Spring boot admin ui not visible (404) - spring-boot-admin

I've set up spring boot admin server with ui. No error in logs and json endpoints show info of my sample client application pointing to this server.
But, html ui not visible, returning 404. version is 1.5.6.
Any help will be muxh appreciated!

Did you add the #EnableAdminServer to your Spring Boot Application?
public class YourApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(YourApplication.class, args);


Wildfly 10 JAX-RS REST Service is not working - Result 404 not found

I want to create a simple JAX-RS REST Service for Wildfly 10. My issue is that my REST Service is not found. Result in browser is 404 not found. I am not sure what exactly the issue is. I get no error or exception in wildfly log file. I am using eclipse neon 3 and wildfly 10. My project is using JAX-RS not resteasy.
Here my project setup and code:
I have created a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse.
I have set JAX-RS(REST Service) support in the project facets. JAX-RS version is 2.0 (also tried with version 1.1)
I have create a subclass which extends Application (javax.ws.rs.core.Application)
I added the annotation #ApplicationPath("/yoshi-rest") to the class which extends Application.
I have created a class which contains my rest service method. The class itself has the #Path("/StatusService") annotation.
The affected method has the annotations #Get and #Path("/getStatus").
Due to I have the subclass of Application I didn't set the servlet mapping in web.xml.
Here the code:
Subclass of Application(RESTConfig):
public class RESTConfig extends Application {
REST Service class(StatusService):
public class StatusService {
public String getStatus() {
return "Yoshi is up and running";
I can see during startup of wildfly that the subclass RESTConfig is deployed:
11:09:23,777 INFO [org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 61) RESTEASY002225: Deploying javax.ws.rs.core.Application: class XXXX.yoshi.rest.services.RESTConfig
If I call the rest service url (http://localhost:8080/yoshi-rest/StatusService/getStatus) in browser, I get a '404 - Not found' as result.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
You need to register service to connect to your RESTConfig:
public class RESTConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public RESTConfig() {
See more on ResourceConfig configuration options
Standard JAX-RS uses an Application as its configuration class. ResourceConfig extends Application.
Putting the project name in the url solved the issue.
Thanks for help.

Spring Boot Admin Client not registering an application

I have setup a SpringBootAdmin server, and trying to register an application with SpringBootAdmin client. It does not seem to be registering.
Do I neccesarily have to register with Eureka?
How do I debug?
Configuration on adminserver
dependencies {
App is
public class AdminApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AdminApp.class, args);
On the client side,
dependencies {
Code is
public class SBACApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SBACApp.class, args);
According to all the Stackoverflow articles and tutorials, this should be adequate.
Even though logging is set on the client side, there seems to be no log-line starting with d.c....
What could I be missing
Any additional knowledge on how to debug this may help.
If you are using spring boot admin 2.0 the the client url property would be
spring.boot.admin.client.url: http://localhost:8093
I would check to see what version you are using and then double check the property names.
In Spring Boot 2.x.x version client url property is different that Spring Boot 1.x.x
spring.boot.admin.client.url= http://localhost:8093
make sure you have other two properties. in my case i was missing auto registration property

Swagger + jaxrs + embedded jetty + no web.xml

I have maven project with embedded jetty server.
I have already created apis using JAX-RS, which are working properly. Now I want to create swagger documentation for my apis.
To start with swagger I have added servlet configuration as describe below :
#WebServlet(name = "SwaggerConfig")
public class SwaggerServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
System.out.println("init SwaggerServlet");
BeanConfig beanConfig = new BeanConfig();
beanConfig.setSchemes(new String[]{"http"});
Also, in main method,
along with my jersey configuration I have added following code :
ServletHolder swaggerServletHolder = new ServletHolder(SwaggerServlet.class);
swaggerServletHolder.setInitParameter("swagger.api.basepath", "http://localhost:8082");
context.addServlet(swaggerServletHolder, "/api/*");
//swagger end
So, the problem is, I am not able to find where swagger.json will be created.
In this case, swagger scans packages as server log says it, but swagger.json still not getting created.
Note: I am currently not adding swagger-ui as I think it is not mandatory for creating swagger.json
I got swagger json by hitting url "localhost:8082/swagger.json". I used same configuration as posted in my question.

Where do I place jetty.xml

Where do I need to place jetty.xml, in case of embedded Jetty?
jetty-web is placed inside WEB-INF and it is loaded automatically. I tried to put there jetty.xml, but it failed to load (it does not see it). I am using mvn jetty:run to run the service.
Their WIKI example doesn't work? http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Tutorial/Embedding_Jetty
public class FileServerXml {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Resource fileserver_xml = Resource.newSystemResource("fileserver.xml");
XmlConfiguration configuration = new XmlConfiguration(fileserver_xml.getInputStream());
Server server = (Server)configuration.configure();
It sounds like you need to restructure your jetty.xml in any event.

JBOSS Deployment interception

I would like to execute a code once an application gets deployed completely on JBOSS, is there a way to intercept application deployment on JBOSS, or is there a point where I can be very sure that the application has been deployed completely and I can execute my code just after that point.
Reading Execute code after Glassfish Web Deployment i came to the answer of this question.
We have the ability to code a ServletContextListener to be triggered when the context is loaded like this:
public class MyServlet implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent e) {
// implementation code
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent e) {
// implementation code
Example of ServletContextListener
Thanks to Garis Suero