How to read and post to facebook conversations in my generic application - facebook

I am trying to implement basic Facebook chat features in my application (I am looking for a generic solution, nothing platform specific). Is there any possibility to read user's (my) conversations with other users and post to them?
I searched through Facebook API and SO but found only deprecated me/inbox graph API method, deprecated XMPP Chat API ( and Messenger platform API, which seems to support only page-to-user or app-to-user but not the user-to-user conversations.

There is no public API with the ability to send or read a user-to-user facebook conversation.


Search recent media and comment via Instagram API and Graph API

I want to build an app where the app user can from within the app
search Instagram's most recent media by a search term (Hashtag-Search)
post comments to Instagram posts
For searching Instagram the Graph API can't be used, because it doesn't has such capability. Therefore I need to use the old Instagram API, correct? But Instagram states "The Instagram Graph API is Now Available to All Developers. For Non-Business Instagram Accounts please continue to use the existing Instagram Platform API". The users of my platform have business accounts which I need for posting comments via the Graph API.
Do I have to use the Instagram API for searches by the app users (1.) and the Graph API for posting comments(2.)?
Is there another way to search for Instagram media which is not against Instagram policies?
Yes, You need to use both APIs; in other words, have to have access token for both apps just for the same Instagram account, doing oauth handshake to each API's authentication.
Also to note - for your first requirement: Search media by hashtags in Instagram API, you need your app to have public_content scope; which Instagram no longer approves to new apps. So, unless you have an oauth app already with this scope for Instagram API; most likely it wouldn't be possible to use developer apis for search.
For limited tag search you can use public web api:{tagName}/?__a=1
for example:
This is just for recent media - I guess, this API does not guarantee all media.
This is no longer correct.
The graph API has the endpoint ig_hashtag_search, which will find the ID of the hashtag. You can then use it to search for media on endpoints recent_media and top_media.

Facebook API for conversations

Me and my friends are frequently using a Facebook group chat conversation. I'm building a web app that allows them to login with Facebook and do some silly stuff. Is there any way I can add that specific Facebook conversation so they can chat while on the website just like they would on facebook? I checked the API but didn't really find any references to this
Has anyone done stuff like this?
The Chat API is deprecated, it is impossible to do that.

Get list of friends above the messenger in Facebook with Graph Api

I stuck on finding a way to get the list of friends above the messenger :
This list contains the "most used friends" in facebook messenger...
Facebook give us a way to get these information ?
Thank you
Facebook chat does not use standard Graph Api, it uses XMPP protocol instead. Here you can find facebook documentation. As far as I know you can get list of active friends in XMPP, you can get more info about xmpp roster here. The best way to implement this is to use some open source XMPP libraries. There is official list so use one of those.
You should also note that "Your Facebook Chat integration should only be used for sessions that are expected to be long-lived. Clients should not rapidly churn on and off." The chat API is meant to be used for chat. With that in mind consider if you are really going to use that api for a long term session.
There is currently no API which returns the list of friends visible at the top of the chat window on

How do I publish an activity on facebook using the Graph API

The old Facebook Legacy REST API had a function dashboard.publishActivity, however the new Graph API only allows messages to be posted on /me/feed.
Is there a way to send activities using the Graph API?
As mentioned in Facebook "have removed the section which displayed the News that developers published via the Dashboard APIs in the Games Dashboard". Therefore the dashboard.publishActivity function no longer provides any useful functionality. My recommendation is to switch to either using stream posts or to Requests 2.0, as these will provide the same sort of distribution that you're looking for.

Using both Facebook Graph API and Old Rest API? Please help!

I am developing a Facebook application that will use Facebook events.
I want to be able to create and edit event as well as invite users friends to the event.
I prefer to use the new Graph API to handle all connections with Facebook and I many ways I am able too, but, the Graph API cannot send invites.
I saw that the Old Rest API got far more ways to interact with Facebook so I tried to use both systems on the same time but when I send the Access token that I have created with the Graph API a long with a call to the old API it says "Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token".
My question is, is there a way to convert the new Graph API access token to be used with the old rest API? Is there perhaps another way to get both systems to work in the same application?
Please help! All input are welcome.
I´d recommend against the old REST api. Support will be canceled sooner or later and then you will have to port to graph api anyway.
To send invites to your app you can use fbml/xfbml. try the togehter with the JavaScript SDK as described here:
good luck!