Trigger Intent from a List in Google Actions - actions-on-google

I am trying to create a Google action in which I want to invoke an intent when the user selects an object on the list. The problem is, there is only one event name 'actions_intent_OPTION' which will help in directing to a single intent. What I want is using the selected option I like to move to a particular intent.Is this possible.
The existing google docs shows only the example where we modify our output speech with the option selected in that one intent(


Is there a setting to force user stories to be linked to a parent?

There is a setting for forcing story points to be entered when creating a work item (e.g. user story) in the layout processes field options, but is there one for mandating linking of work item/story to a parent?
There isn't a straight forward way to do that.
A good option is to create a custom field in User Story work item in your inherited process.
And set the work item rule to make required the value of this field when creating User Stroy.
Check the UI output by using the rule. This could be a reminder to link the parent work item.
Update 1:
You still need to manually add link as Related Work.
The required value for the custom field works as a reminder for the users when creating the User Story.
You could also define the custom field as Picklist(string). When a user creates a new User Story, he could add Related Work links and pick a value for the custom field in order to save this User Story.

IBM Watson Assistant: user input button label as text instead of click the button

I'm using IBM Watson Assistant's option responses for my chatbot. I have put entity value "A" as the button label and the corresponding values are like "definition of A". However, when assistant display the option and button, if user input "A" as text instead of click the button, I cannot respond the correct message as for "definition of A".
Others have suggest me to set a separate node only for this entity "A", but I'm using the same button labels for several questions and are expecting different responses under different situation. Also, I have tried to use slots, but I want the assistant redirect user to another node with option responses instead of respond with certain text.
Can anyone give me some suggestion on this matter?
The others were right. You can use the "A" entity in a new node. You can re-use entities, the values are overridden when the user responds. If this is not happening, you can handle it yourself by using a context variable to store their answers instead of an entity.

How to verify object with changing index in protractor?

Want to verify notifications on particular menu (Auction), unable to use indexing as it changes with presence/absence of notifications on different menus.
In my application I have multiple menus and all get notifications if other users have requested.
Now the problem I am facing is, One of the menu on which I am working currently (Auctions) takes lots of time to show notification (taking time to load that number) and I want to validate if notification exists on Auction menu, which is failing even after using browser.sleep
I am not able to use
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element.all(by.css('')).get(0)), 10000);
as get(0) can consider notification on News menu if notification count does not appear on any other menu before it. Check the screenshot for reference.
Now, I need your help in identifying notification only on Auction menu. I don't know how to select that specific element.
Please suggest.
You can use any of the parent selector and search for descendant element that contains class as notification from the DOM.try the below selector.
element(by.css("[element-type='auction'] .notification"))

Intalio: Difference between 4 ways of adding a form to a process

I made a form using Intalio's AJAX Widget tool but I was confused once I wanted to add the form to a user's pool.
I actually followed this tutorial from Intalio's website. In the 5th slide, they mentioned the ways of adding the form (initProcess, create and complete, notify, escalate):
but no further explanations were given.
So, I would like to know the differences between each one of these ways and when should I use one way and not the other.
You use the initProcess if that form will actually kick off a process. Doing so will show a new entry on the web site front end in the Workflow>Processes category. It's what you can see in slide 6. Connect the form to the process.
Use create and complete if you want to give a user or group of users a task to complete. This shows up in the Workflow>Tasks section on the website. It locks your process until a user completes the task or a deadline is hit.
Use notify if you want to send a form as a notification to a user. This shows up in the Workflow>Notifications section. User can only dismiss it. It does not lock you process. It basically just triggers the notification and moves on.
You can use escalate to reassign an existing form to another user or group. This basically sits between the create and complete part of the form, gets triggered by an external message/event and lets you reassign the form.
Hope this helps. Cheers.

Real time Google Script Form changes (triggers, onEdit())

How do you change items in Forms from user triggered events during live user interaction with the Form?
I got three ListItems in my form. They all got the same choices to choose from. Users get to choose an activity. If they don't get their choice in the first ListItem they might get it in the second or third.
When a user choose an activity from one of the three ListItems I want to remove this choice of activity from the other two ListItems so that it's not possible to choose the same activity multiple times.
How do you do this? There's an onEdit() function for Spreadsheets but what about Forms?
The live Google Forms cannot be modified based on user interaction.
What you can do is create sections (or branches) and redirect the user to a different section based on the value they've entered in a particular field.