Implementing Path dependent Map types in Shapeless - scala

I am wanting to put together a map which contains path dependent type mapping from outer to inner:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
abstract class Outer {
type Inner
def inner: Inner
private case class Derp(hl: HList) {
def get(outer: Outer): outer.Inner =[outer.Inner]
def put(outer: Outer)(inner: outer.Inner): Derp = Derp(hl :: inner :: HNil)
def delete(outer: Outer)(c: outer.Inner): Derp = ???
The theory is that by using an HList, I can avoid using type selectors and ensure that programs can only get at an instance of Inner that was created by Outer.
Is this possible, or even a good idea? Most of the HList questions seem to be about arity and case classes, and I feel like I'm working outside the box.
Note that I am aware of but this question is about the Shapeless HList implementation in particular -- I don't know how to remove elements from HList and potentially return Option[outer.Inner].

First, you'll almost certainly need to parameterize Derp:
case class Derp[L <: HList](hl: L)
This is because whenever you have a Derp, the compiler will need to know what its static HList type is in order to do anything useful.
HList types encode the information about every type in the list – like
type Foo = Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil
As soon as you say hl: HList, that information is lost.
Next, you'll want to properly specify the return types of your operations:
def get[O <: Outer](o: O)(implicit selector: Selector.Aux[L, o.type, o.Inner]): o.Inner = selector(hl)
def put[O <: Outer](o: O)(i: o.Inner): Derp[FieldType[o.type, o.Inner] :: L] = copy(hl = field[o.type](i))
This is "tagging" each Inner value with the Outer's type, so you can retrieve it later (which is what the Selector.Aux does). All interesting stuff in Shapeless happens through typeclasses that come with it (or that you define yourself), and they rely on type information to work. So the more type information you can retain in your operations, the easier it will be.
In this case, you'll never return Option, because if you try to access a value that isn't in the map, it won't compile. This is typically what you'd use HList for, and I'm not sure it matches your use case.
Shapeless also has HMap, which uses key-to-value mappings like a normal Map. The difference is that each key type can map to a different value type. This seems more in line with your use case, but it's organized a bit differently. To use HMap, you define a relation, as a type function. A type function is a typeclass with a dependent type:
trait MyRelation[Key] {
type Value
object MyRelation {
type Aux[K, V] = MyRelation[K] { type Value = V }
implicit val stringToInt: Aux[String, Int] = new MyRelation[String] { type Value = Int }
implicit val intToBool: Aux[Int, Boolean] = new MyRelation[Int] { type Value = Boolean }
Now you can define an HMap over MyRelation, so when you use String keys you'll add/retrieve Int values, and when you use Int keys you'll add/retrieve Boolean values:
val myMap = HMap[MyRelation.Aux]("Ten" -> 10, 50 -> true)
val myMap2 = myMap + ("Fifty" -> 50)
myMap2.get("Ten") // Some(10), statically known as Option[Int]
myMap2.get(44) // None, statically known as Option[Boolean]
This is a bit different from your example, in that you have a value with a dependent type, and you want to use the outer type as the key, and the inner type as the value. It's possible to express this as a relation for HMap as well, by using K#Inner =:= V as the relation. But it will often surprise you by not working, because path-dependent types are tricky and really depend on concrete subtypes of the outer (which will require a lot of boilerplate) or singleton types (which will be difficult to pass around without losing the necessary type information).


Scala cast to generic type

I'm confused about the generic type. I expect that 2.asInstanceOf[A] is cast to the type A, meanwhile, it's cast to Int.
Besides that, the input is java.lang.Long whereas the output is a list of Int (according to the definition the input and the output should be the same type). Why is that?
def whatever[A](x: A): List[A] = {
val two = 2.asInstanceOf[A]
val l = List(1.asInstanceOf[A],2.asInstanceOf[A])
println(f"Input type inside the function for 15L: ${x.getClass}")
println(f"The class of two: ${two.getClass}, the value of two: $two")
println(f"The class of the first element of l: ${l.head.getClass}, first element value: ${l.head}")
println(f"Returned from whatever function: ${whatever(15L)}")
the outupt:
Input type inside the function for 15L: class java.lang.Long
The class of two: class java.lang.Integer, the value of two: 2
The class of the first element of l: class java.lang.Integer, first element value: 1
Returned from whatever function: List(1, 2)
a.asInstanceOf[B] means:
Dear compiler;
Please forget what you think the type of a is. I know better. I know that if a isn't actually type B then my program could blow up, but I'm really very smart and that's not going to happen.
Sincerely yours, Super Programmer
In other words val b:B = a.asInstanceOf[B] won't create a new variable of type B, it will create a new variable that will be treated as if it were type B. If the actual underlying type of a is compatible with type B then everything is fine. If a's real type is incompatible with B then things blow up.
Type erasure. For the purposes of type checking 2 is cast to A; but at a later compilation stage A is erased to Object, so your code becomes equivalent to
def whatever(x: Object): List[Object] = {
val two = 2.asInstanceOf[Object]
val l = List(1.asInstanceOf[Object],2.asInstanceOf[Object])
println(f"Input type inside the function for 15L: ${x.getClass}")
println(f"The class of two: ${two.getClass}, the value of two: $two")
println(f"The class of the first element of l: ${l.head.getClass}, first element value: ${l.head}")
2.asInstanceOf[Object] is a boxing operation returning a java.lang.Integer.
If you try to actually use the return value as a List[Long] you'll eventually get a ClassCastException, e.g.
val list = whatever(15L)
val x = list(0)
x will be inferred to be Long and a cast inserted to unbox the expected java.lang.Long.
The answer from #jwvh is on point. Here I'll only add a solution in case you want to fix the problem of safely converting an Int to an A in whatever, without knowing what A is. This is of course only possible if you provide a way to build a particular A from an Int. We can do this in using a type-class:
trait BuildableFromInt[+A] {
def fromInt(i: Int): A
Now you only have to implicitly provide BuildableFromInt for any type A you wish to use in whatever:
object BuildableFromInt {
implicit val longFromInt: BuildableFromInt[Long] =
and now define whatever to only accept compliant types A:
def whatever[A : BuildableFromInt](x: A): List[A] = {
val two = implicitly[BuildableFromInt[A]].fromInt(2)
// Use two like any other "A"
// ...
Now whatever can be used with any type for which a BuildableFromInt is available.

Scala: value class X is added to the return type of its methods as X#

I'd like to enrich a 'graph for scala' graph. For this purpose i've created an implicit value class:
import scalax.collection.mutable
import scalax.collection.edge.DiEdge
type Graph = mutable.Graph[Int, DiEdge]
implicit class EnrichGraph(val G: Graph) extends AnyVal {
def roots = G.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors)
The problem lies with the return type of its methods, e.g.:
import ....EnrichGraph
val H: Graph = mutable.Graph[Int,DiEdge]()
val roots1 = H.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors) // type Iterable[H.NodeT]
val roots2 = H.roots // type Iterable[RichGraph#G.NodeT] !!
val subgraph1 = H.filter(H.having(roots1)) // works!
val subgraph2 = H.filter(H.having(roots2)) // type mismatch!
Does the cause lie with fact that 'Graph' has dependent subtypes, e.g. NodeT? Is there a way to make this enrichment work?
What usually works is propagating the singleton type as a type parameter to EnrichGraph. That means a little bit of extra boilerplate since you have to split the implicit class into a class and an implicit def.
class EnrichGraph[G <: Graph](val G: G) extends AnyVal {
def roots: Iterable[G#NodeT] = G.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors)
implicit def EnrichGraph(g: Graph): EnrichGraph[g.type] = new EnrichGraph[g.type](g)
The gist here being that G#NodeT =:= H.NodeT if G =:= H.type, or in other words (H.type)#NodeT =:= H.NodeT. (=:= is the type equality operator)
The reason you got that weird type, is that roots has a path type dependent type. And that path contains the value G. So then the type of val roots2 in your program would need to contain a path to G. But since G is bound to an instance of EnrichGraph which is not referenced by any variable, the compiler cannot construct such a path. The "best" thing the compiler can do is construct a type with that part of the path left out: Set[_1.G.NodeT] forSome { val _1: EnrichGraph }. This is the type I actually got with your code; I assume you're using Intellij which is printing this type differently.
As pointed out by #DmytroMitin a version which might work better for you is:
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
class EnrichGraph[G <: Graph](val G: G) extends AnyVal {
def roots: Set[G.NodeT] = G.nodes.filter(!_.hasPredecessors)
implicit def EnrichGraph(g: Graph): EnrichGraph[g.type] = new EnrichGraph[g.type](g)
Since the rest of your code actually requires a Set instead of an Iterable.
The reason why this still works despite reintroducing the path dependent type is quite tricky. Actually now roots2 will receive the type Set[_1.G.NodeT] forSome { val _1: EnrichGraph[H.type] } which looks pretty complex. But the important part is that this type still contains the knowledge that the G in _1.G.NodeT has type H.type because that information is stored in val _1: EnrichGraph[H.type].
With Set you can't use G#NodeT to give you the simpler type signatures, because G.NodeT is a subtype of G#NodeT and Set is unfortunately invariant. In our usage those type will actually always be equivalent (as I explained above), but the compiler cannot know that.

HList/KList from class values

I want to be able to create a class/trait that behaves somewhat like an enumeration (HEnum in the first snippet below). I can't use a plain enumeration because each enum value could have a different type (though the container class will be the same): Key[A]. I'd like to be able to construct the enum roughly like this:
class Key[A](val name: String)
object A extends HEnum {
val a = new Key[String]("a")
val b = new Key[Int]("b")
val c = new Key[Float]("c")
And then I'd like to be able to perform more or less basic HList operations like:
A.find[String] // returns the first element with type Key[String]
A.find("b") // returns the first element with name "b", type should (hopefully) be Key[Int]
So far I've been playing with an HList as the underlying data structure, but constructing one with the proper type has proven difficult. My most successful attempt looks like this:
class Key[A](val name: String)
object Key {
def apply[A, L <: HList](name: String, l: L): (Key[A], Key[A] :: L) = {
val key = new Key[A](name)
(key, key :: l)
object A {
val (a, akeys) = Key[String, HNil]("a", HNil)
val (b, bkeys) = Key[Int, Key[String] :: HList]("b", akeys)
val (c, ckeys) = Key[Float, Key[Int] :: HList]("c", bkeys)
val values = ckeys // use this for lookups, etc
def find[A]: Key[A] =[A]
def find[A](name: String): Key[A] = ...
The problem here is that the interface is clunky. Adding a new value anywhere besides the end of the list of values is error prone and no matter what, you have to manually update values any time a new value is introduced. My solution without HList involved a List[Key[_]] and error prone/unsafe casting to the proper type when needed.
I should also mention that the enum example found here is not particularly helpful to me (although, if that can be adapted, then great). The added compiler checks for exhaustive pattern matches are nice (and I would ultimately want that) but this enum still only allows a homogeneous collection of enum values.

Impredicative types vs. plain old subtyping

A friend of mine posed a seemingly innocuous Scala language question last week that I didn't have a good answer to: whether there's an easy way to declare a collection of things belonging to some common typeclass. Of course there's no first-class notion of "typeclass" in Scala, so we have to think of this in terms of traits and context bounds (i.e. implicits).
Concretely, given some trait T[_] representing a typeclass, and types A, B and C, with corresponding implicits in scope T[A], T[B] and T[C], we want to declare something like a List[T[a] forAll { type a }], into which we can throw instances of A, B and C with impunity. This of course doesn't exist in Scala; a question last year discusses this in more depth.
The natural follow-up question is "how does Haskell do it?" Well, GHC in particular has a type system extension called impredicative polymorphism, described in the "Boxy Types" paper. In brief, given a typeclass T one can legally construct a list [forall a. T a => a]. Given a declaration of this form, the compiler does some dictionary-passing magic that lets us retain the typeclass instances corresponding to the types of each value in the list at runtime.
Thing is, "dictionary-passing magic" sounds a lot like "vtables." In an object-oriented language like Scala, subtyping is a much more simple, natural mechanism than the "Boxy Types" approach. If our A, B and C all extend trait T, then we can simply declare List[T] and be happy. Likewise, as Miles notes in a comment below, if they all extend traits T1, T2 and T3 then I can use List[T1 with T2 with T3] as an equivalent to the impredicative Haskell [forall a. (T1 a, T2 a, T3 a) => a].
However, the main, well-known disadvantage with subtyping compared to typeclasses is tight coupling: my A, B and C types have to have their T behavior baked in. Let's assume this is a major dealbreaker, and I can't use subtyping. So the middle ground in Scala is pimps^H^H^H^H^Himplicit conversions: given some A => T, B => T and C => T in implicit scope, I can again quite happily populate a List[T] with my A, B and C values...
... Until we want List[T1 with T2 with T3]. At that point, even if we have implicit conversions A => T1, A => T2 and A => T3, we can't put an A into the list. We could restructure our implicit conversions to literally provide A => T1 with T2 with T3, but I've never seen anybody do that before, and it seems like yet another form of tight coupling.
Okay, so my question finally is, I suppose, a combination of a couple questions that were previously asked here: "why avoid subtyping?" and "advantages of subtyping over typeclasses" ... is there some unifying theory that says impredicative polymorphism and subtype polymorphism are one and the same? Are implicit conversions somehow the secret love-child of the two? And can somebody articulate a good, clean pattern for expressing multiple bounds (as in the last example above) in Scala?
You're confusing impredicative types with existential types. Impredicative types allow you to put polymorphic values in a data structure, not arbitrary concrete ones. In other words [forall a. Num a => a] means that you have a list where each element works as any numeric type, so you can't put e.g. Int and Double in a list of type [forall a. Num a => a], but you can put something like 0 :: Num a => a in it. Impredicative types is not what you want here.
What you want is existential types, i.e. [exists a. Num a => a] (not real Haskell syntax), which says that each element is some unknown numeric type. To write this in Haskell, however, we need to introduce a wrapper data type:
data SomeNumber = forall a. Num a => SomeNumber a
Note the change from exists to forall. That's because we're describing the constructor. We can put any numeric type in, but then the type system "forgets" which type it was. Once we take it back out (by pattern matching), all we know is that it's some numeric type. What's happening under the hood, is that the SomeNumber type contains a hidden field which stores the type class dictionary (aka. vtable/implicit), which is why we need the wrapper type.
Now we can use the type [SomeNumber] for a list of arbitrary numbers, but we need to wrap each number on the way in, e.g. [SomeNumber (3.14 :: Double), SomeNumber (42 :: Int)]. The correct dictionary for each type is looked up and stored in the hidden field automatically at the point where we wrap each number.
The combination of existential types and type classes is in some ways similar to subtyping, since the main difference between type classes and interfaces is that with type classes the vtable travels separately from the objects, and existential types packages objects and vtables back together again.
However, unlike with traditional subtyping, you're not forced to pair them one to one, so we can write things like this which packages one vtable with two values of the same type.
data TwoNumbers = forall a. Num a => TwoNumbers a a
f :: TwoNumbers -> TwoNumbers
f (TwoNumbers x y) = TwoNumbers (x+y) (x*y)
list1 = map f [TwoNumbers (42 :: Int) 7, TwoNumbers (3.14 :: Double) 9]
-- ==> [TwoNumbers (49 :: Int) 294, TwoNumbers (12.14 :: Double) 28.26]
or even fancier things. Once we pattern match on the wrapper, we're back in the land of type classes. Although we don't know which type x and y are, we know that they're the same, and we have the correct dictionary available to perform numeric operations on them.
Everything above works similarly with multiple type classes. The compiler will simply generate hidden fields in the wrapper type for each vtable and bring them all into scope when we pattern match.
data SomeBoundedNumber = forall a. (Bounded a, Num a) => SBN a
g :: SomeBoundedNumber -> SomeBoundedNumber
g (SBN n) = SBN (maxBound - n)
list2 = map g [SBN (42 :: Int32), SBN (42 :: Int64)]
-- ==> [SBN (2147483605 :: Int32), SBN (9223372036854775765 :: Int64)]
As I'm very much a beginner when it comes to Scala, I'm not sure I can help with the final part of your question, but I hope this has at least cleared up some of the confusion and given you some ideas on how to proceed.
#hammar's answer is perfectly right. Here is the scala way of doint it. For the example i'll take Show as the type class and the values i and d to pack in a list :
// The type class
trait Show[A] {
def show(a : A) : String
// Syntactic sugar for Show
implicit final class ShowOps[A](val self : A)(implicit A : Show[A]) {
def show =
implicit val intShow = new Show[Int] {
def show(i : Int) = "Show of int " + i.toString
implicit val stringShow = new Show[String] {
def show(s : String) = "Show of String " + s
val i : Int = 5
val s : String = "abc"
What we want is to be able run the following code
val list = List(i, s)
for (e <- list) yield
Building the list is easy but the list won't "remember" the exact type of each of its elements. Instead it will upcast each element to a common super type T. The more precise super super type between String and Int being Any, the type of the list is List[Any].
The problem is: what to forget and what to remember? We want to forget the exact type of the elements BUT we want to remember that they are all instances of Show. The following class does exactly that
abstract class Ex[TC[_]] {
type t
val value : t
implicit val instance : TC[t]
implicit def ex[TC[_], A](a : A)(implicit A : TC[A]) = new Ex[TC] {
type t = A
val value = a
val instance = A
This is an encoding of the existential :
val ex_i : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, Int](i)
val ex_s : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, String](s)
It pack a value with the corresponding type class instance.
Finally we can add an instance for Ex[Show]
implicit val exShow = new Show[Ex[Show]] {
def show(e : Ex[Show]) : String = {
import e._
The import e._ is required to bring the instance into scope. Thanks to the magic of implicits:
val list = List[Ex[Show]](i , s)
for (e <- list) yield
which is very close to the expected code.

Map from Class[T] to T without casting

I want to map from class tokens to instances along the lines of the following code:
trait Instances {
def put[T](key: Class[T], value: T)
def get[T](key: Class[T]): T
Can this be done without having to resolve to casts in the get method?
How could this be done for the more general case with some Foo[T] instead of Class[T]?
You can try retrieving the object from your map as an Any, then using your Class[T] to “cast reflectively”:
trait Instances {
private val map = collection.mutable.Map[Class[_], Any]()
def put[T](key: Class[T], value: T) { map += (key -> value) }
def get[T](key: Class[T]): T = key.cast(map(key))
With help of a friend of mine, we defined the map with keys as Manifest instead of Class which gives a better api when calling.
I didnt get your updated question about "general case with some Foo[T] instead of Class[T]". But this should work for the cases you specified.
object Instances {
private val map = collection.mutable.Map[Manifest[_], Any]()
def put[T: Manifest](value: T) = map += manifest[T] -> value
def get[T: Manifest]: T = map(manifest[T]).asInstanceOf[T]
def main (args: Array[String] ) {
If you want to do this without any casting (even within get) then you will need to write a heterogeneous map. For reasons that should be obvious, this is tricky. :-) The easiest way would probably be to use a HList-like structure and build a find function. However, that's not trivial since you need to define some way of checking type equality for two arbitrary types.
I attempted to get a little tricky with tuples and existential types. However, Scala doesn't provide a unification mechanism (pattern matching doesn't work). Also, subtyping ties the whole thing in knots and basically eliminates any sort of safety it might have provided:
val xs: List[(Class[A], A) forSome { type A }] = List(
classOf[String] -> "foo", classOf[Int] -> 42)
val search = classOf[String]
val finalResult = xs collect { case (`search`, result) => result } headOption
In this example, finalResult will be of type Any. This is actually rightly so, since subtyping means that we don't really know anything about A. It's not why the compiler is choosing that type, but it is a correct choice. Take for example:
val xs: List[(Class[A], A) forSome { type A }] = List(classOf[Boolean] -> 'bippy)
This is totally legal! Subtyping means that A in this case will be chosen as Any. It's hardly what we want, but it is what you will get. Thus, in order to express this constraint without tracking all of the types individual (using a HMap), Scala would need to be able to express the constraint that a type is a specific type and nothing else. Unfortunately, Scala does not have this ability, and so we're basically stuck on the generic constraint front.
Update Actually, it's not legal. Just tried it and the compiler kicked it out. I think that only worked because Class is invariant in its type parameter. So, if Foo is a definite type that is invariant, you should be safe from this case. It still doesn't solve the unification problem, but at least it's sound. Unfortunately, type constructors are assumed to be in a magical super-position between co-, contra- and invariance, so if it's truly an arbitrary type Foo of kind * => *, then you're still sunk on the existential front.
In summary: it should be possible, but only if you fully encode Instances as a HMap. Personally, I would just cast inside get. Much simpler!