Sending ClientCertificates from HttpWebRequest via Fiddler - fiddler

I am trying to send out a WebRequest request like specifies with a handler containing the Client Certificate.
I've gotten to the point that i have determined that the ClientCertificate is just not being sent through fiddler, so it is not read in the ServerVariables["CERT_FLAGS"] when the Owin LoadCertificate is called.
So i have removed all the steps from the process except (IdentityServer3.Samples/source/Clients/ClientCertificateConsoleClient/Program.cs)
async Task<TokenResponse> RequestTokenAsync()
var cert = new X509Certificate2("Client.pfx");
var handler = new WebRequestHandler();
var client = new TokenClient(
return await client.RequestClientCredentialsAsync("read write");
but I am still not seeing in fiddler in the raw request the certificate. I have looked at the source code for HttpWebRequest and only see it handles the ClientCertificate in the GetConnectionGroupLine, and then its a hash code which i also don't see in fiddler. I'm working with Windows 7 and i have turned on the iis client certificate mapping authentication and enabled the setting in iis express applicationhost in the 2015 .vs subfolder and the primary one in my docuemnts. What am I missing here?
reference: - can't really find this on stackoverflow..

TLDR: Your problem (at this point) is Fiddler not HttpWebRequest/dotnet. (Edited to clarify.)
Fiddler doesn't display TLS info including certs. Fiddler works on, and displays in numerous formats, the HTTP-level data (requests and responses, including application data). When HTTPS transports this HTTP data over SSL/TLS, Fiddler does not display the SSL/TLS-specific data, which in addition to server and optional client certificates (currently) includes version, suite, possibly compression, curve, format and next-protocol negotiation, nonces, ephemeral keys, renegotiation control, signature algorithm control, server name indication, ticket, and other crypto options like encrypt-then-mac and extended-master-secret. The "raw" tab displays all the HTTP data without interpretation, but not the SSL/TLS data.
Fiddler doesn't request client auth. An SSL/TLS session uses a client certificate to perform client authentication only when requested by the server, and when your client connects to the real IdentityServer it presumably requests this. But when Fiddler is used, there is one SSL/TLS session from the client to Fiddler, and an entirely separate SSL/TLS session from Fiddler to the server. On the session from your client to Fiddler, Fiddler does not request client authentication, so your client doesn't and can't send or use its certificate.
Client auth can't be relayed anyway. If Fiddler did request client auth on the session from your client, it couldn't use that information to authenticate the session to the real server. Client auth doesn't just send the client cert, it also uses the private key to sign the concatenation (called a transcript) of the handshake messages. Since the handshake between your client and Fiddler and between Fiddler and the server are quite different, this signature is invalid for the server-side handshake and sending it would (correctly) be rejected as invalid by the server.
Instead Fiddler can do the client auth. If you want to route HTTPS traffic using client auth through Fiddler, you need to instead configure Fiddler to do the client auth on the session with the server; for a fixed setting you can just drop the identifying certificate in Fiddler's config directory, for per-session settings you need to write some FiddlerScript. The private key (and chain) needs to be in the Windows cert store, not (just) in a file. See:
Fiddler: Respond to Requests Requiring a Client Certificate (on SO)
If your actual problem is getting the client to support client auth when NOT using Fiddler, you need to take Fiddler out of the situation and use other debugging tools like a network trace.


Fiddler not capturing traffic from certain host

I want to capture traffic from a host using HTTP, but I do not see a response coming back. If I close fiddler, my application runs as normal.
I see '-' in the Result section, where it should have been an HTTP response code. If I manually execute the request using Composer, I get a 200 response. Fiddler is able to capture traffic from all other web applications without issue.
I have installed Fiddler certificate. Troubleshooting Mode returns 200. The host does not use HTTPS, but I have enabled Capture HTTPS Connects anyways.
I am using Fiddler v5.0.20182
Some applications performs certificate pinning. Also web applications can perform certificate pinning e.g. via HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP). If you have ever used the web application in your browser without Fiddler, the web app public key has been downloaded and cached in the web-browser.
Afterwards the Fiddler root certificate is no longer accepted for that site/app even it it has been installed correctly. You should be able to identify such problematic connections in Fiddler if you only see a CONNECT request but no subsequent requests to the same domain.
To delete the HPKP in your web browser you should use a fresh profile or clear the complete browser cache. Afterwards only use it with activated Fiddler proxy and SSL decryption. As far as I know Fiddler will remove HPKP data from responses so that the web application should also work with Fiddler in between.
I think you should be able to uncheck the options for https, uncheck the boxes which appear checked here? Or you might be able to skip decryption by adding the host in the box below where it says Skip decryption for the following hosts

see client certificates with fiddler

I have an application that calls a webApi. My application must attach a client certificate to the request. I can see the cert is attached in the debugger when I make the webApi call. However, on the webAPI side there is no client certificate.
I would like to verify that the request has a client certificate when it leaves my applications
Is this something I can do with fiddler?
I only see options related to SSL server certs, or adding a client cert to a request made by fiddler. Nothing about inspecting exiting traffics and seeing the client cert.

IBM Cloud client certificate based authentication: Client certificate details to cloud

I have deployed liberty app on IBM cloud. I have setup custom domain and selected "request client certificate" so that clients have to send certificate to access app over TLS. I see client authentication does work, but I do not get any client certificate information in my app. This makes client certificate authentication a bit useless, as I would want to know the id of client which accessed my app. Any help/pointers appreciated.
I looked at attributes of request. Two attributes are passed in request with value /dummyRelPath and _javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite_ with value of ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 There's no attribute with name javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate passed in request.
X509Certificate[] certs = (X509Certificate[])
not return any certificates?
In cloud foundry on bluemix, your client should be handshaking with a DataPower proxy. That proxy adds a custom header to indicate the TLS client cert that was provided, then it is passed through the CF gorouter, then finally passed to the JVM.
WebSphere Liberty then surfaces that through the API above.
This is communicated through the $WSCC request header. If the API returns null, it's most likely that header was dropped or never set by the infrastructure, rather than making it all the way there and the API mysteriously losing track of it. You could dump the request headers, looking for this one in particular, and maybe something will stand out (some surprise hop/proxy).

Send multipart post to glassfish(payara) fail if using Certificate authentication

We have Rest web services on a glassfish4 (payara) server
Our rest client is based on httpClient Lib
As Authentication we use certificate and basic auth.
The client work well getting and posting infos to WS
But when we send a multipart post with file bigger than few bytes, parsing the request hang until a timeout
If we disable the certification auth, all is working
Thanks to payara blog, we address the problem: we needed to change a configuration in payara, "Max Save Post Size" in Network Config->Network Listener -> http-listener-2 (the one using ssl) - http tab

Sending credentials in a POST request via Fiddler

How do I send credentials using Fiddler in a POST request (or any Http Method)? I don't see anything in the Composer tab.
That entirely depends on what sort of credentials your server uses. If it's using HTTP authentication, the headers go in an Authorization header. If your server uses cookies, the creds go in the Cookie request header. If your server uses HTTPS client certificates, the credential is attached to the TLS connection itself and does not appear anywhere in the HTTP request.
If you are simply trying to authenticate to a service that uses HTTP authentication with your current Windows credentials, tick the Automatically Authenticate box on the Composer's Options subtab.