Unity3D gives hundrends of errors when building the game - unity3d

so my Unity worked fine until now, last time I built the game was yesterday and everything worked fine. Since yesterday the only thing that I did is that I changed some colliders and removed facebook gamecenter plugin. Now, when I try to play the game, everything is fine, but when I try to build it, it starts giving me 250 errors in total.
The last error always says :
"Error building Player because scripts had compiler errors"
Others error are connected to the standard assets.

For some reason this happens. There a few options of fixing it, but the easiest one to simply re-install Unity.
PS: You wont lose any data.


Failing to cache achievements

I'm currently working on a game for Oculus Quest, using Unreal 4.26.
Following this and this articles from Oculus Developer portal I've set up Oculus Online Subsystem in my project, and it successfully checks for App Entitlement at startup.
Nevertheless, I'm having troubles when it comes to Achievements handling. My Cache Achievements node always return Failure. Of course, if I try to write any Achievement Progress, it fails as well.
My DefaultEngine.ini has the following code:
And I also added a Config/Android/AndroidEngine.ini file with the following:
Despite this last thing, when I build my app, a /Saved/Temp/Android/Engine/Config/Android/AndroidEngine.ini file gets created with the following:
I don't know if this is what may be causing my Achievement Caching to fail.
Does anyone have a clue on what I may be missing?
I finally managed to get it working.
It seems that nothing was wrong with my project or configuration, but Achievements refused to work, don't know why.
At the end, I installed OculusPlatformBP in my project and, via its API, it worked like a charm.

Standalone executable builds successfully, but the executable does (almost) nothing when run

I've put together the first playable build of a game and I'd like to send it to a couple friends to make sure everything so far is working as intended. The project so far just consists of a single main game scene, and that scene works in the editor; it plays without issue. I opened build settings, included the main game scene as the only scene in the build, and had Unity make a standalone Windows x86 executable build.
Unity created the build without issue. When I run the executable, a short "Made with Unity" splash screen appears, and then...
No part of the scene is displayed. The program stops responding as soon as the splash screen is done.
I wish I could provide more information, but unfortunately, this is all I have. No error messages appear beyond the standard "this program has stopped responding, wait or kill?". No log file is produced. Unity is surprisingly unhelpful in finding the cause of this problem.
I tried making a WebGL build, as well. This took a few minutes, but this build worked as intended. It ran just as smoothly as it did in editor. However, I would greatly prefer a standalone executable if at all possible.
Any ideas as to what could possibly be wrong?
After trying everything and the kitchen sink, I finally managed to create a working standalone executable by downgrading the Unity version I was using from 2020.2.0f1 to 2019.4.20f1. More specifically, I created a new blank project using the 2019... version, copied everything from the Assets folder over, and made a build.
I don't have a clue why this worked. I don't know if it's because there's a problem in the 2020... version, or if there's a problem in my particular installation of it, or if something in my code doesn't play nice with a standalone executable, or any of various other theories. All I know is, this worked.

Failed to initialize Vuforia Engine

Im trying to embed my vuforia project to my flutter app,
Everything runs fine at first open, but idk why everytime i open the app again, the error pop up on the unity screen:
The problem i could specify is, Vuforia try check / get / something about the Camera Permission, since the first open it ask for Camera Permission, it run good, but second, while the permission already granted, the error show up.
I tried to ungrant the permission, open app again, it work again because it request for the permission.
Any suggestions of what and where the thing must i change? It's quite annoying to ungrant the permission everytime i open the app.
Regards, Slim!
Vuforia error
This happens to me when I have Vuforia running in the Editor (playing a game) and changing some code while it's running. Then, when coming back into Unity, it stops playing because of recompiling. But that apparently causes Vuforia to crash, and it will come up with that error screen on the next play.
My workaround is to stop a running game in Unity before changing (saving) any code, so recompiling doesn't crash Vuforia.

Unity3D - Game running very slow in Editor but very good in Build

I'm using Unity 2017.2.
I have strange problem. When i run my game into the editor it drops the FPS to very low like 5 - 7 FPS. However if i make a build and run the game it runs perfectly without any problems with 150 - 200 FPS.
Here is my profiler:
All is runing fine without any errors. Can you give me any suggestion where the problem can be. I hope somebody faced similar problem before and i'll be able to resolve this.
Taken from this unity forum post, it seems this is a known issue with the editor itself. You can either roll back to the last version, or wait for a bugfix to come out... Although the fix for this has been "expected soon" for awhile now. It is possible that 2017.3 fixed this issue, though. I haven't updated Unity since it came out so I cannot confirm.

Unity3d crashes when trying to change platform or building after upgrading to win10

http://prntscr.com/cfakce this is what happened when I'm entering any script, when I'm changing to mobile input this show up http://prntscr.com/cfalpw.
Whenever I'm trying to build the project or changing platform it crashes.
I changed my win7 to win10 (had to) and I think it may screwed my project but I'm not really sure, tried to search on Google for those errors and found nothing.
Someone told me on the Unity forum that it had something to do with UnityEditor but didn't had really idea how to fix it.
When I had win7 (before the change) everything worked perfectly fine.
Any ideas?
Unity version: Unity 5.4.0f3 (64-bit) thought it might help.
new: When I'm writing using at the start of any script it doesn't complete it to Unity.Engine or Unity.Editor it doesn't even have this option, like it got deleted or something. How do I bring back those Unity.editor and engine? I think it's the real problem :)
Another thing is that when I got win10 the C drive is now F and I've got new SSD drive which is the new C, everything stayed on the C drive but they didn't work or was used perfectly, so I redownloaded everything like Skype, steam, Origin and of course UNITY, the project folder I dragged to my desktop and then opened the game folder on this Unity I downloaded, I think that's what made the problem because when i enter Unity and press open, and going back to F drive>users>myname>dekstop>UNITY>mygame and open it in that path instead of what i have dragged (which it the same folder but on different place) it let me switch platform, does not let me build but at least it's not crashing just giving me the same errors without crashing, i don't know if this has something to do with but just gave the info cause maybe you will find this helpful to help me.