RxSwift ConnectableObservable missing autoconnect - swift

I'm porting a project that uses RxJava to RxSwift. There is a ConnectableObservable that uses autoconnect(). How would I port this to RxSwift? I'm looking for a similar feature or work around.
I was looking to use refcount() in RxSwift but once the subscriber number goes to 0 it'll stop where autoconnect() would continue. According to these release notes, autoConnect works like only the first half of refCount, or more precisely, it is similar in behavior to refCount(), except that it doesn't disconnect when subscribers are lost.

I took #akamokd's advice, I just created my own. Since I only needed autoConnect() it's was pretty simple.
extension ConnectableObservableType {
func autoconnect() -> Observable<E> {
return Observable.create { observer in
return self.do(onSubscribe: {
_ = self.connect()
}).subscribe { (event: Event<Self.E>) in
switch event {
case .next(let value):
case .error(let error):
case .completed:


Combine sink: ignore receiveValue, only completion is needed

Consider the following code:
CurrentValueSubject<Void, Error>(())
.sink { completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
} receiveValue: { value in
// this should be ignored
Just by looking at the CurrentValueSubject initializer, it's clear that the value is not needed / doesn't matter.
I'm using this particular publisher to make an asynchronous network request which can either pass or fail.
Since I'm not interested in the value returned from this publisher (there are none), how can I get rid of the receiveValue closure?
Ideally, the call site code should look like this:
CurrentValueSubject<Void, Error>(())
.sink { completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
print("SUCCESS ")
It also might be the case that I should use something different other than AnyPublisher, so feel free to propose / rewrite the API if it fits the purpose better.
The closest solution I was able to find is ignoreOutput, but it still returns a value.
You could declare another sink with just completion:
extension CurrentValueSubject where Output == Void {
func sink(receiveCompletion: #escaping ((Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) -> Void)) -> AnyCancellable {
sink(receiveCompletion: receiveCompletion, receiveValue: {})
CurrentValueSubject seems a confusing choice, because that will send an initial value (of Void) when you first subscribe to it.
You could make things less ambiguous by using Future, which will send one-and-only-one value, when it's done.
To get around having to receive values you don't care about, you can flip the situation round and use an output type of Result<Void, Error> and a failure type of Never. When processing your network request, you can then fulfil the promise with .failure(error) or .success(()), and deal with it in sink:
let pub = Future<Result<Void, Error>, Never> {
promise in
// Do something asynchronous
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
// somewhere else...
pub.sink {
switch $0 {
case .failure(let error):
print("Whoops \(error)")
case .success:
You're swapping ugly code at one end of the chain for ugly code at the other, but if that's hidden away behind AnyPublisher and you're concerned with correct usage, that seems the way to go. Consumers can see exactly what to expect from looking at the output and error types, and don't have to deal with them in separate closures.

How do I cancel a combine subscription within a sink?

I have a somewhat complicated architecture for a feature in my app.
Sample code is below. My original expectation was that this would only print once, because I call cancellableSet.removeAll(). But this actually ends up being called twice, which creates problems in my application.
How do I get this so it only fires what's in the sink after the subscription is stored in the cancellable set.
Note that I have a few restrictions here that I'll mention. My sample code is just simplifying this.
Can't use a take or drop operation, as this may get called an undetermined amount of times.
import Combine
enum State {
case loggedOut
case doingSomething
let aState = CurrentValueSubject<State, Never>(.doingSomething)
private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
func logUserOut() {
func doSomethingElse() { }
aState.sink { newState in
print("numberOfSubscriptions is: \(cancellableSet.count)")
switch newState {
case .loggedOut:
case .doingSomething:
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
The problem in your code is that the subscription starts delivering values synchronously before the call to sink returns, and so before the call to store even begins.
One way to solve this is to turn aState into a ConnectablePublisher before subscribing. A ConnectablePublisher doesn't publish until its connect method is called. So call connect after store returns.
You can use the makeConnectable method on any Publisher whose Failure == Never to wrap it in a ConnectablePublisher.
let connectable = aState.makeConnectable()
connectable.sink { newState in
print("numberOfSubscriptions is: \(cancellableSet.count)")
switch newState {
case .loggedOut:
case .doingSomething:
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
If the queue this code is being run on is a serial one, then maybe you can move the execution of the code inside the sink to the end of the queue. This way, the program will find the time to store the subscription in the set.
aState.sink { newState in
DispatchQueue.main.async { // or whatever other queue you are running on
print("numberOfSubscriptions is: \(cancellableSet.count)")
switch newState {
case .loggedOut:
case .doingSomething:
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
It's a bit dirty tho.

How do I check for internet using Moya and RxSwift?

As far as I understand Alamofire is pulled in with built in Reachability, so my own handler would look something like:
import Alamofire
let reachabilityManager = NetworkReachabilityManager()
reachabilityManager.listener = { status in
switch status {
case .notReachable:
print("The network is not reachable")
case .unknown :
print("It is unknown whether the network is reachable")
self.onInternetDisconnection() // not sure what to do for this case
case .reachable(.ethernetOrWiFi):
print("The network is reachable over the WiFi connection")
case .reachable(.wwan):
print("The network is reachable over the WWAN connection")
I'm making a request with:
let provider = MoyaProvider<MyMoyaRequest>()
let token = provider.request(.start(
password: self.password.value) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(moyaResponse):
//handle success
case let .failure(error):
//handle failure
So if I want to have connectivity checked before every Moya Request is made what is the best way to go about it?
Write an extension for one of Moyas internals to check first
Use the Moya plugin (prepare) to check
Some fancy pants other way so far unthought of...
I specifically do not want to add a reachability check to every single API call, for readability reasons. But I am interested in hearing about methods previously used.
Thank-you for any assistance you can offer.
I specifically do not want to add a reachability check to every single API call
It might be a reasonable decision to wrap all you API calls into some service. For example how I did it in my last app:
public protocol NetworkServiceType: class {
/// Cancellable request
func observableRequest<T,C>(api: AnyApi<T>, cancel: Observable<C>, headers: [AUApi.Header: String], indicator: ActivityRelay?, logs: NetworkServiceLogs, timeout: TimeInterval, queue: DispatchQueue) -> Observable<Output<T>>
As you can see the network service has a single function that is able accept all the necessary parameters. And when you wrap all your requests into a single function - you can add everything you want inside this function. Even reachability check!
I want to have connectivity checked before every Moya Request is made
There are some ways to do it:
I'd create a shared reactive reachability service and inject this service in network service. So, before every Moya Request you can call withLatestFrom and get the latest status from your reachability service.
You can create reachability service for each request and delete it after request is completed.
I'd love show you how to create the 2nd variant. The first thing we need is some ReachabilityInformer:
final class ReachabilityInformer: Disposable {
private lazy var networkReachabilityManager: NetworkReachabilityManager? = NetworkReachabilityManager(host: "www.google.com")
private lazy var relayNetworkReachable = PublishRelay<Bool>()
init() {
switch networkReachabilityManager {
case .none:
case .some(let manager):
manager.listener = { [weak informer = self] status in
switch status {
case .notReachable:
case .unknown:
case .reachable:
func observableReachable() -> Observable<Bool> {
return relayNetworkReachable
func dispose() {
networkReachabilityManager?.listener = nil
networkReachabilityManager = nil
It should conform to Disposable because it will be used by using operator.
So, how to use it:
.using({ ReachabilityInformer() }, observableFactory: { (informer: ReachabilityInformer) -> Observable<Bool> in
return informer.observableReachable()
The request should be started using this Observable. If connections exists true you should flatMap to your Moya Request. If it is false, then you should return a failure or throw an error. When request is completed, using operator will make sure that the ReachabilityInformer is deallocated.
P.S. Not tested, just some information to think about

generically injecting a side effect in a SignalProducer

My app has a status area at the top that shows progress information (similar to Xcode and iTunes). I want to update it by injecting side effects into an event stream, using a closure that converts the stream's value into the ProgressUpdate value. I'm using an extension on SignalProducer so any signal producer in my app can update the app's status area (there is a lot more involved to allow for multiple signals at once, but that doesn't affect this problem).
I'm basing it on SignalProducer's on(starting:, started:, ...). It requires the latest swift 3.1 beta to allow the constraint on the error type, but this is straight from a playground.
import ReactiveSwift
struct Rc2Error: Error {
struct ProgressUpdate {
let message: String
let value: Double = -1
class MacAppStatus {
fileprivate func process(event: (Event<ProgressUpdate, Rc2Error>) -> Void)
//update UI based on the event
extension SignalProducer where Error == Rc2Error {
func updateProgress<Value>(status: MacAppStatus, converter: #escaping (Value) -> ProgressUpdate) -> SignalProducer<Value, Error>
return SignalProducer<Value, Error> { observer, compositeDisposable in
self.startWithSignal { signal, disposable in
compositeDisposable += disposable
compositeDisposable += signal
.on(event: { (orignal) in
switch original {
case .completed:
status.process(Event<ProgressUpdate, Rc2Error>.completed)
case .interrupted:
status.process(Event<ProgressUpdate, Rc2Error>.interrupted)
case .failed(let err):
status.process(Event<ProgressUpdate, Rc2Error>.failed(err))
case .value(let val):
status.process(Event<ProgressUpdate, Rc2Error>.value(converter(val)))
The last line of .observe(observer) produces an error:
error: cannot convert value of type 'Observer<Value, Rc2Error>' to expected argument type 'Observer<_, Rc2Error>'
Any ideas why this conversion fails? Suggestions on a different way to accomplish this?
It looks like it was just bad error reporting from the compiler. The actual problem was that process() should take an Event, not a closure that takes an event. It also needed an empty external parameter name.
Changing the signature to
fileprivate func process(_ event: Event<ProgressUpdate, Rc2Error>)
and fixing the original typo Mike Taverne pointed out fixed it.

Combining two Observable<Void>s

I'm still a reactive newbie and I'm looking for help.
func doA() -> Observable<Void>
func doB() -> Observable<Void>
enum Result {
case Success
case BFailed
func doIt() -> Observable<Result> {
// start both doA and doB.
// If both complete then emit .Success and complete
// If doA completes, but doB errors emit .BFailed and complete
// If both error then error
The above is what I think I want... The initial functions doA() and doB() wrap network calls so they will both emit one signal and then Complete (or Error without emitting any Next events.) If doA() completes but doB() errors, I want doIt() to emit .BFailed and then complete.
It feels like I should be using zip or combineLatest but I'm not sure how to know which sequence failed if I do that. I'm also pretty sure that catchError is part of the solution, but I'm not sure exactly where to put it.
As I'm thinking about it, I'm okay with the calls happening sequentially. That might even be better...
Start doA()
if it completes start doB()
if it completes emit .Success
else emit .BFailed.
else forward the error.
Thanks for any help.
I believe .flatMapLatest() is what you're looking for, chaining your observable requests.
.flatMapLatest({ [weak self] (firstResult) -> Observable<Result> in
// Assuming this doesn't fail and returns result on main scheduler,
// otherwise `catchError` and `observeOn(MainScheduler.instance)` can be used to correct this
// ...
// do something with result #1
// ...
return self?.doSecond()
}).subscribeNext { [weak self] (secondResult) -> Void in
// ...
// do something with result #2
// ...
And here is .flatMapLatest() doc in RxSwift.
Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences and then
transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. It is a combination of map + switchLatest operator.
I apologize that I don't know the syntax for swift, so I'm writing the answer in c#. The code should be directly translatable.
var query =
.Zip(doB.Materialize(), (ma, mb) => new { ma, mb })
.Select(x =>
x.ma.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError
|| x.mb.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError
? Result.BFailed
: Result.Success);
Basically the .Materialize() operator turns the OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted notifications for an observable of type T into OnNext notifications for an observable of type Notification<T>. You can then .Zip(...) these and check for your required conditions.
I've learned RxSwift well enough to answer this question now...
func doIt() -> Observable<Result> {
doA().map { Result.Success },
doB().map { Result.Success }
.catch { _ in Observable.just(Result.BFailed) }
) { $1 }