RESTful API Design and CQRS - rest

I was thinking of how to make a RESTFul API more intention revealing. A common patter I see around various blogs on this is that conventional REST API results in
Ban a Player -> POST /players.
But I were to change to a more intention revealing interface , I could use
Ban a Player -> POST /players/{ playerid }/banPlayer
The second one I feel is more intention revealing.
The common objection I get from the team is that the second one does not comply with start REST style.
Also currently I cannot move away from a RESTful API.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

With Restful API design there are two schools of thought around how to apply actions to a resource.
You describe the action to be taken against the resource in the Uri:
Request Uri:
POST /players/{id}/ban
Note: Just use ban - we already know the resource is a player, its in the base Uri.
You can have the action in the body of the request:
Request Uri:
POST /players/{id}
Request Body:
{ 'action': 'ban' }
You can pick either way - whichever you prefer, there is lots of discussion on both but ultimately both are correct.
My assumption here that banning a player is more than just updating a part of it, but rather a system action (or state transition) relating to the player. Otherwise if it was just an update to the player resource you should handle with a PATCH or PUT as appropriate.
Some discussions for reference:
With plenty more if you do some Googling...

Long story short: it shouldn't be mandatory to be intention revealing but if you want to add some DDD on how this API looks like then it is nothing that prevents you from doing that
According to HATEOAS constraint of a RESTful web API (this constraint is an essential part of the "uniform interface" feature of REST, as defined in Roy Fielding's doctoral dissertation), the software clients of your API should not care about the URLs. Every possible&permitted action should be included in the response, with the corresponding link relation and URI. In this way you have to hardcode only the link relations.
This constraint does not however prevent you from making the API more intention revealing for the Human clients that try to understand the overall architecture. I recommend you to choose this path, as Human users are at least as important as the software that they write.
Roy Fielding wrote about this on his blog post.

Since you asked for the RESTful way not the best way, here's my thoughts.
Your RESTful URI options include:
/players/{ playerid }/banPlayer
anything else, REST doesn't dictate what your URIs should look like
The RESTful way is to expose knowledge of the next available states purely through hypertext. To do REST, you must use Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS). Relying on client knowledge of the URI is depending on out-of-band knowledge, which is antithetical to REST.
Your resources do not need to map directly to your business objects. If you choose, you can represent user intent itself as a resource, e.g. a banned player event resource. You can POST to it with some info on which player to ban, and subsequent GETs will provide information on the event.
Oh and just because REST doesn't care what your URIs are, doesn't mean you shouldn't. You'll just have to use a different standard to decide what's best.

According to the REST API approaches, you need to use your entities in URI, so, as banPlayer is not an entity, you cannot use it.
I suggest to UPDATE your record with PUT method.
Here you can read more about rules. Actually, the first section about URIs is just about your case.

The common objection I get from the team is that the second one does not comply with start REST style.
The easy answer is this: consistency in the API has value, whether REST or not. So "that's not how we do it here" is going to trump "but REST says".
The spelling of URI in an API is a lot like the spelling of method names in your code. There are a lot of different arguments for different styles, but "local convention" is a strong argument by itself.
That said -- REST does not care what spelling you use for your identifiers.
This is what Fielding had to say in 2008
A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state, or in defining extended relation names and/or hypertext-enabled mark-up for existing standard media types. Any effort spent describing what methods to use on what URIs of interest should be entirely defined within the scope of the processing rules for a media type (and, in most cases, already defined by existing media types). [Failure here implies that out-of-band information is driving interaction instead of hypertext.]
In band would be including the URI in the representation of the resource -- putting it into the description of a form in the HTML document. Out of band is documenting the URI, and expecting people to do the right thing with it.
Note: there's nothing wrong with human-readable URI, or documenting the URI that should be used. But notice that you can post questions to stackoverflow even though the people who wrote your browser didn't read stack overflow's API documentation -- that's REST.

This Google Cloud article API design: Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them clarifies the REST vs RPC debate. REST is more relevant for entity-centric API whereas RPC is more relevant for action-centric API (and CQRS). The most mature REST level 3 with hypermedia controls works well only for entities with simple state models.
Understand and evaluate first the benefits of REST for your case. Many APIs are REST-ish and not RESTful. OpenAPI is actually RPC mapped over and HTTP endpoints but it doesn't prevent it to be widely adopted.


Is the much hyped REST API just a http method plus HATEOAS links?

I read that HATEOAS links are the one that separates a REST API from a normal http API. In that case, does REST need a separate name? I wonder what all this hype about REST API is about. It seems to be just a http method with one extra rule in the response.
Q) What other differences exist?
I read that HATEOAS links are the one that separates a REST API from a normal http API.
That's probably a little bit of an understatement. When Leonard Richardson (2008) described the "technology stack" of the web, he listed:
A way of exploring the latter is to consider how HTML, as a media type, differs from a text document with URI in it. To my mind, the key element is links and forms -- standardized ways of encoding into the representation the semantics of a URI (this is a link to another page, this is an embedded image, this is an embedded script, this is a form...).
Mike Admundsen, 2010:
Hypermedia Types are MIME media types that contain native hyper-linking semantics that induce application flow. For example, HTML is a hypermedia type; XML is not.
Atom Syndication/Atom Publishing is a good demonstration for defining a REST API.
Can you throw some light on what REST actually means and how it differs from normal http?
Have you noticed that websites don't normally use plain text for the representations of the information that they share? It's something of a dead end -- raw text doesn't have any hypermedia semantics built into it, so a generic client can't do anything more interesting than search for sequences that might be URI.
On the other hand, with HTML we have link semantics: we can include references to images, to style sheets, to scripts, as well as linking to other documents. We can describe forms, that allow the creation of parameterized HTTP requests.
Additionally, that means that if some relation shouldn't be used by the client, the server can easily change the representation to remove the link.
Furthermore, the use of the hypermedia representation allows the server to use a richer description of which request message should be sent by the client.
Consider, for example, Google. They can use the form to control whether search requests use GET or POST. They can remove the "I Feel Lucky" option, or arrange that it redirects to the main experience. They can embed additional information in to the fields of the form, to track what is going on. They can choose which URI targets are used in the search results, directing the client to send to Google another request which gets redirected to the actual target, with additional meta data embedded in the query parameters, all without requiring any special coordination with the client used.
For further discussion, see Leonard Richardson's slide deck from QCon 2008, or Phil Sturgeon's REST and Hypermedia in 2019.
Does n't think the client need to read the documentation if the HATEOAS link is a POST API? HATEOAS links will only guide you to an API but will not throw any light on how its request body needs to be filled....GET won't have request body. So, not much or a problem. but POST API?
Sort of - here's Fielding writing in 2008:
REST doesn’t eliminate the need for a clue. What REST does is concentrate that need for prior knowledge into readily standardizable forms.
On the web, the common use case is agents assisting human beings; the humans can resolve certain ambiguities on their own. The result is a separation of responsibilities; the humans decode the domain specific semantics of the messages, the clients determine the right way to describe an interaction as an HTTP request.
If we want to easily replace the human with a machine, then we'll need to invest extra design capital in a message schema that expresses the domain specific semantics as clearly as we express the plumbing.
To me, REST is an ideology you want to aim for if you have a system that should last for years to come which has the freedom to evolve freely without breaking stuff on parts you can't control. This is very similar to the Web where a server can't control browsers directly though browsers are able to cooperate with any changes done to Web site representations returned by the server.
I read that HATEOAS links are the one that separates a REST API from a normal http API. In that case, does REST need a separate name?
REST does basically what its name implies, it transfers the state of a resource representation. If so, we should come up with a new name for such "REST" APIs that are truly RPC in the back, to avoid confusion.
If you read through the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) you might fall under the impression that links or hypermedia controls as Fowler named it, which are mandatory at Level 3, are the feature that separates REST from normal HTTP interaction. However, Level 3 is just not enough to reach the ultimate goal of decoupling.
Most so called "REST APIs" do put a lot of design effort into pretty URIs in a way to express meaning of the target resource to client developer. They come up with fancy documentation generated by their tooling support, such as Swagger or similar stuff, which the client developer has to follow stringent or they wont be able to interact with their API. Such APIs are RPC though. You won't be able to point the same client that interacts with API A to point to API B now and still work out of the box as they might use completely different endpoints and return different types of data for almost the same named resource endpoint. A client that is attempting to use a bit more of dynamic behavior might learn the type from parsing the endpoint and expect a URI such as .../api/users to return users, when all of a sudden now the API changed its URI structure to something like .../api/entities. What would happen now? Most of these clients would break, a clear hint that the whole interaction model doesn't follow the one outline by a REST architecture.
REST puts emphasis on link relation names that should give clients a stable way of learning the URIs intent by allowing a URI to actually change over time. A URI basically is attached to a link relation name and basically represents an affordance, something that is clear what it does. I.e. the affordance of a button could be that you can press it and something would happen as a result. Or the affordance of a light switch would be that a light goes on or off depending on the toggled state of the light switch.
Link relation names now express such an affordance and are a text-based way to represent something like a trash bin or pencil symbol next to table entry on a Web page were you might figure out that on clicking one will delete an entry from the table while the other symbol allows to edit that entry. Such link relation names should be either standardized, use widely accepted ontologies or use custom link-relation extensions as outlined by RFC 8288 (Web Linking)
It is important to note however, that a URI is just a URI which should not convey a semantic meaning to a client. This does not mean that a URI can't have a semantic meaning to the server or API, but a client should not attempt to deduce one from the URI itself. This is what the link-relation name is for, which provides the infrequently changing part of that relation. An endpoint might be referenced by multiple, different URIs, some of which might use different query parameters used for filtering. According to Fielding each of these URIs represent different resources:
The definition of resource in REST is based on a simple premise: identifiers should change as infrequently as possible. Because the Web uses embedded identifiers rather than link servers, authors need an identifier that closely matches the semantics they intend by a hypermedia reference, allowing the reference to remain static even though the result of accessing that reference may change over time. REST accomplishes this by defining a resource to be the semantics of what the author intends to identify, rather than the value corresponding to those semantics at the time the reference is created. It is then left to the author to ensure that the identifier chosen for a reference does indeed identify the intended semantics. (Source 6.2.1)
As URIs are used for caching results, they basically represent the keys used for caching the response payload. As such, it gets obvious that on adding additional query parameters to URIs used in GET requests, you end up bypassing caches as the key is not stored in the cache yet and therefore get the result of a different resource, even though it might be identical (also in response representation) as the URI without that additional parameter.
I wonder what all this hype about REST API is about. It seems to be just a http method with one extra rule in the response.
In short, this is what those self- or marketing-termed pseudo "REST APIs" do convey and many people seem to understand.
The hype for "REST" arose from the inconveniences put onto developers on interacting with other interop-solutions such as Corba, RMI or SOAP where often partly-commercial third-party libraries and frameworks had to be used in order to interact with such systems. Most languages supported HTTP both as client and server out of the box removing the requirement for external libraries or frameworks per se. In addition to that, RPC based solution usually require certain stub- or skeleton-classes to be generated first, which was usually done by the build pipeline automatically. Upon updates of the IDL, such as WSDL linking or including XSD schemata, the whole stub-generation needed to be redone and the whole code needed to looked through in order to spot whether a breaking change was added or not. Usually no obvious changelog was available which made changing or updating such stuff a pain in the ...
In those pseudo "REST" APIs plain JSON is now pretty much the de facto standard, avoiding the step of generating stub classes and the hazzle of analyzing the own code to see whether some of the forced changes had a negative impact on the system. Most of those APIs use some sort of URI based versioning allowing a developer to see based on the URI whether something breaking was introduced or not, mimicking some kind of semantic versioning.
The problem with those solution though is, that not the response representation format itself is versioned but the whole API itself leading to common issues when only a change on a part of the API should be introduced as now the whole API's version needs to be bumped. In addition to that, to URIs such as .../api/v1/users/1234 and .../api/v2/users/1234 may represent the same user and thus the same resource though are in fact different by nature as the URI is different.
Q) What other differences exist?
While REST is just an architecture model that can't force you to implement it stringent, you simply will not benefit from its properties if you ignore some of its constraints. As mentioned above, HATEOAS support is therefore not yet enough to really decouple all clients from an API and thus allow to benefit from the REST architecture.
RMM unfortunately does not talk about media types at all. A media type basically specifies how a received payload should be processed and defines the semantics and constraints of each of the elements used within that payload. I.e. if you look at text/html registered in IANA's media type registry, you can see that it points to the published specification, which always references the most recent version of HTML. HTML is designed in a way to stay backwards compatible so no special versioning stuff is required.
HTML provides, IMO, two important things:
semi-structured content
form support
The former one allows to structure data, giving certain segments or elements the possibility to express different semantics defined in the media type. I.e. a browser will handle an image differently than a div element or an article element. A crawler might favor links and content contained in an article element and ignore script and image elements completely. Based on the existence or absence of certain elements even certain processing differences may occur.
Including support for forms is a very important thing in REST actually as this is the feature which allows a server to teach a client on what a server needs as input. Most so called "REST APIs" just force a developer to go through their documentation, which might be outdated, incorrect or incomplete, and send data to a predefined endpoint according to the documentation. In case of outdated or incomplete documentation, how should a client ever be able to send data to the server? Moreover, a server might never be able to change as basically the documentation is now the truth and the API has to align with the documentation.
Unfortunately, form-support is still a bit in its infancy. Besides HTML, which provides <form>...</form>, you have a couple of JSON based form attempts such as hal-forms, halo-json (halform), Ion or hydra. None of these have yet wide library or framework support yet as some of these form representations still have not finalized their specification on how to support forms more effectively.
Other media-types, unfortunately, might not use semi-structured content or provide support for forms that teach a client on the needs of a server, though they are still valuable to REST in general. First, through Web linking link support can be added to media types that do not naturally support those. Second, the data itself does not really need to be text-based at all in order for an application to use it further. I.e. pictures an videos usually are encoded and byte based anyways still a client can present them to users.
The main point about media-types though is, as Fielding already pointed out in one of his cited blog posts, is, that representations shouldn't be confused with types. Fielding stated that:
A REST API should never have “typed” resources that are significant to the client. Specification authors may use resource types for describing server implementation behind the interface, but those types must be irrelevant and invisible to the client. The only types that are significant to a client are the current representation’s media type and standardized relation names.
Jørn Wildt explained in an excellent blog post what a "typed" resource is and why a REST architecture shouldn't use such types. Basically, to sum the blog post up, a client expecting a ../api/users endpoint to return a pre-assumed data payload might break if the server adds additional, unexpected fields, renames existing fields or leave out expected fields. This coupling can be avoided by using simple content-type negotiation where a client informs a server on which capabilities the client supports and the client will chose the representation that best fits the target resource. If the server can't support the client with a representation the client supports the server should respond with a failure (or a default representation) the client might log to inform the user.
This in essence is exactly what the name REST stands for, the transfer of a resource's state representation where the representation may differ depending on the representation format defined by the selected media type. While HATEOAS may be one of the most obvious changes between REST and a non-REST based HTTP solution, this for sure is not the only factor that makes up a payload in REST. I hope I could shed some light on the decoupling intention and that a server should teach clients what the server expects through forms and that the affordance of URIs is captured by link-relation names. All these tiny aspects in sum make up REST, and you will only benefit from REST, unfortunately, if you respect all of its constraints and not only those that are either easy to obtain or what you have the mood for implementing.

If an API only provides POST requests functions, is it RESTful?

I'm not sure I understand correctly the notion of RESTful API. If I understand correctly, such an API should provide functions you can trigger with GET, POST, PUT & DELETE requests. My question is: if an API only provides POST requests functions, is it still RESTful?
You should probably watch this lecture and read this article.
REST a such has nothing to do with how much of available HTTP methods you use. So, the quick answer is: yes, it could be considered "restful" (whatever that actually means).
Buuut ... it most likely - isn't. And it has nothing to do with the abuse of POST calls.
The main indicator for this magical "RESTfulness" has nothing really to do with how you make the HTTP request (methods and pretty URLs are pointless worthless as a determining factor).
What matters is the returned data and whether, by looking at this data, you can learn about other resources and actions, that are related the resource in any given endpoint. It's basically about the discover-ability.
REST is a misused term for some time and the community especially at Stackoverflow doesn't even care about its actual intention, the decoupling of clients from server APIs in a distributed system.
Client and server achieve the decoupling by following certain recommendations like avoiding stateful connections where client state is stored at and managed by the server, using unique identifiers for resources (URIs) and further nice-to-have features like cacheability to reduce the workload both server and clients have to perform. While Fieldings dissertation lists 6 constraints, he later on explained some further rules applications following the REST architectural style have to follow and the benefits the system gains by following these. Among these are:
The API should not depend on any single communication protocol and adhere to and not violate the underlying protocol used. Altough REST is used via HTTP most of the time, it is not restricted to this protocol.
Strong focus on resources and their presentation via media-types.
Clients should not have initial knowledge or assumptions on the available resources or their returned state ("typed" resource) in an API but learn them on the fly via issued requests and analyzed responses. This gives the server the opportunity to move arround or rename resources easily without breaking a client implementation.
So, basically, if you limit yourself only to HTTP you somehow already violate the general idea REST tries to impose.
As #tereško mentioned the Richardson maturity model I want to clarify that this model is rather nonsense in the scope of REST. Even if level 3 is reached it does not mean that this architecture follows REST. And any application that hasn't reached level 3 isn't following this architectural style anyways. Note that an application that only partially follows REST isn't actually following it. It's like either properly or not at all.
In regards to RESTful (the dissertation doesn't contain this term) usually one regards a JSON based API exposed via HTTP as such.
To your actual question:
Based on this quote
... such an API should provide functions you can trigger with GET, POST, PUT & DELETE requests
in terms of REST architectural style I'd say NO as you basically use such an API for RPC calls (a relaxed probably JSON based SOAP if you will), limit yourself to HTTP only and do not use the semantics of the underlying HTTP protocol fully; if you follow the JSON based HTTP API crowd the answer is probably it depends on who you ask as there is no precise definition of the term "RESTful" IMO. I'd say no here as well if you trigger functions rather than resources on the server.
Yes. Restful has some guidelines you should follow. As long as you use HTTP verbs correctly and good practices with regards to URLs naming having only POSTs would be OK. If, on the other hand, a POST request in your application can also delete a record, then I would not call it Restful.

Does RESTFul mean URL shouldn't contain parameters

I've heard about the conception RESTFul for a long time but I always can't understand it clearly.
I've read the links below:
What are RESTful web services?
What exactly is RESTful programming?
As my understanding, RESTFul means that the URL shouldn't contain any verb, meaning that an URL represents an unique resource. And also, the method GET shouldn't modify any resource and we should use POST to do so.
But I still have a question.
For example, if we want to search a user by his name, we can design the URL like this:
Or like this:
Can you tell me which one is RESTFul?
When you are using rest - you are accessing resources through URI's and you can set actions on these resources through the HTTP request types.
There are different parameters that you can pass through REST request , there can be resource identifiers (That are usually passed through the URI - in your case the is more restfull) or things like filters when you want to search, for example
In this post you can find more about best practices in passing parameters in rest:
REST API Best practices: Where to put parameters?
REST, to start with, is not a protocol but just an architectural style that when followed correctly decouples clients from server APIs and thus make them tolerant to changes done on the serverside. It should therefore be regarded as a design approach for distributed systems.
The difference between a protocol and an architectural style is simply that the former one defines a rule set a server or client has to follow. It should be defined as precise as possible to reduce ambiguity and thus reduce the likelihood of incompatible implementations by different vendors. The latter one just contains suggestions how to design the overall application and/or message flow and outlining the benefits one gains by adhering to the design.
By that definition, REST is a generalization of the interaction style used for browsing Web content. A Web browser is able to make use of multiple protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, ... and different flavors of it while remaining independant of any server specific implementation though being capable of interacting with it as the communication is done according to the rules of the protocol used. REST does follow this approach by building up on the same protocols (most often just HTTP) which an application implementing the RESTful architeturce approach should adhere to as well to stay compatible with other users of that protocol.
Similar to a Web browser, which does not care whether the URI string contains any semantical structure, REST doesn't care how the URI is designed or if the resource is named after a verb either. Both will use the URI just to invoke a resource on the server providing the resource. A RESTful client should thus not expect a certain URI to return a certain type (= typed resources). Though how will a client know what an invoked URI will return? The keywords here are content-negotiation and media-types.
The format exchanged by both, Web browser and REST, is negotiated between client and server. While for typical Web browsers the representation is probably one of the HTML variants (i.e. XHTML, HTML 5, ...) it is not limited to it. Your browser is probably capable of processing other media types as well, i.e. pictures, videos, PDF, ... As REST is just a generalization of this idea it also should not limit itself to just XML or JSON.
Media types are thus some kind of guildlines of how to process and interpret data received in a representation format outlined by the media type. It should define the syntax and semantics of a received payload i.e. like text/html, which defines that a received representation will have a case-insensitive <html token (<xhtml in case of XHTML) near the beginning of the content and that fragment identifiers (# character in URIs) are according to URI semantics and that certain tags like A, IMG or others may define a name attribute which act as a target for anchors. It may also define a more thorough description of the syntax and how to interpret it like in case of text/vcard (vCard) (or one of its variants like application/vcard+json (jCard) or application/vcard+xml (xCard)).
As media types are one of the most important parts of the RESTful design, most effort has to be put into its creation. A client that can't deduct the next possible actions from the media type needs some out-of-band information which often is hardcoded into the client and thus couples it tightly to the API itself. If the API will change in future, the chances that the client will stop working once the changes are applied on the server are fairly high (depending on the changes).
I hope I could shed some light on the idea behind REST and that the design of URI is not of relevance to a true RESTful client/API as the client might deduct what to do with that URI based on some relation name returned for the URI and the media-type which might state that a relation name such as order can be invoked to trigger a new order with the API rather than having the client to analyze something like or http:/
Further information and reasons why RESTful APIs should follow the design closely can be found in Roy Fielding famous blog post which explains some of the constraints an API should adhere to if it follows the RESTful approach.
REST resource is a noun, no notion of behavior should be in the uri, we use verbs to indicate action we are doing. Basically there are only two types of resources: Instance and Collections. So good practise is to use plurals in the uri: users instead of user: GET - fetch collection of all users GET - fetch instance of a concrete user POST - create of a new user
REST is not a strict standard (but a list of 6 constraints) says nothing about how search feature should be implemented. But definetely your first option /users?name=test seems preferable for me: tt is straightforward and this is a huge benefit.
As alternative you may want to investigate OData protocol - it is a standard to make queryable apis. OData-like solution would be:
/users?$filter=name eq 'test'
Also Facebook APIs is a good source for inspiration.
Hope this helps

Can I have a REST element URI without a collection URI?

a basic REST question.. I design a REST API and would like to be able to get a list of book recommendations based on a book id (i.e. client sends book id=w to server and server replies with a list of recommended books, id=x,y,z).
I see two ways to do this:
Option 2 seems a bit cleaner to me but I'm not sure if it would be considered good REST design? Because /recommendation/thetitle looks like an element URI, not a collection URI (although in this case it would return a collection). Also, the first part of the resource (/recommendation) would not make any sense by itself.
Thankful for any advice.
URL patterns of this kind have nothing to do with REST. None of the defining properties of REST requires readable URLs.
At the same time, one of the core principles (HATEOAS), if followed properly, allows API clients (applications, not people!) to browse the API and obtain every link required to perform a desired transition of application state or resource state based on a well known message format.
If you feel your API must have readable URLs, it's a good sign that its design probably isn't RESTful at all. This implies the need for a developer to understand the URL structure and hardcode it somewhere in a client application. Something that REST is supposed to avoid by principle.
To quote Roy Fielding's blog post on the subject:
A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of client and server). Servers must have the freedom to control their own namespace. Instead, allow servers to instruct clients on how to construct appropriate URIs, such as is done in HTML forms and URI templates, by defining those instructions within media types and link relations. [Failure here implies that clients are assuming a resource structure due to out-of band information, such as a domain-specific standard, which is the data-oriented equivalent to RPC’s functional coupling].
Obviously, nothing stops you from actually making URLs meaningful regardless of how RESTful your API actually is. Even if it's for a purpose not dictated by REST itself (viewing the logs left by a client of a properly RESTful API could be easier for a human if they're readable, off the top of my head).
Finally, if you're fine with developing a Web API that's not completely RESTful and you expect developers of clients to read this kind of docs and care about path building, you might actually benefit from comprehensible URLs. This can be very useful in APIs of the so-called levels 0-3, according to Richardson's maturity model.
What's important in terms of REST is how you're leveraging the underlying protocol (HTTP in this case) and what it allows you to do. If we consider your examples from this perspective, /recommendation/thetitle seems preferable. This is because the use of query parameters may prevent responses from being cached by browsers (important if you're writing a JS client) or proxies, making it harder to reuse existing tools and infrastructure.

REST's 'resource communication mechanisms' and 'on-the-fly' improvement of a client's knowledge of them

I'm trying to come to terms with REST, as defined by Roy Fielding. Recently I've been trying to wrap my mind around:
The concept I'm interested in is in this quote:
The transitions may be determined (or limited by) the client’s knowledge of media types and resource communication mechanisms, both of which may be improved on-the-fly (e.g., code-on-demand).
Specifically, what is knowledge of "resource communication mechanisms", how is that knowledge described in documentation/specs and realised in an implemntation?
Then, how best to improve that knowledge 'on-the-fly'?
I think I understand addressing 'the client's knowledge of media types'.
I have some guesses (PUT,GET, etc.) but would appreciate any suggestions, examples or pointers to RESTful API's that explicitly adress the issues in that quote. If it helps I'm thinking about these issues in the context of HTTP+JSON, I appreciate REST isn't limited to HTTP+*.
The Sun Cloud API has previously been cited as good RESTful design, I couldn't see where or how it addressed these specific issues - maybe a case of not seeing the wood for the trees?
What puzzles me is if PUT,GET,etc. are these mechanisms, this suggests a client knows which to apply to specific hyperlinks within some <media-type>, and this seems fragile, and might suggest hypertext-links map (directly) to resources.
Resource Communication Mechanisms
By "resource communication mechanisms", I believe Roy is referring to HTTP requests and HTTP verbs. He is just saying it without being specify to HTTP because REST is not dependent on HTTP. I would say that for 99.99% of all REST services, the resource communication mechanism is documented in RFC2616.
The Sun Cloud API meets these requirements because all a client needs to understand to use the API is how to do HTTP requests and the semantics of the returned media types. For example if a client does not understand what is contained in a document of type application/ then it will not be able to use the API.
This is in contrast with services like OData and SData that do not define new media-types, but assume a client knows how to extract domain data out of an Atom feed and expects the client to construct URLs based on a set of rules that define the URI space. This is in direct violation of Roy's recommendations.
Improved on the fly
To be honest, I can only guess at what Roy is alluding to here. I could imagine a scenario where downloaded javascript could be used to construct an url based on user input. This could prevent the server from having to explicitly generate an url for each element in a list.
Also, certain valid transitions could be enabled or disabled on the fly based on user input. Consider the case where you do not want to enable a submit button until the user has entered all the required fields. The retrieved document contains the link to allow the transition, but the downloaded code controls when and if the user can select the link.
Downloaded code could also, be used to dynamically change the verb on a link. If you wish to edit a resource, it could do a GET, if you want to delete that resource, you do a DELETE. This would allow the representation to only contain a single link but be able to perform multiple operations.