Finding a well founded relation to prove termination of a function that stops decreasing at some point - coq

Suppose we have:
Require Import ZArith Program.
Program Fixpoint range (from to : Z) {measure f R} : list :=
if from <? to
then from :: range (from + 1) to
else [].
I'd like to convince Coq that this terminates - I tried by measuring the size of the range as abs (to - from). However, this doesn't quite work because once the range is empty (that is, from >= to), it simply starts increasing once again.
I've also tried measuring with:
Definition get_range (from to : Z) : option nat :=
let range := (to - from) in
if (range <? 0)
then None
else Some (Z_to_nat (Z.abs range) (Z.abs_nonneg range)).
using my custom:
Definition preceeds_eq (l r : option nat) : Prop :=
match l, r with
| None, None => False
| None, (Some _) => True
| (Some _), None => False
| (Some x), (Some y) => x < y
and the cast:
Definition Z_to_nat (z : Z) (p : 0 <= z) : nat.
dependent destruction z.
- exact (0%nat).
- exact (Pos.to_nat p).
- assert (Z.neg p < 0) by apply Zlt_neg_0.
But it runs into the issue that I cannot show that None < None and using reflexive preceeds_eq makes the relation not well founded, which brings me back to the same problem.
Is there a way to convince Coq that range terminates? Is my approach completely broken?

If you map the length of you interval to nat using Z.abs_nat or Z.to_nat functions, and use a function deciding if the range is not-empty with a more informative result type (Z_lt_dec) then the solution becomes very simple:
Require Import ZArith Program.
Program Fixpoint range (from to : Z) {measure (Z.abs_nat (to - from))} : list Z :=
if Z_lt_dec from to
then from :: range (from + 1) to
else [].
Next Obligation. apply Zabs_nat_lt; auto with zarith. Qed.
Using Z_lt_dec instead of its boolean counter-part gives you the benefit of propagating the proof of from < to into the context, which gives you the ability to deal with the proof obligation easily.


Computing with a finite subset of an infinite representation in Coq

I have a function Z -> Z -> whatever which I treat as a sort of a map from (Z, Z) to whatever, let's type it as FF.
With whatever being a simple sum constructible from nix or inj_whatever.
This map I initialize with some data, in the fashion of:
Definition i (x y : Z) (f : FF) : FF :=
fun x' y' =>
if andb (x =? x') (y =? y')
then inj_whatever
else f x y.
The =? represents boolean decidable equality on Z, from Coq's ZArith.
Now I would like to have equality on two of such FFs, I don't mind invoking functional_extensionality. What I would like to do now is to have Coq computationally decide equality of two FFs.
For example, suppose we do something along the lines of:
Definition empty : FF := fun x y => nix.
Now we add some arbitrary values to make foo and foo', those are equivalent under functional extensionality:
Definition foo := i 0 0 (i 0 (-42) (i 56 1 empty)).
Definition foo' := i 0 (-42) (i 56 1 (i 0 0 empty)).
What is a good way to automatically have Coq determine foo = foo'. Ltac level stuff? Actual terminating computation? Do I need domain restriction to a finite one?
The domain restriction is a bit of an intricate one. I manipulate the maps in a way f : FF -> FF, where f can extend the subset of Z x Z that the computation is defined on. As such, come to think of it, it can't be f : FF -> FF, but more like f : FF -> FF_1 where FF_1 is a subset of Z x Z that is extended by a small constant. As such, when one applies f n times, one ends up with FF_n which is equivalent to domain restriction of FF plus n * constant to the domain. So the function f slowly (by a constant factor) expands the domain FF is defined on.
As I said in the comment more specifics are needed in order to elaborate a satisfactory answer. See the below example --- intended for a step by step description --- on how to play with equality on restricted function ranges using mathcomp:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(* We need this in order for the computation to work. *)
Section AllU.
Variable n : nat.
(* Bounded and unbounded fun *)
Definition FFb := {ffun 'I_n -> nat}.
Implicit Type (f : FFb).
Lemma FFP1 f1 f2 : reflect (f1 = f2) [forall x : 'I_n, f1 x == f2 x].
Proof. exact/(equivP eqfunP)/ffunP. Qed.
Lemma FFP2 f1 f2 :
[forall x : 'I_n, f1 x == f2 x] = all [fun x => f1 x == f2 x] (enum 'I_n).
by apply/eqfunP/allP=> [eqf x he|eqf x]; apply/eqP/eqf; rewrite ?enumT.
Definition f_inj (f : nat -> nat) : FFb := [ffun x => f (val x)].
Lemma FFP3 (f1 f2 : nat -> nat) :
all [fun x => f1 x == f2 x] (iota 0 n) -> f_inj f1 = f_inj f2.
move/allP=> /= hb; apply/FFP1; rewrite FFP2; apply/allP=> x hx /=.
by rewrite !ffunE; apply/hb; rewrite mem_iota ?ltn_ord.
(* Exercise, derive bounded eq from f_inj f1 = f_inj f2 *)
End AllU.
The final lemma should indeed allow you reduce equality of functions to a computational, fully runnable Gallina function.
A simpler version of the above, and likely more useful to you is:
Lemma FFP n (f1 f2 : nat -> nat) :
[forall x : 'I_n, f1 x == f2 x] = all [pred x | f1 x == f2 x] (iota 0 n).
apply/eqfunP/allP=> eqf x; last by apply/eqP/eqf; rewrite mem_iota /=.
by rewrite mem_iota; case/andP=> ? hx; have /= -> := eqf (Ordinal hx).
But it depends on how you (absent) condition on range restriction is specified.
After your edit, I think I should add a note on the more general topic of map equality, indeed you can define a more specific type of maps other than A -> B and then build a decision procedure.
Most typical map types [including the ones in the stdlib] will work, as long as they support the operation of "binding retrieval", so you can reduce equality to the check of finitely-many bound values.
In fact, the maps in Coq's standard library do already provide you such computational equality function.
Ok, this is a rather brutal solution which does not attempt to avoid doing the same case distinctions multiple times but it's fully automated.
We start with a tactic which inspects whether two integers are equal (using Z.eqb) and translates the results to a proposition which omega can deal with.
Ltac inspect_eq y x :=
let p := fresh "p" in
let q := fresh "q" in
let H := fresh "H" in
assert (p := proj1 (Z.eqb_eq x y));
assert (q := proj1 (Z.eqb_neq x y));
destruct (Z.eqb x y) eqn: H;
[apply (fun p => p eq_refl) in p; clear q|
apply (fun p => p eq_refl) in q; clear p].
We can then write a function which fires the first occurence of i it can find. This may introduce contradictory assumptions in the context e.g. if a previous match has revealed x = 0 but we now call inspect x 0, the second branch will have both x = 0 and x <> 0 in the context. It will be automatically dismissed by omega.
Ltac fire_i x y := match goal with
| [ |- context[i ?x' ?y' _ _] ] =>
unfold i at 1; inspect_eq x x'; inspect_eq y y'; (omega || simpl)
We can then put everything together: call functional extensionality twice, repeat fire_i until there's nothing else to inspect and conclude by reflexivity (indeed all the branches with contradictions have been dismissed automatically!).
Ltac eqFF :=
let x := fresh "x" in
let y := fresh "y" in
apply functional_extensionality; intro x;
apply functional_extensionality; intro y;
repeat fire_i x y; reflexivity.
We can see that it discharges your lemma without any issue:
Lemma foo_eq : foo = foo'.
unfold foo, foo'; eqFF.
Here is a self-contained gist with all the imports and definitions.

Using 'convoy pattern' to obtain proof inside code of equality of pattern match

It is a standard example of beginner's textbooks on category theory to argue that a preorder gives rise to a category (where the hom-set hom(x,y) is a singleton or empty depending on whether x <= y). When attempting to formalize this idea in coq, it is natural to view an arrow of as a triple (x,y,pxy) where x y:A (A being a type on which we have a preorder) and pxy is a proof that x <= y. So naturally, when attempting to define a composition of two arrows (x,y,pxy) and (y',z,pyz), we need to returnSome arrow whenever y = y' (or None otherwise). This implies that we are able to test for equality within the function, and compute a proof (the last field of our triple, which may rely on the fact that things are equal).
For the sake of this question, suppose I have:
Parameter eq_dec : forall {A:Type}, A -> A -> bool.
Axiom eq_dec_correct : forall (A:Type) (x y:A),
eq_dec x y = true -> x = y. (* don't care about equivalence here *)
and let us assume I am attempting something simpler than defining composition between arrows, by writing a function which returns a proof that x = y whenever x = y.
Definition test {A:Type} (x y : A) : option (x = y) :=
match eq_dec x y with
| true => Some (eq_dec_correct A x y _)
| false => None
This doesn't work of course, but probably gives you the idea of what I am trying to achieve. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Ok it seems this is a case of 'convoy pattern'. I have found this link which suggested to me:
Definition test (A:Type) (x y:A) : option (x = y) :=
match eq_dec x y as b return eq_dec x y = b -> option (x = y) with
| true => fun p => Some (eq_dec_correct A x y p)
| false => fun _ => None
end (eq_refl (eq_dec x y)).
This seems to be working. It is a bit magical and confusing but I'll get my head round it.

How can I match on a specific value in Coq?

I'm trying to implement a function that simply counts the number of occurrences of some nat in a bag (just a synonym for a list).
This is what I want to do, but it doesn't work:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition bag := list nat.
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => O
| v :: t => S (count v t)
| _ :: t => count v t
Coq says that the final clause is redundant, i.e., it just treats v as a name for the head instead of the specific v that is passed to the call of count. Is there any way to pattern match on values passed as function arguments? If not, how should I instead write the function?
I got this to work:
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => O
| h :: t => if (beq_nat v h) then S (count v t) else count v t
But I don't like it. I'd rather pattern match if possible.
Pattern matching is a different construction from equality, meant to discriminate data encoded in form of "inductives", as standard in functional programming.
In particular, pattern matching falls short in many cases, such as when you need potentially infinite patterns.
That being said, a more sensible type for count is the one available in the math-comp library:
count : forall T : Type, pred T -> seq T -> nat
Fixpoint count s := if s is x :: s' then a x + count s' else 0.
You can then build your function as count (pred1 x) where pred1 : forall T : eqType, T -> pred T , that is to say, the unary equality predicate for a fixed element of a type with decidable (computable) equality; pred1 x y <-> x = y.
I found in another exercise that it's OK to open up a match clause on the output of a function. In that case, it was "evenb" from "Basics". In this case, try "eqb".
Well, as v doesn't work in the match, I thought that maybe I could ask whether the head of the list was equal to v. And yes, it worked. This is the code:
Fixpoint count (v : nat) (s : bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| x :: t =>
match x =? v with
| true => S ( count v t )
| false => count v t

How to destruct/generalize over Program's rewritten match statements

When using Program, match statements are rewritten into a "proof-passing" style. This makes evidence of the match available in the branches—which can be critical.
However, it also seems to make case analysis more difficult. For example:
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Program Definition test (x:Z) : option (x <= 100) :=
match Z_le_gt_dec x 100 with
| left bound => Some _
| right bound => None
Lemma test_gt_100 : forall x:Z, x > 100 -> test x = None.
intros x bound.
unfold test.
At this point, one would normally destruct (Z_le_gt_dec x 100) and the proof is then easy. However, the rewritten match gives this context:
x : Z
bound : x > 100
Z_le_gt_dec x 100 as x0
return (x0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100 -> option (x <= 100))
| left bound0 =>
fun Heq_anonymous : left bound0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100 =>
Some (test_obligation_1 x bound0 Heq_anonymous)
| right bound0 => fun _ : right bound0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100 => None
end eq_refl = None
With this, the destruct fails:
Toplevel input, characters 20-48:
Error: Abstracting over the term "s" leads to a term
"fun s : {x <= 100} + {x > 100} =>
match s as x0 return (x0 = s -> option (x <= 100)) with
| left bound =>
fun Heq_anonymous : left bound = s =>
Some (test_obligation_1 x bound Heq_anonymous)
| right bound => fun _ : right bound = s => None
end eq_refl = None" which is ill-typed.
Going more slowly and trying just to generalize (Z_le_gt_dec x 100) shows why:
Toplevel input, characters 0-30:
Error: Illegal application (Type Error):
The term "test_obligation_1" of type
"forall x : Z,
let filtered_var := Z_le_gt_dec x 100 in
forall bound : x <= 100, left bound = filtered_var -> x <= 100"
cannot be applied to the terms
"x" : "Z"
"bound0" : "x <= 100"
"Heq_anonymous" : "left bound0 = s"
The 3rd term has type "left bound0 = s" which should be coercible to
"left bound0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100".
While that makes some sense, I'm at a loss about what to do about it.
(I've put this in collacoq if it's helpful. Don't forget to execute just the Comment line at first and then wait until all the libraries have loaded before importing ZArith.)
The problem here is that you depend on a specific equality term, abstracting over it should allow you to proceed. (It is is general good practice to state lemmas that are independent of proofs).
Here's your example, using ssreflect's rewrite. Sorry, I was unable to instruct Coq's one to do the proper pattern selection.
Comments "pkgs: coq-reals".
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Program Definition test (x:Z) : option (x <= 100) :=
match Z_le_gt_dec x 100 with
| left bound => Some _
| right bound => None
Lemma test_gt_100 : forall x:Z, x > 100 -> test x = None.
intros x hb; unfold test.
assert (Z_le_gt_dec x 100 = right hb) as Hz. admit.
move: eq_refl; rewrite {1 3}Hz.
[Also at ]
Best regards, E.
EDIT: A bit more detail: At the beginning, the argument of the match is eq_refl : forall x, x = x which is ok as the function inside the match expects a term of type Z.le .... = Z.le ..... However, when performing the rewrite, the type in the match annotation will become of the form Z_le ... = right ..., but if argument is still eq_refl this will result in a badly typed term, as eq_refl can never be typed as Z.le ... = right ...!
Thus, we modify our goal so that the proof for the equality doesn't necessarily have to be eq_refl, then we rewrite.
Why the proof was done with eq_refl in the first place? This is usually done to have good reduction behavior in the presence of equality proofs.
It would be interesting to add proof-irrelevance support to Program thou. (I ignore if there's already some).

Counting number of different elements in a list in Coq

I'm trying to write a function that takes a list of natural numbers and returns as output the amount of different elements in it. For example, if I have the list [1,2,2,4,1], my function DifElem should output "3". I've tried many things, the closest I've gotten is this:
Fixpoint DifElem (l : list nat) : nat :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| m::tm =>
let n := listWidth tm in
if (~ In m tm) then S n else n
My logic is this: if m is not in the tail of the list then add one to the counter. If it is, do not add to the counter, so I'll only be counting once: when it's the last time it appears. I get the error:
Error: The term "~ In m tm" has type "Prop"
which is not a (co-)inductive type.
In is part of Coq's list standard library Coq.Lists.List. It is defined there as:
Fixpoint In (a:A) (l:list A) : Prop :=
match l with
| [] => False
| b :: m => b = a \/ In a m
I think I don't understand well enough how to use If then statements in definitions, Coq's documentation was not helpful enough.
I also tried this definition with nodup from the same library:
Definition Width (A : list nat ) := length (nodup ( A ) ).
In this case what I get as error is:
The term "A" has type "list nat" while it is expected to have
type "forall x y : ?A0, {x = y} + {x <> y}".
And I'm quiet confused as to what's going on here. I'd appreciate your help to solve this issue.
You seem to be confusing propositions (Prop) and booleans (bool). I'll try to explain in simple terms: a proposition is something you prove (according to Martin-Lof's interpretation it is a set of proofs), and a boolean is a datatype which can hold only 2 values (true / false). Booleans can be useful in computations, when there are only two possible outcomes and no addition information is not needed. You can find more on this topic in this answer by #Ptival or a thorough section on this in the Software Foundations book by B.C. Pierce et al. (see Propositions and Booleans section).
Actually, nodup is the way to go here, but Coq wants you to provide a way of deciding on equality of the elements of the input list. If you take a look at the definition of nodup:
Hypothesis decA: forall x y : A, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Fixpoint nodup (l : list A) : list A :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x::xs => if in_dec decA x xs then nodup xs else x::(nodup xs)
you'll notice a hypothesis decA, which becomes an additional argument to the nodup function, so you need to pass eq_nat_dec (decidable equality fot nats), for example, like this: nodup eq_nat_dec l.
So, here is a possible solution:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition count_uniques (l : list nat) : nat :=
length (nodup eq_nat_dec l).
Eval compute in count_uniques [1; 2; 2; 4; 1].
(* = 3 : nat *)
Note: The nodup function works since Coq v8.5.
In addition to Anton's solution using the standard library I'd like to remark that mathcomp provides specially good support for this use case along with a quite complete theory on count and uniq. Your function becomes:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Definition count_uniques (T : eqType) (s : seq T) := size (undup s).
In fact, I think the count_uniques name is redundant, I'd prefer to directly use size (undup s) where needed.
Using sets:
Require Import MSets.
Require List. Import ListNotations.
Module NatSet := Make Nat_as_OT.
Definition no_dup l := List.fold_left (fun s x => NatSet.add x s) l NatSet.empty.
Definition count_uniques l := NatSet.cardinal (no_dup l).
Eval compute in count_uniques [1; 2; 2; 4; 1].