Render detail band at the bottom of the page before another detail band - jasper-reports

I have a problem with detail bands in JasperReports. The details band 1 will occupy more than one page since it has all the necessary information for the report. There are also two more detail bands that have to appear at the end of the first page and may have a lot of information and overflow on the next one (example with three pages)
The problem is that I cannot fix to botton the two detail 2 and detail 3 bands, showing the detail 1 band in the hole above
Example with detail 2 and 3 not overflow:
Page 1 Page 2 and following
Header Header
Detail 1 Detail 1 continuation
Detail 2 Footer
Detail 3
Example with detail 2 overflow
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 and following
Header Header Header
Detail 2 Deatil 1 Detail 1 continuation
Detail 3 Detail 2 continuation Footer
Footer Footer
Would someone know how to help me


how to split the two content both equally in a3 sheet using jasper report

we having A3 page so i need separate the content in jasper report like
and remaining there is second column
but in my output displays like below order
so please let me know the exact answer.. Thank you
You need to change a property in the report.
The Column Count property divedes in columns for the Detail section in the report.
It can be filled vertically: first completes a column from top to bottom, and then moves to the right
Or horizontally: First completes a row from left to right, and then goes to the next row below.
Where to find the property in TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio

Hide Detail Band in jasper report

Data that we get from data source is not shown in detail band. But make some processing for each of records and processing result is shown in Group footer.
So I cannot remove detail band, as it is the only place for processing individual record. But I want to hide it, making invisible.
If I use printWhenExpression, it causes not only hiding the detail band but also no processing is done for records.
What I want is just hide(making invisible and do not make any blank) but processing is done for each iteration. If possible, may I know how to do it.
Remove all elements (static text, text field and so on) from detail band and set height = 0 px at detail band property
You can either set its height to 0 px in the properties section on the right side
You can Right click > delete band. (The band can later be added back if needed).

Using frames around subreports

I am generating the reports using ireport-4.5.0,jasper-reports 4.5.0,spring mvc.I have 6 sub reports in my main report and in main report i have placed each subreport in seperate detail band surrounded with frame for having borders around the reports.If any of my detail band exceeds page 1 and displays in page2 then the frame in page1 loses the bottom border and the frame in page 2 loses the top border.It is looking very ugly.How can i set my frame to have all the four borders
Please find the below attachment.

Dynamic page height to show 10 records per page with StretchWithOverflow property set to true

I have 10 records per page (9 columns) in jasper using page break property. I have set StretchWithOverflow property to true for my detail band. So, when there is more data, my table gets enlarge vertically.
My problem is, if the data is more, it is not showing 10 records per page because in jasper we give static height of the page.
If i set more height of the page, then in that case if data is less, there is lots of invalid space on the report. Please help if someone faced this issue.
Issue Resolved.
I used frame (from Pallete ctrl+shift+8) within detail band and put all my cell data into frame. So, when page height is more, the blank space display instead of my last row height go increases.
Now, my cell could not stretched due to extra height of the page.

Crystal Reports columns in details band, change direction

here's what I am trying to accomplish:
I'm working on a single page report using Crystal Reports 2008, and at the bottom right corner of a page, I have a subreport that puts 1/2" square bitmap images in details-band columns that might print one image, or up to five horizontally. Right now, they print left to right.
What I would like to do is have them start from the right side of the subreport, i.e. the first image in the right corner, and additional ones print to the left. Is there a way to make this happen? I've tried changing Section Expert > Details/Layout > Printing Direction between the options "Across then Down", and "Down and Across", no luck with that.
thanks in advance
I was able to get this approach to work:
create a subreport that contains the image in the Details section. Add a suppression formula to the Details section that reads: RecordNumber<>1;
hide all sections but the Details section
size the subreport to fit the image (1/2" width)
move the subreport to the right edge of the relevant section
link the main report to the subreport
right click the subreport and save it to your Desktop
insert a subreport and choose the one that you just saved
size it to fit the image and move it adjacent to the first one
edit the subreport, hide the non-Details section, change the Details' suppression formula to RecordNumber<>2
repeat steps 5-9 for the remaining 3 images (changing the suppression formula)
The idea is that each subreport retrieves all of the image row for the related row in main report. you suppress all rows in each subreport but the one that you want to display.