' ReferenceError: browser is not defined ' while running cucumber-js in protractor-cucumber - protractor

I am using protractor 5.2.2. and cucumber 3.2.0.I am getting an error "browser is not defined" when i am run cucumber-js.
Feature: Login page test
Scenario: Verify whether the user is able to navigating to the login page
When I go to "https://in.linkedin.com/"
and my step code is
var {defineSupportCode} = require('cucumber');
defineSupportCode(function ({ setDefaultTimeout, Given, When, Then }) {
setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);
When(/^I go to "(.*)"$/, function (url, callback) {
It looks like cucumber is not catching the global browser variable.

To run protractor script, you need to use command like protractor conf.js no matter which test framework(jasmine, cucumber) you used.
When use cmd protractor to start running, it will load browser into Nodejs runtime's global variable.
After protractor complete load browser into global, the package protractor-cucumber-framework will generate and execute another command line which will use cucumber-js to run cucumber feature files, but now in the Nodejs runtime, global variable has browser this property and its value is not null/undefined.
That's why we have to need more two packages: cucumber and protractor-cucumber-framework


VSCode extension testing: Use `vscode.executeDefinitionProvider` in test

I'm trying to auto-test my VSCode extension. The extension works with python files and uses vscode.executeDefinitionProvider and vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider on them.
vscode.executeDefinitionProvider always returns [], vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider always returns undefined.
When running the same code in a debug session of the extension (no test session), the commands work flawless.
I ensured the extensions to be available during the test and even manually activated them with
let ext = vscode.extensions.getExtension("ms-python.python");
assert.notStrictEqual (ext, undefined);
await ext?.activate ();
ext = vscode.extensions.getExtension("ms-python.vscode-pylance");
assert.notStrictEqual (ext, undefined);
await ext?.activate ();
How do I get the commands to succeed during automated test.
Edit: Workaround
Apparently VSCode takes its time to really activate the extensions. I could get it working placing a await sleep (10000); in index.ts::run () before return new Promise((c, e) => {.
While this is working, it's a really unstable workaround, Is there any way to make the code wait until the whole environment is fully loaded?
In the end nothing really stably worked for me, so I resorted to the following (perfectly fine working) solution.
My auto tests are run from the productive environment, like any other extension.
In package.json I created a new command _test.
the command would run ./test/suite/index.ts : run().
Extension<T>::activate(): Thenable<T>
Returns: Thenable<T> - A promise that will resolve when this extension has been activated.
await ext?.activate();

Login is not being called before each test case i.e it() when written inside Onprepare() in config.js

I am new to Protractor and implemented login functionality inside conf.js.
var env = require('./environment.js');
// This is the configuration file showing how a suite of tests might
// handle log-in using the onPrepare field.
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: env.seleniumAddress,
framework: 'jasmine',
specs: [
capabilities: env.capabilities,
baseUrl: env.baseUrl + '/ng1/',
onPrepare: function() {
browser.driver.get(env.baseUrl + '/ng1/login.html');
// Login takes some time, so wait until it's done.
// For the test app's login, we know it's done when it redirects to
// index.html.
return browser.driver.wait(function() {
return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
return /index/.test(url);
}, 10000);
But this executes only before any of test case execution starts, as per details of the link for login functionality it should work before each it(,) block.
"Another option is to put your log-in code into an onPrepare function, which will be run once before any of your tests".
So is this OnPrepare intended for execution only once,which is before any of Test case[it()] starts?
There are several functions that can be used before it() and before test suites
Part of your conf.js file
Runs at before a spec file is called, only running once per test, but will run on all test
Part of a spec.js file
Runs at the beginning of a test, but will only execute on the spec file it is written in
Part of a spec.js file
Runs before every it() block, and will only execute on it()s within the spec file
Part of spec.js file
Runs at the end of test, only execute inside spec file
Part of spec.js file
Runs after every it() block, and will only run after its in spec file
If you need your login to happen before every it() block then beforeEach() is your best solution, while if you only need to login once per spec file, then beforeAll() will work on a per test basis, while onPrepare() will work on a global basis

unable to specify path to javascript file in Karma

My JS file (which I need to test) is /JasmineTest/src/mySource.js. It has myObj object
return a;
My Jasmine spec file is /JasmineTest/spec/mySpec.js. It tests myObj
describe("Jasmine sample suite",function(){
it("tracks that spy was called",function(){
In karma, I have specified the spec file location as
files: [
when I start Karma in /JasmineTest, the test gives error
Chrome 60.0.3112 (Windows 10 0.0.0) Jasmine sample suite tracks that spy was called FAILED
ReferenceError: myObj is not defined
at UserContext.<anonymous> (spec/mySpec.js:4:9)
I tried exporting myObj module.exports = myObj; and importing it in spec file using require('../src/mySource.js') but I got error require is not defined
How do I make myObj visible in the specs file?
Karma doesn't know how to do module requiring unless you configure it specially to do bundling. In general I would expect to use the same sort of bundling in Karma as you do for your web app, so Webpack or Browserify or similar.
Another way is to list mySource.js in under the "files" field in karma.conf.js, which will just execute it and put myObj in as a global, but that doesn't scale very well.

Karma check build environment

In the karma.conf.js you can set what browsers to use e.g. :
browsers: [
Is there anyway in this configuration file to see what the build environment is e.g. Windows or Linux and then only run the tests in the appropriate browsers.
I basically don't want to have to keep changing the config file for karma every time I switch a OS.
After looking into Node.js I found out that you can get the operating system with the following call:
var os = require("os");
With the os variable I was then able to do simple if/else statements with os.type:
I would then assign the appropriate browser options to the browser array in the config object.
browsers = ["Chrome","Firefox"];
All this logic was done inside the Karam.conf.js file but before the module.exports = function() call.

How to run particular protractor test case from command prompt

I am successfully able to run the protractor scripts. Below is the protractor.config.js file which I am using to run the protractor scripts.
var Jasmine2Reporter = require('protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter');
var HtmlReporter = require('protractor-html-screenshot-reporter');
var jReporter=new Jasmine2Reporter({
dest: './protractor-result',
fileName: 'protractor-demo-tests-report.html'
var reporter=new HtmlReporter({
baseDirectory: './protractor-result', // a location to store screen shots.
docTitle: 'Protractor Demo Reporter',
docName: 'protractor-demo-tests-report.html'
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [
'testCaseOne.spec.js' // Hardcoded to run single script.
'*.spec.js' // to run all scripts.
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome'
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/app/',
framework: 'jasmine2',
I am successfully able to run the protractor scripts. Below is the protractor.config.js file which I am using to run the protractor scripts
To run above file, I used below command.
$ npm run protractor
My Expectation:
Now, I would like to run the single protractor script from command prompt. How this can be achieved? This will be useful when I will try to run the protractor test cases from any test management tool.
Can anyone please help me on this.
Try this:
protractor protractor.conf.js --specs='specs/run-just-this-spec.js'
If you want to run a specific test you need use jasmine2 and pass the grep option. https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/19139272d190dd9c1888d9c3fc2f480f7c6c8edb/docs/jasmine-upgrade.md
Additionally to the given answers, you can use suites, which are sets of specs:
You can have suites which consist only of one spec.
You can run particular spec like this:
protractor --suite=my-suite-name
Also you can temporarily exclude suite or spec in Jasmine using xdescribe and xit (just type x before describe or it).
Also you can focus on particular suite or spec in Jasmin using fdescribe and fit (just type f before describe or it).
Use the node.js process.env object.
var w00t = process.env.TESTED || '*';
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [
w00t + '.spec.js'
Prepend TESTED=testCaseOn when you start protractor to execute the desired spec. To execute all scripts add nothing so that *.spec.js will be called.