Does Ionic dashboard generates Windows 10 Package ? There is only option to iOS and Android at - ionic-framework

Does Ionic dashboard generates Windows 10 Package ? There is only option to iOS and Android at
At dashboard i can build IOS and Android Debug and Release version, but there is no option to build a Windows Mobile package.


What is the command to run ionic/capacitor app on device with live reload for android and ios

I have ionic capacitor project and I am trying to run it on device.
Need help for android livereload debugging as i am using windows machine
Making sure that we have already setup jdk and android studio.
We give following commands:
For android :
ionic cap add android
ionic cap sync
ionic cap build android
ionic cap run android --external -livereload
Choose the device to deploy app. If your device is connected to pc then select the your device name else select from the list of emulators
The compiled android project might open on android studio for generating apk build. Even then you can hit run button to see the app on device.
For ios:
ionic cap add ios
ionic cap sync
ionic cap build ios
ionic cap run ios --external -livereload
Choose the device to deploy app. If your device is connected to pc then select the your device name else select from the list of simulators
The compiled ios project might open on xcode studio for generating ipa build. Even then you can select simulator to see the app on device.
NOTE: All commands with respect to ionic 5 and above.

How run my flutter project on iOS (on my Linux machine)?

Android studio 4.0
Linux Mint 19.3
I create my simple Flutter project and success run it on my Android device.
But now I need to run my Flutter project on iPhone. So... to do this I need... what I need?
Maybe install iOS on Virtual Box (on my Linux machine) and then install XCode and then run my Flutter project on XCode? Or maybe has another approach?
You can do that with CI/CD services like Codemagic
How to develop and distribute iOS apps without Mac with Flutter & Codemagic

Flutter: Intellij does show no device (but no problem in Android Project)

I am trying to set up Flutter in Intellij (2020.1 Community Edition). I installed Dart and Flutter as plug-ins. I also have installed the Flutter SDK as well as the Android SDK.
After downloading an android virtual device (Pixel 2 XL API 27) I wanted to try out to run the Flutter template app, but it fails to recognize the emulator. When I create an Android Project and try to run it with an emulator it runs without any problems.
This post (Flutter : No devices) did not provide me with anything useful.
I solved the issue. I went to File > Project Structure > Project. At Project SDK I selected Android API 28 Platform. Then click Apply and Ok to finish this process. After doing this step you can select the device.
Intellij does that a lot in my system. You had to check Flutter path is set in File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Flutter
and Android SDK is set to Android API 29 Platform in File > Project Structure > Project

How to get debug output on eclipse console screen for cordova app

I am using cordova plugin (THym) with eclipse Mars to make applications for android platform and I have an Android device with Android 4.3 due to which, chrome remote debugging is not working in my case.
Also I have tried android virtual device but even that didn't worked.
Only thing I am able to do is to run apk on my android device.
How can I debug the cordova app using eclipse?
Weinre is your friend for older Android Versions:
And you should use Android Studio for developing Cordova Apps. Eclipse is no more supported.

Ionic app with IBM Mobile first 7.1 version

I am developing ionic app + Mobile first application .
First,I have worked with Mobile first platform 8.0 beta.It was successfully connected with mobile first server.
Now, I am trying with Mobile first 7.1 version(stable). I have installed mobile first 7.1 cli and I am able to see my installed version in my console.
By installing MFP Plugin "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mfp" .
After in my config.xml file mfp details added as following which is pointing to Mobile first 8.0,
plugin version: 8.0.00-20160328
How can I install the cordova mfp plugin for 7.1?
Any help will be appreciated!!!
MobileFirst CLI contains an instance of Cordova CLI v5.0.0, Android platform version 3.6.4, and iOS platform version 3.7.0. It is not possible to upgrade or replace these embedded versions. Therefore, it is not a requirement for you to install Cordova on your developer workstation.
Only Android and iOS are supported for creating Cordova apps by using the MobileFirst CLI.