How do I enable agent for mib-2 using pysnmp? - pysnmp

I just installed pysnmp on my linux machine using pip install pysnmp. What do I need to do, in order to have an agent running for mib-2? I want to be able to get the sysDescr.0 object. Right now, I get a "No Response" as below, because there is no agent that services mib-2. Do I need to write my own agent for this? Or, if pysnmp provides an agent for this standard mib, how do I run it?
snmpget -v2c -c public
Timeout: No Response from


How to restart ubuntu agent on Azure Build?

Long story short, after trying out several solutions here to kill the VBCSCompiler before the MSBuild task didnt work out, I am gonna try one more option before calling it a day and just having to stick to windows2019 agent, even though the build time will be tripled.
So, after NuGet restore task, i need to reboot the ubuntu agent (hosted by Azure Pipelines Agent pool), i added a command-line task, but i am not sure what to write for the script...
I tried the following script command sudo reboot
but it didn't work (kept running for a while so i just cancelled the build)
I've also tried this command instead:
init 6
but I got an error:
Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required.
Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication required.
Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied
Failed to talk to init daemon.
It's impossible, when you restart your Hosted Agent your build will fail. this is reason why is not allowed.

How to install Nagios on one VM to check the specific stats of another VM(client side) without using Apache and PHP?

How to install Nagios on one VM to check the specific stats of another VM(client-side) without using Apache and PHP?
You can install nagios agent and config nagios server to ask agent about specific check. On the agent side you should config shell script to check specific parameter

Connect containerized self-hosted agent with Azure DevOps

I followed the instructions in the ms docs guide, and the agent started without any issues. However it never showed up in my agent pool. I tried a different version of the script found on github and it connected immediately. Is there anything else I can do to try and troubleshoot this? Logs from the non-working agent below
❯ kubectl logs azpagent-55864668dc-zgdrn
1. Determining matching Azure Pipelines agent...
2. Downloading and installing Azure Pipelines agent...
3. Configuring Azure Pipelines agent...
>> End User License Agreements:
Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.
A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:
>> Connect:
Connecting to server ...
>> Register Agent:
Scanning for tool capabilities.
Connecting to the server.
Successfully replaced the agent
Testing agent connection.
2019-08-03 04:22:56Z: Settings Saved.
4. Running Azure Pipelines agent...
Starting Agent listener interactively
Started listener process
Started running service
Scanning for tool capabilities.
Connecting to the server.
2019-08-03 04:23:08Z: Agent connect error: The signature is not valid.. Retrying until reconnected.
Not really sure what else to try -- has anyone else seen this issue, or had success with the linux agent guide?
Looking at the error message:
The signature is not valid.
There might be a problem with the provided PAT. I'd suggest generating a new PAT, as described by this guide, and trying again.
Let me know if this has helped.
According to the error info The signature is not valid..
Are you using and building sources from a TFVC repository which requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.
If so have a try with building from Git repo.
The doc you referred a different version of the script which is deprecated. It's for an old build agent.
According to this and related error The signature is not valid.. Retrying until reconnected. Few things I would suggest:
You may on a pretty old agent version , try the latest version agent
You need to restart the agent process in order to make those
environment take affect.
Check with your IT department, make sure the network between your
build machine and tfs server/Azure DevOps Service is reliable, see
whether there is any change in your network.
Also make sure your build machine/VM not run out of resource.
In case this or a similar issue occurs for anyone else, the suggestion from #juliobbv was very helpful. If you comment out the last line of the script, and replace it with
./bin/Agent.Listener run & wait $!
you can get a clearer view of any error messages.
In my case, I didn't realize that AGENT_NAME and POOL were no longer the same variable, and the original error message didn't indicate that the issue was my lack of permissions to the default pool.
My final changes to the script are below -- I defaulted to the agent name using the hostname, and maintained the previous behavior of using a custom pool
./ --unattended \
--agent "$(hostname)" \
--url "$AZP_URL" \
--auth PAT \
--token $(cat "$AZP_TOKEN_FILE") \
--pool "${AZP_POOL:-Default}" \
--work "${AZP_WORK:-_work}" \
--replace \
--acceptTeeEula & wait $!

Workload Scheduler job won't enable

I'm trying to create a Workload Scheduler job that executes a curl command.
In Steps I've selected Start a program for the step and RP_CLOUD as the Agent(it's the only option). I pasted my curl command into Program.
Now when I try to enable the job I get a popup saying <b>AWSUI4177E</b><br />AWSUI4177E Unable to update the Process.<br /><i>AWSUI4299E An internal error has occurred: AWSPRE001E The user "" cannot create a job of type "executable" on the "RP_CLOUD" workstation. Download and install a Workload Automation Agent on a different machine.</i>.
The curl statement works when executd in my Terminal. What am I doing wrong?
There are some security constrains on running jobs on the agents provided by the infrastructure.
I see two options:
Use the restful job type (since you are invoking a curl command)
Install an agent

Interactive service Logged in as user

So we are trying to setup a Continuous Integration server at my company. What we need to do is svn update the working copy on the server, then build it, start the site using IIS express and then run Watin/Specflow tests on it. I'm using rake inside of CCNet to automate all of this. We are running CCNet as a service and logging in as a build agent because svn uses our domain login credentials in order to authenticate. I've been unable to call the command line "svn update --username user --password pass" because of this. Yet Watin needs to be run in an interactive mode, and the service won't let me . I'm able to get it to work if we manually log on to the server and run ccnet as command line. Unfortunately the Build Agent also logs out of that user account, closing any command lines with it (I don't know why they need it to do this but they do). So is it possible to run a service in interactive mode if its signed in as a user?
If you have access to two servers you can build (can also work from computer to server)
Automated remote desktop - in windows form
see this post
from one server to log into the server you need to run the Watin tests on and in the scheduled task, have the tests to come on after the log in has happened. This then gives the impression that the service is interacting with the desktop.
If you need any more information let me know