My windows powershell display weird chars - powershell

My windows powershell display weird chars suddenly like the following:
[39;49m // [39;49mClearing the cache for the [32mdev[39m environment with debug [32mtrue[39m
Anyone knows what is the issue?

This looks like in the format of bash. I suppose a script has changed your command line to bash but does not change it back at the end.
Just type in
to quit bash on PowerShell and return to PowerShell.
If bash scripts are heavily used, I would recommend you start bash to run the scripts and view the output formatted correctly (hopefully), and type in
to launch PowerShell on bash to run PowerShell commands.


error appear when installing IBM Cloud CLI "'iex' is not recognized as an internal or external command..."

I'm trying to install IBM Cloud CLI but there is a problem faced me when I do this.
I added the Path to environment variables but it didn't work too !
This happens because the iex (shorthand for Invoke-Expression) command is a Powershell command, but it is entered to Command prompt. The latter is the old command shell that dates back to the MS-DOS days of the 80's.
One can tell the difference from the fact that the window title bar says Command Prompt, not Powershell. Often - not always! - a Powershell session has blue background and command has black.
To run Powershell commands, start a Powershell session either by typing powershell and pressing enter into a command session, or by opening Windows Start menu and typing powershell (followed by enter).

Run a script to load commands into my main script

I have a powershell file that I have downloaded from ScriptCenter that allows me to control and query virtual desktops on my machine (
Using their example, I can run that ps1 file at the start of my script to use those commands that the script creates. All fine here.
The only issue with this is that when I run my script, it asks to confirm to run it. This is something I don't want my script to do.
To work around this, I tried using the "PowerShell" command with "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" set. This removes the prompt to approve the script, however it stops the script from being loaded into my scripts session as I can't use any of the commands it make available by running it.
How do I either run the script first, without it prompting, or execute the powershell command so that it is run in the session space of my script so that its commands are available?

perl command prompt with arguments

Is it possible to start a command prompt from perl script using Win32::Process::Create package?
I am trying to start DOORS from perl script. The executable is present in C:\Program Files\DOORS\bin\runDOORS9.rck.
I need to start the runDOORS9.rck with the argument COL9 to change the Database.
Try the good old system() function. On Windows it would use the cmd.exe, the system shell, to execute the command.
Since what you try to launch doesn't seem to be an .exe file, potentially you would have to use the start command of the cmd.exe.
For example:
system(qq{start "" "C:\Program Files\DOORS\bin\runDOORS9.rck" COL9});
(The first "" is required due to quirky argument parsing of the Window's shell commands. See help start for more information.)

How to run a applescript to enter a terminal command

I have been messing around with voice commands, but ran into a snag. I am trying to get a terminal command to run but it is not working. The command makes asterisks "snow" fall.
This is what I have so far.
tell application "Terminal"
run script "ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/)[1].to_i;S=["2743".to_i(16)].pack("U*");a={};puts "\033[2J";loop{a[rand(C)]=0;a.each{|x,o|;a[x]+=1;print "\033[#{o};#{x}H \033[#{a[x]};#{x}H#{S} \033[0;0H"};$stdout.flush;sleep 0.1}'"
end tell
All I get are errors
Command line scripts executed with the do shell script command. The string escaping can get a bit gnarly, so be careful with that too. Here's a simple example:
do shell script "say \"Today is `php -r \"echo date('l');\"`\""
OK, I just realised your script actually depends on having a Terminal window to run in, so the usual approach of do shell script won't work here.
There are still a lot of unescaped quotation marks in your Applescript, but rather than fixing those, I think it would be easier to put the whole ruby script into a stand-alone file and pass that to Terminal instead.
C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/)[1].to_i;
puts "\033[2J";
loop {
a.each {
print "\033[#{o};#{x}H \033[#{a[x]};#{x}H#{S} \033[0;0H"
sleep 0.1
tell application "Terminal"
do script "~/stars.rb"
end tell
An easy way to escape a shell command for AppleScript is to save the command in a text file. Run the script below and copy the Result.
set myText to read (choose file) as «class utf8»

interactive powershell from Cygwin

I cannot run PowerShell.exe interactively in a Cygwin rxvt or mintty terminal. Seems any session using a /dev/tty? or /dev/pts? pseudo terminal device. An instance using the junky windows console device /dev/console or /dev/cons? will work.
cygstart /bin/bash -li
launches the console version in the cruddy Windows Command Prompt which is the only place I can get an interactive PowerShell.
Works. Rxvt doesnt:
Nor does mintty:
I've tried all the echo -e | powershell.exe and powershell.exe </dev/null
I'm assuming when I see answers on Stackoverflow on this they are using Console's ... or am I missing something?
Why I cannot run PowerShell 2 from Cygwin? seems to run fine, just gets powershell v3 when he wants v2 ... wish I had that problem.
I've developed a powershell wrapper to call powershell scripts and commands from a Cygwin terminal session but cannot get the interactive option to work (if you give the wrapper no script or commands then you want to go interactive). see for info on the wrapper script. It works for most powershell.exe calls and even acts like a "she-bang" if used in the first line of the ps1 script.
Today, typing powershell at a Cygwin bash prompt just works.
If you need to run powershell inside cygwin/babun, follow . Bascilly, downloard or compile, copy it to your $PATH and then run
console.exe powershell
This also works with batch scripts that invoke powershell inside.
The solution I've found is to use (main site) Proxy32 proxywinconsole.exe program. If this program is in the path, my poweshell.bash wrapper will call it which will let you work interactively with PowerShell.
First Install cygwin in your system.
After that type bash on powershell terminal and you can access cygwin terminal.
PS C:\Users\username\1and1> bash
I'm afraid I can't answer your question, but maybe I can help you a little further on your way with this:
I believe this is related to this issue, as discussed on the MinTTY Issue #56.
It goes into great detail as to how common cmd.exe shell applications work and interact, so much as they detail how common unix applications using their TTY abstraction layer work differently than Windows command line applications.
Script for running powershell on Cygwin minty:
blahblah#blahblahbin $ cat pwrshl
#!/usr/bin/bash if [[ ! -f "$1" ]] then
echo "Usage: $0 <PowerShellScriptFile>"
exit fi
echo "\n" | powershell -Command "& {$(<$1)}"