Switch tabs using command + number in WebStorm? - plugins

Is there any way to switch tabs using command+number?
This feature is available in Atom, Code, and many other IDEs,

Unfortunately WebStorm does not have such functionality.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-68324 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
At the same time -- try GoToTabs plugin -- it can do that.
You will have to add keyboard shortcuts yourself: to prevent any possible conflicts with already assigned commands, those actions do not have any shortcuts assigned.

As of 2018.3, it is now possible to switch tabs using a keyboard shortcut.
The option name in keymap preference is "Other > Tabs > Select Tab #1"


loop through multiple selections and edit individually in vscode

In sublime text I used to use a shortcut that allowed me to tab through my multi selection and edit each element individually.
for example I would cmd+d a word then the shortcut would allow me to tab through each selection and edit them individually.
I haven't used sublime text in a month since I switched and can't even remember the shortcut I used to find the name of that action. so I don't even know if it was a plugin or a built in short cut.
is there a similar shortcut in vscode?
You can multi-select in VSCode using alt+click
(can be changed to cmd+click in "Selection -> Switch to Cmd+Click for Multi-Cursor").
To tab through your selections install the tab-through-selections extension and then use cmd+shift+u to start iterating (alternativley ctrl in Windows), then:
tab to go to the next selection
shift+tab to go to the previous selection
click anywhere to cancel iterating
Hope this helps :)

Is there a shortcut to switch panel instead of switching tab?

I'm working on VSCode (last version) and sometimes I work with splitted panels.
I can't find a way to achieve same behavior than a Ctrl + Tab but for panels.
It currently sends me to another tab in the current panel.
In vscode these are referred to as editor groups and can be switched between using either:
CTRL+K, CTRL+LeftArrow/RightArrow
to move focus through the editor groups. If you only have two active groups then this is equivalent to what you describe. This is the under Focus Next Group/Focus Previous Group in the keyboard shortcut settings so you could remap this to something else if you prefer.
To specify focus in editor group 1/2/3

Netbeans keyboard shortcut for navigating to next error marker in editor

Is there any keyboard shortcut key for navigating to the next error (red markers created in error stripe) in Netbeans editor?
As of NetBeans 8 there doesn't appear to be a way to navigate through errors exclusively in the editor. If you look at tools->options->keymap an action does exist for this (next error in editor), but the shortcut is blank. I set it to Alt+E on my IDE, this will navigate through all annotations - not just errors. So if you don't mind cycling through all hints, warnings errors, etc, this will work.
The closest I've been able to get for navigating specifically through errors is using the action items window. Add a filter for errors, then you can use Ctrl+. and Ctrl+, to navigate through the list (see How to display all compile errors in Netbeans as a task list?).
That would be Ctrl-Period ::: (Period means .)
Links to many shortcuts:
Highlights of NetBeans IDE 8.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code
134 Shortcuts for NetBeans 8 (Windows)
EDITED--URLs NOW VALID thru ver. 8
Add the Action Items window to your IDE. This lists all of your errors and is dynamic, so will be updated when you save.
From the menu bar: Window->Action Items.
(Took me forever to understand why when I would save, I wouldn't see any compile errors, but then it wouldn't run.)
Actually question is about "next error in editor". At least in my configuration (NetBeans profile) this function doesn't have any shortcut by default so if you go to Tools->Options->Keymap and in search field you write "Next Error in Editor" you can add any shortcut that fits the best to you
On a Mac things are different and there is no keyboard shortcut for navigating to a usage/compile error as far as I can tell.
You can go to Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts Card to see the full list of short cuts for your platform.
See https://netbeans.org/kb/articles/mac.html for info for macs and https://usersguide.netbeans.org/shortcuts.pdf for the default shortcuts for PCs.
No. there is no good and easy way on keyboard.
just clicking on those red marks (by mouse) is the fastest way. (it's not an easy/good way. but the best possible.)

How Do I Switch Between Multiple Eclipse Windows (in "Split Screen" Mode)

Eclipse allows you to open more than one text editing "window" at a time to get a "split screen" effect. This is great, but the problem I'm having is that there doesn't seem to be any way to switch between these windows, directly.
Now, you can use the usual commands (Ctrl+Page Down, CTRL+e, ALT+RIGHT, etc.) to switch between specific buffers. In other words, if I have window 1 with A.java and B.java open, and window 2 with C.java open, I can use Ctrl+Page Down to go from A, to B, to C. However, I can't just go from A or B (ie. from window 1) in to C (ie. to window 2), unless I use CTRL+e and type in "C.java".
There are half a million Eclipse commands though, and they're certainly not all labeled consistently, so it's quite possible I'm just failing to find the relevant command. Does anyone out there in SO-land happen to know it?
By default, its Ctrl+F6. However, its useful if you map you keys to Ctrl+Tab to switch between open editors like Windows.
You can change your preferred keys in Window>Preferences>General>Keys and change "Next Editor" to any key of your choice(Ex: Ctrl+Tab). Hope this is what you needed.
This can be achieved easily if you are using Vrapper in Eclipse. Vrapper
is a Vim plugin for Eclipse. If you are trying to maximize your productivity in Eclipse like we all are, it's well worth the try.
Once you got it installed, check out the Split Editor Plugin for Vrapper. You can then create splits on the fly and switch between them using the standard Vim shortcut: Ctrl-w w
Bonus: don't forget to maxmize your editors using Ctrl-m. If your editor ever loses focus for some reason, regain it by pressing Ctrl-F12
Finally open any file in your project using Ctrl-Shift-r
Edit from anula comment:
A useful thing to mention here: Ctrl-w by default binds to closing window, so if you want to use it as in Vim you need to first go to Window->Preferences->General->Keys and unbind "Close".
You can install the HandySplit plugin from Eclipse Marketplace and bind its 'Toggle focus between split editors' command to any keyboard shortcut you like.

Mac OS tab switching in Eclipse-based IDEs

When I'm in Mac OS X, I'm able to switch tabs in my browsers and in TextMate using a Command- keybinding. If I want to go to the first tab, I use Command-1, second tab Command-2, etc.
Is there a key binding in Eclipse based IDEs that will support this same functionality?
While using eclipse on OSX, for switching tabs use the following shortcut
Ctrl + fn + Up Cursor Key for moving towards left tab
Ctrl + fn + Down Cursor Key for moving towards right tab
Here Ctrl is not Command, it is Ctrl just like other OS.
Eclipse doesn't support a tab-index-based navigation. The default editor switch key binding as noted by other responders is CTRL+F6. You can configure this to your liking (Window > Preferences > Keys: Next Editor).
Another way to switch between editors is to use CTRL+E. This presents a dialog with all open editors. You can type in the name of the one in which you are interested. This comes in handy when you have numerous open editor tabs (and Eclipse has hidden tabs it is unable to show).
As far as know the only way to switch between tabs in eclipse is CTRL+F6 and CTRL/PAGEUP, CTRL/PAGEDOWN .
In OsX CTRL become CMD .
If you want to support the OSX based approach for a TabFolder, you will have to implement this yourself. E.g via an installed KeyListener on the tab folder.
If you want to implement this for the editors in the editor area of an Eclipse based IDE, you can do it via a new command with bindings for M1+1 to M1+9... but... please note that M1+1 is usually bound to "quick fix", M1+2 is bound to "quick assist", M1+3 is bound to "quick access", etc... So you will have a conflict...