OAuth sign in displays unclear message when no account associated - uber-api

We are having many users signing in (oauth) reporting issues where they email is not valid. Problem is that they do not have an existing account, but message displayed is very confusing.
It should do the following:
Instead of "The email cannot be recognized by Uber", it should have a clearer message that there is no account associated with their email.
Automatically redirect to sign up

Thanks for the improvement tip - we may consider it as a future request. However, this question is not relevant to SO - please use in the future Uber google groups (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/uber-developers) or send post's on Twitter at #UberDevelopers or #Uber_Support.


Stuck in Facebook's Access Verification hell for Tech Provider Business

We use the Facebook API in our web app to provide a "publish to Facebook group" feature directly from the web app. Customers can publish the results they are achieving thanks to our products in our group.
To implement this very simple feature we had to duck, provide screen recordings, send business registration papers, give login credentials, describe the process from every perspective, crawl and bent.
on Dec 15, we received the following message:
"We’re now requiring an admin of your business, [....], to complete access verification. This is a new process that asks for information about how you use the Meta business assets and information of your clients, so we can verify that your business is a Tech Provider."
Also in the same message:
"This typically takes around 10 minutes to complete and you’ll only need to do this once."
Since then I filled in the form 9 times, with serious effort. But every 5 days it just get rejected without a clear reason given, and there is no chance to contact a Facebook support.
Does anyone know how to fill in the "Access Verification - prove you are a Tech Provider form", so I will get accepted?
The actual questions that they keep asking are:
Add details about how your business will use Platform Data (i.e., any info or data you obtain from us) to enable a product or service on behalf of your clients.
Describe how your clients use your product or service.
I already tried the solution proposed here:
Stuck in Facebooks Access Verification hell
quoting their questions, but it has been in vain...
The time is running out, in some days Facebook is going to block the API if we don't pass this verification process, but I don't know what else we can try...
I tried to contact Facebook, but this seems to be impossible. Some forms (App Review Support) just give a generic error message.
I tried to post a request of help to the Facebook Developer Group, but they rejected the request because it's not related to a development issue.
Same when I tried to open a ticket with the Facebook tech support for a bug; they answered that it's not a technical issue.
There is no guide from Facebook on how they want this information to be provided.

signature request API wrong url

When I do a Paypal API signature request under business profile, the generated api is using my old website ---whateverAPI.my-old-website.com
I've updated all of my business information and see no instances of the old url in my paypal account or the developer or sandbox accounts.
I do not have the old login information for developer area where I created the original API information as it was changed to my new login/business.
I need to change the URL associated with my account so the api generated has the apicode.new-website.com
I know this is a low level expertise for most of you compared to what you are coding but I am completely stuck and have tried everything I can think of.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
When the API is first requested on an account, it is generated based on the email address associated with the account at the time. Even if you remove the email address and request new API credentials, it will still use that original email address. There is no need for concern, you only set this in your API call or in your shopping cart to use. Buyers are not going to see it or anything, and it's not something you would regularly share or have to use all that often. Once you set it in your code, you don't really mess with it again unless you need to set up the API credentials again.

Firebase Email Verification

I'm quite a noobie at Firebase. I'm asking for a sort of step by step guide to setup email verification.
Currently, my app uses basic email password login. I want users to be verified so I'm hiding content based on a user's emailVerified property. I'm calling the .sendEmailVerification() and it sends to the current user's email but, whenever I click the link in the email it says the link has expired or someone has used it, this also doesn't change the property. I suspect it has something to do with the api manager. I currently have my website hosted to the built-in Firebase hosting URL.
Based on this link in the docs (which refers to a similar function but not the exact one): https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.Auth#sendPasswordResetEmail
p.s. I can't find anything regarding this exact function in the docs.
I think I need some sort of listener at the link of the email or on my website?
Thanks in advance, any answers are appreciated.
there could be an issue with your browser api key. You may have some referrer restrictions on it. This could cause the misleading error (code expired or used) to occur. Either fix that issue or generate a new one in the Google console.

Email extended permission not granted in some cases

I am using the server-side authentication flow, and when requesting the email extended permission, once in a blue moon the email address is not sent back, causing my application to break.
That information is required for my application to function properly, so I will modify it to re-prompt the user. But I would like to understand why/how this happens since I cannot find any way to revoke that permission from the application when authorizing. The dialog states that the permission is required. Is this because of accounts belonging to minors that can't give out that information?
I'm requesting like so: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/?client_id=$appId&redirect_uri=$fbAuthUrl&state=$stateString&scope=email
It's possible that some users simply won't have an email - Earlier, it was possible to sign up for Facebook with a cell phone only - I'm not sure if there's some other reason or, it could be a bug with the API
After much head banging, I found this bug filed with Facebook that I think is responsible:

Facebook Callback JSON does not return email sometimes

Facebook Graph API.
I am requesting email permission and it works all fine except for some users, the json does not return email field. I am not sure why this happens. The code is same and it works great for all users, returns email field except 1 in 100 or so users where it does not have this field in json. All other fields are there.
Has anyone faced this problem before ??
I checked the facebook privacy settings and there is nothing that prevents email from coming in json if user grants email access to facebook app, yet this is happening to me. I searched the net and no one else seems to be facing this issue.
Any hint would be appreciated
Never makes assumptions about what Facebook will send you, never expect every field to be present and never expect a Graph request to do what you want.
Facebook sometimes do things like this, a missing field here and there, a cryptic and unexpected error somewhere else… While it can be no harm be aware that it also happens in critial places like in the signed_request sent when an user launches an app.
You also have to know that 'your' Facebook may not be everyone else's Facebook. They do geographic and somewhat random deployments of their code. An option to hide your e-mail address to every application could appear for someone but not for someone else, without any particular reason.
Considering your particular issue, I doubt there is an option to hide you e-mail address to an app who has the mail permission, but if the permission is not mandatory someone could accept your app and cherry-pick optional permissions later.
I dealing with this issue recently. Apparently, facebook only promise to return "valid email" address. Some account do not having any "valid email". They can be account who using phone for validation, or account that email is expired. I tried with a account which email, lets said "xxxx.gmail.com" is expired, when query that account graph, i unable to get any email shows(by using facebook debugger). However, when i login xxxx.gmail.com in gmail, and re-activate the email, and i query graph api again for the account, it able to return me email.
had the same issue for a while, which caused some heavy head banging against the wall.
in my case the issue was due to the fact that some users have unverified emails or no email at all (when signing up via mobile/SMS).
in this case facebook will not provide an email on the response.
from the facebook docs:
note: this field will not be returned if no valid email address is
available for the user
Register with Facebook sometimes doesn't provide email (sebastian's and colm's answers)
The only thing that worked for me was requesting for permitted fields through the API:
FB.api("/me", {fields: "email,..."}, callback)
This totally fixed the issue.
Hope that helps.