error appear when installing IBM Cloud CLI "'iex' is not recognized as an internal or external command..." - powershell

I'm trying to install IBM Cloud CLI but there is a problem faced me when I do this.
I added the Path to environment variables but it didn't work too !

This happens because the iex (shorthand for Invoke-Expression) command is a Powershell command, but it is entered to Command prompt. The latter is the old command shell that dates back to the MS-DOS days of the 80's.
One can tell the difference from the fact that the window title bar says Command Prompt, not Powershell. Often - not always! - a Powershell session has blue background and command has black.
To run Powershell commands, start a Powershell session either by typing powershell and pressing enter into a command session, or by opening Windows Start menu and typing powershell (followed by enter).


How do i hide file path information in VS-Code Terminal

I see this unnecessary file path information whenever I execute a program in the terminal section.
Is there a way to hide that file path?
This is not so much VSCode terminal related, rather it is more shell related (see What's the difference between Terminal, Console, Shell, and Command Line). Your VScode's terminal is running a shell internally, but a terminal is not much more than a display window that calls a shell's functions. So, in order to edit the prompt (which comes from the shell), we have to edit your shell config.
From your screenshot, it looks like the particular shell you're running is Powershell. Powershell has its own prompt that it generates each time before you run a command. It does so by calling the prompt() function (you can read more about it at Microsoft Docs).
Therefore, if you just want an empty prompt, then all you have to do is create an empty prompt function and add it to your powershell profile.
From your terminal, open your powershell profile file using VSCode (or any text editor)
# $profile is a variable in powershell
# that holds path of the powershell config
code $profile
Then add an empty prompt function into the profile
function prompt { }
Save the file and reopen another powershell instance in your VSCode terminal, and now it should look like this
If you're interested in further customizing this prompt, I would highly recommend looking into starship, a cross-platform shell prompt that can be used inside powershell. By default it's an even simpler arrow
It only displays the most relevant paths, and can be customized to a much greater extent than the powershell prompt.

Psexec executed cmd to run further programs which require user input

I have a small problem with my Powershell script.
What do i want:
open CMD via PSEXEC on a remote machine, and work in this "remoteshell" as if i am in front of this machine. There is a commandline tool which i'd like to run, which requires user input after its started (it runs a own "shell")
What the problem is:
i utilize PSEXEC 2.11 with the following command
.\PSEXEC \\$Global:Endpoint -s -accepteula cmd
Cmd gets started as expected.
When i enter the name of the tool (lets call it tool.exe) the inital screen is loaded. But when the shell appears, nothing happens. I can enter commands but there will be no feedback...
Testing Tool V1.0
Command? >
Then nothing can be entered anymore...
I even cannot stop it by pressing CTRL+C. I need to close the application window to force it to close. :(
Any ideas? Are there programs which cannot run in "user interaction" mode?
For reasons, it cannot run as a window visible on the remote endpoint. It needs to run silent.

Permanently set DB2CLP environment variable

I have a problem with DB2CLP environment variable, on Windows 7 64, IBM_client64_V97 (to be connected with DB2).
Every time when i try to DB2 in Windows command prompt window, I receive this error:
DB21061E Command line environment not initialized.
and per this document using just this step:
2. at the prompt enter these commands:
db2cmd -i -w db2clpsetcp
echo %DB2CLP%
I fix that error, and "db2" command opens Command Line Processor for DB2 Client.
But it lasts only until windows CMD is open. As soon as I close it and reopen, I have to repeat process.
My question (being absolute novice to DB2) is:
How should I make that change permanent and
How this happened at the first place as I installed and setup everything according to the manual (including adding local user to DB2USERS and DB2ADMINS) groups?
When DB2 client is installed, it should have installed a functional window to the command line processor. Check here:
Start / All Programs / IBM DB2 / DB2copy1/ Command Line Processor
Note that DB2copy1 is the default location for the first db2 instance. The name may be different if user select the non-default name.
Shortcut to the CLP can be copied on the desktop.
Regarding the typing "DB2 ..some command..." in windows command prompt which causes described error explanation is as follows:
That's because the normal DOS (or Windows) prompt doesn't
automatically run the setup script that enables the DB2 commands.
When the setup runs, it puts the DB2 items first in the PATH variable.
That could conflict with other tools that also want to be first on the
search list.
If you've got both the DOS (Windows) and DB2 command line prompts on
your desktop, right click them and select Properties. You'll notice
that the system (DOS) prompt runs cmd.exe.
The DB2 prompt runs DB2CMD.exe from the DB2 libraries. The DB2 script
then runs DB2SETCP.BAT and finally DB2.EXE. (All of the DB2
executables should be in C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN.)
So there are differences in the two prompts. For you purposes, try
running DB2SETCP.BAT from the normal DOS prompt. That may be
sufficient for your needs.
For my purposes I always have the DOS and DB2 prompts on my desktop
and just select the one that I need.

Powershell Script doesn't work when starting it by double-clicking

I got some strange behaviour when executing a powershell script.
When I run my script using the ISE it works just fine.
When I open Powershell.exe and run my script it works just fine.
When I open cmd, and start my script using powershell.exe -noexit
./myscript.ps1, myscript works just fine.
When I double-click myscript however, powershell opens for some milliseconds, I see that it shows some error (red font) and the powershell window closes. I'm unable to track down the error causing this problem since the powershell windows closes to fast.
I even tried one single big try-catch block around my hole script, catching any [Exception] and writing it down to a log file. However: the log file is not generated (catch is not called).
How can I track that issue? What could possibly be causing the trouble?
Please note that my execution-policy is set to unrestricted.
Before trying the suggestion invoke this to see your current settings (if you want restore them later):
cmd /c FType Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1
Then invoke this (note that you will change how your scripts are invoked "from explorer" by this):
cmd /c #"
FType Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1=$PSHOME\powershell.exe -NoExit . "'%1'" %*
Then double-click the script, it should not exit, -NoExit does the trick. See your error messages and solve the problems.
But now all your scripts invoked "from explorer" keep their console opened. You may then
remove -NoExit from the above command and run it again or restore your
original settings.
Some details and one good way to invoke scripts in PS v2 is here.
Unfortunately it is broken in PS v3 - submitted issue.
by default, for security reason when you double clic on a .ps1 file the action is : Edit file, not Run file .
to execute your script : right-click on it and choose run with powershell
I also wasn’t able to run a script by double clicking it although running it manually worked without a problem. I have found out that the problem was in the path. When I ran a script from a path that contained spaces, such as:
C:\Users\john doe\Documents\Sample.ps1
The scipt failed to run. Moving the script to:
Which has no spaces, solved the problem.
This is most likely an issue with your local Execution Policy.
By default, Powershell is configured to NOT run scripts that are unsigned (even local ones). If you've not signed your scripts, then changing your default double-click 'action' in Windows will have no effect - Powershell will open, read the execution policy, check the script's signature, and finding none, will abort with an error.
In Powershell:
Help about_execution_policies
gives you all the gory details, as well as ways to allow unsigned scripts to run (within reason - you'd probably not want to run remote ones, only ones you've saved onto the system).
EDIT: I see at the tail end of your question that you've set Execution Policy to 'unrestricted' which SHOULD allow the script to run. However, this might be useful info for others running into execution policy issues.
If you would catch the error you will most likely see this
The file cannot be loaded. The file is not
digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please
see "Get-Help about_signing" for more details.
Because you are able to run it from the shell you started yourself, and not with the right mouse button click "Run With PowerShell", I bet you have x64 system. Manually you are starting the one version of PowerShell where execution policy is configured, while with the right click the other version of the PowerShell is started.
Try to start both version x64 and x86 version and check for security policies in each
I was in exactly the same situation as described in the question : my script worked everywhere except when double-clicking.* When I double-clicked a powershell windows would open but then it will close after a second or so. My execution-policy is also set to unrestricted.
I tried the selected answer concerning FType Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1 but it didn't change anything.
The only solution I found was a work around: create a bat file which start the powershell.
Create a file, copy this and modify the path : powershell.exe -File "C:\Users\user\script\myscript.ps1"
Save it as a .bat
Double-click the bat
I also used .ahk to start my powershell with a shorcut and it didn't work when pointing directly to the powershell. I had to point to the .bat

Command line installer issues

Am attempting to run installer using command line using -c option.
Command line execution appears like this:
E:\dev>MyApp_32.exe -c
E:\dev>This will install App on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]
E:\dev> (showing the Windows command line is confusing to user)
Welcome .. (text of 2nd screen)
Typing "c" or "Cancel" doesn't work. It always takes enter key as input and proceeds to next screen.
Pressing enter transfers control back to windows's command shell, then back to installer. This looks confusing to user. It doesn't give a unified experience to user.
Is it possible to provide input via a silent file ? i.e. a text file with pre-selected inputs?
Am using 32 bit installer on Win 7 Professional x64 with Java 1.6 installed.
The problem is that the installer is a GUI application, it cannot take control of a WIndows terminal in this way. If you start it via
start /wait MyApp_32.exe -c
the command line prompts will not be displayed.
You can run set a response file with the -varfile argument, see the help for more information.