Swift can declare the init() method in their definition. However, I can't think of any use case where this solves any problem other than forcing the conforming classes to define the init() as in the protocol. We can call the declared methods on the protocol type but init on protocol cannot be used to instantiate its object, which is its only purpose.
What problem does declaring init() method in a protocol solve?
I think the real utility comes when it's used as a constraint in a generic class o function. This is real code from one of my projects.
I declare a protocol with a init:
protocol JSONCreatable {
init(fromJson json: JSON)
Then, in a generic function where I return a class that conforms to that protocol:
import SwiftyJSON
extension JSON {
func asObject<T>() -> T? where T: JSONCreatable {
if isEmpty {
return nil
return T(fromJson: self)
func asArray<T>() -> [T] where T: JSONCreatable {
return array?.map{ json in T(fromJson: json) } ?? []
This allows me to do things like this:
let user: User = json["user"].asObject()
let results: [Element] = json["elements"].asArray()
It forces class to have init(data: data) from some data, example:
protocol JSONable {
init(data: JSON)
forces all classes, that are JSONable to have an initialiser from JSON, so you are always sure, that you can create an instance from JSON.
It's commonly used in order to allow for protocol extensions and generic placeholders constrained to protocols to call the initialiser on the given concrete type that conforms to the protocol. For example, consider RangeReplaceableCollection's default implementation of init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S):
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
// ...
/// Creates a new instance of a collection containing the elements of a
/// sequence.
/// - Parameter elements: The sequence of elements for the new collection.
public init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element {
append(contentsOf: elements)
// ...
Without init() being defined as a protocol requirement of RangeReplaceableCollection, there's no way for the extension to know that we can call init() in order to create a new instance of the conforming type.
But it can also be used directly outside of generics and extensions – for example, it can be used to construct a new instance represented by a given existential metatype (the metatype of 'some concrete type that conforms to a protocol'):
protocol P {
struct S : P {
init() {}
let s: P = S()
let s1 = type(of: s).init() // creates a new instance of S, statically typed as P.
In this example:
type(of: s) returns the dynamic type of s as P.Type (an existential metatype), as s is statically typed as P. Remember that type(of:) is a (T) -> T.Type operation.
init() constructs a new instance of the underlying concrete type, in this case S.
The new instance is statically typed as P (i.e boxed in an existential container).

In Swift, how to cast to protocol with associated type?

In the following code, I want to test if x is a SpecialController. If it is, I want to get the currentValue as a SpecialValue. How do you do this? If not with a cast, then some other technique.
The last line there won't compile. There error is: Protocol "SpecialController" can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
protocol SpecialController {
associatedtype SpecialValueType : SpecialValue
var currentValue: SpecialValueType? { get }
var x: AnyObject = ...
if let sc = x as? SpecialController { // does not compile
Unfortunately, Swift doesn't currently support the use of protocols with associated types as actual types. This however is technically possible for the compiler to do; and it may well be implemented in a future version of the language.
A simple solution in your case is to define a 'shadow protocol' that SpecialController derives from, and allows you to access currentValue through a protocol requirement that type erases it:
// This assumes SpecialValue doesn't have associated types – if it does, you can
// repeat the same logic by adding TypeErasedSpecialValue, and then using that.
protocol SpecialValue {
// ...
protocol TypeErasedSpecialController {
var typeErasedCurrentValue: SpecialValue? { get }
protocol SpecialController : TypeErasedSpecialController {
associatedtype SpecialValueType : SpecialValue
var currentValue: SpecialValueType? { get }
extension SpecialController {
var typeErasedCurrentValue: SpecialValue? { return currentValue }
extension String : SpecialValue {}
struct S : SpecialController {
var currentValue: String?
var x: Any = S(currentValue: "Hello World!")
if let sc = x as? TypeErasedSpecialController {
print(sc.typeErasedCurrentValue as Any) // Optional("Hello World!")
[Edited to fix: : SpecialValue, not = SpecialValue]
This is not possible. SpecialValueController is an "incomplete type" conceptually so the compiler cannot know. SpecialValueType, although it is constrained by SpecialValue, it is not known until it is determined by any adopting class. So it is a really placeholder with inadequate information. as?-ness cannot be checked.
You could have a base class that adopts SpecialController with a concrete type for SpecialValueController, and have multiple child classes that inherit from the adopting class, if you're still seeking a degree of polymorphism.
This doesn't work because SpecialController isn't a single type. You can think of associated types as a kind of generics. A SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being an Int is a completely different type from a SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being an String, just like how Optional<Int> is a completely different type from Optional<String>.
Because of this, it doesn't make any sense to cast to SpecialValueType, because that would gloss over the associated type, and allow you to use (for example) a SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being an Int where a SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being a String is expected.
As compiler suggests, the only way SpecialController can be used is as a generic constraint. You can have a function that's generic over T, with the constraint that T must be a SpecialController. The domain of T now spans all the various concrete types of SpecialController, such as one with an Int associated type, and one with a String. For each possible associated type, there's a distinct SpecialController, and by extension, a distinct T.
To draw out the Optional<T> analogy further. Imagine if what you're trying to do was possible. It would be much like this:
func funcThatExpectsIntOptional(_: Int?) {}
let x: Optional<String> = "An optional string"
// Without its generic type parameter, this is an incomplete type. suppose this were valid
let y = x as! Optional
funcThatExpectsIntOptional(y) // boom.

Swift: Any Kind of sequence as a function parameter

I have created my custom sequence type and I want the function to accept any kind of sequence as a parameter. (I want to use both sets, and my sequence types on it)
Something like this:
private func _addToCurrentTileset(tilesToAdd tiles: SequenceType)
Is there any way how I can do it?
It seems relatively straightforward, but I can't figure it out somehow. Swift toolchain tells me:
Protocol 'SequenceType' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements, and I don't know how to create a protocol that will conform to SequenceType and the Self requirement from it.
I can eliminate the associatedType requirement with, but not Self:
protocol EnumerableTileSequence: SequenceType {
associatedtype GeneratorType = geoBingAnCore.Generator
associatedtype SubSequence: SequenceType = EnumerableTileSequence
Now if say I can eliminate self requirement, then already with such protocol definition other collectionType entities like arrays, sets won't conform to it.
my custom sequences are all subclasses of enumerator type defined as:
public class Enumerator<T> {
public func nextObject() -> T? {
extension Enumerator {
public var allObjects: [T] {
return Array(self)
extension Enumerator: SequenceType {
public func generate() -> Generator<T> {
return Generator(enumerator: self)
public struct Generator<T>: GeneratorType {
let enumerator: Enumerator<T>
public mutating func next() -> T? {
return enumerator.nextObject()
The compiler is telling you the answer: "Protocol 'Sequence' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements".
You can therefore do this with generics:
private func _addToCurrentTileset<T: Sequence>(tilesToAdd tiles: T) {
This will allow you to pass in any concrete type that conforms to Sequence into your function. Swift will infer the concrete type, allowing you to pass the sequence around without lose type information.
If you want to restrict the type of the element in the sequence to a given protocol, you can do:
private func _addToCurrentTileset<T: Sequence>(tilesToAdd tiles: T) where T.Element: SomeProtocol {
Or to a concrete type:
private func _addToCurrentTileset<T: Sequence>(tilesToAdd tiles: T) where T.Element == SomeConcreteType {
If you don't care about the concrete type of the sequence itself (useful for mixing them together and in most cases storing them), then Anton's answer has got you covered with the type-erased version of Sequence.
You can use type-eraser AnySequence for that:
A type-erased sequence.
Forwards operations to an arbitrary underlying sequence having the same Element type, hiding the specifics of the underlying SequenceType.
E.g. if you will need to store tiles as an internal property or somehow use its concrete type in the structure of you object then that would be the way to go.
If you simply need to be able to use the sequence w/o having to store it (e.g. just map on it), then you can simply use generics (like #originaluser2 suggests). E.g. you might end up with something like:
private func _addToCurrentTileset<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Tile>(tilesToAdd tiles: S) {
let typeErasedSequence = AnySequence(tiles) // Type == AnySequence<Tile>
let originalSequence = tiles // Type == whatever type that conforms to SequenceType and has Tile as its Generator.Element