Install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 not working - vmware-workstation

I am trying to install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 Vmware workstation, i am on a bridged network but everytime i attempy to download it i get this messsage. Is there another way to do this or to fix this issue?

at time of this post Gluster 8 ( is the current maintained version. So to install it you would do
dnf -y install centos-release-gluster8
Please note that you can find other versions in the extras repository which, as you see above, is enabled.


How to install pgAdmin 4 on Fedora 30?

The RPM given on the official website does not have the pgadmin4 package for Fedora 30.
Is there a known workaround?
Edit: Relevant packages are now included in the RPM, so there is no issue anymore.
You can use the link that points to the x64 package:
sudo dnf -y install
then you will be able to dnf search and install pgadmin4 normally.
Apparently there is a mistake in the docs for that distro.
You'd have to wait until Devrim gets around to rolling RPMs for Fedora 30.
The alternative is to build the software from source.
EDIT: In the meantime, packages for Fedora 30 are available.

Can’t install openmotif22 on CentOS 7

I wanna to install openmotif22 on centos 7 but I get the message from installer “Sorry, this did not work. The file is not supported.”
Can you share with us the command you are using to perform the install as well as the exact package you are attempting to install.
Are you using the steps documented here:

How to install Kubernetes from release binary on Centos 7

I've downloaded kubernetes binary release 1.4.1 and want to install it on my Centos 7 cluster. The official guide is based on "yum install ...".
Is there any guide/instruction show me how to install and configure k8s using a binary release?
Highly appreciate your help.
I was struggling with the same setup too. After hours of googling I decided to go the kubeadm way.
cd release-master/rpm && ./
This produced three rpm packages of v1.4.3. After installing packages, simply run kubeadm init and that is all.
In addition, there is some nice documentation for CoreOS , I tried to follow this first, but then I got compatibility issues in configuration between CentOS and CoreOS. Hope this helps.

If my CentOS 7.2 box has vagrant 1.7.2, can I just run the 1.8.1 rpm to get vagrant 1.8.1?

I have a CentOS 7.2 laptop. I have VirtualBox 5.0.x installed on it. Out of the box, it appears that I have Vagrant 1.7.2. Apparently this doesn't support VirtualBox 5.0.x, but it appears that version 1.8.1 does. What is the proper way to get access to 1.8.1? There is an installation rpm for 1.8.1 that I've downloaded, I can run this with "rpm", but do I have to do anything else before I do that?
Use Software Collections to get Vagrant 1.8.1 on CentOS: Vagrant 1.8 by Software Collections (the linked page contains instructions on how to do that). That will give you a build tested by the CentOS project.
As a sidenote: If you downloaded a standalone RPM package (presumably directly from the Vagrant project) and wish to install it, do it using the yum package manager, not rpm -- yum takes care of dependencies.

Is VestaCP compatible with Centos 7

I want to install VestaCP on my digitalocean droplet. I can't see supported os list on vestacp's web site. Is VestaCP compatible with centos 7 ?
Yes, its CentOS 7 compatible, you only have to use their installer running this:
curl -O
It doesn't look like it. I just tried installing it on a minimal-install image of CentOS 7, and it failed. Tried to find /sbin/ifconfig (7 minimal-install uses nmcli and nmtui) and failed.
The rhel-specific install script that got downloaded only has provisions for CentOS 5 and 6 in it, no mention of 7, and so the install failed further on when adding some rpm repos.
tldr: doesn't look like it has support for it yet.