see client certificates with fiddler - fiddler

I have an application that calls a webApi. My application must attach a client certificate to the request. I can see the cert is attached in the debugger when I make the webApi call. However, on the webAPI side there is no client certificate.
I would like to verify that the request has a client certificate when it leaves my applications
Is this something I can do with fiddler?
I only see options related to SSL server certs, or adding a client cert to a request made by fiddler. Nothing about inspecting exiting traffics and seeing the client cert.


Service Fabric Stateless api certification based authentication

I was asked to secure my stateless api endpoint using cert based authentication. I read about the subject, and realized I needed to create a middleware to inspect the request, and then check for the x-ARR-ClientCert header, to check whether the certificate is valid or not, based on some thumbprint. So far, so good.
The problem is that I can't test the middleware, because I don't have idea on how to send such a header. I already have a self signed certificate(.crt) and a key(.key). I tried with postman, but I can't see the x-ARR-ClientCert being sent while debugging on VS2017.
Any Help?
Edit 1
I'm following this tutorial:
I know it's a bit old, but at the end the writer shows the browser asking for a certificate, but I just can't manage for the browser to ask for the certificate.
One thing I forgot to mention here, is that my API is on a local Service Fabric Cluster, so that might be the problem
Edit 2
For Postman, I've followed this tutorial: Postman Tutorial, but had no luck: first I had to turn off ssl check, and then when added the certificate to Postman, the x-ARR-ClientCert header wasn't being sent.
I've also tried curl: > curl --cert cert.crt --key client.key https://localhost/api/values --insecure but still the x-ARR-ClientCert isn't being sent.
I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish...
In a mutual certificate authentication, the browser handles the authentication\certificate exchange, and when the user tries to access an endpoint secured by client certificate, the server tells the client(browser) that it requires a certificate to accept the connection and the browser popup a message to the user asking for a certificate to be used, there is a nice write about it here.
If the plan is to do it for automation, the postman blog has an article on how you setup client certificates for this scenario. The other option is trying to send the certificate using CURL as described here.
Secondly, you are reinventing the wheel, there are already some ready to use implementations in kestrel using HttpsConnectionAdapterOptions.ClientCertificateMode = RequireCertificate and some authorization middlewares here and here.
And finally, make sure that there is no proxy in the middle or that the proxy or gateway is not removing the certificate from the client connection.

Configure IBM Cloud Application with "request of client certificate"

I need to configure an application to accept connection only from client with a certificate, the client should be ApiGateway.
I followed this step by step tutorial. But when I should upload a certificate and enable a checkbox called "Enable request of client certificate" in upload dialog box it disappear.
I tried with many browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on a Mac. I'm quite that this not depend on browser, so now how can do the same thing?
Thanks for every answer.
From my understanding, the given task needs to be separated into two activities.
Client with certificate
A client with DNS APIgateway
Client with Certificate
In general, when we create an API, we expose with a gateway via HTTP protocol which has some signed certificate (Production). Please provide that public certificate to the consumer of your API. And you can test this using postman, we have an option of SSL certificate upload in Postman, make a use of it for testing.
Client with DNS Name
For this, in Datapower (API Gateway), you can create an Access control list following this IBM documentation. Access control list is something, we allow or restrict the host that we consume the services exposed using Datapower.

Sending ClientCertificates from HttpWebRequest via Fiddler

I am trying to send out a WebRequest request like specifies with a handler containing the Client Certificate.
I've gotten to the point that i have determined that the ClientCertificate is just not being sent through fiddler, so it is not read in the ServerVariables["CERT_FLAGS"] when the Owin LoadCertificate is called.
So i have removed all the steps from the process except (IdentityServer3.Samples/source/Clients/ClientCertificateConsoleClient/Program.cs)
async Task<TokenResponse> RequestTokenAsync()
var cert = new X509Certificate2("Client.pfx");
var handler = new WebRequestHandler();
var client = new TokenClient(
return await client.RequestClientCredentialsAsync("read write");
but I am still not seeing in fiddler in the raw request the certificate. I have looked at the source code for HttpWebRequest and only see it handles the ClientCertificate in the GetConnectionGroupLine, and then its a hash code which i also don't see in fiddler. I'm working with Windows 7 and i have turned on the iis client certificate mapping authentication and enabled the setting in iis express applicationhost in the 2015 .vs subfolder and the primary one in my docuemnts. What am I missing here?
reference: - can't really find this on stackoverflow..
TLDR: Your problem (at this point) is Fiddler not HttpWebRequest/dotnet. (Edited to clarify.)
Fiddler doesn't display TLS info including certs. Fiddler works on, and displays in numerous formats, the HTTP-level data (requests and responses, including application data). When HTTPS transports this HTTP data over SSL/TLS, Fiddler does not display the SSL/TLS-specific data, which in addition to server and optional client certificates (currently) includes version, suite, possibly compression, curve, format and next-protocol negotiation, nonces, ephemeral keys, renegotiation control, signature algorithm control, server name indication, ticket, and other crypto options like encrypt-then-mac and extended-master-secret. The "raw" tab displays all the HTTP data without interpretation, but not the SSL/TLS data.
Fiddler doesn't request client auth. An SSL/TLS session uses a client certificate to perform client authentication only when requested by the server, and when your client connects to the real IdentityServer it presumably requests this. But when Fiddler is used, there is one SSL/TLS session from the client to Fiddler, and an entirely separate SSL/TLS session from Fiddler to the server. On the session from your client to Fiddler, Fiddler does not request client authentication, so your client doesn't and can't send or use its certificate.
Client auth can't be relayed anyway. If Fiddler did request client auth on the session from your client, it couldn't use that information to authenticate the session to the real server. Client auth doesn't just send the client cert, it also uses the private key to sign the concatenation (called a transcript) of the handshake messages. Since the handshake between your client and Fiddler and between Fiddler and the server are quite different, this signature is invalid for the server-side handshake and sending it would (correctly) be rejected as invalid by the server.
Instead Fiddler can do the client auth. If you want to route HTTPS traffic using client auth through Fiddler, you need to instead configure Fiddler to do the client auth on the session with the server; for a fixed setting you can just drop the identifying certificate in Fiddler's config directory, for per-session settings you need to write some FiddlerScript. The private key (and chain) needs to be in the Windows cert store, not (just) in a file. See:
Fiddler: Respond to Requests Requiring a Client Certificate (on SO)
If your actual problem is getting the client to support client auth when NOT using Fiddler, you need to take Fiddler out of the situation and use other debugging tools like a network trace.

Azure scheduler -; The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

Getting below error
Http Action - Request to host '' failed: TrustFailure The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
while invoking below WCF RestService on https from Azure scheduler service GET job.
below is the webservice URL
Service URL is working fine.
Any help would be appreciated.
If I browse to the URL provided it indicates that the SSL certificate is not trusted.
"The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
The security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid. "
Scheduler jobs will fail as it can't trust the endpoint. You can either use a trusted certificate or just use HTTP (instead of HTTPS).
Although I would never recommend this in production unless you know the cert is valid (i.e. self signed), you can override the default behavior and confirm that the cert is good.
Below is a sample on how to do it in C#. There are a couple of ways to write it. The advantage here is that it remains SSL encrypted (versus falling back to HTTP).
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true;

REST Service - SSL Implementation (HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden)

In order to secure my Rest Services, I have enabled SSL in IIS and Created a Self-Signed Certificate and assigned it to the HTTPS binding in IIS. I exported the same as pfx file and added the same in IE also but when I try to access the Services, I get the following error on Windows 7, Enterprise edition
HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden
The page you are attempting to access requires your browser to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate that the Web server recognizes.
And on Windows Server 2003, this is
HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden: SSL client certificate is required.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
I am not sure what shall I do except adding the certificate in IE under “Personal” and “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”? Could you please suggest me some step, in order to make this work.
Note: I have tried with “Self-Signed Certificates” as well as with Certificates generated from Microsoft “Certificate Services” also.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
SSL is used to verify the identity of the server, not the identity of the client. The error suggests (, "This is used for authenticating you as a valid user of the resource. ") the server wants to identify the client. Which of the two are you trying to do?
Edit: SSL requires the public part of the SSL certificate to be available to the client. Adding it to the trusted root certificates seems to me to be the only way to make the public part of a self-signed certificate available to the browser.