Running multiple applications on Kubernetes. How to create the structure? - deployment

This is more of a theoretical question. How do you guys create the structure of a Kubernetes deployments/services/pods that runs multiple applications?
Let's say I want to run 3 Wordpress websites on my servers. For this I need: Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM and the Wordpress code base.
Is it better to spin off separate pods/services for Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM that will serve all 3 Wordpress websites and create 3 Wordpress pods/services for the 3 websites?
OR is it better to create a separate pods/service for each one of the websites, therefore the grouping would be:
Pod1: Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM, Wordpress
Pod2: Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM, Wordpress
Pod3: Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM, Wordpress
With option 2 I would need somehow to route the specific website traffic to the specific service/pod

Kubernetes is extremely flexible as you are discovering and allows you to architect you application in numerous ways. As a general rule of thumb, only run one process per container per pod. However, there definitely valid use cases for running multiple containers in a pod. I think for your use case, you can use both approaches.
Let me attempt to break down each of your components:
I would definitely run this in it's own pod. I would wrap it in a StatefulSet and front it with its own Service
Nginx + Wordpress
In my opinion, whether you run these two processes in one pod or two depends on how you are using tls, if at all. As we know, Wordpress is very vulnerable to attacks. Hence, perhaps you have rules in your Nginx config to limit access to certain paths, methods, etc. If you run Nginx and Wordpress in the same pod, then you can expose only the Nginx port and the only way traffic will get to the Wordpress container is if it goes through Nginx. If you run these containers as separate pods, then from a security standpoint, you'll need some other way to make sure that inbound traffic to your Wordpress pod only comes from your Nginx pod. You can accomplish this with the NetworkPolicy resource or you can just use mutual TLS between these two pods.
In summary, in a microservice architecture, you want your process to be as decoupled as possible so that they can be managed and deployed separately. Hence, a single process per container per Pod is attractive. However, there are instances that require you to run more than one container per Pod. In my example I used security as such motivation.


Deploying a mobile app backend with kubernetes

I need to some advice regarding how to deploy a high traffic mobile app back-end using kubernetes. This deployment should support HA at-least. We have plans to run a DR site as well, but scope of this question does not include a DR.
We currently use hardware load-balancers to route incoming traffic to different IP addresses attached to different boxes. Each such box runs a nginx instance as a reverse proxy which also act as the https terminator. After https termination, traffic is directed to an apache web-server. Each box has one apacher server receiving all traffic from nginx running in the same box.
We want to introduce kubernetes to this setup so that we can utilize boxes better. Our traffic patterns are highly fluctuating and we believe kubernetes can help us utilize boxes in a more efficient manner.
My current plan is as follows:
-- Keep the hardware load balancer to route incoming traffic to different boxes. (this may not be needed but getting rid of HLB could become very political).
-- Run a kubenetes cluster utilizing all available boxes
-- pack apache + our app as docker image and deploy this image on docker container which in tern is run inside pods in the kubenetes cluster
-- setup ingress to accept external traffic, do https termination and load balance to above pods. A simple round robin or random load balancing algo is fine as our back ends are stateless
Does this sound right? Are there any alternatives? In the above case, where does the ingress controller run?
Your plan seems right. You can either pack apache with the code but it shall be better to keep it separate so that they can contact each other and any one of the version upgrades won't be dependent upon this one.
Also, the hardware load balancer will tickle the traffic on to the ingress which shall further bring it down to the k8s cluster and eventually on the pods.
The ingress controller runs inside the cluster. I guess you're looking to run kuberentes on-premise with your existing hardware. To use the existing hardware loadbalancer outside of kubernetes you could run the nginx ingress controller as a daemonset so that there'd be one instance on each node and expose it via HostPort so that each is exposed on the same port. Or if there are lots of nodes then you'd want to just use a Deployment. Then you'd would want to use NodePort so that Kuberentes would send the traffic to a node where an ingress controller pod runs.
Another alternative would be to expose the nginx ingress controller through LoadBalancer - to do that you'd need to integrate your loadbalancer with kubernetes using something like
Alternatively, you wouldn't necessarily have to use ingress. You could just run nginx in the cluster and expose it via NodePort.
It's not clear to me that you'd need apache http server in your container. I guess it depends how you are using it currently.

Kubernetes best practices in pods

As I have been using kubernetes more I keep on seeing the reference that a pod can contain 1 container or more and I have even looked at examples.
My question is whether there is a case where this would be best practice and more efficient to create multi container pods since you can scale and replicate your pods coupling it with a service.
Thanks in advance
A Pod can contain multiple containers, but for the most portion of the situations, it makes perfect sense for the Pod to be simply an abstraction over a single running container.
In what situations does it make sense to have a multi-container deployed Pod?
What comes to my mind are the scenarios where you have a primary Pod running, but you need to tightly couple helper processes, such as a log watcher. In those situations, it makes perfect sense to actually have multiple containers running inside a single pod.
Another big example that comes to my mind is from the Istio project, which is a platform made to connect, manage and secure microservices and is generally referred as a Service Mesh.
A huge part of what it does and is able to accomplish to provide a greater control and customization over the deployed microservices network, is due to the fact that it deploys a sidecar proxy, denominated Envoy, throughout the environment intercepting all network communication between microservices.
Here, you can check an example of load balancing in a Istio service mesh. As you can see the Proxy is deployed inside the Pod, intercepting all communication that goes through it.

Kubernetes - Load balancing Web App access per connections

Long time I did not come here and I hope you're fine :)
So for now, i have the pleasure of working with kubernetes ! So let's start ! :)
I have an operationnal kubernetes cluster with which I work every consists of several applications, one of which is of particular interest to us, which is the web management interface.
I currently own one master and four nodes in my cluster.
For my web application, pod contain 3 containers : web / mongo /filebeat, and for technical reasons, we decided to assign 5 users max for each web pod.
I want to deploy a web pod on each nodes (web0,web1,web2,web3), what I can already do, and that each session (1 session = 1 user) is distributed as follows:
For now, all HTTP requests are processed by web0.
Am I forced to go through an external loadbalancer (haproxy)?
Can I use an internal loadbalancer, configuring a service?
Does anyone have experience on the implementation described above?
I thank in advance those who can help me in this process :)
This generally depends how and where you've deployed your Kubernetes infrastructure, but you can do this natively with a few options.
Firstly, you'll need to scale your web deployment. This is very simple to do:
kubectl scale --current-replicas=2 --replicas=3 deployment/web
If you're deployed into a cloud provider (such as AWS using kops, or GKE) you can use a service. Just specify the type as LoadBalancer. Services will spread the sessions for your users.
Another option is to use an Ingress. In order to do this, you'll need to use an Ingress Controller, such as the nginx-ingress-controller which is the most featureful and widely deployed.
Both of these options will automatically loadbalance your incoming application sessions, but they may not necessarily do it in the order you've described in your image, it'll be random across the available web deployments

How should a React + Node.js app be split into containers/pods for Kubernetes?

I read that a pod often only has 1 container.
Does this mean that I should have 2 pods: 1 React and 1 Node.js?
What if I have a web server like nginx running in front of the React frontend? Then React + nginx = 2 containers = 1 Frontend pod and 1 Node.js pod?
"pod often only has 1 container". No it doesn't mean that you should have two Pods for your application. You can use two Containers in a Pod.
Each Pod is assigned a unique IP address. Every container in a Pod shares the network namespace, including the IP address and network ports. Containers inside a Pod can communicate with one another using localhost. When containers in a Pod communicate with entities outside the Pod, they must coordinate how they use the shared network resources (such as ports).
If you need to share same Network namespace, you need to keep them in a Pod.
Also, it depends on purpose. You can group multiple process together if they fulfill similar purpose. If an application needs several process running on the same host, you can use multiple containers.
This blog post explains some Use Cases:
Kubernetes's smallest deployment unit is Pod. There are some cases like
Frontend and NodeJs always scaled together and you want 3 fronted 3 nodejs and sometime later you want 4 nodejs 4 frontend. It is not recommended but you may put these into one pod definition
Basically two different containers and not dependent on each other while scaling then you should put these on different pod definitons and expose them as services.
Think about traditional databases and frontend systems. Do you scale the underlying database system while scaling your frontend systems. So When it comes to same pod definition or different pod definitions for multiple containers we should think about scaling and security.

How to get files into pod?

I have a fully functioning Kubernetes cluster with one master and one worker, running on CoreOS.
Everything is working and my pods and services are running fine. Now I have no clue how to proceed in a webserver idea.
Before I go further: I have no configs at the moment about my idea I am going to explain. I just did a lot of research.
When setting up a pod (nginx) with a service. You get the default nginx page. After that you can setup a mount volume with a hostvolume (volume mapping from host to container).
But lets say I want to seperate every site (multiple sites separated with different pods), how can I let my users add files to their pod/nginx document root? Having FTP in the CoreOS node removes the Kubernetes way and adds security vulnerabilities.
If someone can help me shed some light on this issue, that would be great.
Thanks for your time.
I'm assuming that you want to have multiple nginx servers running. The content of each nginx server is managed by a different admin (you called them users).
Option 1: Each admin needs to build their own nginx docker image every time the static files change and deploy that new image. This is if you consider these static files as a part of the source-code of the nginx application
Option 2: Use a persistent volume for nginx, the init-script for the nginx image should use something like s3 to sync all its files with s3 and then start nginx
Before you proceed with building an application with kubernetes. The most important thing is to separate your services into 2 conceptual categories, and give up your desire to touch the underlying nodes directly:
1) Stateless: These are services that are built by the developers and can be released. They can be stopped, started, moved from one node to another, their filesystem can be reset during restart and they will work perfectly fine. Majority of your web-services will fit this category.
2) Stateful: These services cannot be stopped and restarted willy nilly like the ones above. Primarily, their underlying filesystem must be persistent and remain the same across runs of the service. Databases, file-servers and similar services are in this category. These need special care and should use k8s persistent-volumes and now stateful-sets.
Typical application:
nginx: build the nginx.conf into the docker image, and deploy it as a stateless service
rails/nodejs/python service: build the source code into the docker image, configure with env-vars, deploy as a stateless service
database: mount a persistent volume, configure with env-vars, deploy as a stateful service.
Separate sites:
Typically, I think at a k8s deployment and a k8s service level. Each site can be one k8s deployment and k8s service set. You can then have separate ways to expose them (different external DNS/IPs)
Application users storing files:
This is firmly in the category of a stateful service. Use a persistent volume to mount to a /media kind of directory
Developers changing files:
Say developers or admins want to use FTP to change the files that nginx serves. The correct pattern is to build a docker image with the new files and then use that docker image. If there are too many files, and you don't consider those files to be a part of the 'source' of the nginx, then use something like s3 and a persistent volume. In your docker image init script, don't directly start nginx. Contact s3, sync all your files onto your persistent volume, then start nginx.
While the options and reasoning listed by iamnat are right, there's at least one more option to add to the list. You could consider using ConfigMap objects, maintain your file within the configmap and mount them to your containers.
A good example can be found in the official documentation - check the Real World Example configuring Redis section to get some actionable input.