I want to check if a line between two vector points falls into a particular area or a set of vector coordinates? - unity3d

Note : I am coding in Unity, using C# script. I cannot use trigger hit detection using Raycasting because there are a lot of trigger colliders in between the target and source which detect touches and the sort. So the ray hits the other triggers before even reaching it's target, which is not desirable.
What I want to accomplish basically is return a boolean value if a vector line crosses or intersects a particular set of vector coordinates or an area.
For example: Detecting a laser entering into a fog in between it's path when shooting at it's target. The fog is a trigger collider based game object.
Edit: Another example would be to check if a line crosses a 2D box area in a 2D graph. Keep in mind, I cannot use collision detection or Raycast hit here.
There is no need for code, just explain the concept of how it could be accomplished. Though a code snippet is also welcome. Thankyou!

[...] So the ray hits the other triggers before even reaching it's target, which is not desirable.
What about putting that on Layers? You can specify LayerMasks for Raycasts.

You could consider the edges of the 2D box as lines i.e 4 lines and check for intersection of a line with these 4 edges using line to line intersection technique. If the line however is small enough to fit inside the box, and you want to treat it as a valid intersection, then check if the two points of the line is inside the bounds of the box.


(UNITY) Plane not rotating to normal vector of three points?

I am trying to get a stretched out cube (which we can call a plane for the sake of discussion) to orient itself to the normal vector of a plane described by three points. I wrote a script to find the normal of three points, and then used transform.LookAt to have the planes align. However, I am finding that this script is not working at all how it is intended to and despite my best efforts I can not figure out why.
drastic movements of the individual points hardly effect the planes rotation.
the rotation of the object when using the existing points in the script should be 0,0,0 in the inspector. However, it is always off by a few degrees and as i said does not align itself when I move the points around.
This is the script. I can also post photos showing the behavior or share a small unity package
First of all Transform.LookAt takes a position as parameter, not a direction!
And then it
Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at worldPosition.
Doesn't sound like what you are trying to achieve.
If you want your object to look with its forward vector in the given normal direction (assuming you are calculating the normal correctly) then you could rather use Quaternion.LookRotation
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(doNormal(cpit, cmit, ctht);
alternatively to this you can also simply assign the according vector directly like e.g.
transform.forward = doNormal(cpit, cmit, ctht);
transform.up = doNormal(cpit, cmit, ctht);
depending on your needs

Fastest way to determine line of sight on a grid

I am improving a video game of mine where I currently have the problem that NPCs can shoot through walls. In order to fix this issue, I have decided to completely re-do my work regarding ground combat.
I use a tight grid for finding paths from any point A to B. I store my grid as an image-like structure and use Jump Point Search for the pathfinding itself. My goal is to find a location that is as far away from the enemy as possible (limited by the firearms's range) that also has a direct line of sight to the enemy.
In my latest approach, I determined all nodes in my grid that are within weapon range and that are connected to the enemy's location (colored in green in the image below). The final missing part is filtering these points so that only the points with a valid line of sight remain.
I can also detect the border lines (colored in blue) very fast. I could check for every node, if a line from this node to the enemy would intersect any border line. If that is not the case, I have clear line of sight. However, I assume this to be neither fast nor the optimal solution.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions? I am glad for any hint!
I visualized the grid in the following image to give you an idea of what I am talking about. If a character would stand in the lower right green area, he could not shoot the enemy in the upper left area because of missing line of sight.

In Unity, how can I get a 2d Polygon collider that is the area of a big collider subtract some smaller collider inside the big one?

Like the image attached, I want to get a polygon collider of the area of the biggest collider subtract the areas of these two smaller colliders inside the big one?
I just want to have a collider that covers only the gray area in the image below.
At runtime please, it's ok to get a composite / polygon or what other types of collider.
Thanks very much.
Fastest way would indeed be to have 3 separate Colliders, and when collision happens with the big one, you also check that it does NOT happen with the two smaller colliders.
Check the Clipper library for polygon operations (also worth checking the eppz! Geometry library, which itself uses Clipper).
You can then use the resulting polygon "paths" (as it's called in the Clipper library) to create several EdgeCollider2Ds (you can [set its points][4] to create the shape of each polygon.
There is a problem with this approach though, which is that in the end you will not have a "solid" collider with an inside and an outside, and instead you will just have lines to collide with. Hopefully this will not be an issue for most of the cases.
I am not sure but you could use separate box colliders to get the same affect. Just need multiple references in the script.

What's the difference between Physics2D.OverlapPoint and Physics.Raycast?

I have been looking at options to detect a clicked GameObject. For a 2D game, what is the difference between Physics2D.OverlapPoint and Physics.Raycast? Is there any advantage of one over the other, performance maybe? I get the same return value for both and both seem to have the same problems with overlapping sprites. I've been leaning towards using Physics.Raycast since I may want to move to a 3D to a top-down perspective in the future, any other considerations?
A picture is worth 1000 words:
Here is the raycasting:
Here is OverlapPoint, which checks if a collider overlaps a point in space.
OverlapPoint checks if a collider overlaps a given point in space while Raycast shoots a ray along a specific vector and returns anything it hits.
Very different concepts and not to be used interchangeably... even in 2D. You can fire a Raycast starting beyond your 2D scene and fire back toward the viewer (defined by the direction vector) or in front of the scene and fire away from the viewer. Different results will be returned as they ray will hit different colliders depending on z-order.
OverlapPoint is basically a Raycast except with no depth to it. You are right about using the Raycast if you plan on going 3D in the future. Also the returns are different, where Raycast returns you a bool and OverlapPoint returns you a Collider2D

Open GL - ES 2.0 : Touch detection

Hi Guys I am doing some work on iOS and the work requires use of OpenGL es. So now I have a bunch of squares, cubes and triangles on the screen. Some of these geometries might overlap. Any ideas/ approaches for touch detection?
To follow up on the answer already given, squares, cubes and triangles are convex shapes so you can perform ray-object intersection quite easily, even directly from the geometry rather than from the mathematical description of the perfect object.
You're going to need to be able to calculate the distance of a point from the plane and the intersection of a ray with the plane. As a simple test you can implement yourself very quickly, for each polygon on the convex shape work out the intersection between the ray and the plane. Then check whether that point is behind all the planes defined by polygons that share an edge with the one you just tested. If so then the hit is on the surface of the object — though you should be careful about coplanar adjoining polygons and rounding errors.
Once you've found a collision you can easily get the length of the ray to the point of collision. The object with the shortest distance is the one that's in front.
If that's fast enough then great, otherwise you'll probably want to look into partitioning the world or breaking objects down to their silhouettes. Convex objects are really simple — consider all the edges that run between one polygon and the next. If only exactly one of those polygons is front facing then the edge is part of the silhouette. All the silhouettes edges together can be projected to a convex 2d shape on the view plane. You can then test touches by performing a 2d point-in-polygon from that.
A further common alternative that eliminates most of the maths is picking. You'd render the scene to an invisible buffer with each object appearing as a solid blob in a suitably unique colour. To test for touch, you'd just do a glReadPixels and inspect the colour.
For the purposes of glu on the iPhone, you can grab SGI's implementation (as used by MESA). I've used its tessellator in a shipping, production project before.
I had that problem in the past. What I have used is an implementation of glu unproject that you can find on google (it uses the inverse of the model view projection matrix and the viewport size). This allows you to map the 2D screen coordinates to a 3D vector into the world. Then, you can use this vector to intersect with your objects and see which one intersects (or comes really close to doing so).
I do hope there are better ways of doing this, so I look forward to other answers as well!
Once you get the inverse-modelview and cast your ray (vector), you still need to know if the ray intersects your geometry. One approach would be to grab the depth (z in view coordinate system) of the object's center and extend (stretch) your vector just that far. Then see if the vector's "head" ends within the volume of your object or not (you need the objects center and e.g. Its radius, if it's a sphere)