Team provider 4.0.5 not available while install Subversive - eclipse

I run Eclipse Oxygen2 on Ubuntu. I have isntalled Javah:
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
Now I try to install subversive from market place. Got error:
The following solutions are not available: Subversive - SVN Team Provider svn team provider 4.0.5 not available
Proceed with installation anyways?
How to solve this problem?

I had the same issue, click not to install anyway on this error and then I install it from Help-->Install New Software... and there I have use "Oxygen -" (that will depends of your Eclipse Version) then search for "Subversive" and install "Subversive SVN Team Provider", "Subversive SVN Team Provider Sources" and "Subversive Revision Graph"
After that restart Eclipse and wait for Eclipse Initialization and It will ask for install SVN connector, I had select SVNKit and install.
It works great for mi, hope it works ;-)


Subversive SVN Connector installation fails in Eclipse Oxygen

The installation of the Subversive SVN Connectors currently fails with Eclipse Oxygen.
!ENTRY 4 0 2017-07-03 10:55:36.977
!MESSAGE SVN: 'SVN Decorator' operation finished with error
!SUBENTRY 1 4 0 2017-07-03 10:55:36.977
!MESSAGE SVN: 'SVN Decorator' operation finished with error: Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
!STACK 0 Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
See also the bug report in the eclipse bugzilla
You can manually install the Subversive SVN Connectors by adding the update site (check latest stable update site here: and installing the necessary packages, e.g. for native 1.9.x in Eclipse x86:
Subversive SVN Connectors
Native JavaHL 1.9 Implementation
JavaHL 1.9.3 Win32 Binaries
Yes, I had the same problem.
My environment is eclipse jee oxygen1.
I installed the subversive first.
And when the eclipse popup the install connectors dialog and I select the connector, eclipse doesn't install the connector.
In the preference -> SVN page, the connector combo box is empty.
I solved as belows.
install new software by
select Subversive SVN connectors, and SVNKit implementation both.
The important is not only select Subversive SVN connectors, but also SVNKit implementation.
install and restart.
[edited in 2018-06-29]
As for eclipse photon, the svn connector problem seems to be resolved.
Just install svn plugin(subversive) through eclipse marketplace.
(eclipse marketplace locates in "Help - Eclipse Marketplace")
set svn connector in the preference
(window - preferences - team - SVN - SVN connector tab)
[edited in 2023-01-26]
Unfortunately, this website doesn't work anymore.
( )
So, you would have to install subclipse not subversive.
I had the same problem.
Like lazlev answered, I tried to manually install the Subversive SVN Connectors by adding the update site in the "Install new software" window.
When I chose Subversive SVN Connectors and SVNKit packages, I got the following error as MscG mentionned:
An error occurred during the org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.CheckTrust phase. session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.CheckTru‌​st, operand=, action=). Error reading signed content. Exception in opening zip file: \plugins\‌​4.I20161211-1700.jar
The only way I could work around this is by:
-Install SVN connector alone first. Restart Eclipse.
-Then go back to Install new software and install SVNKit alone. Restart Eclipse.
I'm Using Spring Tool Suite 3.9.0 which is based on eclipse oxygen 4.7.0 and encountered the same problem.
From The Help / MarketPlace menu I installed "Subservive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5"
Then I had to manually install the svn connector with the Help / Install new software menu. I used this URL : "" And choosed the SVNKIT 1.8.14 ( tried the 1.8.15 but it didn't worked ... )
As a result, I finally obtained a connector in the Preference/Team/SVN/SVN connector menu...
It worked better with the preceeding version of STS...
The problem seems to be the 64bit eclipse as the JavaHAL only exists in 32bit
Thanks for the hint.
I did exactly the same steps on ubuntu using the url mentioned for both steps (svn connector and svnkit):
It doesn't work with the latest version of SVNKit using svnkit url.
For those who above workarounds didn't resolve their problems, upgrade Eclipse Oxygen 1 to Eclipse Oxygen 3a. Seems to work like a charm with Subversive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5
Reinstalling did the trick for me.
In eclipse go to help>Eclipse Marketplace search again for svn. click on installed. Update.

Subversive plugin does not show up in eclipse

I'm using eclipse Mars 2 and installed the SVN Team Provider plugin from the Luna repository cause mars's repository ended up giving me an error that it couldn't install. Now i face the problem of being unable to install a SVN Connector cause eclipse doesn't give me the ability to create a new SVN project or repository. Actually the whole IDE does not show any sign of SVN being installed except for the installed software window.
Try installing Subversive through the Eclipse Marketplace. When I did that I was given a option to install the Connector. If that doesn't work you can try the software site by going to
Help >> Install New Software >> Add...
Give it a name and paste this site to install svn.
Once it is installed you can go to
Window >> Show view >> other...
In the search box type SVN and you should have some options.

How to use Eclipse Mars to connect to Subversion

How can I connect to SVN repositories from Eclipse Mars release?
[Copied from the original "question" to be a proper SO Q&A]
Install Subversive SVN Team Provider using Eclipse Marketplace. Under options choose what you need from optional software.
After restart, you can use File > Import or the SVN Repositories perspective to import project from svn.
You Will get prompted. Install the Latest SVNKit (1.8.10)
Eclipse Help >>> Install New Software .
Provide site url.
type svn , you will find svn clients.
After installing SVN client , if you try to connect to svn repository, you will be asked for connector to be installed. You can select anyone from the list shown.
Once the connectors are installed , restart eclipse. Now you are ready for svn from eclipse.

FDT5 EGit installation error

When I try to install EGit via the update URL or marketplace I get the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found. Software being installed: Eclipse Git Team Provider ( Missing requirement: Git Team Provider UI (org.eclipse.egit.ui requires 'bundle [3.6.100,4.0.0)' but it could
not be found Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Eclipse Git Team Provider (
To: org.eclipse.egit.ui []
My FDT5 is up to date.
Can I somehow install the bundle to solve the dependency?
As said, FDT ships on Eclipse Juno (4.2) on which EGit has tested to work smoothly.
You can install EGit by:
Help > Install New Software
Click on Available Software Sites
Check in Juno (
Click OK to close
From Work with select choose Juno
Check in Collaboration > Eclipse EGit
We've also tested JGit to work smoothly.
I don't know what FDT 5 is, but from the error it looks like it is based on an old version of the Eclipse Platform.
EGit 3.2 requires Eclipse Platform >= 3.8.2/4.2.2, see What versions of Eclipse does EGit target? in the FAQ.
Either upgrade FDT or try installing an older version of EGit such as 2.3.1, see Where can I find older releases of EGit?.

subclipse: Unable to load default SVN Client

I am constantly getting this error when working with eclispe and the subclipse plugin:
Unable to load default SVN Client
I have already installed both the SVNKit and the JavaHL provider, but it can't be found in the preferences:
I am using eclipse for win64bit
I had this problem after installing the latest eclipse and installing subclipse from the marketplace. To resolve you can follow these steps:
Click Help >> Install New Software...
Set Work with: Subclipse 1.10.x Update Site -
Ensure Hide items that are already installed is checked.
Click Select All.
Click Next.
Complete the remainder of the installation as usual.
For ubuntu 12.04 amd64
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
add this to eclipse.ini after -vmargs:
What JavaHL provider have you installed? It sounds like you need 64 bit JavaHL support. Have you tried SlikSVN?
I solved this with easiest way:
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
sudo cp /usr/lib/jni/* /usr/lib
Faced the same problem after installed subclipse 1.8 from eclipse marketplace and resolved thru following steps:
1. Install subversion client (required)
2. Install Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (required)
And it works now.
P/S: Eclipse Indigo
I don't know about JavaHL but to make the SVNKit appear on the list of SVN interfaces, you need to install the "SVN Client Adapter" and the "SVNKit Adapter" as well.
You can find those on the update site of Subclipse (**).
I have a similar problem with Subclipse 1.8. Due to licenses limitations, SVN client aren't bundled with SVN any more. So I find the message "Unable to load default SVN Client".
My solutions is to install SVN client. It can't be easier. Go to Eclispe Marketplace, type Subclipse and click to install Subclipse again, select all options. When restarting Eclipse, it will prompt us to install an SVN client, choose SVNKit or JavaHL (I choose JavaHL). After restarting one more time, it all works.
In fedora 16 on x64 i meet also, i solved by downloading subversion 1.7 from here and installing:
yum install subversion-javahl-1.7.1-1.fc16.x86_64.rpm subversion-libs-1.7.1-1.fc16.x86_64.rpm subversion-1.7.1-1.fc16.x86_64.rpm
Install SVN on Eclipse Juno using the update site at
Go to Help -> Install new software, then Add update site.
Zend Studio 9 if you upgrade/update to 9.0.3 you will get this error as well. You need to uninstall all subEclipse and JavaHL stuff then follow the install procedures again and restart Zend studio.
Build 20120625 in Zend Version 9.0.3
If you are using the Subversive plugin (which is newer than the Subclipse one, and the two are easily confused with one another), you might run into problems finding the library even after configuring the library path in eclipse.ini. To fix the entire problem, you might need to add this setting to the file as well:
Read for more help, it's a good-quality explanation of everything.
I had same problem with Spring STS 3.5.1 and Sub eclipse version 1.6. Upgraded to version 1.10 of subeclipse and everything is working fine.
The above problem arises with custom eclipse installation and due to updated version of subclipse.
You have to install the older version of subclipse manually.
For this i have done as following:
Under Help menu click "Install New Software..."
Select "" from the drop down menu
If URL of any other advanced version of are available change it to look as above.
Check the options selected are sensible e.g. "Hide items that are already installed"
Click "Select All"
Click Next/Finish through to completion.
After finishing the installation,under windows menu go to preferences,click on Team and on SVN.
Now change the client from Java HL to SVN pure kit.
That's it.
This resolved problem for me
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200
I solved this problem as follows
1) Install Subversive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5 from marketplace
2) Team -> SVN -> SVN Connectors and set SVNKit 1.8.14
3) Restart eclipse
All works well