TYPO3 FAL Localization not working on production site - typo3

I'm trying to localize FAL records in inside news records. On my local copy of the page it is working but on production and staging site no more. I can't figure out whats wrong. The AJAX requests seems to send correct data, I compared it with my local request. But on the production and staging sites just gets back:
There are no log entries on staging, logging is enabled.
How to figure out what's the problem is?

FAL record localization inside tx_news suffers a bug common to all localization of n:n related models in some configurations: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/57272
If it works on a system but not on another I would look at differences in these TypoScript variables:


Should Extbase Persistence TypoScript always be loaded globally?

Imagine a multi-site TYPO3 installation. One of those sites uses an Extension (loads the extension's TypoScript) that modifies the config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes config for GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\News. Other sites also use News, but without including that Extension doing the modification.
The problem that you will run into is that the DataMaps are cached globally - so after clearing the cache it depends which site will be called first and its extbase persistence configuration will be cached, possibly breaking the functionality of the other sites.
To get around this problem I started to move DataMapper related TypoScript into a separate TypoScript file ExtbasePersistence.typoscript and load it globally in ext_localconf.php:
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addTypoScript('myext', 'setup', '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:myext/Configuration/TypoScript/ExtbasePersistence.typoscript">');
My question is: Why is this not best practise and done in every extension? Or what am I doing wrong that I seem to be the only one running into that problem?
Edit: From my point of view this would mean that also core extensions (such as extbase) MUST load their DataMapper related TypoScript globally.
Extbase does load this globally via https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/9.5/typo3/sysext/extbase/ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript
This file is auto loaded by TYPO3 on a global scope, this is also best practice, as far as I know.
Each Extension can add this file, see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ExtensionArchitecture/FilesAndLocations/Index.html#reserved-file-names

TYPO3: Is it possible to migrate single news from 1.4.0 to 6.3.0

We are migrating a TYPO3 4.7.14 site with news 1.4.0 to TYPO3 7.6.28 with news 6.3.0.
When we started all news are migrated and are ok on the new server.
But in the time after the news migration some news are added to the old site and now they must be migrated to the new server.
How could this be done?
A t3d Export / Import don't work.
The news are containing a lot of content elements, so it would be an incredible amount of work to do it by hand.
I'd advise to make the whole migration-process new, perhaps only with the news-pages, news-plugins (content-elements saved in the table tt_content with the list_type tx_news or resembling) and news-records.
Problem is primary the update to version 6.2 of TYPO3 as the FAL (file abstraction layer) was introduced and all media-files in the news are getting lost if the corresponding update is not done properly.
Keep in mind that you've to care about one setting in file-storage records (usually for the fileadmin-folder): the checkbox that case-sensitive filenames are allowed. Else a mess is predictable and much additional work too.
If you do it like I proposed only for the news-records and related records, you've to export and import also the tables starting with sys_file, but keep in mind that you really import only then in the upper version instead overwriting the whole table, as there might be still other media-files.

TYPO3 - display one page from pagetree only

I have a problem whose solution is certainly very simple, but it does not come to my mind at the moment :/
I have a multi-domain TYPO3 (6.1) installation and in one of the websites I need to temporarily show only one subpage, and over the rest of the pages I will work/update so I can not delete them. It is important that someone after entering a URL or going to the page from the Google search results has not opened this page, and has been redirected to this temporary.
I've tried the mount points but something does not work ...
Please help.
You can exchange the domain-records.
Make a new page on it's own (independent from the configuration of the domain it should replace). so it is a root-page. give it a domain record and disable the domain record of the pagetree it should replace.
Be aware to change the rootpageid configuration in realurl.
You also may need a special configuration for 404 handling for this domain as the most requests will be a 404 (or better 503).
And hurry up to update your system. TYPO3 6.1 is out of service for a long time.

Neos 2.1 (user management and multisite option)

I have several customers under my Typo3 installation. Every user can edit his own site and has his own folder to upload his stuff. Is there a way in Neos to do the same?
Here my explanation:
Create Sitepackage for Customer
Create User for Customer
Create Uploadfolder for Customer
Customer can login an edit his site, but without seeing the other Sites or Files or other Packages which where uploaded by other Customer like the Multiplesites in Typo3.
I hope the explanation is good enough.
In Neos, everything get's uploaded in the Media Module. But you can generate collections and add this to a particular site. But every user will see the other pages. You have to make seperate instances for each customer. If you would do in one instance, you would have many drawbacks:
Update Neos (You will have to!) would be a hassle
You can't set content dimensions for a particular site, it is always for the whole instance.
All packages would be available for every site. Not good.
If you have trouble with one, you have trouble with all sites.
If you want to have a low-priced but not cheap hosting, who runs Neos, try http://uberspace.de. To get Neos on Uberspace running, you will have to set phpBinaryPathAndFilename in the Settings.yaml correctly.

Creating a new page template in Typo3

I'm using Typo3 for the first time and have been asked to update a site built on it.
Making changes to existing templates so far has been OK since they were mainly CSS changes or replacing images. Now though I need to create a couple of new page templates.
What's the easiest way to go about this? The existing site has a home.html and layout.hmlt in the fileadmin directory. Do I need to create a new html file there, if so how do I use this as a new template for some of my pages?
I'm coming from a mainly WordPress background in terms of CMS (I've nearly given in a recoded the site as a WordPress site since I think it would be quicker at this stage) but I'd really prefer to figure this out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm pulling my hair out trying to read through the documentation and getting nowhere. The site is using Typo3 version 4.4.6
How you add a new template to your page depends on how templating is handled. Sadly TYPO3 has a poor templating out of the box, so there is most likely an extension that does the job on your site.
Probably one of these:
flux & fluidpages
Check if one of these extension is installed and add a new page template according to the extensions manual or specify your question afterwards.
If plain TYPO3 was used, you'll find something like
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
file = fileadmin/myTemplate.html
in your Typoscript. You can add tmplate files like the ones that are already there. To use a different template on a page, you have to replace the page.10.file with the template you want to use. This can be done with a new template record (crated in backend via the template module). But this is a rather anoying procedure to change the template, because you have to create each time you want to change the page template for a page and its children. That is why mostly extensions are used for this.
The out of the box situation gets better with newer TYPO3 versions but in 4.4.6 there are no Backend Layouts that could be uses for a template switch ot something like that.
In Addition to change the mere file you have to adjust the subparts or marker that are filled with the content. You'll find that configured in your TypoScript as well