In COS I would like to return all the service with a specific name. In command running the command sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i "BFE" and it will display the service name. In COS there is $ZF that can take in a command but it return 0 not sure what i am doing incorrect.
USER>s cmd = "sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i ""BFE"""
USER>W cmd
sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i "BFE"
USER>set rc=$zf(-2,cmd)
in Caché we can call external command with the function $zf, where the first argument could be -1 or -2. Where $zf(-1) waits, while command will be finished, as a result, will be exit code from this command. $zf(-2) does not wait and as a result return 0 if the spawned process was successfully created, and -1 if not. In your case, you should use $zf(-1) because you expecting to get some result immediately. But you have to redirect any output to some temporary file and read it after the call.
I would also add that the $ZF(-1) and $ZF(-2) function is deprecated in the latest version. In the meantime, you can simply append >> resultfile.txt to arg and then review the file. I would however use $ZF(-1) rather than $ZF(-2), which runs the command as a child-process, asynchronously.
I'd like to do this in PowerShell:
myprogram.exe arg1 arg2 >nul 2>nul
How does it work? There are like a million options to start processes in PowerShell, it's impossible to know the right one you need at a time.
nul is a special device (see this answer on SuperUser for instance) that's available in CMD, but not in PowerShell. In PowerShell you can use $null instead. Starting with PowerShell v3 you can use *> to redirect all output streams, but since you want to redirect output from an external program there should only be output on STDOUT and STDERR (Success and Error output stream in PowerShell terms), so >$null 2>$null should be fine.
A notable difference between CMD and PowerShell is that PowerShell doesn't include the current working directory in the PATH (the list of directories that is searched when you call a program/script without a path). If you want to run myprogram.exe from the current directory you need to prepend it with the path to the current directory (./).
You may also want to use the call operator (&). Although it's not required in this particular case I consider using it good practice. If you specify the command as a string (for instance because the path or filename contains spaces, or you want to use a variable instead of a literal) you MUST use the call operator, otherwise the statement would throw an error.
Something like this
& ./myprogram.exe arg1 arg2 >$null 2>$null
or like this
& ./myprogram.exe arg1 arg2 *>$null
should work.
I have a DOS batch-file MYDOS.BAT containing:
My C-application (myApp.exe) reading an input-file (inputFile) from the DOS-command line
myApp.exe analyses inputFile and exits/returns with a code=N
How can I pass value N into my MATLAB script?
E.g: MYDOS.BAT is run by DOS>MYDOS inputFile and contains the following lines:
myApp %1
set samplerate=%ERRORLEVEL%
echo %samplerate%
C:/... matlab mymatlab.m ...
HOW CAN I THEN PASS the value %samplerate% into my mymatlab.m script?
You can use the system command to use DOS commands in Matlab. Use doc system to see the documentation.
System can have 2 outputs. The first one is a status, which will tell you if the operation succeeded. The second one is the output to the command prompt. You can parse this to get your value. You could use the following code as a guide for your situation:
cmdout will contain the string that you are echoing to the command prompt.
I am running below command to run Soapui Test suite and it is working fine
testrunner.bat -s"TestSuite4" "D:\Invesco\JP Groovy Code\ExploreGroovy.xml"
I ahve also used with below command and it is working fine as well
testrunner.bat -s"TestSuite4" "%USERPROFILE%\ExploreGroovy.xml"
Now I have added one Envrionment variable 'EnvP' and its value id 'D:\Invesco' and tried with following command but it is not working.
testrunner.bat -s"TestSuite4" "%EnvP%\ExploreGroovy.xml"
Can some one help me in this. I don't want to give hard coded path of any drive. Please suggest if anyone has any other solution.
the process starting testrunner.bat (probably explorer.exe?) must
know about the new variable. have you tried logging out and in again
after setting it?
if it is cmd, try finding the variable with set | find "EnvP". If it is not there, you need to start a new cmd session.
Use these commands and you should see why it fails:
#echo "%EnvP%"
#if not exist "%EnvP%\ExploreGroovy.xml" #echo Ouch!
testrunner.bat -s"TestSuite4" "%EnvP%\ExploreGroovy.xml"
For all my SoapUI projects I have multiple .bat scripts in the same location as the project.xml file to run different sets of test suites, and all of it goes into your source repository.
IF NOT DEFINED SOAPUI_ROOT SET SOAPUI_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\SmartBear\soapUI-Pro-4.6.4
REM make certain we are where we _think_ we are
CD %~dp0
REM cleanup previous results
DEL /f /q *.log*
RMDIR /s /q results
REM run the tests
CALL "%SOAPUI_ROOT%\bin\testrunner.bat" -s"Smoke TestSuite" -fresults My-soapui-project.xml
REM determine if there are failures
IF errorlevel 0 (
ECHO All tests passed.
) ELSE (
ECHO There are failures!
EXIT 100
I used to use a server with LSF but now I just transitioned to one with SLURM.
What is the equivalent command of bpeek (for LSF) in SLURM?
bpeek Displays the stdout and stderr output of an unfinished job
I couldn't find the documentation anywhere. If you have some good references for SLURM, please let me know as well. Thanks!
You might also want to have a look at the sattach command.
I just learned that in SLURM there is no need to do bpeek to check the current standard output and standard error since they are printed in running time to the files specified for the stdout and stderr.
Here's a workaround that I use. It mimics the bpeek functionality from LSF
Create a file
# take as input an argument - slurm job id - and save it into a variable
# run scontrol show job $jobid and save the output into a variable
#find the string that starts with StdOut= and save it into a variable without the StdOut= part
stdout=$(scontrol show job $jobid | grep StdOut= | sed 's/StdOut=//')
#show last 10 rows of the file if no argument 2 is given
tail -f -n $nrows $stdout
Then you can use it:
sh JOBID NROWS(optional)
Or add an alias to ~/.bashrc file:
alias bpeek="sh ~/ $1 $2"
and then use it:
bpeek JOBID NROWS(optional)
I am trying to list a directory on remote machine
I am using staf for it .the staf document says the command as
so i am using it as
system("staf FS LIST DIRECTORY c:\\RMT\\Log ");
i get the result but when i try t match particular files like
system("staf FS LIST DIRECTORY c:\\RMT\\Log NAME /latest*.*/");
i dont get any response can some one help me ??
Most likely the shell is interpreting the wildcard before it gets passed on to STAF. I'd recommend putting all of the arguments to STAF in quotes so that the shell wouldn't interfere.
For best results, perhaps avoid using system(string) to launch the command, and instead use either qx{} or system(LIST) so that a subshell isn't called.
Perhaps something like this:
my $cmd = "staf FS LIST DIRECTORY c:\\RMT\\Log NAME /latest*.*/";
system(split ' ', $cmd);
When you pass system a single string, it launches a shell, and passes that string as the command to execute. The shell, then, parses that string (including any wildcards), and runs the command. Since you don't want this to happen (as you don't want "latest*.*" to be parsed by the shell), you can pass system a list, which would tell it to just launch staf directly.