Using google endpoints gapi.client.load not working on iPhone - iphone

gapi.client.load not working on iPhone device .
Its loading on android device , firefox , and safari .
Im using ionic with google app engine endpoints.
Please any help .

Solved ,
I added the below tags to config.xml , or you may add under the platform itself
<access origin="*" />
<allow-intent href="geo:*" />
<allow-navigation href="*" />


Ionic app not makes http requests

I developed an app with Ionic v1 and tested with "ionic serve" and "ionic run android" and works fine. It makes all $http requests to an external API (that allows CORS) and I recive the data well.
The probleme comes when I try to test the app in real mode. I added the app to Ionic view to test in Android mobile device and I see that the requests to the API are not performed (because I not see any data printed in tha app).
For what reasons can be? I need to perform extra configs in my API server? I need to perform some special configs to Ionic app?
PD: I installed cordova withelist plugin and added this lines to config.xml file:
<access origin="*" />
<allow-navigation href="*" />
<allow-intent href="*" />
You verify if Cordova CLI has generated these Android permissions entries in your AndroidManifest.xml?
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
I hope that helps.

Can't find plist in PhoneGap project

I am developing an Audio Application for iOS using PhoneGap and the audio stops when iPhone's screen is locked. I have read that you need to define in ".plist" file what processes should be run in background. However I am unable to find any plist file on my windows machine.
I am building PhoneGap for iOS remotely using latest version.
go to Resource folder on your phoneGap project .Resource ->your apps name-info.Plist file will be there.
on the config.xml file of phonegap project you can add:
<config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
<feature name="AllowBackgroundAudio">
<param name="ios-package" value="AllowBackgroundAudio" onload="true" />
<param name="onload" value="true" />
Or you can try using the cordova-allow-background-audio plugin.

Unable to access internet from Blackberry10 Simulator

I am using Blackberry10 Simulator (BB10_2_0x.1521) and Couldn't connect to internet through simulator. I am using web services in my blackberry 10 application. Because of this issue I am not able to view my application in simulator even though it is getting installed successfully.
I referred some forums and tried changing from NAT to BRIDGED mode. This didn't help. I am working under a proxy internet connection. So I tried this thing... VM Player-> file -> Player Preferences -> Connection settings -> Manual Proxy Settings( here i have given the proxy details) . But of no use.
As a next option I tried using MDS services. As in forum they have mentioned to start MDS Connection Services before running the simulator. This also din help me.
I am using windows 7 system.
Please help me...
If you want to use any web service in your application you have to add these lines in your 'config.xml' file.Otherwise you wont get permission to access those sites.Hope this helps :)
<access uri="" subdomains="true">
<feature id="" required="true" version="1.0.0"/>
<feature id="blackberry.invoke" required="true" version="1.0.0"/>
<access uri="" subdomains="true">
<feature id="" required="true" version="1.0.0"/>
<feature id="blackberry.invoke" required="true" version="1.0.0"/>
Try setting it to Custom(VMNet#) and setting the custom one to NAT. That should allow you access.
I work in a proxy environment as well, and that's what I have to do. You may still have to enter proxy settings by the way.

Phonegap App : External URL don't open in InApp Browser of IOS

External URLs don't open in the system's browser in my PhoneGap IOS application. I'm using PhoneGap Build 2.7.0.
Javascript:, '_blank', 'location=yes');
<plugin name="InAppBrowser" value="CDVInAppBrowser" />
<access origin="*" />
How to solve this? when i using the url "" it works fine but when i used required url for my app it did not worked even that url works fine in browser.
myURL = encodeURI(myURL);, '_blank', 'location=yes');
Using of encodeURI method fix the above issue
Take reference from this link.
I have used this plugin for my IOS application development way back. It works like a charm.
Also, it is easy to integrate.
Hope it helps !

Retrieve Blackberry OS in Blackberrywebworks using javascript

How to retrieve Blackberry OS version in Blackberrywebworks using javascript?
Just use blackberry.system.softwareVersion and don't forget to add <feature id="blackberry.system" /> to your config.xml
You can find full docs here