Optional chaining and coalescing incl. function arguments - swift

Optional chaining lets us make decisions on the existence of objects:
var text : String?
let len = text?.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8) ?? 0
Which will always set len to an integer.
Is something similar possible for non-optional function arguments? Consider the following example, which already is less elegant with the ternary operator.
func length(text: String) -> Int {
return text.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)
var text : String?
let len = (text != nil) ? length(text!) : 0
If we keep chaining, it easily gets a mess (and this is what I am actually looking at):
let y = (arg!= nil) ? (foo?.bar(arg!) ?? 0) : 0 // how to improve on this?
Besides, it also starts to get redundant, defining the default value twice.
Is there any more concise solution to the last line?

The map method is the best approach for this. flatMap may also be of interest.
func length(text: String) -> Int {
return text.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)
var text : String?
let len = text.map(length) ?? 0
If you have multiple arguments, you can pretty easily write a function (A?, B?) -> (A, B)?.

Take into account that usage of the ?? will do impact on compilation time.
In example that you describe, personally I like to use extensions that are clear to use.
extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
func unwrappedLengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding) -> Int {
guard let text = self else {
return 0
return text.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)
var text : String?
text.unwrappedLengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)

You don't have to limit yourself to optional chaining. Swift provides other language constructs to express this clearly:
let y: Int
if let arg = arg, let foo = foo {
y = foo.bar(arg)
} else {
y = 0


Trouble creating a more complex closure

I am trying to get my head around creating closures. I get the simpler ones like:
let squaredNumber = { (num: Int) -> (Int) in
return num * num
print( squaredNumber(9) ) // 81
and I understand how the sorting one works:
let team = ["Bob", "Rick", "Peter"]
print( team.sorted() ) // ["Bob", "Peter", "Rick"]
print( team.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 }) ) //["Rick", "Peter", "Bob"]
So now I am trying to create my own version of sorting one, in terms of setup.
In the sorting one, there is a plain function sorted() and a sorted(by:...) option.
The code I am playing with so far is (commented code is just to play with):
struct Person {
let name_given = { (fn: String?, ln: String?) -> String in
// return a different value if a nil is supplied
guard let fn1 = fn else { return "No First Name" }
guard let ln1 = ln else { return "No Last Name" }
// Only returns value if not nil
// if let fn1 = fn { return fn1 }
// if let ln1 = ln { return ln1 }
// returns what has been decided above
return "\(fn!) \(ln!)"
let no_name = {() -> String in
return "Hello"
let dad = Person()
print( dad.name_given("Jeff", "Smith") )
print( dad.no_name() )
but I can only get this to work dad.something() but I would like the option of a parameter closure in a function that is I am guessing an optional.
Am I even on the right track in terms of thinking this through.
Basically I want to create a function that execute different code based on wether they have a parameter or not.
So something like dad() or dad(name: {"Jeff", "Smith"}) or dad(age: {35})
The closures would combine strings or do something with the code and then return the result or something.
There is no story to the code above, I just want to understand how to create it.
Edit for clarity:
So I realise my aim was explained with a lot of confusion, because I am trying to figure this out.
Here is hopefully a better attempt:
So this code still doesn't work, but bare with me.
Take for example this:
static func closure(both: (_ a: String, _ b: String) -> String { a, b in
return "\(a) \(b)"
and then this:
static func closure(single: (_ a: String) -> String { a in
return "\(a)"
So then I would effectively be able to do something like this:
Person.closure(both: {"First", "Last"}) -> This would output "First Last"
Person.closure(single: {"First"}) -> This would output "First"
My outcome would be that I could have a static class that has a bunch of closures, but that are grouped.
So if I want to a bunch of string type closures, it would be easy to find them because you could do something like:
StaticStruct.string(<thing1>: {<closure params>})
StaticStruct.string(<thing2>: {<closure params>})
StaticStruct.string(<thing3>: {<closure params>})
or if I want to do something with numbers, it would be:
StaticStruct.numbers(<thing1>: {<closure params>})
StaticStruct.numbers(<thing2>: {<closure params>})
StaticStruct.numbers(<thing3>: {<closure params>})
I hope this makes more sense.
I like the way it looks when you do an array sort, that is why I started thinking like this.
What you are asking is flawed for Swift:
If you don't provide anything at all, not even nil, how can Swift know what's missing?
Think about this example:
print( dad.name_given("Connor") )
How can Swift know if you provided only the first name, or only the last name? In your example, you will need to be specific on what is not provided:
print( dad.name_given(nil, "Connor") ) // Surely only last name is provided
A function would solve this problem by providing a default value to the parameters, so you don't have to pass nil, but then you would need to specifically tell what you're passing, or Swift will assume:
func person(fn: String? = "", ln: String? = "") -> String {...}
print( dad.person(ln: "Connor")) // Surely passing the second parameter
func person(_ fn: String? = "", _ ln: String? = "") -> String {...}
print( dad.person("Connor")) // It will assume that you are passing the first parameter
But with closures, you can't provide a default value to parameters:
let name_given = { (fn: String? = "", ln: String? = "") -> String in...}
// Error: Default arguments are not allowed in closures
It might not solve your problem, but you can create a function that provides default values to the parameters (no need to pass nil), and accepts a closure to treat those parameters.
func describe(fn: String = "", ln: String = "", _ action: #escaping (String?, String?)->String) -> String {
let first: String? = fn == "" ? nil : fn
let second: String? = ln == "" ? nil : ln
return action(first, second)
print( dad.describe(ln: "Connor", dad.name_given)) // No first Name

Swift Convert Optional String to Int or Int32 (Unwrapping optionals question)

I am trying to read a string and convert it to an int. I have a solution but it seems way too complicated. I guess I am still trying to wrap my head around unwrapping.
I have posted code below along with the compiler errors that I get with each solution.
In this example I try to read a string from UserDefaults and convert to an integer value.
static func GetSelectedSessionNum() -> Int32 {
var sessionNum : Int32 = 0
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let optionalString: String? = defaults.string(forKey: "selectedSessionNum")
// this works but it's too complicated
if let string = optionalString, let myInt = Int32(string) {
return myInt
return 0
// Error : optional String? must be unwrapped to a value of type 'String'
let t : String = defaults.string(forKey: "selectedSessionNum")
if let s : String = defaults.string(forKey: "selectedSessionNum") {
// error - Int32? must be unwrapped to a value of Int32
return Int32(s)
return 0
You need to cast to non optional Int32 in order to match your return type.
You can use any optional binding approach, or change your return type to Int32?
If you want an uncomplicated solution save selectedSessionNum as Int
static func getSelectedSessionNum() -> Int32 {
return Int32(UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "selectedSessionNum"))
otherwise double optional binding
if let string = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "selectedSessionNum"), let myInt = Int32(string) {
return myInt
or the nil coalescing operator
if let string = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "selectedSessionNum") {
return Int32(string) ?? 0
is the proper way
If you want to avoid optional bindings, you can use flatMap, when called on Optional's it allows you to convert one optional to another:
return UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "selectedSessionNum").flatMap(Int32.init) ?? 0
You'd also need the ?? (nil coalescing operator) to cover the scenarios where either the initializer fails, or the value is not present in user defaults.

Trouble converting a string to an Int

The following works in Playground:
func stringToInt(numberStr: String!) -> Int {
return Int(numberStr)!
let strNum1: String?
strNum1 = "1"
let result = stringToInt(numberStr: strNum1)
It returns 1 as expected.
In Xcode, a similar approach fails:
func stringToInt(numberStr: String!) -> Int {
let str = "\(numberStr!)"
return Int(str)!
The first print produces: Optional(1)
The second print produces: nil
The return statement fails because it is attempting to create an Int from a nil.
It must be something simple but I haven't been able to determine why it's not working. This is in Swift 3 and Xcode 8 BTW.
In Xcode, I have a string with a numeric value. This:
print("number: (selectedAlertNumber) - unit: (selectedAlertUnit)")
...produces this:
number: Optional(1) - unit: Day
Then, I'm checking to see if either selectedAlertNumber of selecterAlertUnit != "-"
if selectedAlertNumber != "-" && selectedAlertUnit != "-" {
// set alert text
var unitStr = selectedAlertUnit
let alertNumber = stringToInt(numberStr: selectedAlertNumber)
if alertNumber > 1 {
let alertText = "...\(selectedAlertNumber) \(unitStr) before event."
alertTimeCell.setAlertText(alertText: alertText)
// set alert date/time
The let alertNumber = stringToInt... line is how I'm calling the function. I could just attempt the conversion there but I wanted to isolate the problem by wrapping the conversion in it's own function.
Using string interpolation to convert values to a String is usually not advised since the output may differ depending on optional status of the value. For example, consider these two functions:
func stringToInt(numberStr: String!) -> Int
let str = "\(numberStr!)"
return Int(str)!
func otherStringToInt(numberStr: String!) -> Int
let str = "\(numberStr)"
return Int(str)!
The only difference between these two is the ! in the second function when using string interpolation to get a String type value from numberStr. To be more specific, at the same line in function 1 compared to function 2, the string values are very different depending on whether or not the interpolated value is optional:
let str1: String = "1"
let str2: String! = "1"
let str3: String? = "1"
let otherStr1 = "\(str1)" // value: "1"
let otherStr2 = "\(str2)" // value: "Optional(1)"
let otherStr3 = "\(str2!)" // value: "1"
let otherStr4 = "\(str3)" // value: "Optional(1)"
let otherStr5 = "\(str3!)" // value: "1"
Passing otherStr2 or otherStr4 into the Int initializer will produce nil, since the string "Optional(1)" is not convertible to Int. Additionally, this will cause an error during the force unwrap. Instead of using string interpolation in your function, it would be better to just use the value directly since it's already a String.
func stringToInt(numberStr: String!) -> Int
return Int(numberStr)!
Let me know if this makes sense.
Also, my own personal feedback: watch out force unwrapping so frequently. In many cases, you're running the risk of getting an error while unwrapping a nil optional.

Why does Swift return an unexpected pointer when converting an optional String into an UnsafePointer?

I noticed some unusual behaviour when working with a C library which took strings in as constĀ charĀ * (which is converted to Swift as UnsafePointer<Int8>!); passing a String worked as expected, but a String? seemed to corrupt the input. Consider the test I wrote:
func test(_ input: UnsafePointer<UInt8>?) {
if let string = input {
print(string[0], string[1], string[2], string[3], string[4], string[5])
} else {
let input: String = "Hello"
This works as expected, printing a null-terminated list of UTF-8 bytes for the input string: 72 101 108 108 111 0
However, if I change the input to an optional string, so that it becomes:
let input: String? = "Hello"
I get a completely different set of values in the result (176 39 78 23 1 0), even though I would expect it to be the same. Passing in nil works as expected.
The C library's function allows NULL in place of a string, and I sometimes want to pass that in in Swift as well, so it makes sense for the input string to be an optional.
Is this a bug in Swift, or was Swift not designed to handle this case? Either way, what's the best way to handle this case?
It appears to have something to do with multiple arguments. The C function:
void multiString(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, const char *arg3) {
printf("%p: %c %c %c\n", arg0, arg0[0], arg0[1], arg0[2]);
printf("%p: %c %c %c\n", arg1, arg1[0], arg1[1], arg1[2]);
printf("%p: %c %c %c\n", arg2, arg2[0], arg2[1], arg2[2]);
printf("%p: %c %c %c\n", arg3, arg3[0], arg3[1], arg3[2]);
let input0: String? = "Zero"
let input1: String? = "One"
let input2: String? = "Two"
let input3: String? = "Three"
multiString(input0, input1, input2, input3)
Results in:
0x101003170: T h r
0x101003170: T h r
0x101003170: T h r
0x101003170: T h r
It appears that there's a bug with how Swift handles multiple arguments.
I didn't find anything useful on if this is desired behaviour or just a bug.
The pragmatic solution would probably be to just have a proxy method like this, but you probably did something similar already.
func proxy(_ str: String?, _ functionToProxy: (UnsafePointer<UInt8>?) -> ()) {
if let str = str {
} else {
proxy(input, test)
Did you test if it was working in Swift 2? They changed something maybe related in Swift 3:
Just to be clear, there is a workaround until Apple fixes this. Unwrap your optional Strings before passing them and everything will work fine.
var anOptional: String?
var anotherOptional: String?
func mySwiftFunc() {
let unwrappedA = anOptional!
let unwrappedB = anotherOptional!
myCStringFunc(unwrappedA, unwrappedB)
As mentioned in the comments, this is a clear bug in Swift.
Here's a workaround I'm using. If you can't trust Swift to convert the strings to pointers for you, then you've got to do it yourself.
Assuming C function defined as:
void multiString(const char *arg0, const char *arg1, const char *arg2);
Swift code:
func callCFunction(arg0: String?, arg1: String?, arg2: String?) {
let dArg0 = arg0?.data(using: .utf8) as NSData?
let pArg0 = dArg0?.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self)
let dArg1 = arg1?.data(using: .utf8) as NSData?
let pArg1 = dArg1?.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self)
let dArg2 = arg2?.data(using: .utf8) as NSData?
let pArg2 = dArg2?.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self)
multiString(pArg1, pArg2, pArg3)
Don't be tempted to put this in a function like:
func ocstr(_ str: String?) -> UnsafePointer<Int8>? {
guard let str = str else {
return nil
let nsd = str.data(using: .utf8)! as NSData
//This pointer is invalid on return:
return nsd.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self)
which would remove repeated code. This doesn't work because the data object nsd gets deallocated at the end of the function. The pointer is therefore not valid on return.

Use guard-let to modify possibly nil expression before assigning variable

I wish to use guard-let to assign a variable to an expression, but I want to modify the expression before assigning. If the expression is nil, then the else block should be entered, otherwise the variable should be assigned to f(expression). Here is an example of what I would like to do:
let arr: [Int] = []
// Do stuff, maybe add elements to arr
guard let x = abs(arr.first) else { return } // Syntax error
// If arr was nonempty, then we want x = abs(arr.first!)
But Swift does not allow this syntax because abs requires a non-optional argument, and arr.first is optional. So is there any way to evaluate arr.first, and then if it is not nil to assign abs(arr.first!) to x? I know that I could do this with if-let or by using two variables (one from the guard-let and then one that gets assigned to the absolute value of that variable). But guard-let seems like the tool for the job, if only there were some way to accomplish this.
let arr:[Int] = [-1,1,3,-9]
guard let x = arr.first.flatMap({ $0 < 0 ? -$0: $0 }) else { return }
// ...
or (UPDATE based on dfri's notes)
// ....
let arr:[Int] = [-1,1,3,-9]
guard let x = arr.first.map(abs) else { return }
Optional(Some<Int>) -> Int -> Optional<abs(Some<Int)> -> Int ... meh
You could do a dirty guard let ..., let ... else fix as follows (forcing the binded certainly-not-nil value of x to become an optional which you subsequently immediately unwrap and bind to xAbs)
func foo() {
let arr: [Int] = [-1, 2, -3, 4]
guard let x = arr.first,
let xAbs = Optional(abs(xAbs)) else { return }
print(xAbs, xAbs.dynamicType)
foo() // 1 Int
This doesn't look very pretty however, and I would, personally, prefer adding an Int extension and make use of optional chaining, as I will cover next.
Instead: use extensions and optional chaining
Unless you explicitly need to store x as well as xAbs, an alternative and more Swifty approach is to use optional chaining in combination with a simple extension to Int:
extension Int {
var absValue: Int { return abs(self) }
func foo() {
let arr: [Int] = [-1, 2, -3, 4]
guard let xAbs = arr.first?.absValue else { return }
print(xAbs, xAbs.dynamicType)
foo() // 1 Int
Since arr.first is an optional Int variable, you can implement whatever method/computed property you wish onto self as an extension to Int, and access that method/property using optional chaining arr.first?.someMethod()/arr.first?.someProperty (as .absValue above).
Or, simply modify your arr.first (unwrapped) value after the guard let ... else block
I see no reason, however (other than the technical discussion) not to introduce an additional immutable holding the absolute value of x. This will also increase code readability, at least w.r.t. to the dirty guard let ..., let ... else fix above.
// ...
guard let x = arr.first else { return }
let xAbs = abs(x)
Or, if you find it acceptable for your xAbs property to be mutable, out of a theoretical perspective your could remove the middle-man immutable by using a guard var ... block rather than guard let ...
guard var xAbs = arr.first else { return }
xAbs = abs(xAbs)
This should probably only be used, however, if xAbs is to be mutated again (i.e., use immutables whenever you really don't need mutables, and never the other way around).
I think the cleanest and simplest solution would be like this:
guard let first = arr.first else { return }
let x = abs(first)
Now the calculation abs(first) is only reached if arr.first != nil.
What you want can be achieved using case let.
let arr: [Int] = [1,2,3,4]
guard let first = arr.first, case let absolute = abs(first) else { return }
// use `absolute`