How do I check for internet using Moya and RxSwift? - swift4

As far as I understand Alamofire is pulled in with built in Reachability, so my own handler would look something like:
import Alamofire
let reachabilityManager = NetworkReachabilityManager()
reachabilityManager.listener = { status in
switch status {
case .notReachable:
print("The network is not reachable")
case .unknown :
print("It is unknown whether the network is reachable")
self.onInternetDisconnection() // not sure what to do for this case
case .reachable(.ethernetOrWiFi):
print("The network is reachable over the WiFi connection")
case .reachable(.wwan):
print("The network is reachable over the WWAN connection")
I'm making a request with:
let provider = MoyaProvider<MyMoyaRequest>()
let token = provider.request(.start(,
password: self.password.value) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(moyaResponse):
//handle success
case let .failure(error):
//handle failure
So if I want to have connectivity checked before every Moya Request is made what is the best way to go about it?
Write an extension for one of Moyas internals to check first
Use the Moya plugin (prepare) to check
Some fancy pants other way so far unthought of...
I specifically do not want to add a reachability check to every single API call, for readability reasons. But I am interested in hearing about methods previously used.
Thank-you for any assistance you can offer.

I specifically do not want to add a reachability check to every single API call
It might be a reasonable decision to wrap all you API calls into some service. For example how I did it in my last app:
public protocol NetworkServiceType: class {
/// Cancellable request
func observableRequest<T,C>(api: AnyApi<T>, cancel: Observable<C>, headers: [AUApi.Header: String], indicator: ActivityRelay?, logs: NetworkServiceLogs, timeout: TimeInterval, queue: DispatchQueue) -> Observable<Output<T>>
As you can see the network service has a single function that is able accept all the necessary parameters. And when you wrap all your requests into a single function - you can add everything you want inside this function. Even reachability check!
I want to have connectivity checked before every Moya Request is made
There are some ways to do it:
I'd create a shared reactive reachability service and inject this service in network service. So, before every Moya Request you can call withLatestFrom and get the latest status from your reachability service.
You can create reachability service for each request and delete it after request is completed.
I'd love show you how to create the 2nd variant. The first thing we need is some ReachabilityInformer:
final class ReachabilityInformer: Disposable {
private lazy var networkReachabilityManager: NetworkReachabilityManager? = NetworkReachabilityManager(host: "")
private lazy var relayNetworkReachable = PublishRelay<Bool>()
init() {
switch networkReachabilityManager {
case .none:
case .some(let manager):
manager.listener = { [weak informer = self] status in
switch status {
case .notReachable:
case .unknown:
case .reachable:
func observableReachable() -> Observable<Bool> {
return relayNetworkReachable
func dispose() {
networkReachabilityManager?.listener = nil
networkReachabilityManager = nil
It should conform to Disposable because it will be used by using operator.
So, how to use it:
.using({ ReachabilityInformer() }, observableFactory: { (informer: ReachabilityInformer) -> Observable<Bool> in
return informer.observableReachable()
The request should be started using this Observable. If connections exists true you should flatMap to your Moya Request. If it is false, then you should return a failure or throw an error. When request is completed, using operator will make sure that the ReachabilityInformer is deallocated.
P.S. Not tested, just some information to think about


XCTest for when iCloud is enabled and disabled

I have a viewMode that determines if iCloud is enabled or disabled with the result being a prompt to the User to login to iCloud or not.
Is there a way to progamatically login/logout to iCloud from an XCTest to reliable test all paths?
Here is my test
func testShowLoginButtonForiCloud() {
let viewModel = OnboardingViewModel()
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Wait for CKContainer auth check")
var iCloudEnabled: Bool?
viewModel.shouldShowiCloudLogin { result, error in
iCloudEnabled = result
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5.0)
Here is my ViewModel
typealias Completion = (Bool, Error?) -> Void
final class OnboardingViewModel {
func shouldShowiCloudLogin(completion: #escaping Completion) {
CKContainer.default().accountStatus { (status, error) in
switch status {
case .available :
completion(true, nil)
default :
completion(false, error)
Can we programmatically log in to CloudKit for unit testing? This is inadvisable, because even if we could, the tests would be slow & fragile. Instead, treat CloudKit as an architectural boundary. Unit tests can go right up to this boundary. And we can pretend stuff comes back from the boundary. In this way, we can test all paths.
To program this boundary into your code, use a protocol. This protocol will be a slice containing only those CKContainer methods you want. (This is the Interface Segregation Principle in action.) Since CKContainer already implements this method, we can attach it as an empty extension.
protocol CKContainerProtocol {
func accountStatus(completionHandler: #escaping (CKAccountStatus, Error?) -> Void)
extension CKContainer: CKContainerProtocol {}
Then add a property to your view model:
var cloudKitContainer: CKContainerProtocol = CKContainer.default()
The default value means your code will continue to use the real CKContainer unless told otherwise. Change your code to call cloudKitContainer instead of CKContainer.default().
Then in test code, you can provide a different implementation of CKContainerProtocol. This will let you do stubbing and mocking. You can confirm that accountStatus() is called exactly once. And you can exercise its closure with different CKAccountStatus values to confirm how your Completion closure is called.

All asynchronous calls succeed or none, how to handle

I'm trying to create an online mobile application and can't figure out the best way to handle functions with multiple asynchronous calls. Say I have a function for example that updates a user in some way, but involved multiple asynchronous calls in the single function call. So for example:
// Function caller
update(myUser) { (updatedUser, error) in
if let error = error {
// Present some error UI to the user
if let updatedUser = updatedUser {
// Do something with the user
// Function implementation
public func updateUser(user: User, completion: #escaping (User?, Error?) -> () {
// asynchronous call A
updateUserTable(user: User) { error in
if let error = error {
completion(nil, error)
} else {
// create some new user object
completion(user, nil)
// asynchronous call B
uploadMediaForUser(user: User) { error in
if let error = error {
completion(nil, error)
// asynchronous call C
removeOldReferenceForUser(user: User) { error in
if let error = error {
completion(nil, error)
// Possibly any additional amount of asynchronous calls...
In a case like this, where one function call like updating a user involved multiple asynchronous calls, is this an all or nothing situation? Say for example the updateUserTable() call completes, but the user disconnects from the internet as uploadMediaForUser() was running, and that throws an error. Since updateUserTable() completed fine, my function caller thinks this method succeeded when in fact not everything involved in updating the user completed. Now I'm stuck with a user that might have mismatched references or wrong information in my database because the user's connection dropped mid call.
How do I handle this all or nothing case? If EVERY asynchronous call completed without an error, I know updating the user was a success. If only a partial amount of asynchronous calls succeeded and some failed, this is BAD and I need to either undo the changes that succeeded or attempt the failed methods again.
What do I do in this scenario? And also, and how do I use my completion closure to help identify the actions needed depending on the success or failure of the method. Did all them succeed? Good, tell the user. Do some succeed and some failed? Bad, revert changes or try again (i dont know)??
Just calling my completion with the error doesn't seem like enough. Sure the user sees that something failed, but that doesn't help with the application knowing the steps needed to fix the damage where partial changes were made.
I would suggest adding helper enums for your tasks and returned result, things like (User?, Error?) have a small ambiguity of the case when for example both are nil? or you have the User and the Error set, is it a success or not?
Regarding the all succeeded or some failed - I would suggest using the DispatchGroup to notify when all tasks finished (and check how they finished in the end).
Also from you current code, when some request fails it's not clear for which user - as you pass nil, so it might bring difficulties in rolling it back after failure.
So in my point of view something like below (not tested the code, but think you should catch the idea from it) could give you control about the issues you described:
public enum UpdateTask {
case userTable
case mediaUpload
// ... any more tasks you need
public enum UpdateResult {
case success
case error([UpdateTask: Error])
// Function implementation
public func updateUser(user: User, completion: #escaping (User, UpdateResult) -> ()) {
let updateGroup = DispatchGroup()
var tasksErrors = [UpdateTask: Error]()
// asynchronous call A
updateUserTable(user: User) { error in
if let error = error {
tasksErrors[.userTable] = error
// ... any other similar tasks here
updateGroup.notify(queue: { // Choose the Queue that suits your needs here by yourself
if tasksErrors.isEmpty {
completion(user, .success)
} else {
completion(user, .error(tasksErrors))
Keep a “previous” version of everything changed, then if something failed revert back to the “previous” versions. Only change UI once all returned without failure, and if one failed, revert to “previous” version.
var temporary = “userName”
getChanges(fromUser) {
If error {
userName = temporary //This reverts back due to failure.

How to test asynchronous method results?

When we get table view datasource, we will ask a network request. It is asynchronous. I have no idea to test the result operation. There is a method to get the points.
func loadPoints() {
API().retrievePoints{ [weak self](pointsSet, error) in
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
// Make sure the call succeeded; return an error if it didn't
guard error == nil else {
Device.debugLog(item:"Error loading Points: \(String(describing: error))")
self?.pointsSet = pointsSet
I have known that if we want to test the retrievePoints method, we can test like bellow
func testRetrievePoints() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "RetrievePoints")
API().retrievePoints{ (pointsSet, error) -> Void in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 15.0, handler: nil)
Now I want to test the codes
self?.pointsSet = pointsSet
For now I just use sleep(15) to wait the method. But it is inaccurate.
Could you please help me? Thanks in advance.
Just as what you have said, it's asynchronous. So it will take time before finish. That is to say that you need to wait before it can success.
Also note that it's just timeout value. All your task must finish within this value. Or it will be treated as failure.
You want to test your data source — not your web service.
there for you should mock the api call.
To achieve this you could use a mocking framework. But I'd rather go another route:
create a protocol that declares the public interface of API, let API conform to that protocol
pass the API as a dependency into the data source. either as an init parameter or via a property. Passing objects is easier that classes, I'd change retrievePoints to be an instance method.
For your test write an APIMock that implements the protocol. Let retrievePoints' callback return prepared points.
Now the points will be returned immediately, no need for timeouts. If you want to defer that your mock can use a DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter call.

Proper way to dispose of a disposable within an observable

I have an HTTPService which returns an Observable<NSData>. My goal is to compose that service into another service, ServiceA which transforms that data for my use case. Using Observable.create in RxSwift 2.0.0-rc.0 in ServiceA it's straight forward enough. My question is how to properly handle the disposable returned from the subscription of the HTTPService.
If I don't do anything I get the compile time warning that the result of call is unused: I understand from reading that if I do nothing it's likely ok: (where xs mentioned below is let xs: Observable<E> ....
In case xs terminates in a predictable way with Completed or Error message, not handling subscription Disposable won't leak any resources, but it's still preferred way because in that way element computation is terminated at predictable moment.
So here is how I am currently addressing it, and also where I am wondering if I am doing this properly or if I have misunderstood something.
public struct ServiceA{
public static func changes() -> Observable<ChangeSet>{
return Observable.create{ observable in
// return's Observable<NSData>
let request = HTTPService.get("")
let disposable = request.subscribe(
onNext: { data in
// Do more work to transform this data
// into something meaningful for the application.
// For example purposes just use an empty object
onError:{ error in
// Is this the right way to deal with the
// disposable from the subscription in this situation?
return AnonymousDisposable{
As documentation says
subscribe function returns a subscription Disposable that can be used to cancel computation and free resources.
Preferred way of terminating these fluent calls is by using
.addDisposableTo(disposeBag) or in some equivalent way.
When disposeBag gets deallocated, subscription will be automatically
Actually your example looks fine in terms of rules, but it loos pretty bad ;) (Also it would be ok, if you would just return this disposable) :
public static func changes() -> Observable<ChangeSet>{
return Observable.create{ observable in
// return's Observable<NSData>
let request = HTTPService.get("")
return request.subscribe(
onNext: { data in
// Do more work to transform this data
// into something meaningful for the application.
// For example purposes just use an empty object
onError:{ error in
But as you you returning Observeble I wonder, why you dont just use map operator ?
In your example it would be something like this:
public static func changes() -> Observable<ChangeSet> {
return HTTPService.get("")

How can I trigger async requests out of view controller

I am building an iOS app and I just finished my login/register part ( requesting a sails.js rest Api)
At the moment I have 2 view controllers with duplicate code because i issue the rest calls on register/login button event listener of each class and there is a lot of similar code I can refactor.
What I want to do is to create a singleton called ApiManager that will contain all the calls that I need. (And the futur ones )
The problem is that with async calls I can't create a function func login(username,password) that will return data so I can store them and prepareforsegue.
What is the simple/proper way to achieve that correctly? Which means call ApiManager.myFunction and using the result wherever it's needed ( filling a tableview for data, initiating a segue for login or register with succes ) and to make this function reusable in another view controller even if it is for another usage. I am using swift.
EDIT : Here is how i did it so i hope it will help you
The function executing the rest call :
func login(#username: String, password: String, resultCallback: (finalresult: UserModel!,finalerror:String!) -> Void) {
Alamofire.request(.POST, AppConfiguration.ApiConfiguration.apiDomain+"/login", parameters: ["username": username,"password": password], encoding: .JSON)
.responseJSON { request, response, data, error in
if let anError = error
resultCallback(finalresult: nil,finalerror:anError.localizedDescription)
}else if(response!.statusCode == 200){
var user:UserModel = self.unserializeAuth(data!)//just processing the json using SwiftyJSON to get a easy to use object.
resultCallback(finalresult: user,finalerror:nil)
resultCallback(finalresult: nil,finalerror:"Username/Password incorrect!")
}.responseString{ (request, response, stringResponse, error) in
// print response as string for debugging, testing, etc.
And this is how i call this function from my ViewController :
#IBAction func onLoginTapped(sender: AnyObject) {//When my user tap the login button
let username = loginInput.text;//taking the content of inputs
let password = passwordInput.text;
[unowned self] finalresult,finalerror in
if(finalresult !== nil){//if result is not null login is successful and we can now store the user in the singleton
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("showAfterLogin", sender: nil)//enter the actual app and leave the login process
self.displayAlert("Error!", message: finalerror)//it is basically launching a popup to the user telling him why it didnt work
Almost all of my apps end up with a Server class which is the only one that knows how to communicate with the server. It makes the call, parses the result into a Swift struct and returns it. Most of my servers return json so I use SwiftyJSON, but you can do whatever you want.
The point is, that since this is the only class that knows about server communication, if I need to change the library being used to do the communication (AFNetworking 1 vs 2 vs Parse, vs whatever) this is the only class I need to touch.
class Server {
static let instance = Server()
func loginWithUsername(username: String, password: String, resultCallback: (result: Either<User, NSError>) -> Void) {
// if login is successful call
resultCallback(result: .Left(self.user!))
// otherwise call
resultCallback(result: .Right(error))
An example of use:
let server = Server.instance
SVProgressHUD.showWithStatus("Loggin In...")
server.loginWithUsername(username, password: password) { [unowned self] result in
switch result {
case .Left(let user):
case .Right(let error):
self.warnUserWithMessage("An error occured. \(error.localizedDescription)")
If the username/password are needed for all subsequent calls, then the server object will maintain a copy of them. If the login returns a token, then the server keeps a copy of that.
I usually have utility functions in a base class shared by my view controllers and use NSNotificationCenter for reacting to the results of the requests. It can also easily be achieved through delegation (protocol & delegate.
It is mostly about perception but I find it is easier to visualize that you can, for example, start an action on one controller and react on another because the call took this long and you were not blocking navigation in your app.