How to get files into pod? - kubernetes

I have a fully functioning Kubernetes cluster with one master and one worker, running on CoreOS.
Everything is working and my pods and services are running fine. Now I have no clue how to proceed in a webserver idea.
Before I go further: I have no configs at the moment about my idea I am going to explain. I just did a lot of research.
When setting up a pod (nginx) with a service. You get the default nginx page. After that you can setup a mount volume with a hostvolume (volume mapping from host to container).
But lets say I want to seperate every site (multiple sites separated with different pods), how can I let my users add files to their pod/nginx document root? Having FTP in the CoreOS node removes the Kubernetes way and adds security vulnerabilities.
If someone can help me shed some light on this issue, that would be great.
Thanks for your time.

I'm assuming that you want to have multiple nginx servers running. The content of each nginx server is managed by a different admin (you called them users).
Option 1: Each admin needs to build their own nginx docker image every time the static files change and deploy that new image. This is if you consider these static files as a part of the source-code of the nginx application
Option 2: Use a persistent volume for nginx, the init-script for the nginx image should use something like s3 to sync all its files with s3 and then start nginx
Before you proceed with building an application with kubernetes. The most important thing is to separate your services into 2 conceptual categories, and give up your desire to touch the underlying nodes directly:
1) Stateless: These are services that are built by the developers and can be released. They can be stopped, started, moved from one node to another, their filesystem can be reset during restart and they will work perfectly fine. Majority of your web-services will fit this category.
2) Stateful: These services cannot be stopped and restarted willy nilly like the ones above. Primarily, their underlying filesystem must be persistent and remain the same across runs of the service. Databases, file-servers and similar services are in this category. These need special care and should use k8s persistent-volumes and now stateful-sets.
Typical application:
nginx: build the nginx.conf into the docker image, and deploy it as a stateless service
rails/nodejs/python service: build the source code into the docker image, configure with env-vars, deploy as a stateless service
database: mount a persistent volume, configure with env-vars, deploy as a stateful service.
Separate sites:
Typically, I think at a k8s deployment and a k8s service level. Each site can be one k8s deployment and k8s service set. You can then have separate ways to expose them (different external DNS/IPs)
Application users storing files:
This is firmly in the category of a stateful service. Use a persistent volume to mount to a /media kind of directory
Developers changing files:
Say developers or admins want to use FTP to change the files that nginx serves. The correct pattern is to build a docker image with the new files and then use that docker image. If there are too many files, and you don't consider those files to be a part of the 'source' of the nginx, then use something like s3 and a persistent volume. In your docker image init script, don't directly start nginx. Contact s3, sync all your files onto your persistent volume, then start nginx.

While the options and reasoning listed by iamnat are right, there's at least one more option to add to the list. You could consider using ConfigMap objects, maintain your file within the configmap and mount them to your containers.
A good example can be found in the official documentation - check the Real World Example configuring Redis section to get some actionable input.


Mapping local directory to kubernetes

I am using Docker desktop to run a application in kubernetes platform where i need location to store files how can i use my local directory(c:\app-data) to be pointed to application running in kubernetes.
I had a similar problem. Docker contains are usually meant to be throwaway/gateway containers normally, so people don't usually use them for storing files.
That being said, you have two options:
Add path and files to docker container, which will cause your docker container to be massive in size (NOT RECOMMENDED). Docker build will require substantial time and memory, as all the files will be copied. Here's an example of creating a local ubuntu container with docker.
Host your files through another server/api, and fetch those files using simple requests in your app. I used this solution. The only caveat is you need
to be able to host your files somehow. This is easy enough, but may require extra payment.
You can't really do this. The right approach depends on what the data you're trying to store is.
If you're just trying to store data somewhere – perhaps it's the backing data for a MySQL StatefulSet – you can create a PersistentVolumeClaim like normal. Minikube includes a minimal volume provisioner so you should automatically get a PersistentVolume created; you don't need to do any special setup for this. But, the PersistentVolume will live within the minikube container/VM; if you completely delete the minikube setup, it could delete that data, and you won't be able to directly access the data from the host.
If you have a data set on the host that your container needs to access, there are a couple of ways to do it. Keep in mind that, in a "real" Kubernetes cluster, you won't be able to access your local filesystem at all. Creating a PersistentVolume as above and then running a pod to copy the data into it could be one approach; as #ParmandeepChaddha suggests in their answer, baking the data into the image is another reasonable approach (this can be very reasonable if the data is only a couple of megabytes).
If the data is the input or output data to your process, you can also consider restructuring your application so that it transfers that data over a protocol like HTTP. Set up a NodePort Service in front of your application, and use a tool like curl to HTTP POST the data into the service.
Finally, you could be considering a setup where all of the important data is local: you have some batch files on the local system, the job's purpose is to convert some local files to other local files, and it's just that the program is in minikube. (Or, similarly, you're trying to develop your application and the source files are on your local system.) In this case Kubernetes, as a distributed, clustered container system, isn't the right tool. Running the application directly on your system is the best approach; you can simulate this with a docker run -v bind mount, but this is inconvenient and can lead to permission and environment problems.
(In theory you can use a hostPath volume too, and minikube has some support to mount a host directory into the VM. In practice, the setup required to do this is as complex as the rest of your Kubernetes setup combined, and it won't be portable to any other Kubernetes installation. I wouldn't attempt this.)
You can mount your local directory to your kubernetes Pod using hostPath. Your path c:\app-data on your Windows host should be represented as either /C/app-data or /host_mnt/c/app-data, depending on your Docker Desktop version as suggested in this comment.
You may also want to take a look at this answer.

Kong reboot in DB-less mode

Playing around with Kong in DB-less mode in a docker container. Trying to figure out if we can use it as a gateway for the company I work for. I currently mount a local folder onto my docker container and pass the path to the kong.yaml file to kong when it starts. When I need to update the configuration, I do a POST to the /config endpoint.
All good so far.
However, my concern is, how I am supposed to handle a Kong restart? The configuration I have will be generated in a separate micro-service from a PostGre database.
Kong will be running as an Ingress controller in our Kubernetes cluster. One thing I could do is expose an endpoint that generates a kong.yml config file based on my data in PostGre. Kong could hit that on start up. I think I can make it a part of its start command.
Anyway, this seems like perhaps a bit of a hack. I was wondering, are there are any best practices around this. I'm sure other people have faced this problem before :-)
Configuring Kong on Kubernetes is done through Kubernetes native resources (e.g. Ingress) and Kong Custom Resources (e.g. KongConsumer, KongPlugin, KongIngress).
The Kong Ingress Controller will make all necessary changes based on changes to those resources through the Kubernetes API Server.
Additional Info
I highly recommend going through these guides. They are comprehensive and highly educational.
Make sure to keep an eye on the logs coming out of the Kong Ingress Controller pod because this will tell you whether it has successfully reconciled changes based on those resources or not.
Also feel free to take a look at this project where we manage Kong CRs through an on-cluster REST API Microservice.

Sharing files between pods

I have a service that generates a picture. Once it's ready, the user will be able to download it.
What is the recommended way to share a storage volume between a worker pod and a backend service?
In general the recommended way is "don't". While a few volume providers support multi-mounting, it's very hard to do that in a way that isn't sadmaking. Preferably use an external services like AWS S3 for hosting the actual file content and store references in your existing database(s). If you need a local equivalent, check out Minio for simple cases.
Personally i will not recommended it to do. better then that you two container side one pod if having dependency on each other. so if one pod goes fail that file manager also delete and create at particular time if needed

access the same file with several mongo db

I have a project to do, it consists on the following: I need to have a containerized Database. When the load to the database goes up and the database gets overloaded, I need to pull up another container(pod) with the database. The problem is that the new pod needs to have some data preloaded (for reading purposes to the users) and when the load goes down, the new pod will get terminated and the data stored in there needs to be stored in a central database (to avoid loosing it).
I'm using a Kubernetes cluster (Google Kubernetes Engine) for the pods and Mongo db. It kind of looks like this
DB Diagram
I know that the problem described above is probably not the recommended approach, but that's what they are asking us to do.
Now, the problem is that MongoDB does not allow to do that (merge content from several databases into one database). A script that is controlling the pods (that need to be handled dinamically) and pulling the data from them and pushing it to the central database is complicated and things like having control of the data that was already pulled need to be taking care of.
My Idea of Solution
So, my idea was that all the containers point to the same volume. That means that the files in the directory '/data/db' (where mongo stores it files) of every pod are the same for all the pods because the same volume is mounted for all the pods. It kind of looks like this
Same Volume Mounted for each Pod
Kubernetes allows you to use several volumes. The ones that allow ReadWriteMany are NFS and Cephfs among others. I tried the example of this NFS link but it did not worked. The first pod started successfully but the others got stucked in "Starting Container". I assume that the volume could not be mounted for the other pods because the WriteMany was not allowed.
I tried creating a Cephfs cluster manually, but I am having some trouble to use the cluster from the Kubernetes Cluster. My Question is: will cephfs do the job? Can cephfs handle several writers in the same file? If it can, will the Mongo pods go up successfully? NFS was supposed to work, but it didn't.

Kubernetes: strategy for out-of-cluster persistent storage

I need a piece of advice / recommendation / link to tutorial.
I am designing a kubernetes cluster and one of the projects is a Wordpress site with lots of pictures (photo blog).
I want to be able to tear down and re-create my cluster within an hour, so all "persistent" pieces need to be hosted outside of cluster (say, separate linux instance).
It is doable with database - I will just have a MySQL server running on that machine and will update WP configs accordingly.
It is not trivial with filesystem storage. I am looking at Kubernetes volume providers, specifically NFS. I want to setup NFS server on a separate machine and have each WP pod use that NFS share through volume mechanism. In that case, I can rebuild my cluster any time and data will be preserved. Almost like database access, but filesystem.
The questions are the following. Does this solution seem feasible? Is there any better way to achieve same goal? Does Kubernetes NFS plugin support the functionality I need? What about authorization?
so I am using a very similar strategy for my cluster where all my PVC are placed on a standalone VM instance with a static IP and which has an NFS-server running and a simple nfs-client-provisioner helm chart on my cluster.
So here what I did :
Created a server(Ubuntu) and installed the NFS server on it. Reference here
Install a helm chart/app for nfs-client-proviosner with parameters.
nfs.path = /srv ( the path on server which is allocated to NFS and shared)
nfs.server = xx.yy.zz.ww ( IP of my NFS server configured above)
And that's it the chart creates an nfs-client storage class which you can use to create a PVC and attach to your pods.
Note - Make sure to configure the /etc/exports file on the NFS server to look like this as mentioned in the reference digital ocean document.
/srv kubernetes_node_1_IP(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
/srv kubernetes_node_2_IP(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
... and so on.
I am using the PVC for some php and laravel applications, seem to work well without any considerable delays. Although you will have to check for your specific requirements. HTH.